One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 324 Chapter 3201

Chapter 324 Chapter [-]
Pretending to be a qi training period and keeping away from Yuanding Mountain, Zhou Tai's judgment was correct. The Liuyunzong monks who came to choose the handyman didn't care about the qi training period monks of the mortal world cultivating family who came here, because Zhou Tai now knows enough about this world of cultivating immortals, and he has the feeling that a servant of a rich family opens the door to feed beggars to such a phenomenon, and it's fine if they are beggars.

Those cultivating families in the mortal world were all young people who were going to be handymen. They were from all over the world. It was normal that they had never met each other. Zhou Tai easily mixed in, but he failed in the end.It's not that even beggars are inferior, it's that even beggars have to be able to please people. I can only sigh that the water is too shallow.

At this moment, I understand that I thought I was just taking advantage of Ji Jingxin, but now it seems more than that!Originally, he was just grateful for her guidance, thinking that being a handyman was just a matter of a few low-grade spirit stones. He traded a few low-grade spirit stones with Ziyancao, which was a bad loss, but now he found that it was not entirely the case.

If they hadn't met back then, Zhou Tai would have spent a long time going to the border of the mortal world after all, and with his low strength back then, it would only be a waste of his time.

I don't know when I will know about Liuyunzong's recruitment of handymen, and once the delay is too long, I will not have the opportunity to enter Liuyunzong as a handyman, and there is a high probability that I will be wasted in this mortal world.If he waits until he is older, has a higher level of qi training, and knows about Yuanding Mountain, he will definitely come. At that time, if he thinks that it is normal for him to be a high-level man, he will probably die without a burial.

Knowing or not knowing a lot of things, the difference is really big. If he didn’t find the exercises to practice in the past, but just introduced spiritual energy into the body to study, I don’t know how long it would take to find the correct path of the cycle, then It is the path summed up by countless immortal cultivators, and it is difficult to get it out blindly.

If you only know that you need the circulation of aura, and you don’t know anything else, the meridian route you choose at random will include the meridians of the nine cycles of normal Qi training. In this way, without planning the meridians, no matter how you practice, you will always be The bottom layer of the Qi training period.

Just like at this moment, Zhou Tai could feel a slight fluctuation in the Void Spiritual Manifestation Technique, and he could know that it was because he was within the observation range of other people's spiritual disks. This is nothing surprising. It is normal for Liuyunzong monks to carry a spiritual disk.

Zhou Tai understood these things because of the memory he absorbed. Otherwise, he would have to wait until the year of the monkey when he discovered the conclusion himself. There is a lot of knowledge like this, without inheritance, no matter how smart it is, it is useless.

It turns out that there are several kinds of magnetic fields in this world, almost covering the entire world of cultivating immortals, and the existence of monks, like points with different energy levels, will slightly affect these magnetic fields. The principle of the spirit disc is a kind of The method of checking whether certain magnetic fields are affected, how far away and the magnitude of the effect are used to judge the level of the cultivator.

Under the surveillance of the Lingpan, Zhou Tai just stayed away at the normal speed of a Qi-training monk. Although it's okay to be exposed, but after all, his cultivation base can't run rampant in the entire world of cultivating immortals. If he can avoid some situations, he will avoid them. bit thing.

Just like when Zhou Tai saw a few light spots chasing after him on his spirit tester, he knew that he was coming for the few low-grade spirit stones that were exposed just now.

Either they want a reasonable exchange or they want to rob them by force, but Zhou Tai has no time to deal with them. To be honest, if there are monks who really want to rob, they will give up their high-quality life in the mortal world and go to Liuyunzong to work as a handyman. The sweet dream of cultivating immortals goes to the field to cultivate, so it doesn't matter if Zhou Tai gives him a few low-grade spirit stones, but he is not in the mood to play with those who have nothing to do with them.

Wanting to go to Liuyunzong to see that woman is just a sudden idea, not too firm, otherwise he would not give up because of a simple obstruction, his own thoughts are somewhat contradictory, or wait until those people teleport , He activated the ghost meridians and followed, now there are four hours of ghost meridian extinguishing time, the risk is not too great.

