One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 334 Chapter 3301 There is no right or wrong in obsession

Chapter 334 Chapter [-]

If you choose to run away, you will be hundreds of feet away in just an instant, and keep moving away as time goes on. At the same time, you will be erratic, preventing the other party from easily determining your position in the next instant.

Although Zhou Tai used many methods in a very short period of time, and in the end a complex spell bombarded the opponent, but the effect is still unknown.

Most of the methods that can be used have been used. If it still doesn’t work, of course, the farther you run, the better you can choose. Although you can also choose to throw out the formation slate, facing enemies of this level, at most, you can delay for a while. It's because there are only five slates in the formation, and I really don't want to use them. It can be said that they are the cards to save my life.

After all, the compound technique bombarded the opponent, what if the opponent was unable to pursue it?It wasn't that he was bold at this time, but that he hadn't reached such a critical moment.

Strength is one aspect, fighting awareness and reaction is another aspect, just like a big man fighting a child, the difference in strength is huge!But as long as a child is not unarmed, he is not incapable of fighting. Zhou Tai has absorbed the experience of a monk for thousands of years, and his fighting awareness can be said to have improved several levels.

The monster's attack was on Zhou Tai's body. Although the defensive magic weapon worn offset most of the power of the bombardment, part of the power still acted on Zhou Tai's body through the defensive magic weapon.

When a normal Jindan Stage cultivator receives this kind of blow, his body must be seriously damaged, either seriously injured or half-disabled, but a fully strengthened body not only weakens the destructive power of the remaining attack power, but also starts to recover quickly after being injured. , the impact on Zhou Tai is not very great, and one can clearly feel that the damage in the body is recovering rapidly.

The four spells fixed on Jin Dan's clothes have been used up, and the whole has become a lot of nothingness. Although he is still in the state of ghost meridians, Zhou Tai knows that this monster can definitely see him, and there is a new spell to choose. The spells are constantly being formed in the body, because there are too many spells obtained, many of which have not been practiced. Although there is memory support, the speed of this spell is still relatively slow, and the demon did not leave too much time for Zhou Tai .

"I'm going to tear you alive!" The pain in his body made the monster, who hadn't experienced such pain for many years, instantly go into a rage, and his body turned into a black light and went straight in the direction of Zhou Tai's retreat. Both sides The speed at this moment exceeded the speed of sound, and the sound of the sonic boom and the words shouted by the monster were left behind by the two.

Zhou Tai's speed was so fast that the monster's short-distance burst couldn't catch up with him at all. The distance between the two was getting bigger and bigger. Soon after the monster's burst, the speed slowed down and the distance became farther and farther.

But soon the effects of Zhou Tai's previous two spells of Shifting Shape and Sky and Cloud Magic Body Four Vertical disappeared, and the speed also slowed down.At this moment, Zhou Tai's previously prepared magic technique was completed, and it was cast directly. The space between the two seemed to be distorted. Divided into several parts.

This is not a powerful spell, and it doesn't even have any offensive power. It's just that behind Zhou Tai, there are countless water curtains and air curtains with different thicknesses like transparent glass. It can be imagined that countless bubbles have turned into various transparent glasses. , This is actually regarded as an ornamental spell, which was used by many monks to help set off the atmosphere when celebrating.

While Zhou Tai cast the magic spell, looking at the human monks who were getting farther and farther away and about to disappear, the demon activated the magical powers he could use again, this time it was a gray beam of light, Chunchun just slowed down the speed, But Zhou Tai had already guessed that most of the supernatural powers of this monster were all kinds of light waves, and only this kind of supernatural powers could catch up to him, and the other party could find him, most likely because of his special eyes, so Zhou Tai used it. Wan Huanhuan is an entertaining technique.

There is no strength or weakness in spells, and at the right time, the most suitable one is the strongest.After this obstruction, he watched as he got closer and closer to the dense forest, and finally successfully flashed into it.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or the monster's scheme, but there is an open space below the place where the two fought, otherwise it would be easier for Zhou Tai to escape.

