One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 332 Chapter 3209 Conjecture of Huaying Pill

Chapter 332 Chapter [-] Conjecture of the Infant Pill
In the storage bags of the Nascent Soul stage, there was nothing that Zhou Tai cared about. After having Huang Kun's memory, his vision improved a lot, and he looked down on many ordinary things.

The only thing that is acceptable is a Horcrux obtained from the self-explosive Yuanying. The whole body is dark and looks like a bead. The surface is not smooth, like black coal balls.

This is a low-level Horcrux, and its poor appearance shows that it has faced divine soul attacks many times, its power has been greatly reduced, and it is in a state of half useless.

Horcruxes can only be used when they reach the Nascent Soul stage, and their main function is to protect the souls existing in the Nascent Soul, but because the number is extremely rare, it is normal to say that even in the group of high-level monks, there may not be one among 100 people. one piece.

This horcrux can barely be used, and it can be included in the Nascent Soul when it reaches the Nascent Soul stage, but Zhou Tai, who understands what this kind of thing is, has no plans to use it. If there is a chance to sell it in the future, Maybe fetch a good price.

Thinking of this, he looked at the black beads suspended in his hand, and then put them away.

As Zhou Tai expected, this thing cannot be strengthened, just like the remaining spiritual bones of a dead monk. Although it is regarded as spiritual material, it cannot be strengthened, because this thing can also be regarded as a part of the monk's body.

The top monks who have reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe, if their souls have changed from virtual to real to crystallized, they will die normally, and they will perish if they die. The remaining remnants after the thunder disaster, the material of the Horcrux is made of the remnants left by the crystallized soul of the monk who survived the catastrophe after some unknown transformation, and it is unknown which talented monk discovered it.

It is said that there are at most three classes of Horcruxes: upper, middle, and lower.Generally, it is directly produced, and then made into a low-grade horcrux, and the middle-grade horcrux is said to be the monk who brought the low-grade horcrux to fall in the catastrophe, and to avoid the end of the direct demise under the catastrophe, in order to In Huang Kun's memory, the materials for making middle-grade Horcruxes were only heard, and he had never seen what it looked like with his own eyes. It may be found on monks who have seen it before, but no one would show it to others. What is it about? The function, how is it different from the low-grade Horcrux, has not been circulated.

Legend has it that if a cultivator is reincarnated and finds the horcrux left behind by his first soul, he will be reincarnated again when he becomes immortal again. The weapon is a high-grade horcrux. If the third life can finally be fused with the middle-grade horcrux of his previous life, he will be able to survive the catastrophe of immortality and ascend to immortality!
This rumor has been circulating far and wide in the world of cultivating immortals, and it has lasted for a long time, making it impossible for monks to tell the truth from the fake. There are secrets, but the only ones who know more about it are the top refiners who can make Horcruxes, because this is the material they want.

The role of the primary Horcrux is not that important to Zhou Tai. After he has reached the golden core and completed the nine-layer protection of the soul with the power of attributes, the resulting Nascent Soul will be born with a certain protection power, which will not be better than this. Low-grade Horcruxes are poor, if it was Huang Kun, he might not care about using them, but Zhou Tai felt very uncomfortable when he thought that using this thing was like putting someone else's brain into his own.

The strengthening point cannot be added, which also means that it rejects this thing. Zhou Tai finally thought this way, whether he is right or not, as long as he feels comfortable in this way.

After wandering around the border of the mortal world for a few days, Zhou Tai casually went to a certain mortal world to purchase some food. The sharp reduction, as long as there is true energy in the body, even if you don’t eat anything for a long time, you won’t feel any discomfort, just add a little water, but this is just a superficial phenomenon, it’s okay in normal times, if you get injured, you can recover It will be extremely slow, because many monks will replenish a large amount of elixir when they are injured. This phenomenon is not obvious, and many monks do not understand this.

After the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivation of the physical body is greatly reduced, and even if the body is lost, the Nascent Soul can survive for a period of time, and it can even exist for a long time if it is maintained by spiritual objects.However, some monks have done a comparison, and the monks in the Nascent Soul stage who never eat have about one-thirtieth less life expectancy than those who eat occasionally.

