One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 330 Chapter 3207 2 minus 9

Chapter 330 Chapter [-] Chapter Twelve Minus Nine
The Nascent Soul stage monk of Yunyan Sect led the three Jindan stage monks of his own sect along the way. The world of cultivating immortals is dangerous. It is not inconceivable that the disciples of the sect will fall. After he has to check the specific situation, To confirm what to do next.

He is not worried about his own crisis. In the world of cultivating immortals that has been at peace for a long time, it is basically difficult for high-level monks to take action against the Nascent Soul Stage. Second-class and third-class sects are weaker, but there are also high-level monks practicing in the central area.

Generally, when disciples of the sect die, it is difficult to find the murderer most of the time. The anger in my heart has dissipated a little. Rather than revenge, it is more important to find out the reason and show the importance the sect attaches to the disciples.

If he knew that at this time there were Nascent Soul stage monks from multiple sects going to the same destination as him from different directions, he would not think so.

After some time, a group of monks from the Yunyan Sect kept approaching the place where the monk died. When they passed by the small formation arranged by Zhou Tai, they did not find the formation and the existence of the wild cultivators inside.

Zhou Tai, who was in the deep underground, had already canceled the fluid enhancement on his body, and added the enhancement points to the spirit detection disk, and used the spirit detection disk to intermittently detect the surrounding monks. A group of monks from the Yunyan Sect appeared within the range of the spirit detection disk At that time, he was stared at by Zhou Tai, noticing that there was a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage among them, and there was a hint of joy in his calm heart.

Rise up!After the inner words were accompanied by the operations on the control array board, the large array above changed instantly.

The four monks had just hovered over the death foundation of the Zijia Zongmen. Before they could do anything, the sky in the distance had already been slightly distorted. If you look in from the outside, you can't easily find anything. But the figures of the four monks, from the outside, have disappeared in place.

Outside the formation, it is difficult to find the existence of the formation, but within the formation, the Nascent Soul stage monks were the first to discover that something was wrong.

"Back! The situation is not right!" First he yelled to remind the three accompanying Jindan stage monks that he had already disappeared in place by the time the following four words floated in the air.

This is a formation, and the Nascent Soul cultivator judged it immediately, and he ran out immediately. Although he only had some basic knowledge of formations, he could also judge that this was a large formation. He wanted to teleport, but the result Failed, when flying towards the edge of the formation quickly, fog began to appear in the surrounding ordinary environment, and these fogs could not be penetrated by divine sense at all.

After seeing this situation, the Nascent Soul Stage monks of the Yunyan Sect were terrified. He thought of the news about the appearance of a top formation master decades ago. Falling, if it is a formation set up by a formation master of that level, he is a Nascent Soul cultivator in it, and he will definitely be dead or alive.

There was more and more fog around him, sensing that the edge of the formation might be not far away, he threw out a magic weapon and blew it up without hesitation, and then in the sky-shattering explosion, the magic technique opened the way and followed him Finally, a beam of flame light tens of feet long spanned the sky. In a normal environment, the scenery of this technique might be very beautiful, but in the formation, it can only be submerged in the thicker and thicker fog among.

The Nascent Soul cultivator thought he could break through the formation all the way, with the flying sword in his hand, and the teleportation was ready, he didn't have any thoughts left, just one word: escape.

But all the way forward, he didn't encounter any obstacles, and he was still in the fog until the magic power was naturally exhausted. In his feeling, he should have run out of this formation long ago, but the surrounding fog was almost unchanged, so that He knew he was trapped.

At this moment, it is difficult to even check the situation around the body. He keeps moving, but seems to stay in the same place, and the three golden core monks who are traveling with him are also missing.

Time didn't give the Nascent Soul cultivator too much time to think, and the fog around him soon began to thicken. Although it didn't make him completely immobile, it also made his moving speed extremely slow.Before he could think of any method to crack it, an invisible attack appeared in front of him. It was an attack belonging to a formation, but it was not very strong. He used a defensive magic weapon to defend it, and after that, various attacks followed And to, and there is a gradual strengthening trend.

And at a certain position in the big formation, Zhou Tai had already passed through the underground teleportation formation and came to the ground. The Void Spiritual Manifestation Technique looked at the Nascent Soul cultivator's location and continued to make judgments.

Zhou Tai didn't care about the three golden core stage monks. They couldn't break through the trapped formation and the phantom formation in a short time. There are monks.