The closer you are, the less courage you have. If the result of the meeting is bad, he doesn't know if he will do something impulsive. He has no relationship with her, so he should find someone who puts his body and mind on himself first. The woman is talking.

"Brother, please stay behind..."

"Wait a minute..."

Ruoyouwu's voice came from behind, Zhou Tai didn't stop, and when he confirmed that he was far enough away, he quickly accelerated and disappeared in place.

There is a lot of liquid aura in the Lingbao space, and Zhou Tai doesn't care about wasting some real energy. After entering the state of ghost meridian extinction, he directly starts continuous teleportation, and waits until the boundary formation of Pingbo Realm is completed, where he recovers his own real energy. At the same time, it added some spiritual energy to the spirit treasure space.

Returning to the great world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Tai began to think about how to find it. Although there was a pair of ordinary magic weapons back then, the two left each other's soul imprints in them. Dissipates slowly, but doesn't help much in finding it.

Zhou Tai's main method is that the opponent has a lot of his own strengthening points, which will produce a sense within a certain range. This is also the confidence he wants to find. Without this as a basis, he has no way to find it, because if Yaoyu If he hides deep inside the mountain or deep underground, it is very likely that Zhou Tai will be difficult to find when he passes by.

Although the ultra-long-distance teleportation array back then was a random teleportation, it was impossible to teleport into some large formations, that is to say, it was impossible to teleport into those mortal worlds.

Zhou Tai's first destination was Mount Qi, where the two lived together for a period of time, if Yao Yu was active in the world of cultivating immortals, she might be waiting for him there.

I knew in my heart that this possibility was unlikely, because the world of cultivating immortals was too big, and I was teleported to a place at random, and there was no map. It was not easy to go back to a place where I had been, but Zhou Tai had to go there. The first place to look.

Zhou Tai got the memory because of the soul search, so he can directly set up a teleportation array to reach a closer place in some places. It is the fastest to directly set up a teleportation array, but Zhou Tai can't choose this way. Using a teleportation array means that people The teleportation was gone, the formation remained in place, and the formation materials were thrown there. After making those formation slabs, Zhou Tai didn't have any more formation materials. It was impossible for him to use the formation slabs as his hole Throw it here, so it can only be passed in the most common way.

Because that place is within the range of the sect in the southeast region of the Immortal Cultivation World, Zhou Tai can only choose to fly with the sword when he is invisible, and in order to deal with possible emergencies, he will reserve at least one hour for the ghost veins to disappear. .

For the rest of the time, Zhou Tai did not hide all the time in the Lingbao space, but showed the cultivation base of the Qi training period and hurried on the road. The reason why he dared to do this was because Zhou Tai discovered that as the time of the millennium robbery gradually receded, , There are more and more wild cultivators outside the sect, and he can often see them, so it is not very dangerous to rush during the Qi training period.

The speed of the qi training period is not fast, and the moving distance may not be as far as a few teleports in a few days. The reason why Zhou Tai chooses this is to accumulate more formation materials. Sometimes, Zhou Tai would think about buying some.

Because Yigao people are bold now, these small square city formations are not threatening at all in his eyes.

"Stop, don't run!" When Zhou Tai bought some magical artifacts in a certain small square city, several field cultivators from the ninth floor of Qi training stage appeared behind him, chasing after him from behind.

After taking a look, those monks didn't have any decent magic weapons on them, and it is estimated that there would be nothing in the storage bag.

Helpless and funny in my heart, I thought: It is your poverty that saved you.

If there are three or four magic weapons, Zhou Tai will choose to fight back. Some monks have nothing on them. In such a situation where they may fight soon, it is impossible not to take out the magic weapons first, and Zhou Tai also knows this. A few guys didn't even enter Fangshi, probably because they didn't even have the spirit stone to enter Fangshi. When they saw him coming out of Fangshi, they chased after him.

I have to say that they have vision, Zhou Tai has always been a super big fat sheep, but unfortunately the fat sheep runs so fast that they can't catch up.

"Brother, give up, that kid is too good at running!" The chasing cultivator suggested after seeing that the distance between each other was getting farther and farther, and his own spiritual power was already consumed.