When Zhou Tai's figure disappeared into the forest, the monster also stopped, and flew into the air, watching hard.

It is impossible to give up. It knows that human monks cannot maintain this speed for a long time. It only needs to determine the direction of the opponent and keep chasing it. If the opponent dare not fly in the air and only hides in the forest, then The speed is not going anywhere.

"Roar..." But after the human monk entered the forest, it was like a drop of water falling into water, and he didn't notice any abnormalities. After discovering this situation, it roared angrily.

Just at this moment, a voice of "I'm going to tear you alive!" came from a distance. This was what it said before, and it just came over at this moment.

As a monster, it can control most of the monsters in this area. It didn't summon it when we fought just now because it was useless. It roared and ordered the monsters to block them. Let's not talk about whether those stupid monsters can see The other party said that the sound of yelling notifications was not as fast as the other party.

After roaring, it also quickly lost its figure. It is not known whether it left or ran into the dark.

After entering the forest, after moving for a short distance, stay directly next to a certain tree, quickly transfer the strengthening point, perform fluid strengthening on the tree, and then arrange the bark formed by the fluid strengthening on the outside of the body, so that It looks like a certain part of the tree is thicker.

A quick and destructive escape can only allow the opponent to quickly lock his position. Although staying in this way, the opponent will find him soon and cannot hide for a long time, but Zhou Tai only needs a little time now.

Zhou Tai did not choose to hide like an ostrich, and still kept a part of his consciousness nearby. Although this increased the risk of exposure, it was better than this method, in case of failure, and let the other party touch him without anyone noticing. strong.

He used the tactic of being suspicious, betting that the opponent would not chase in immediately and search slowly, but would choose to check the direction of his possible escape, and Zhou Tai only needed a little time.

The opponent's first supernatural attack was about to dissipate soon. After a few breaths, Zhou Tai recovered the strengthening point, and at the same time as teleportation was activated, his spiritual consciousness was released for a moment, and then he saw that humanoid monster was like a thief. Wandering quietly in this area, if there is no accident, they will search here soon. When Zhou Tai sensed the opponent, the demon also felt it, but did not wait for it to react.

Zhou Tai had disappeared in place in an instant, and this teleportation was continuous!After teleporting to more than [-] miles in a row, Zhou Tai chose a dense forest, first observed it, and after finding nothing abnormal, he hid in the Lingbao space and began to recover his lost true energy.

This time is undoubtedly very dangerous. If he is not quick-witted and decisive, it may be another result. If he did not decisively choose to fight back when he was restricted from teleportation, but ran away all the way, let the monster continue to use supernatural powers, just say No good what happened.

In the former world of cultivating immortals, there were not many monsters and monsters. In ancient times, there was a lineage of beast control, which specialized in controlling monsters or monsters to fight. It was brilliant for a while, but in the end, the Taoism that was killed by the Qi Refining lineage became extinct. The monsters and monsters were almost slaughtered, so although Zhou Tai knew that there would be some monsters and monsters here, he didn't think there would be too many. With his own methods and the formation stone as his hole card, the safety problem was not big.

Mainly because of Huang Kun's memory, although monsters are stronger than monsters, in Huang Kun's eyes, they are all the same things that cannot be put on the table, roughly like ordinary people looking at cats and dogs. The monster can already speak, but he also thinks that the IQ of the monster is like a dog's brain. After all, the immortal cultivator who has the splendid knowledge of immortal cultivation has this kind of foundation. The monsters are extinct.

This is the real reason why Zhou Tai dared to rush around after getting a few formation stone slabs. He knew that there were no sects here, and there might be some monsters and monsters gathering, but he didn't expect that the number of monsters was more than Zhou Tai imagined. There are many more, and as the area continues to deepen, the number is increasing. The monsters who can see through his ghost veins have encountered two in a short period of time, so it can be imagined that the number of monsters is also quite large.

The most frightening thing is that these monsters obviously have high IQs. They are much smarter than the wild idiot monsters that Huang Kun saw in his last life, and they even know how to sneak attack unexpectedly.

