One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 331 Chapter 3208 The show that didn't happen

Chapter 331 Chapter [-] The Performance That Didn't Happen

Zong Yuwei felt that her body was moving in the air in her deep sleep, as if she had been thrown into the air. This unprecedented experience made her wake up instantly from the daze. When the instinct was sent out, the body also touched the ground below it.

Because he is a monk, he felt the situation below him, and he controlled his body in an instant, and there was no such a sprawling situation.

I found myself on the teleportation array that was activated, and the teleportation was about to start, and the surroundings were pitch black. With the help of the faint light brought by the flying runes on the teleportation array, there seemed to be a black shadow in my eyes, and my consciousness naturally moved to the surroundings. Check it out, and encountered the spiritual consciousness of a strange monk.

She had already noticed the situation on her body, and her body was instantly filled with embarrassment and anger. Before she could think about it, the teleportation ended, and her figure disappeared in place.

The short teleportation process seemed particularly long. She didn't know what her fate would be or where she would be teleported. From birth to now, she had never experienced such a dangerous scene. A feeling of panic was unstoppable in her body. Inhibited rise.

She has always felt that she is very strong, and at this moment, in this completely unfamiliar environment, she realizes her inner weakness for the first time.She also remembered how she came here: once outside the sect, she met a wild qi training period, who ignorantly approached her, and let herself be scolded for being stupid. Seeing that stupid look, she was very happy Yes, there is no embarrassing the other party.A few years later, when we met again, that wild cultivator was too lazy to respond. Unexpectedly, the other party dared to make obscene moves towards me from a distance. Although I found that the other party's speed was a bit abnormal, how could I let the other party go easily?Then fell into the formation...

The clear sky appeared above the head, the cool wind was blowing, and the surrounding scenery reminded Zong Yuwei, this is not a dangerous place, is it safe to come out?She was a little puzzled.

Although I don't know why the other party lifted her restraint and threw herself out, it didn't affect her to quickly check the surrounding situation. In the worst idea, she should be in crisis. In fact, what she fears most is Appearing in front of the crowd, there were indeed a few people lying around, but after a little panic, she soon found out that they were all dead, and then she began to take off the clothes on one of the corpses without hesitation, only to find that there was still some blood on her body. Embarrassment blushes when angry.

At a certain moment, Zong Yuwei seemed to feel something, looked up at the sky, and the beautiful eyes above her delicate face instantly became bigger: the figure of a middle-aged female cultivator appeared high in the sky.After confirming that she was a senior monk of her sect, she seemed to understand why she was released.

The middle-aged female cultivator just glanced at her and then disappeared in place. When the monks of the sect who were buried in the monk pit by Zhou Tai were released after a period of time, Zong Yuwei's heart ached. Only luck is left: okay!fine!

It would be terrible if it was sent out at this time!

She didn't know that if there were no accidents, except for her being taken away by Zhou Tai, none of the monks who were arrested here would not survive.

The death of an official disciple of the sect is to be notified to all other sects. Generally, the new disciples are confirmed and replaced. Some sects will delay the time because of the new official quota, but this kind of sect is often a first-class sect. There are many competitors.

For third-class sects, it is very quick to choose a replacement disciple, so two sects have notified other sects of the death of their disciples. The death of two disciples of third-class sects is not a big deal. It's not that the disciples of one's own sect died, and other sects would not care about it after receiving the news, but the sects that also had disciples who died but did not notify would inevitably have some associations. After all, these sects are not far away, right? Why did the disciples of several sects fight each other?

Even so, it’s okay, after all, the sect has sent monks in the Nascent Soul stage to find out the reason, but just caught up with the alchemist of the first-class sect, Linglan Sect, who had reported earlier that he would collect spirit grass to refine Huaying Pill Originally, this was said to the inside of his own sect, and had nothing to do with other sects, but a Jindan cultivator of a certain sect had no way to advance to Yuanying. A famous alchemist asked for it, and the time he left was just after the death of the disciple of the sect.I thought that I could agree to any harsh conditions, but naturally returned without success and disappointed.

