One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 336 Chapter 3303 The inexplicable sect

Chapter 336 Chapter [-] The Inexplicable Sect

After turning into a strange-looking monster, Zhou Tai started his journey of searching for people again. Although he had the appearance of a monster, he would only move when the ghost veins were extinct. When there are not many, they will find a place and enter the Lingbao space.

I don't know if this attention is really good. For many years, Zhou Tai didn't go to the monsters to block the way. During this period, he also found some monsters, but he chose to walk past them.

Inside the Lingbao space, a humanoid figure stood. Most of its body was furry, and black and white patterns spread all over its body.

At this time, it has been [-] years since Zhou Tai came to this world of cultivating immortals. The enhancement points accumulated at this moment are enough to use fluid enhancement to camouflage monsters, but because only one fluid enhancement is available, some monsters are selected in many places. the fur on the body,

Fluid enhancement is mainly used in some places where there may be loopholes.

With Zai's divine sense, no matter how you look at it, it can be confused with the real. The monsters are all kinds of strange, and they feel that they have no flaws, which makes Zhou Tai feel more at ease and bold in pretending.

The monster's demon pill was also kept on the body at the same time, so that the body exudes the breath of the monster from time to time, and then immediately left the Lingbao space to go out on the road.

A few years later, although everything was going well and no danger was encountered, Zhou Tai had a little problem physically and mentally.

From the beginning of cultivating immortals, except for those years when he was a handyman in Liuyunzong, he was not free, and most of the time he was on the road. This feeling of being on the go sometimes made Zhou Tai occasionally fall into a delusion of numbness , people are not machines, this is not a good phenomenon.

It is easy to do one thing, but it is difficult to do one thing continuously. Whoever wants to say that he has a firm mind and can persist in one thing for hundreds of years will be either a big stimulus or a crazy person, so After discovering this situation, during the search process, Zhou Tai would occasionally slow down his flying speed to give himself a little time to relax.

You will not encounter danger easily, but you dare not take it lightly. Your spirit has always been highly tense. Although you can rest in the Lingbao space for a period of time every day, staying in the closed and quiet Lingbao space for a long time is not What a wonderful thing, if possible, Zhou Tai would not choose to stay in it. In the words of the previous life, good people have to suffer from illness.

But there is no choice. Zhou Tai doesn't know whether cultivation is a lonely road, but this is his own choice, so he can only stick to it.

I have thought about it more than once, it is very likely that it will be a waste of work in the end, it is better to just give up!

Find a safe place, cultivate a large number of spiritual plants that can restore the soul, and can quickly advance to the ninth floor of the Golden Core. I am looking for a way to advance to the Nascent Soul. If everything goes well, maybe a hundred years can reach the Nascent Soul Consummation, or even more. It's not impossible to go further, but it seems really silly to spend this time just looking for people.

Zhou Tai understood all these things, and even Yao Yu didn't expect him to look for them, it's not like he left a promise in the mortal world back then.

When Xiao Jindi parted, he didn't leave any promises, but just gave her as much life-saving things as possible.At that time, I didn't know that I could search the soul of a top-level formation mage. If I made some promises that I knew I couldn't keep, it would give people hope that they shouldn't have, and finally turned into more painful despair, which was very cruel.

I want to understand, but can't do it.

The most memorable scene in this life is the scene of laying on the side of the road as a mortal waiting to die. It was dug out from the collapsed mine, and it basically reached the limit of the full strengthening of the primary body back then. It is obvious that death is not far away. Proud, because even if you die here, you can say: This is a lousy bad world, but you never kneel down and beg.

The moment she helped him, it seemed that the darkness in her heart had turned into a shining starry sky all over the sky. Thinking that maybe she was in a corner and needed to be rescued at this moment, Zhou Tai felt that he had to look for it. , but after searching for the soul to get the memory of the top array mage, he really has a chance, how can he give up!What is a hundred years of cultivation time?
As for the idea that Su Rou once left a mark on Yaoyu, whether she has found Yaoyu and can take good care of her, Zhou Tai has no idea at all, not to mention that Su Rou has never really understood her, and the other party It is also impossible to find it, because the distance is too far, and it is impossible for her to search like herself in the whole world of cultivating immortals.