"I should have known how to find a better movement technique in the sect back then." The leading monks really couldn't catch up anymore. If they consumed too much spiritual power, their combat effectiveness would drop a lot.

His words directly showed that they were handymen who came from a certain first-class sect, and had been around for some years, otherwise it would be impossible for them all to reach the ninth level of Qi training stage.

Several other monks did not pick up his words. They worked together to get two books of exercises. It is unrealistic to want to get one more exercise. kind of speed.

"Why don't we get some materials first!" After someone suggested this, the scene became a little silent.

"Wait for one more person..." After a long time, the leading monk said this.

The proposed monk sighed slightly in his heart.

There are very few monks who can enter Fangshi. They waited for a long time before they got to Zhou Tai. The monks who can enter Fangshi will have something.

Not all monks like to rob, and sometimes the group can survive better next time, so they have to do things according to the will of the whole.

At first, they didn't think about robbery, but collected various spiritual materials after practicing, and then sold them in the market.

They all learned skills within the sect, some could plant spiritual herbs, some could refine metals and so on.

In the end, I had no idea. The spiritual materials collected by several people for more than a year, after removing the spirit stones that entered the city, their income did not reach Renjun's one spirit stone, and it was not enough to buy a magic weapon. Of course, several people had left The few spirit stones saved by the Zongmen, everyone added together, no matter how hard they worked, they could buy a magic weapon, but they were not willing to give their own things to others without reservation.

They are just a simple collection of interests, not really how deep their feelings are. The collection of materials is too slow, so they think of robbery. If you die two, you can share more. When you have a few magic weapons, you can go out on your own.

In the Fangshi where Zhou Tai entered, there were very few monks, and there were not many magic weapons in any shop. There were only shops that accepted basic materials, but none of them sold basic materials.

Zhou Tai had a lot of spirit stones, so he would leave after sweeping a few shops. In fact, he got very little material, but Zhou Tai still persisted in doing so.

Cultivation is accumulation, little by little, accumulated little by little. Mosquito legs are also meat. Buying ready-made ones is much faster than collecting materials by yourself, and after leaving the area where the sect is located, the materials will be used a little less, so more prepare for.

If he wasn't afraid that if he robbed these places along the way, his moving route would be exposed and his itinerary of finding someone would be affected, Zhou Tai would definitely have robbed these places.

I thought that if I bought these things in the square market, there would be people in the square city who couldn't help but make a move, and I would be able to fight back against the robbery. As a result, except for some poor wild cultivators, no monks in the square city made any moves.

The hands-on Yexiu had taught him a lesson. If he had to describe their poverty in one sentence, he would say: The poor pants are almost out of reach.

It can only be said that many things were looted during the millennium catastrophe, and as batch after batch of wild cultivators searched this area, it became more and more difficult for the new wild cultivators to find spiritual materials, even if they all Bringing skills is also of limited use. These guys are robbing each other all over the place, so it is inevitable that there are not many things on them.If hundreds of years later, with a little bit of accumulation from generation to generation, the surviving Yexiu may still be richer.

The basic value they created was circulated to various sects in the transactions in these small square markets, and after the wild cultivation had been accumulated for thousands of years, the sect would take it back in a catastrophe.

The reason why the monks in the square city did not rob was also explained by the sect, because it was completely unnecessary.Some wild cultivators are so good that they can create a small square city by themselves. As long as they don't reach the death line of foundation establishment, the sect won't care, because they won't be able to escape in the end.

Because the journey was not very far, it took Zhou Tai about [-] days to reach Qishan again. In fact, it could have been earlier, but he only remembered the approximate location, and it took a few days to find it.

When he was about to arrive, he saw the familiar mountain, and memories emerged in Zhou Tai's heart.

After walking around the mountain for a few laps and seeing the familiar scenery, Zhou Tai quickly entered the former cave.

Seeing the dust accumulated in the passage, Zhou Tai knew that there was no hope, and the final result was as expected: Yaoyu was not here.

He didn't leave directly, but simply engraved a sentence inside the cave: I will look for you, wait for me when I see you, and I will come back again!
It is possible that Yaoyu came back in the later period, so this sentence must be kept, and then Zhou Tai left directly and quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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