But when he was chatting with the disciples of the Linglan Sect, he said that his disciples also died at about the same time, but because no new disciples were selected, they had not been notified yet.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. The reception disciples of the Linglan Sect reported this matter to the public. After all, it is not normal for sect disciples to die one after another, and it is not known whether there are sects involved.

The final result was that the top cultivator of the Linglan Sect personally took action and went to check.A cultivator of the Linglan Sect in the stage of transforming spirits only realized the existence of the formation when she was close to Zhou Tai's formation, but her heart was filled with horror and surprise, because it was unlikely that the sect would set up formations here. , so the biggest possibility is the work of the top array mage who appeared in the world of cultivating immortals before.

If it was a normal large formation, she would run as far as she wanted, but the formation in front of her felt vulnerable no matter the scope or the feeling it gave her.

So she made a move. If the attack has no effect, she will turn around and run away, which means that the formation here has formed a climate, and it is not something she can deal with in the stage of transformation. The weak performance of the formation is probably just a decoy.

She could clearly feel the existence of a small formation on the outermost periphery, and there seemed to be monks inside, so she shot at it without hesitation. With one blow, the formation was shattered, which was easier than she imagined , and found a wild cultivator among them, and let her control it casually.

After taking the shot, he stopped hesitating and started to attack directly. After a few hits, he broke through the formation, and then saw a female cultivator holding clothes, and it turned out to be a cultivator from his own sect.The cultivator at the Transformation Stage didn't pay any attention to this, and she wanted to catch that formation mage with all her heart. The opponent was probably still at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and at most it would not exceed the Golden Core Stage. As long as the opponent was here, the chance of catching him was still very big.

If the other party uses teleportation, as long as the distance is not too far, she can't escape her palm, but there are many teleportation fluctuations, so she has no way of judging, so she can only choose one at random, and wait until there is a strong teleportation fluctuation in the distance, and then she rushes over. At that time, only one ultra-long-distance teleportation array completed the teleportation.

"Ultra-long-distance random teleportation!" shouted angrily, and then a magical attack directly exploded this ultra-long-distance teleportation array!It's not that she doesn't want to track, but that there is no way to track the random teleportation, and she is late.

In fact, she didn't know that even if she reacted faster, she would only catch a few wild repairs in the end, and the real mastermind behind the scenes had already left quietly.

In the end, unwilling to reconcile, he went back to the big formation to check again, and then rescued the Jindan stage monks who had been thrown into the monk pit from multiple sects. After some investigation, they found nothing...

In the end, when this incident came out, the major sects were shocked, because the subsequent shattering of the soul cards of the five Nascent Soul cultivators showed that the opponent relied on formations and finally caused the six Nascent Soul cultivators to fall.What can be done about this?Not at all, because it has been given a high degree of attention before, and the available methods have been used long ago. The best way is to wait for the other party to show its flaws again. The other party is a veteran cultivator. The opponent had been prepared for a long time, and he couldn't sense the place where he fell.

Although they seem to be unmoved on the surface, in private, I don’t know how many high-ranking monks are preparing to be arrested. Some monks at or above the stage of transforming gods quietly returned from the central area, lurking in the sect.

Zhou Tai, who entered the border formation of the mortal world, walked extremely safely, because No. 6 Nascent Soul cultivator died, so he chose to run ahead of time, leaving the crisis far behind, even if he did not appear This kind of coincidence, the senior monk who appeared could not catch him under his preparations.

Twelve minus nine leaves three, and Zhou Tai still needs three Nascent Souls to complete his skills. For this, he will not be able to act in a short time, and three quarters of a day will be in the state of ghost meridians. It is almost enough, and he has already made preparations. After absorbing the five Nascent Souls, he will leave the area where the sect is located. The possibility of being in the area where the sect is located has been greatly reduced.

Almost all the materials that can be used to arrange the formations have been taken out. If it weren't for the six Nascent Souls and the storage bags of more than 30 Golden Core monks on his body, Zhou Tai would have to accumulate materials a little bit if he wanted to arrange the formations.

Although the formation is strong, a powerful formation cannot be tolerated by a single monk at all, because the resources needed are too large, Zhou Tai can barely build a large formation with the materials in his hands, and it is all based on the experience and means of a top formation master. A lot of materials that ordinary array mages can't use are used.