Zhou Tai, who got the soul search memory, is no longer a rookie. Whether it is the guiding compass given by Ji Jingxin, or Su Rou's marking technique, there is a distance limit. As long as the distance is far enough, there is no way to sense it.

The reason why she came here back then could only be that Yaoyu was not far enough away from the other party, not because she didn't have that kind of ultra-long-distance sensing method, but the cost was too high, there was no great benefit, and no monk would use it easily.

So I can only rely on myself. As for the idea that Yaoyu will live a good life by herself, Zhou Tai also has no idea. It was still possible in the world of cultivating immortals ten thousand years ago. Now in this world of cultivating immortals, the ability to hide and seek is good, but it is only delayed. It's just some time of death, even a reincarnated monk with memory has only a glimmer of hope of success.

He has always been flying carefree, the only accident was that once other monsters approached him for a long time during his flight, this must be the place where the other party could find Zhou Tai.

He didn't attack, but came this way, which means that he didn't find a flaw, and he was probably here to chat?I don't know why Zhou Tai thought about whether there are gender differences in monsters?You look good in this outfit?But this conjecture was quickly dismissed.
If that's the case, it's impossible to meet a monster who came to him today.

I don't want to have any interaction with the other party, because there are many monsters in this area, and in just one week, several of them were found.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tai pretended to notice that the other party was approaching, and at the same time he started to panic, he said in a tone changed by the spell: "What do you do when you approach me, Lord Barbara will not let you go!"

After shouting twice in a row, he quickly flew forward and found that the opponent was indeed staying in place. Zhou Tai was delighted, and found that this move was quite useful.

However, he didn't notice that there was something unusual about the monster behind him. He stayed in place for a while before heading in another direction.

After some time, I flew over an area. Although the dense vegetation above seemed to cover up all the traces, the bad terrain still couldn't hide the fact that there was a shocking war here long ago, because I flew over a vast area. This scene is nothing special, and I have seen it a lot.

The only difference is that Zhou Tai found traces of the exterminated sect not far away. Although it was riddled with holes and I don’t know how many years it had disappeared in the long river of time, there were still some traces. It can be seen that this place was once a Large sect.

Regarding this, Zhou Tai just circled around for a while, and then left directly, without even thinking of going down to take a look.

Went looking for ideas to see if there was anything good left, none at all.

Any sect that is destroyed will be removed when it is destroyed, and those that cannot be removed will be destroyed. There is no good thing left that will leave opportunities for other monks. Not blind.

As for the inheritance of skills, unless a direct disciple survives and escapes, it is impossible to pass on. No sect will pass on skills in the common language of the Immortal Cultivation World. The monks of this sect will also be specifically targeted for this reason.

If the battles with other monks of the same level were [-]-[-], once the sect's martial arts are known to the whole continent, and all the weaknesses are clearly seen by other monks, and then the battle with the same level of monks, it will be completely restrained to death.

What's more, immortal cultivators are inherently selfish, and most of them make waves at will. Regardless of the people who will flood the sky after their death, as for the thought of cutting off their skills, few monks will have the idea that their exclusive skills will be destroyed. Outsiders know it, but it will hurt the heart.

It is very difficult for really good exercises to be spread, and those that can be spread are some popular goods that are almost well-known.

There has never been any real foreign enemy in the world of cultivating immortals. The biggest enemies are cultivators each other. Because some cultivators are individually strong, there will be monks grouped together to form a cultivating family to deal with it. Some cultivating families are too powerful, and there will be several cultivating families Forming a sect to deal with, cultivating immortals, especially the lineage of refining qi, resources can represent almost everything, so how can it be done without fighting or grabbing?
Originally, there were no great enemies for monks in the world of cultivating immortals, but Zhou Tai saw the proliferation of monsters and demons here, and felt that if he ignored them, there might be ones after a long time.

