One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 323 Chapter 320

Chapter 323 Chapter [-]
After practicing the exercises, lying in the pile of wine jars, thinking about the way he acted just now, he felt like a devil.

Once you enter the practice, it is as deep as the sea, and from then on, you are a passerby, which can be said to be a reflection of your heart at this time.

To be a sailor has to learn to swim, and a soldier on the battlefield has to kill the enemy. If you want to go on the road of cultivating immortals, you can only make changes.

Many times in life, there is no choice, and survival is even more so!It is unrealistic to be a white lotus that does not eat fireworks in the world, and any choice that is slack or even compromise at this moment will become suffering in the future, and it will be doubled.

If you don't work hard to improve your strength, in this world of cultivating immortals that is almost full of enemies, it is easy to reap a very miserable ending. The idea that you are the son of destiny and that there will be no consequences if you do anything wrong is something you dare not even dream about. Although there are memories of the previous life, the sufferings of childhood were never experienced in the previous life. How dare I forget or pretend that it never happened.

After simply tidying up his mood, Zhou Tai began to plan his next step.

The mortal world is much safer than the world of cultivating immortals. If you want to stay here, as long as you don’t reveal your whereabouts and be discovered by the first-class sect, you can practice almost carefree. If you are afraid of being discovered, you can stay away from the border. There won't be any problem if the big formation is close, especially Zhou Tai's spirit treasure space has stored a lot of spirit energy for use.

The only bad thing is that you want to plant some spirit grass, even if you add strengthening points, it will grow slowly in this low-spirited mortal world. Tai's body is almost full of available elixir.

The best way to survive is to stay in place after going out of the big formation at the border of the mortal world, plant elixir in the big world of cultivating immortals, rely on the big formation to survive, and run back to the mortal world if there is danger. This is the best way for Zhou Tai. Safe way of cultivating immortals, if you don’t have enough aura, just ask for it in the big formation. With strong knowledge of formation, Zhou Tai can easily deal with the reappearance of those monks outside the small forbidden area last time.

It used to be the safest choice for Yuhua Yang and Huang Kun, but they didn't do so. On the contrary, they had to find ways to advance to the foundation and golden core in the dangerous world of cultivating immortals. They didn't have the immortal Pin Lingshi can absorb the aura of a large formation, and can also be destroyed without hesitation to quickly obtain aura.

This large border formation in the mortal world is called the Supreme Formation. Under normal circumstances, even if you have the formation knowledge of a top formation mage, if your cultivation is not enough, you can only shuttle through it. It is hard to shake the slightest bit. Zhou Tai arranged a large formation here before, more because if the situation is in crisis, he can also have a chance to retreat safely.

In the silent secret room, Zhou Tai sighed softly, although he knew that this would be the most powerful for him, but he would not choose this way.Whether it's the memories of being here, or the worries about someone in his heart, he is not allowed to make such a selfish choice.

I don't know what happened to Yaoyu, if she is still alive, although I know that the world of cultivating immortals is so big, the chance of finding it is not high, but Zhou Tai doesn't want to make himself feel regretful, saying that if he wants to search for a hundred years, he will at least search for a hundred years, if he ends up If you can't find it, you will work hard to practice. When your cultivation base is strong in the future, you will search every corner of the world: if you live, you will see people, if you die, you will see corpses.

Now that you want to find it, isn't 100 years a bit short?It may not be enough to search all over the world of cultivating immortals for a thousand years, not to mention that many places cannot be entered at all when the strength is low. Zhou Tai also wants to extend the search time, but the lifespan of a monk is limited, so he can only listen to it as best he can. Destiny, for a hundred years, it has been really looking for it, not just talking about it, but after practicing in one place for a period of time, it changed to another place.

Is it worth it?Some people may choose to give up searching in Zhou Tai's situation. After all, she is a better-looking female cultivator. As long as she becomes stronger in the future, it will not be difficult to catch ten or eight of them and come back to warm the bed. All that is missing is a good-looking nun.

But it's not the same, being persistent and stupid are extremely precious and priceless. If it's just parting, Zhou Tai won't be in a hurry to look for them, and they will always meet each other if they have the chance. Friendly, thinking that the other party may die at any time in this dangerous world of cultivating immortals, he really can't be indifferent, he has already wasted a lot of time.

