One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 325 Chapter 3202

Chapter 325 Chapter [-] On the wall and reluctant clothes
The plan is to start looking for people in the entire world of cultivating immortals, but first, you need to confirm whether the person you are looking for is hiding in a corner of the world of cultivating immortals, rather than being arrested by the monks of the sect. The southeast area where all sects are located is Zhou Tai The first thing to look for.

Before looking, it is necessary to inquire about the news first.

There will inevitably be news about the big move in the small forbidden area before. Although everyone ran away in the ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, it is not without possibility of being caught. If something happens, he will still be foolishly walking around Isn't it silly to look for it?
In addition to the method of sensing his own strengthening points, he would also add more than 1 strengthening points to the magic weapon on Zhou Tai's body that can sense each other from time to time.

After adding it, there was no special function, but Zhou Tai guessed that if the one worn by Ruo Yaoyu also added more than 1 strengthening points, it is very likely that the two can perceive each other even though they are far apart. position, but now this kind of paired magic weapon only strengthens one of them, how effective it is, I have no idea, but this does not prevent Zhou Tai from trying frequently, in case there is a reaction!

In fact, there is a way of long-distance perception, that is, the imprints of spirits and souls left by each other in the pair of magical instruments, once they are wiped out, the other party will give birth to a sense, similar to the method of using the Zongmen jade card containing the monk's spirit to find the place where the monk fell. But there is a certain distance limit. If a monk is too far away from the sect, the jade plaque will be broken, but it is difficult to perceive the direction.

The soul is a part of the monk's body, and the mark of the soul left on the object is generally difficult to perceive. When the mark of the soul is wiped out, it is like being stabbed somewhere in the body, and it will inevitably produce a reaction.

At the beginning, there was an agreement with Yaoyu that if anyone encountered a life-or-death crisis, he would destroy the imprint of the other party's soul. This was a way to notify the other party of his death. Of course, in this dangerous world of cultivating immortals, it is very possible When encountering a crisis, there is no time to destroy it, and it can only be regarded as a possible notification method.

If Zhou Tai had known that he could become a formation master, he would have left more soul imprints for each other to connect with each other. He only needed to arrange 25 teleportation formations in the world of cultivating immortals, and the other party would continue to destroy the imprints of his spiritual consciousness. Teleportation perception, it is very possible to perceive the opponent's location on a certain teleportation array, but I didn't know it would be like this at the time, leaving only a soul imprint. The perception time produced by Annihilation is not long, and there is simply no time for multiple transmissions.

In fact, if Zhou Tai can obtain a magic weapon that senses the existence of his soul imprint, it can also improve the efficiency of searching. The world of cultivating immortals is too big. Greatly improve the efficiency of searching.

A long time ago, some monks left imprints of spirits and souls on others, and then relied on this kind of magic weapon to track them. Check your own habits, no matter how well hidden the imprint of the soul is, it will be discovered and wiped out, and this magic weapon will disappear in the long river of history.

There is specialization in the art industry, if Zhou Tai is a powerful refiner, he can make it by himself, but he is not.

The sky was clear, and it looked like there was nothing. Zhou Tai, who had activated the ghost meridian and flew with his sword, was hard to be spotted by the monks.

At this moment, he is still a little short of being promoted to the first level of the golden core, but he has already consumed the elixir to restore his soul. If he does not want to rely on strengthening points to start forced cultivation, his cultivation speed will be extremely slow for a period of time.

Stop and plant some elixir?Or get a few Reiatsu plants and keep them with you all the time, just like the little leaves in the past?Zhou Tai didn't even have such an idea, it would take a hundred years to cultivate, just increase the number of strengthening points.

On the spirit test disk, the distance between Zhou Tai and Zhou Tai was getting closer to the two spots of light that were discovered a long time ago representing the foundation establishment period, but he did not choose to change his direction.

After a while, two beams of light appeared in the distance, and the two foundation-building monks chased and fled, and they seemed to be Zongmen monks.

They couldn't find out where Zhou Tai was at all, and Zhou Tai also turned a blind eye to them.

If Yaoyu is in the area where the sect is located, there is no need to search for the sect and the sphere of influence of the sect. If she enters the sphere of influence of the sect, she will either be arrested or have already left, and it is impossible to stay there.

So Zhou Tai's search route was chosen by him. If there were no special circumstances, he would not deviate easily.

I have always found nothing. This kind of search for a needle in a haystack always surrounds my heart with a faint sense of despair.