Zhou Tai, who cherishes his life and cares about his life, will definitely not allow himself to make such a completely avoidable mistake, not to mention the strengthened body, the recovery ability is against the sky, this kind of creation is out of nothing, and the reason is completely unpredictable. One day in the future, it will suddenly come back.Ordinary people have too much chic when they are young, and they will find it back when they are old. It is not impossible for a cultivator to have a strong body, and it is not impossible to retaliate slowly.

With the materials obtained from the magic treasures stored by the six Nascent Soul stage monks, Zhou Tai only arranged five formation stone slabs including a super-long-distance teleportation. Danqi's storage bags, because the monks did not die, can only be obtained one by one slowly. It is estimated that it will take several years or even ten years.Without enough formation slabs, the danger in the world of cultivating immortals will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Thinking of the materials he had arranged for the formation to capture the Nascent Soul, Zhou Tai felt an urge to go back and have a look, but he knew rationally that going back was extremely dangerous and stupid.

It's just that the strength and materials are not enough, otherwise it will take decades to arrange a formation within a formation, which will not only destroy two waves, but also remain invincible for a period of time.

Zhou Tai understood in his heart that although the formation masters were strong, they also had a lot of dependence. To truly stand at the top of the world of cultivating immortals, one needed assistance from sects and the like, and it was difficult for only one elder brother to display the true power of a top formation mage. Just like the Great Formation of the Zongmen, it is based on the support of a large number of monks and the supply of massive resources. If there is only a top-level formation mage, one resource alone is an insurmountable mountain, not to mention, it is impossible to set up After the next invincible formation, they have been staying in place.

Just like in the previous life, if you want to build a building, one person knows how to build it, but he alone is very unrealistic.

So for Zhou Tai, who is only a lone traveler, the formation is only an aid, and what he really relies on is his own strength. He has always understood this very well.

Although there were only five formation slabs, Zhou Tai set out to find Yaoyu without hesitation.

If the first meeting is just gratitude, and the second meeting is mutual need and burning, then the meeting in the world of cultivating immortals is the sublimation of care and the outburst of emotions, absolutely giving up without any hope, Zhou Tai can't do it.


And when Zhou Tai started to search again, the place where he set up the formation was not completely demolished and destroyed, but many immortal cultivators visited it.

"How did you do this? It's completely unreasonable, and it's theoretically impossible!" A monk looked at the depiction on a certain formation rune with a confused expression on his face.

The layout is irregular, and the materials are only available at a small number of nodes. In the eyes of this monk, the formation is a very rigorous matter, and there is no slightest deviation. Otherwise, it is nothing if the formation method fails. It would be bad to have unforeseen consequences.

"Is this the strength of a top formation mage? We can also arrange this large formation, but the spiritual materials used by the opponent are only one-third of the normal ones." Some monks sighed after watching most of the formations.

"..." The monk who heard his words next to him didn't say anything, but he said contemptuously in his heart: "It can indeed be arranged, but it's only part of it. There are some places that no fellow Taoist can understand. How dare you speak so brazenly? Although you know that you are flattering everyone, who doesn't count in everyone's heart?"

"Why, why is this so?" Some monks spoke insanely. He designed some places according to gourds and designed formations, but the small formations he designed did not respond at all. He tried many times, and it was the same.

From a distance, there are dozens of monks visiting here like this, and there are many monks around them, and monks are rushing here continuously.

Originally, this place should not be like this, but among the high-ranking monks who came here at the first time, there was a group of mages who, seeing Lie Xinxi, started to study here, and other sects simply called the formation mages of their own sects. Now, whether you can learn something is the second, and whether you can find clues in the formation is the key.

But these laymen other than the formation masters think too much. The Zongmen formations were established in the past. Now there are top formation masters or close to the top formation masters who can lay out such formations. There are only a few of them, and they will not easily step into the outside world. Most of them are ordinary formation masters. They can add bricks and tiles to the edges to increase the coverage of the large formation according to the previous Zongmen large formation design. Nothing can be changed at all.

It is very difficult to improve the formation masters. These formation masters belonging to different sects came here just to think about whether they can learn something from the formations arranged by the top formation masters and improve their formation skills. As for others?It doesn't matter to them.

But they are destined to be disappointed. The arrays Zhou Tai arranged are not regular. The formation circuit of the effect is expressed in different arrangements. Even the same material is different under this kind of pupil technique, so without this top-level pupil technique, it is doomed to be incomprehensible. It's not exactly the same, they all summed up their own ultimate understanding of formations.