Zhou Tai didn't really care about the fact that the monsters became smarter. Compared with the immortal cultivators who have a long tradition, this bit of smartness is nothing. The background of millions of years and tens of millions of years is not so easy to follow.It's just that this encounter with the demon suddenly made the road ahead suddenly full of dangers, and the danger was several times higher than expected!
I used to think that even if my life was in danger, I would not encounter it a few times, but now it seems that if it continues, encountering life-threatening situations will become commonplace. No one can guarantee that they can survive the crisis safely. So is Ty.

So now a question is in front of Zhou Tai: Will the journey to find his lover continue?If he continues, most of him may perish on the way of searching.

"Am I a good person?" Zhou Tai asked himself in the dark Lingbao space, and the answer was obvious in his mind: not a good person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have killed so many monks. If he was a good person, he should bow his head and wait to be killed.Cultivating immortals is to pursue oneself and not wanting to be bound, so one does not pretend to be a good person to act.

I don't deny that there is kindness in my heart, but kindness should not be the result of being labeled as a good person and then being trampled on.

Zhou Tai thought that if someone said to him: "Ah, you are a good person, you should be like this..." But if something is wrong, it will be all kinds of condemnation.Regarding this, Zhou Tai can only say: This kind of person really thinks too much, and will not restrain and shackle himself. Maybe someone is born great, but it will not be him!

Some things are right or wrong, you have to judge with your heart. Some people say nice things, but they always ask and advocate others. Many words make some monks who lack judgment think that they are right, just like what Lian Qi once did. In the same way, there is no right or wrong, no distinction between good and bad, only the result, only the moment when the result falls, will you know what you have got.

Respect kindness and all virtues, but be nice in a world with no rules?Saints are nothing more than that!

Many things are not absolute, Zhou Tai thinks he is not a good person, and he does not want to be issued a good person card.But from Yaoyu's point of view, there is a classic saying that is very suitable: He treats me well, so he cannot be a bad person.

Since he is not a good person and the road ahead is still so dangerous, can he give up his search journey?After such thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhou Tai found out with difficulty that he did not want to give up, and even rejected such thoughts.

Although he got such a contradictory result, he knew in his heart that even if he knew that the road ahead was a dead end, he would continue to search.

Start to analyze your own heart, he shouldn't be such an irrational person.

Is it because you like it?Not all!

Is it because of responsibility?Not all!
Do you like risking your life?This is simply impossible, and his own life is extremely concerned.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think about the specific reason. Instead, I became more determined to continue searching.In this regard, Zhou Tai can only think that his emotions are complicated and cannot be determined by simple reason and analysis. The reason for this should be an obsession in his heart.

Maybe I know the reason subconsciously, but I don't want to admit it, for example: a pure kindness will shine on some people.

Although everything is unpredictable, but since he is determined to continue his search journey, Zhou Tai's thoughts inevitably turn to how to make himself safer.

First of all, it is necessary to be able to discover the existence of all monsters in the same way as monsters. This alone is actually not difficult. Monsters have monster power, and there must be an influence on a certain field. There are hundreds of fields in this world. Zhou Tai obtained the knowledge of top-level formation masters, and he can discover 120 or [-] kinds of formations, but many of them are rarely used.

Normal cultivators can trigger less than [-] kinds, and the spirit test board also judges the opponent's level according to the different effects of monks of different levels on the field.

The reason why there are no monsters or magic tools such as the magic disc that can only judge the level of some monsters when they perform supernatural powers is because the status of monsters in the world of cultivating immortals has no sense of existence at all, just like they don’t know how to specialize in mice. Like driving a car.

If you want to judge the specific level of monsters, you need to find monsters of different levels to perfect, this can be done slowly.

But there is a big problem here. Zhou Tai needs to set up a large formation to start the test, and there must be monsters within the test range of the large formation. If the distance is greater, the larger the formation must be arranged.

There is another problem, even if you can use the formation to discover the existence of monsters, you can't walk with the formation behind your back, right?

(End of this chapter)

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