One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 333 Chapter 330

Chapter 333 Chapter [-]

The entire sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly. There is a pool of water above the ground, which is nothing special.At a certain moment, a large piece of low clouds appeared in the low sky, and gradually became thicker. In an instant, heavy rain fell, and it was strange that some fog appeared in a certain area of ​​it.

Although the mist has been continuously rising and dissipating, it can always be maintained within a small range.

This wasn't some supernatural event, or some unknown existence making trouble, it was just that Zhou Tai was taking a bath.

Yes, he took a shower again.Although it is possible to use magic techniques such as dust removal to clean clothes, Zhou Tai is still used to washing his clothes after killing other monks. Some morbid habits left after eating too many monks.

It is useless to know in my heart, but after everything is over, I will give myself a hint in my heart after washing like this, and I will feel more relaxed mentally.

The small cloud and rain technique has already been promoted to the cloud and rain technique, and the range of the spell depends entirely on the surrounding water vapor and how much real energy is used.

Although there is water in the pool, there are always some organisms or microorganisms in it, so the water vapor condensed directly by magic is almost equivalent to distilled water.

In the state of ghost pulse extinction, you can’t take a bath, so you can only show up. The water mist is to prevent exposure. It used to be unconditional, but now it is. This technique and a warm water technique are simpler than the Xiaoyunyu technique that Zhou Tai once learned, but he had never seen it before.

Using the two small techniques together, not only is it a hot bath, but it also has the effect of a sauna room. The temperature can be adjusted according to the strength of the spiritual power output.

Halfway through, with a sound of "Wow...", a figure jumped out of the water with a big mouth and entered into the water mist, and went straight to a certain monk who was standing in the air above the water and was busy.

"Crack!" With a beautiful side kick, the half-foot-long fish monster was kicked away, as if it had chased a fly away, and then continued to do what it should.

Zhou Tai observed the situation in the vicinity first, and only started to take a bath after confirming that there was no danger. The existence of such monsters continued to increase after entering this area, and Zhou Tai didn't do anything about it. Not only is it a waste of time, but it can't be cleaned up, unless it hits him like this.

At first he would choose some monsters and store some meat as food, but as he got deeper, he didn't need to pick at all, not to mention everywhere, but monsters became as common as wild animals, which is not a good sign .

Soon the rain stopped, and everything returned to its original state, only a half-dead fish monster lying on the shore seemed to be telling what it had just experienced.

In order to save himself trouble, Zhou Tai did not reveal his Golden Core Stage strength, and the fish monster in the water had a low IQ, so it was not surprising that he could make a sudden attack.

Seven or eight years have passed since the calculation of those Zongmen Nascent Souls. Zhou Tai has already opened all the storage bags of the Golden Core stage that he got newly. It did not exceed his expectations, really. The trace of Huaying Pill, this can only be solved in the future.

Since the number of monsters increased, Zhou Tai knew that the crisis had become bigger. He probably entered the paradise of monsters.

Every time before going on the road, he would try his best to observe the situation first, but the vegetation here is lush, and the caves and the like are also much denser. The results of the observation in advance are not ideal. The dense light spots on the measuring plate are all monsters. , it is difficult to find the existence of monsters, and for Zhou Tai now, only monsters are a threat to him, but fortunately, many monsters cannot break the ghost veins, but with the deepening of this area, they can break Zhou Tai's invisible monsters also appeared one after another.

A sword light flashed, and a small bird-like monster swayed in the air into a blood mist that filled the sky, and fell straight to the ground.

"Such a weak monster dares to make a sneak attack!" Zhou Tai, who turned around and left after a blow, said so, but he was more vigilant in his heart. Zhou Tai, and directly pursued him. With the idea of ​​solving this trouble, Zhou Tai directly killed the opponent with a flying sword. It was so smooth because this monster suffered from its petite stature. In the case of an attachment with a little attribute, the body was directly broken.

This is the case in the world of cultivating immortals. Sometimes strength is an instant thing. If you can beat it, you can beat it. soon.

The monster that fell to the ground caused a big commotion, and the roar of beasts continued to spread into the distance, but no monster dared to approach the place where the monster fell.