A few days later, I saw my temporary destination: Baolin Fairy City.Feeling that the ghost veins were gone, and there was still time left, Zhou Tai decided to take a look first. He had been here during the Qi training period. He wanted to forget the experience of carrying the flying boat all the way and possibly dying at any time. I can't forget it.

If you want to inquire about news, it is difficult to inquire about anything in the low-level wild cultivation. Even arresting a few sect monks will not help much, and it is very likely to provide false information. The best way is to come to the place where the monks gather .

Not to mention the danger of directly entering the Zongmen, the monks in the Zongmen can't always gather and chat together, and a market between Zongmen monks like Baolin Xiancheng is a very good choice.

This kind of market among sects cannot be the only one, and it is obviously only the market that monks in the foundation or Jindan period often come to, and it is not the top-level market, but these markets all appeared in the later period. There is not in the memory of Soul Search, and there are a few pieces of map fragments that have been obtained, but either they are far away or it is difficult to judge the specific location, only this one is relatively familiar.

The city walls and Chen Fa here were like a natural barrier to Zhou Tai in the past, but now passing through this level of defense is like visiting his own backyard, walking in a few steps.

More than 100 years have passed, and it doesn't look any different here. The scenery on the street has hardly changed, there are few monks, and there are hardly any people.

Because it was an invisibility intrusion, Zhou Tai did not release his divine sense, but just observed everything here with his eyes. He only needs to find out the time when the next auction will start. At that time, there must be some sect monks gathered. He can eavesdrop on some news, what if he doesn't hear the news he wants?
No news is good news. If this is the case in several Zongmenfang cities, it can only be said that the probability of everything being safe is very high.

While recalling the memories here in my mind, I walked towards the direction of the auction house. Under normal circumstances, the door of the auction house will prompt the time of the next auction.

But Zhou Tai, who had just been out and about, suddenly stopped in his tracks, and then turned around to stare at a wall that looked like a bulletin board.

There is his clear profile picture and introduction on it, and the profiles of Su Rou, Huang Kun, and Yu Hua Yang are all on the side, it can be said that they are all visible, very clear.There are several other avatars and texts on it. After a quick glance, there are some traces of time, which may have been a long time ago. Zhou Tai didn't know them, so he stopped paying attention.

Photos on the wall?How do you think it's unlucky!No wonder it feels good to be widely wanted!
Being a wanted criminal in this world of cultivating immortals once, how can this be considered a little famous once?Zhou Tai didn't know that the wanted list was issued to all sects and monks of the sect, and even the monks in the central area kept them in their hearts. In addition, he has reached the realm of becoming famous all over the world with one trick.

Zhou Tai, who was thinking wildly, saw that Yaoyu was not on the wanted list, which made Zhou Tai feel relieved. He thought, this should be made by Xiantian's detection of Lingbao, because Yaoyu had been hiding in the Lingbao space at that time. Zhong escaped the fate of the photo on the wall once.

I don't know if it takes 3000 strengthening points to strengthen the Lingbao into an innate Lingbao. While thinking about it, Zhou Tai continued to read the writing on the wall: provide information on the whereabouts of any of the monks, confirm the authenticity, Jindan and below Cultivators, provide all the cultivation resources up to the stage of transformation of gods, until they advance to the stage of transformation of gods, and those captured by monks of the Nascent Soul stage and above will be rewarded with a hundred years of cultivation time outside the Immortal Terrace.If a certain sect is captured, the newly promoted disciples of the sect will be rewarded with a quota of [-] per hundred years, valid for [-] years!
Note: The wanted monks should not be underestimated, if found, do not act easily.The third from the left, has been found to have entered the immortal tomb in the forbidden area.

Seeing this, Zhou Tai looked at the head portrait of Yuhua Yang who was the third from the left. It was not surprising that he had the lowest cultivation level, so he had no choice but to run into the forbidden area if he was discovered.

The forbidden area is different from the small forbidden area, the small forbidden area can be breached, and last time they were only on the periphery of the small promotion, but the forbidden area is not easy to be breached, and generally no sect would think about breaking it, because it may be very dangerous sex.If they entered the forbidden area last time, the monks outside would not come in because it would be difficult to get out, and they would not be able to escape because teleportation is not allowed inside.

Although the forbidden place that Yuhua Yang entered was called Immortal Tomb, it was just a name. Zhou Tai knew this very well. Apart from the unknowable initial age of miracles, there has never been an immortal in this world. There are more immortal tombs. It is a kind of longing and longing.

For Zhou Tai or the top-level formation master Huang Kun, the once-forbidden area can be entered in the outer area, and the inner area is basically in a state of absolute isolation, but the combination of strengthening points and top-level formation masters has the opportunity to go in and have a look, but Zhou Tai can easily enter the forbidden area. I will not choose to enter because it is too dangerous inside.