If a man has been wandering among thousands of flowers, it is difficult for him to have deep feelings for any of them, but if a man has been in adversity and hardship, experiencing all kinds of suffering, the beauty of every moment will be become precious.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Tai became more determined to go out to find Yaoyu. Now that his strength is not high, it would be very dangerous to run around in the Immortal Cultivation World. That's why he firmly chose to absorb Nascent Soul and strengthen Ghost Meridian Okay, but when I come back to get the materials, I have to do some precautions within my ability.

Array mages are very strong, but they can only exert their power if they really set up a large array, but it will take a long time. In the short battle time, an immortal cultivator may die more than once, so it is simply unrealistic to set up an array , Most arrays that can be used in battle, because of their limited size and limited function, are basically useless in the battles of Jindan monks and above, which is better than nothing.

Therefore, the formation mage who set up a large formation to hide in it is powerful, and it is very dangerous for a formation mage wandering around to be approached by other monks without preparation.

So Zhou Tai wanted to take the formation with him, which might be difficult for other formation masters, but for Zhou Tai, the large formation could not be carried, and the medium formation was no problem, because he had strengthening points to create Come out of the Lingbao space.

He can completely make a super-large "array disk" and lay it flat in the Lingbao space. The area of ​​the Lingbao space is completely large enough to arrange ordinary formations. When he wants to use it, he can just take it out and use it.

And if you do this, you only need to make a 'floor' with a certain thickness. The most important thing is that the height of the Lingbao space is also acceptable. You can completely stack multiple large array disks together, and you can take them out when you want In this way, it will undoubtedly be much safer for Zhou Tai to walk in the world of cultivating immortals. For example, if he wears a few ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays on his body, even if he meets a monk in the tribulation period, there is hope to escape.

This is also the real reason why Zhou Tai came back to fetch those spiritual materials at the first time. After staying in this secret room for a while, Zhou Tai turned around and left without hesitation. Seeing things and thinking about people, it is better to find people and hold them in his arms.

Among the deserted mountains in the mortal world, Zhou Tai chose a hilltop that looked like a good rock. First, he observed the surrounding environment to make sure that there were no monks or mortals nearby, so he started to use Lingbao-level flying swords Cut the top of the mountain.

If you want to arrange formations, you must have formation foundations. Zhou Tai can’t use soil, and there’s no way to stabilize it. The only material that can be used in large quantities is stone. Doing it on the mountain is the best choice.

Because of the Lingbao-level flying sword, cutting stones is like cutting tofu, and with the ability to grasp the overall layout with his spiritual sense, Zhou Tai quickly produced a three-foot-thick Guanghua stone slab with an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

After making more than 20 pieces in a row, Zhou Tai stopped, put all the stone slabs into the Lingbao space, and then used the flying sword to mess up the traces that he could come out here. Finally, after seeing that there was no problem, Zhou Tai evacuated here.

After that, Zhou Tai found a valley nearby, cleared out a flat ground, took out the stone slabs, and carved formations on these slates.

The strength of the formation and the formation level of the formation master are one reason, and the other reason is the energy to maintain the operation of the formation.The formation that Zhou Tai arranged in the large formation on the edge of the Liuyun Realm could easily clean up the three Nascent Soul stage monks, because the formation used a fairy-grade spirit stone and a pile of thousands of top-grade spirit stones to maintain it. Run, Zhou Tai, this is a formation that can be controlled for a short time when encountering a cultivator in the transformation stage.

The formations that are normally placed on the ground have some functions of gathering spirits to maintain their operation, but this can only allow the monks to use less spiritual power when starting up. If they want to truly exert their power, they usually need to assist spirit stones or other The source of spiritual energy, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array that Zhou Tai teleported from the small forbidden area before, assisted hundreds of high-grade spirit stones to run.

Therefore, if Zhou Tai wants to arrange these formations that can be carried with him, if they will not be useless like bubbles, he must use high-grade spirit stones to maintain the operation in the formation foundation. The reason why he only made more than 20 stone slabs is because The number of his own high-grade spirit stones is limited, and Zhou Tai is reluctant to strengthen the high-grade spirit stones with strengthening points, because these formations are likely to be left behind due to various circumstances, and he is reluctant to discard his own strengthening points.