Feeling that this situation was not right, Zhou Tai teleported away directly. It was obvious that these monsters were subdued by the monsters, and the roar was to send a message to a distant place.

It was quite powerful for ghost meridian extinguishing, the presence of monsters appeared on the spiritual disk very quickly, and even a white spot of returning to the void level flashed away on the spiritual disk, but Zhou Tai did not experience any danger, and soon away from here.

But I often walk by the river, and there is no way to get wet shoes. Two months later, when Zhou Tai was flying with his sword in the invisible state, a humanoid monster with scales all over his body reflected a transparent figure in the air in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth immediately A trace of mucus came out.

The higher the level of the monster, the stronger the IQ. After staring at Zhou Tai, this monster did not chase blindly. It knew that human monks have spiritual consciousness and can be easily spotted from a distance, but it is not good at chasing. But it's a monster that likes to prepare.

He quickly turned back into the cave, put on a small monster skin for himself, and quickly left the cave.

No goblin likes to share its food with others if it doesn't have to.

So not long after, Zhou Tai, who was descending from the ghost veins, found that a large flying monster suddenly appeared behind him. This was not the first time he had seen this monster. As for the sword, it only showed the strength of the foundation-building stage on the spirit test board, so I didn't care about it. Under the monster's claws, there was an unknown little beast, which was actually not small, but compared to this huge flying In terms of the size of the monster, it can only be regarded as a small beast.

The little beast should have died, and there was no response on the spirit plate, so Zhou Tai didn't care, but continued to move in the direction he expected.

In this dangerous area, if the consciousness falls on the ground and is sensed by those monsters, it will definitely attract attention, but if the consciousness is recovered, it will be too late to react when attacked by monsters, so Zhou Tai can only Try to increase your flying altitude and expand the scope of your spiritual consciousness. After all, there are relatively few flying monsters, so encountering such flying monsters must be a common occurrence.

The flying speed of this monster is not slow, and it is getting closer and closer to Zhou Tai. Usually, when encountering such a situation, Zhou Tai will give way. After all, he came out to find someone, not to find trouble. Any meaningless behavior that wastes time is not advisable.

But this time the situation was obviously different. When the monster passed through the passageway that Zhou Tai gave it, it actually turned and the direction was in the direction where Zhou Tai was.

Zhou Tai, who had been flying all the time, was surprised in his heart, and then his spiritual sense directly pounced on it. He felt that there was something abnormal about this monster, so he planned to use his spiritual sense to check it out.

Under normal circumstances, when the consciousness suddenly appears, the monster will inevitably panic. This is why Zhou Tai chose to give way at the beginning. An accident with a monster in the sky is like an accident with an airplane in the sky, which will cause many accidents on the ground. Gaze, so it’s better to avoid it if possible. Zhou Tai actually wanted to keep hiding. According to his original personality, it might be possible to leave here for a short time with a teleportation, but the memory obtained by the soul search made him think of Every time he hides from a monster that is only in the foundation stage, he will feel a little shame in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, if the spirit sense is sensed by this flying monster, the other party will inevitably panic and leave, but when Zhou Tai's spirit sense touches it, this guy just trembles a little.

When Zhou Tai realized something was wrong, a ray of light shot out from the little beast caught by the monster beast, crossed the sky in an instant, hit Zhou Tai's body, and then the body of the little beast and the claws of the flying monster beast They all exploded in the air, and the moment a humanoid scale armor monster appeared, it went straight to Zhou Tai.

As we all know, the speed of light is extremely fast, Zhou Tai felt as if the light flashed, and he had no time to react.At this moment, a white spot of light is displayed on the spiritual disk, indicating that the opponent's energy level is comparable to that of a monk in the Void Return Stage among human beings, but it is only a flash. When Zhou Tai mobilized the strengthening point, the spot turned into Black, indicating that the opponent has only reached the level of shoulder-to-shoulder return to the void at the moment when the light is just shining, and under normal circumstances it is the level of the transformation stage.

After the light hit Zhou Tai, there was no special reaction, but when he transferred the strengthening point to start the teleportation while moving, he found that the teleportation was impossible. There were very few monsters in the past, and this strange supernatural power was unknown. But at this moment, I also know that this thing affects the space and prevents teleportation. It seems that this monster treats itself as a Nascent Soul monk.