Before turning around to leave, Zhou Tai looked at the reward again. If he knew how to clone himself, he would have the idea of ​​reporting himself. Unfortunately, he had heard of this technique, and even saw it more than once in his memory. No, because Huang Kun couldn't learn it, so he never exchanged this kind of exercise at all.

There are many famous powerful skills or skills, and it is already difficult to get a few. It is very difficult for a monk to know most of the powerful skills. One of the important reasons is that it is difficult to obtain, and the other is that there are many There are restrictions on this kind of skills or skills, just like the soul attribute of the golden core period, once selected, it will be permanently insulated from many skills, not to mention the practice of the Nascent Soul and afterward, some skills will be excluded.

If a monk knows many powerful exercises with mutually exclusive attributes, it is like fusing different machines such as cars, submarines, airplanes, excavators, dishwashers, range hoods, etc. It's ridiculous that a double-door refrigerator can still cool down.

When he came to the auction house and saw the announced time at the door, Zhou Tai turned around and left, continuing his journey of finding someone.

Not many monks would come to that kind of small auction once a month. Zhou Tai did not choose to come back, but rushed back when a large auction was about to start a few months later.

The large-scale auction started, and the surrounding Zongmen monks would come here when they had free time. Many of them came by flying boats of various colors, and there were also many Zongmen monks who gathered together and flew here.

In fact, it is the most convenient to open the teleportation directly, but because this place does not belong to only one sect, the second and third class sects strongly oppose it, and some first-class sects also have scruples, so although there is a teleportation array here, it is only for those who leave. There is no teleportation array that can be directly teleported in.

When the auction was about to start, there were a total of hundreds of foundation-building stage and dozens of Jindan stage sect monks, but no Nascent Soul cultivator appeared, which made Zhou Tai more daring here.

He even saw a familiar face here: Yang Xuan.Regarding this, Zhou Tai, who was in the invisible state, glanced over without staying too much.

Many monks spoke normally, but more monks communicated with each other through sound transmission, but this did not bother Zhou Tai, a secret listening technique, the words of these ordinary sound transmission techniques clearly appeared in Zhou Tai's ears.

There were too many voices, a little noisy, but it didn't affect Zhou Tai's thinking and judgment.

With the start of the auction, the number of voices continued to decrease, and Zhou Tai also began to pay attention to those items in the auction.

He looked down on many things, until an item appeared that caught his eye.

"The Silk Lingyi Clothes are mainly made of top-grade snow silk and mixed with various spiritual objects. Although they have limited effects, they are rare in quantity. The starting price is five hundred high-grade spirit stones!" the auctioneer just finished speaking.

Zhou Tai's ears heard the voices of several monks communicating with each other.

"This thing is so expensive!"

"I'm not going to fail again!"

"Senior Brother, why is this Silky Silk Clothes so expensive? Is there any use for it?"


Although there were many Transsion, the scene was very quiet, and no one bid for the auction.

"This clothes is very precious and rare. Although it has little defensive effect, it can be worn with other magic weapons. There was once a monk who wanted to give it to the elders of our sect. Two thousand spirit stones are hard to come by. It is worth this one, seize the opportunity." Seeing In this case, the auctioneer spoke again.

"Junior Sister, Senior Brother will tell you a story about selling yourself and asking for a high price..." Another sound transmission sound entered Zhou Tai's ear.

It turned out that a monk got this clothes from nowhere, but he couldn’t sell it at a high price. Later, he asked someone to buy it at a high price in other markets, and then sold it at a price lower than the asking price. Finally, this matter was discovered. The silky clothes kept dropping in price.

For monks who pursue practicality, it is very uneconomical to spend the spirit stones of treasures to buy such completely tasteless things. Every time there are auctions, there will always be some rare auction items that do not match the value, and there are indeed some They sold, but mostly passed in.

In the end, this silky silk garment passed the auction.

Zhou Tai's concern about this Silky Thread Clothes is not because of how good it is, but because his Golden Elixir Clothes want to function normally. Ordinary clothes can't be worn, which will affect the operation of the real essence silk thread on the surface of the body, and the Silk Spirit Thread Clothes But barely usable.

Is it okay not to wear this silk thread garment, of course it can, and it will not add any defense, but if Zhou Tai fully exerts his strength when the battle is fierce, the Jin Danyi may be defeated.

One-on-one click to kill the opponent is okay, but what about the situation where everyone is looking forward to it?

(End of this chapter)

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