While running around in the border formation of the mortal world, he replenished spiritual energy to the Lingbao space, and after feeling that there should be no danger, Zhou Tai hid in the Lingbao space and began to improve the ghost meridians.

The first time I absorbed the Nascent Soul was an accident. The second time I absorbed the Nascent Soul while drinking wine. I had two bases, and this time I absorbed it directly. Although there are some things I don’t like to do, I can accept it after doing it. up.

The process went smoothly. After trying it, I found that it could indeed run for nine hours a day as I guessed.However, the exercises learned at that time did not have too much content, which means that after collecting all twelve Nascent Souls to practice, there is no way to advance in this exercise.

When the ghost meridians were in motion, Huang Kun's Void Spiritual Manifestation Technique could not find its location. Of course, the Void Spiritual Manifestation Technique among them was mainly aimed at the reason for the existence of the formation, not specifically to break the invisibility, but this also never From the side, it shows the strength of Ghost Meridian Miexing.

Zhou Tai guessed that the disappearance of ghost veins should be a part of a certain kung fu, but with his knowledge, he couldn't guess which kung fu, because there are too many powerful kung fu that have disappeared in the long history of cultivating immortals. None of the legends are left behind.Ghost Meridian Extinguishment is only one of the disappearances. After collecting twelve Nascent Souls, if you want to continue to practice, you must either be lucky enough to get the follow-up exercises, or study the follow-up exercises yourself. The former has little hope, while the latter can. It is said that there is no hope, unless I do nothing in the future and just study this exercise, but this is impossible.

After the exercises were completed, several Nascent Soul stage storage bags or magic treasures were quickly opened by Zhou Tai. The value of a Nascent Soul cultivator was at least comparable to that of more than ten Golden Core stage cultivators, including spirit stones, spiritual materials, Elixirs, elixirs, magic weapons, etc. are all available, which made Zhou Tai gain a wave, and then he made a formation tablet.

After preparing the formation stone slabs before, he dismantled the materials and arranged the formation formation before they were used. However, the situation in the cultivation world is changing rapidly, so we can only make more preparations. Fortunately, the previous stone slabs were not thrown away. Find a mountain to open a stone.

The only thing that is a bit bad is the storage bags of those Jindan stage monks. Because the other party is not dead, the spirits on the storage bags will not dissipate on their own initiative, and they can only be wiped out one by one by themselves. It is okay if the number is small. But there are dozens of them, placed in the Lingbao space, Zhou Tai is not worried that the other party will notice his whereabouts.

In fact, if it wasn't for the accident at Yuanying's place, and the high-ranking monk appeared too suddenly, the monks in the monk pit would have no chance of surviving at all. It's the same if he can hold the wood against the dangerous wall, so Zhou Tai's proper arrangement has not been fully completed, but after the goal is completed, he can transform the formation, and the lack of materials will solve it.

In Zhou Tai's plan, if everything goes well, when he finally leaves, he will send away the wild monks as agreed, kill all the monks in the monk pit, and then switch the entire formation, and when the killed monks are attracted After a large number of monks, the entire formation will completely explode by itself. Not to mention how earth-shattering it is, it can also cause the coming monks to suffer horrific deaths and injuries without leaving traces, but this last step has not been completed.

There will be such a plan, not because Zhou Tai is so evil in his heart and only thinks about killing, but because his situation is destined to be those sects who want to get rid of them quickly. If they don't kill decisively, they will only face infinite Endless troubles, after showing the means, some people will be let go invisibly, even if there is a high amount of Xuanshan at the same level, some monks will consider whether their strength is enough. Originally, if all the plans are successful this time, it will be enough Use the weight to kill chickens and scare monkeys to perform.

It's not a means or no means, it's just struggling to survive as much as possible, just like letting the female cultivator out, just to have a little more time to escape when something happens.No matter whether it is bursting or gentle, it is only for self-protection. If it is not for some ability, it will have died and disappeared, and it will be like countless immortal cultivators who have fallen in the middle of this world, which is insignificant.

(End of this chapter)

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