If you strengthen the top-grade spirit stones and fairy-grade spirit stones, the formation will not only double its power, but also last longer. If there are multiple top-grade or above spirit stones that can absorb spiritual energy strongly, Zhou Tai can cooperate to form a matching gathering. Spiritual array, strengthen the power of gathering spiritual energy, so that the formation can be maintained for a long time.In general, if the spirit stones in the formation are exhausted and not replaced in time, the power of the formation will drop sharply until it finally stops functioning.

Zhou Tai only chose to use ordinary top-grade spirit stones, because the enhancement points are too precious, and the top-grade spirit stones or fairy-grade spirit stones are too easy to attract the eyes of high-level monks.

It took several months for Zhou Tai to use up most of the materials in his hands, and arranged a composite formation including three ultra-long-distance teleportation formations and other composite formations.

Composite formations include concealment, spirit gathering, phantom formation, attack, defense, teleportation, detection and other functions in one. When using it, you can activate one type alone or several types. The more functions you enable , the shorter the formation lasts.

Zhou Tai also wanted to get a few more ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays, but this kind of teleportation was too wasteful of materials, so he only made three.Other compound formations only bring ordinary large-scale teleportation, and they don't necessarily need to run that far every time.

Among them, stones and slabs can be combined into a large formation, which can be powerful. Generally, it is difficult to deploy in the wild. The main reason is that the stronger the formation, the greater the consumption. Without a stable source of spiritual energy, it is okay to be able to destroy the enemy instantly. If you can't, it will make the situation very bad, but this is not a problem for Zhou Tai, who has the spirit treasure space to store liquid aura. During the operation of the formation, the fluctuation of the immortal spirit stone can be completely hidden.

After everything was ready, Zhou Tai planned to leave here.

Under the stealth, passing near some cities, Zhou Tai's thoughts drifted: There are many mortals in the mortal world, and the excitement has nothing to do with me.

Under normal circumstances, he should have left directly, but because of the discovery of a special convoy, another figure appeared in Zhou Tai's mind, and his thoughts fluttered even more. Go in the direction of Yuanding Mountain.

That convoy was the convoy of the Immortal Cultivation Clan in the mortal world to deliver materials to Liuyunzong, and it turned out that it was time to recruit servants again.

Zhou Tai didn't go to grab those materials by force, because there are not many that can be used directly, and many of them need to be refined by Liuyunzong. Zhou Tai went, but suddenly thought of another female cultivator who had a relationship with him.

Knowing that this is not good, but some want to know the news of the other party.

It's not a lover, and it's not a central air conditioner, but it's just that there is no way to treat some things as if nothing happened.

Come to cultivate immortality with one heart
full of hardships and dangers

be careful not to take risks

This word is in my heart thousands of times

If it could have been predicted
that wrong meeting

won't meet

the road I have traveled

can you go again

Can the person who was in my arms meet again
Is there a moment she will miss
Cultivation is destined to be hard to be happy
You are fleeting in my life.

Can't just smile and forget
Zhou Tai wanted to see if he could work as a handyman in the Flowing Cloud Sect once. A few low-grade spirit stones would qualify him. With his current methods, he could get out of trouble even if something happened. He didn't want to be a handyman for another 20 years. , just need an identity that can enter it. As long as it is not a stranger who intrudes, after entering it, the formations on those mountain peaks are like a fake to him, and it is not difficult to leave. In the invisible state, sitting with others The teleportation array can leave.

Zhou Tai used fluid enhancement to create a new face, pretended to be a low-level Qi training monk, and went straight away.

Although there was no danger and no one paid too much attention to him, Zhou Tai was not selected as a handyman.

It's not that there are not enough places to get in, but that Zhou Tai's disguised face is not good-looking enough...

Not being a master of disguise, he didn't have a handsome face. He thought it was not important, but it was actually very important. If he hadn't obtained the entry order in advance, he might not have been able to enter Liuyunzong at all.

Immortal cultivators are basically beautiful except for handsome men. There are a lot of immortal cultivators who care about their image. They are used to seeing good-looking ones, but when they see mediocre ones, they will inevitably feel disgusted. This is not absolute. The monk Yunzong likes to look at his face, maybe the next monk who comes will not, but Zhou Tai doesn't want to wait for more than ten years.

Without making a move, he pretended to be an ordinary monk in the Qi training period and left.

Whether to go or not, such a result made Zhou Tai feel that maybe he shouldn't even think about meeting him, so what if he saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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