The situation is critical, and the monster can approach in a short time. Zhou Tai's expression is not a trace of panic. While moving, he transfers the strengthening point to the flying sword. If he can't run, he will try to fight.

After the Feijian was strengthened, he directly used the spell on the clothes of the golden core: shifting shape and flying into the air, not only did not escape, but directly killed the monster.

Although the shape-shifting speed is fast, the duration of the maximum burst is not long. Instead of opening the distance, it is better to choose to attack directly. After all, the opponent is not big, and there are many types of monsters. Some are supernatural, and some are physical. There are two averages. If the opponent is not strong, he will be dismembered every minute.

At this moment, the spiritual consciousness has shrunk within ten feet of the body. It can be said that it has been exerted to the best range. The body is stained with a special brilliance. This brilliance itself is slowly dissipating, indicating that this kind of maintenance is not lasting.

A layer of black light appeared on the body of the humanoid monster, and the divine sense could not get close at all. After a short while, the strengthened flying sword replaced the divine sense.

Under the shape-changing sky, the four vertical movements of the cloud phantom are used, and the two are superimposed, exerting a power similar to a compound spell.

Zhou Tai's figure was as fast as a phantom. No matter the monster attacked with demon power or other means, it was Zhou Tai's afterimage. In just a short moment, Zhou Tai's flying sword came ten times more down.

But no matter what part of the attack, it can't break through the black defense on the opponent's body.The attack power is too low, and the attribute power of the accessories is too little. If the golden core is perfect at the ninth level, even if you can't kill the opponent, you can definitely see blood every time and inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

The monster was in a situation where it was only being beaten, and it exploded immediately. With a roar, the black light that was originally just a defense on the surface of the body spread outward in an instant. He didn't think that the monster was just doing this for fun.

Kaishan Seal, a very common spiritual treasure, can become bigger and attack the enemy after inputting spiritual power. Zhou Tai directly took out this thing, strengthened it to the level of spiritual treasure in an instant, and violently transported his true energy all over his body, and then directly smashed it at the monster. Going down, it is not only an attack, but also can use the enlarged body of the Kaishan Seal to defend itself.

Above the sky, it was as if a hill appeared in an instant. After encountering a stream of black light emitted by the monster, it continued to hit the monster's body unwaveringly. After a loud noise, a figure quickly fell to the ground. The flying monster.

It can be knocked into the air only because the opponent has no support in the air, and the opponent has not suffered any injuries.

It was obvious that the layer of black light defense on the opponent was extremely strong, but it was almost blocked by the strengthened Kaishan Seal when converted into an attack.

The supernatural powers of the monsters are like monks' spells, there are intervals, the bigger the object, the slower the speed, the Kaishan Seal took advantage of the short distance, and recovered the strengthening points, Zhou Taiyi was faster when the monster was knocked into the air Chased down at a fast speed, and completed the second attack before the demon fell to the ground.

The black magic power of the monster's defense was no longer there, and all that was exposed were the scales on his body. Without hesitation, Zhou Tai attacked with another sword, slashing straight at the opponent's neck, but only cut off a few scales.

Flying sword attack is not the main attack this time, the compound technique of slapping ashes is used again, because I know that it is easy to face rough-skinned and thick-skinned monsters here, this technique has not been cancelled, but has been kept in Jindan clothes.

A set of attacks like flowing clouds and flowing water directly stunned the monsters who rarely encountered such battles. Zhou Tai's compound attack directly shot him, but this kind of personal attack is also extremely dangerous. At the same time, Zhou Tai was also hit by this monster for the first time, knowing that it would be risky, but it is impossible for the opponent not to be injured by this kind of internal attack.

It was just an ordinary physical attack that hit Zhou Tai, but the monster was so strong that even after being injured, it also knocked him out.

Regardless of the injuries on his body, Zhou Tai directly ran away quickly. Even if he continued to kill the opponent, it would be of no benefit to Zhou Tai, because the opponent's defense was so strong that it could not be broken easily.

(End of this chapter)

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