In the end, these ordinary formation masters are doomed to gain nothing, they can only leave behind the unfathomable admiration for the top formation masters, they can't even understand it, can you not be convinced!

To start the search, one must first plan the general direction and route. After Zhou Tai left the area where the Zongmen was located, he went straight to the southwest area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World where monsters and monsters are relatively rampant. This is destined to be extremely dangerous. In terms of safety, it is not a good choice, but in Zhou Tai's heart, it is the best choice.

If Yaoyu is in such a dangerous area, then it is the best choice to search for this dangerous area first, those areas that are not very dangerous, there is nothing to look for later, because she can persist longer in those areas.

The ghost meridians can be maintained for nine hours a day, and the speed of searching is greatly improved, but the danger is also greatly increased. There is no truly perfect technique in the world, and there is always mutual generation and mutual restraint. The ghost meridian extinction cannot be invisible to all monsters. All you have to do is keep yourself alert at all times.

"I have always thought about safety first, safety first, and even acted as timid as a mouse in many cases. But at this moment, it can be said that I don't care about my own life and death, and put all these behind me." Zhou Tai also had this in his mind. It's self-deprecating, but as a man, he does something and doesn't. After transforming from a mortal to a cultivator, some qualities are not lost, but strengthened.

Back then when he was separated by super random teleportation, Zhou Tai didn't even think that he would search in the whole world of cultivating immortals like this. Only when he faced some things, did he know what he would do.

One day, Zhou Tai saw that there was not much time left for the remaining ghost veins to disappear, so he found a hidden place in advance to hide in the Lingbao space to rest. In fact, the so-called rest is not a rest, it is basically obliterating those storage bags In the past few days, the storage bags have been opened one after another, and it is the same today, but after checking the situation inside the storage bag, Zhou Tai's expression is not good.

It's not that there are too few things in it, on the contrary, there are many things in it.The real reason is that Zhou Tai discovered a very bad possibility: Zongmen has been preventing Huaying Pill from leaking out.

He snatched the storage bags of many Golden Core cultivators, many of whom were on the verge of being promoted to Nascent Soul, but he had never discovered the existence of the Transforming Infant Pill, which was abnormal.

Zhou Tai thought that Nascent Soul was not difficult before, because in Huang Kun's memory, Huaying Pill was not hard to find. Many alchemists in sects could make it. I found out that it was just my bad luck, but after all the calculations, I didn't have any storage bags after snatching so many monks, so something might go wrong.

If, as he guessed, the Zongmen controlled the outflow of Huaying Pills and could only be promoted within the Zongmen, then for Zhou Tai, the path to Nascent Soul, which he thought would be a matter of course, would become very difficult.

He has the elixir for refining Huaying Pill, and even helped Ji Jingxin find it back then, but he doesn't know how to make alchemy...

The birth of the broken pill is the transformation of the soul. If it is impossible to succeed on its own, no monk can bear the tearing pain that goes deep into the soul, and the baby-changing pill can soothe the soul, reduce pain, and promote rapid baby formation And so on, although it may be divided into several types due to different formulas, it is absolutely indispensable for advancing to the Nascent Soul stage.

It is even more unrealistic to refine it by yourself. Not only does it need to be taught, but it also needs at least hundreds of years of learning, and it is not known whether it will be successful.Low-level elixir may be simply refined after mixing several elixir in proportion, but high-level elixir has never been so simple.

The refining of Huaying Pill can be described as a variety of chemical reactions occurring together while being continuously controlled at the millimeter level. It is simply impossible to become a major category of cultivating immortals simply, and the single prescription of high-level pills has never been a piece of paper. It is at least the thickness of the entire book, and what is more, a single party needs an entire wall of books to record. From this point, one can imagine whether refining is easy.

Because of the importance of the Nascent Soul, even if it is difficult, the sect will train alchemists in this field. For the monks of the sect, the real difficulty is to find the elixir, but for Zhou Tai, it is the opposite.

Before the great change of the world, because there were so many monks who could practice cultivation, although the Infant Transformation Pill was expensive, it was indeed easy to buy.Thinking of the current sect's control over the world of cultivating immortals, Zhou Tai knew that his conjecture might be true.

(End of this chapter)

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