Somewhere under the ground, there is a large amount of spiritual energy drawn by Zhou Tai from the Lingbao space to maintain the operation of the formation.

In fact, the Nascent Soul cultivator could be killed quickly, but what Zhou Tai wanted was the opponent's Nascent Soul, so he was worried that the attack would be too strong, and he would kill the opponent with one step carefully, causing the Nascent Soul to shatter and dissipate. The attack is only tentative, at best the consumption of that wave of attack is equal to the spiritual power in hundreds of high-grade spirit stones.If he didn't have his own purpose, the battle might be solved directly by consuming the spiritual power equal to thousands of high-grade spirit stones at a time.

With the continuous observation of Tongshu, many judgments emerged in Zhou Tai's mind:

There is no Nascent Soul Clothes similar to Jindan Clothes!
The consciousness is not strong, and the Yuanshen who has advanced to the Nascent Soul has no attribute power!
The casting speed of spells is low!

The ability to move is not strong!

A few ordinary magic weapons did not find any special means!
and many more……

In the end, the comprehensive evaluation of this Nascent Soul cultivator's ability is average or even low.

Then Zhou Tai quickly approached the Nascent Soul cultivator and kept approaching. While attacking with a certain formation, he seized the opponent's weak defense for a moment and shot decisively.

Feijian is under the control of divine consciousness, although the speed is fast, but the instantaneous breakthrough speed of advanced body skills is also not weak at all.

Zhou Tai, who was under the disappearance of the ghost vein, disappeared in an instant, and a sword light appeared out of thin air like lightning, and went straight to the vital point of the monk Yuanying.

On the way to attack, there is only one mana shield, and the average golden core monk may have to attack many times to break through the mana shield, which is an upgraded version of the golden core monk's true energy shield.

But Zhou Tai strengthened the point transformation, and the flying sword in his hand became Lingbao level, and he had advanced to the first level of the golden core stage before attracting these nascent souls, and a layer of divine soul runes surrounded his golden core. The Chengshen rune instantly glowed slightly, the real essence in the flying sword in his hand instantly showed weak attribute power, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped in a straight line.

Under normal circumstances, the mana shield of the Nascent Soul Stage monk could easily withstand the multiple attacks of the Golden Core Stage, but under Zhou Tai's flying sword at this moment, it directly shattered like a bubble.

Can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, which one is not experienced, although this attack came suddenly, but before the attack came, he used a defensive magic weapon to resist the pull down, but the opponent's attack was too strong, and the defensive magic weapon was in the middle of a blow. After that, he was in a scrapped state. In fact, the best way was to move the position, but the constraints of the formation could only make him resist.

Under normal circumstances, after the flying sword collides with the magic weapon, the spiritual power in the flying sword is consumed, and the strongest blow disappears, so it should retreat.

The distance is so close, the Nascent Soul cultivator didn't feel the appearance of the strange power of consciousness, and he didn't find the monk's figure, so he never thought that the flying sword was held in the monk's hand.

Although the mist has the effect of blocking the consciousness, it will be dispersed in this kind of place where the attacks of Nascent Soul cultivators are intertwined. Although the mist will reappear in just a short moment, it is enough to make some judgments .

However, according to Yuanying's cognition, the flying sword that should be repulsed back, not only did not retreat, but instantly drew a trajectory in the air at a strange angle at a faster speed, just like a pen draws a trace in the air. Like symbols, the speed of the first stroke is not fast. After being blocked, it is like a slight pause when the brush is writing, and then it is like a quick pick-up after the completion of the pen. The speed is doubled instantly, and the drawing step is the element. The body of an infant monk.

At the same time as the attack was completed, the long-prepared spell to suppress the soul hit the opponent at the same time. The body of the Nascent Soul cultivator was almost frozen in the air, but Zhou Tai did not stop the flying sword attack. At a certain moment, a blood line briefly appeared in the air. When it turned into a blood cloth and sprayed, Zhou Tai had already separated the opponent's body and head.

During the period, there was a kind of fluctuation, but it dissipated quickly. It was that the Nascent Soul was about to explode, but it was suppressed by Zhou Tai's early release of the spell to suppress the soul.

Familiar with the way, he found the Yuanying who had been suppressed by the spell and fell into a coma. After setting a restraint, he put it away.

Immediately, the strengthening point was converted, and the Lingbao-level spiritual test disk checked the surroundings, and then went to the three Jindan stage monks who were like headless chickens in the formation. One of them was still yelling, But to no avail.

From the establishment of the formation to the successful capture of the Nascent Soul, the whole process took less than a cup of tea. The Nascent Soul cultivator also thought about waiting for the monk who set up the formation to appear and persuade the opponent to let him go, but the successive attacks made it too late for him Open your mouth.The battle between the monks is extremely fast, as long as it starts, there is no time for talking and talking. From the beginning to the end of Zhou Taifei's sword attack, the short time is not enough to even say a complete sentence.

These Jindan monks can only be seriously injured and cannot be killed. This is also the main reason for setting up the phantom array. If they see the Zongmen's Yuanying stage monks, they will be defeated instantly. Suicide will make Zhou Tai fall into a passive state.

Once the Golden Core cultivator dies, the soul card of the sect will sense it, and they will know that something happened to these cultivators. In that case, it will be impossible to judge the situation, and Zhou Tai will fall into a passive state.

Although there is a formation that can shield this kind of induction, it requires a large formation to increase the level, which is not currently possible. Therefore, Zhou Tai is also extremely careful when shooting the remaining three Golden Core monks, in case they are accidentally killed. It's not fun anymore.

Because no monk would take the initiative to choose to die when the situation was unknown, so Zhou Tai was finally caught alive, all the storage bags were confiscated, and after setting a restriction, he was directly thrown into the monk pit prepared in advance.

The monk pit is the same as the outer formation. At most, it can only shield the perception of the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage. The only difference is that some protection functions are added.

The reason why it is not placed in the spirit treasure space, but in the monk pit within the range of the large formation, is because if high-level monks appear, it is impossible to kill all the monks belonging to different sects with one blow, right?In this way, there will be no situation where there will be an all-out attack on the formation at the beginning, and if Zhou Tai has not come and retreated at that time, he can buy a little more time.

After everything was done, Zhou Tai cleaned up the traces of the scene, checked with a Lingbao-level spiritual disk to see if there was nothing wrong, then went back to the depths of the ground, canceled the operation of the large formation, and everything above the ground seemed to be normal. Only the corpses of the sect's foundation-building monks who were used as bait still remained there.

Not long after, the second sect, Nascent Soul, appeared, also a third-class sect, with several Golden Core stage monks, and Zhou Tai successfully took it down.

After that, there was no problem with the third sect.

The fourth sect also gave Zhou Tai a small surprise. The second class sect was actually led by Shuangyuanying, and no surprises occurred after abolishing the strength of nine oxen and two tigers.

But in the fifth sect, although there was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, an accident happened. This Nascent Soul cultivator actually had a rare Horcrux, which made Zhou Tai fail to control it, and the Nascent Soul cultivator finally blew himself up.

Although there was no danger in a short period of time, after cleaning up the scene, Zhou Tai decided to run away ahead of time, and he didn't plan to recycle the formation, because recycling was just a joke with his own life.

The bait left a female cultivator in the foundation stage who did not kill, not because the other party was very beautiful, but because the other party was not only a first-class sect, but also the sect was the closest to here, and it was Zhou Tai who planned to deal with five After a sect, we will do it again.

It's okay if you don't keep it to relieve boredom, Zhou Tai thinks so.

But when he returned to the depths of the ground, intending to destroy this place before leaving, one of the formations that imprisoned Yexiu during the Qi training period was destroyed in an instant.

At this moment, Zhou Tai knew that a high-ranking cultivator had appeared in advance, and he turned and left without hesitation. At the same time, he arranged two things in an instant: the formation was in operation, and the remaining surviving wild cultivators were directly teleported to a place for ultra-long-distance cultivation. Random teleportation: Remove the clothes of the female nun who is going to stay to relieve boredom, release the restriction, and teleport directly to it before the other party fully reacts.

I don't believe that the high-ranking cultivator wouldn't hesitate for a moment in the face of such a scene. Coupled with the cover of the fluctuations of the teleportation formations everywhere, Zhou Tai entered the border formation of the mortal world without anyone noticing, and then quickly went away. go.

Harvesting five Nascent Souls can be regarded as a success, but such a method must not be done in a short period of time.Although all the formation materials were thrown away, some storage equipment of Nascent Soul and Golden Core stage monks were newly obtained, which can make up for it to some extent.

(End of this chapter)

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