Originally, there were human monks in the entire world of cultivating immortals, and there was not much room for monsters such as monsters and monsters to survive. However, the sects used ten thousand years ago were gathered in the southeast region, leaving a large area blank, which gave the monsters a lot of space to survive. Unprecedented opportunities for development.

In the current world of cultivating immortals, although human monks can be said to have withered to the least extent, as long as those sects do something now and start to wipe out monsters and monsters in the whole continent, it will not be a big problem, but Zhou Tai knows this kind of thing Hard to happen.

They are all those who can't afford the benefits, even if they know, who would care?It can be said that as long as there is a large formation of the sect, the sect will be invincible. On the contrary, there are more monsters, and it is easy for the monks of the sect to get some monster materials. Another waste of time.

But no matter how powerful the formation is, it must have enough aura to maintain its operation. The first-class sects are not a big problem, but the second- and third-class sects are difficult to maintain a long-term attack state.

If after a period of time, the world of cultivating immortals is full of monsters and monsters, the second and third sects are likely to have accidents.

Zhou Tai didn't have any compassion for this. If he dared to appear in front of all the sects, raise this kind of crisis, and call on all the sects to act together, the result would be to be directly wiped out by those sects who were looking for him. How can those sects not know about the flood of monsters, they just don't want to care about it.

No monk is willing to face danger. If it is necessary to face it, it must really wait until it is too late for the monks behind to face it.What's more, the central area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World is where all the high-level monks are located, and it is the real magic needle of Dinghai in the hearts of all monks of the sect.

To them, the monster crisis is like I know the ground is dirty and should be swept, but I am lazy.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Tai would not have such worries, because the difference between demons and immortal cultivators is really great, and it is not possible to catch up in a short time.The real reason is that these monsters have only developed for ten thousand years, but they developed much faster than he imagined. From what Huang Kun learned from his memory, it shouldn't be like this at all.

This kind of situation of being out of control of things is really worrying.

I don't know what happened. Ever since he met the monster who made him shout, the number of monsters began to decrease sharply. In the end, even the number of monsters decreased. This situation once made Zhou Tai wonder if it was him. He made a wrong judgment, and then he saw an unbelievable sentence engraved in common language on a piece of stone tablet that resembled a boundary tablet: Monsters and beasts are forbidden to enter the frontier of Dao Dingzong!
The inscription on the stele is not very old, indicating that this Dingzong probably existed, but how is this possible?Thousands of years ago, there was no great formation of sects here at all, and a sect was established in this place full of monsters?Rear standing?But which sect was not established by relying on countless years of foundation, how could one appear out of nowhere?
Those first-, second-, and third-class sects and demon sects already existed in Huang Kun's memory, but this Dao Ding sect had never been heard of before.

Thinking of this, strengthen point conversion, and strengthen the spiritual treasure-level spiritual disk, which shows that there are many green light spots tens of thousands of miles ahead, and there are even some blue light spots and a small amount of purple light spots. exist.

If he hadn't discovered this boundary marker, Zhou Tai might have suspected that it was some monsters and wouldn't pay too much attention to it, but now, he directly chose a green light spot and entered it to observe.

A male monk in the obvious Qi training period was running around in the forest to check, and he could see many spiritual plants growing in that area. The male monk was dressed in a gray robe and had a smile on his face.

Soon Zhou Tai shifted his target, and found more and more monks, and even saw some villages, farmland and a large number of mortals.

After seeing this situation, he didn't act rashly, which is unreasonable no matter how you look at it.In order to prevent any danger, Zhou Tai planned to wait until the next day, when the ghost pulse extermination time was fully restored, and then continue to check.

The reason for this situation, Zhou Tai's most intuitive idea is that these humans and monks are raised by monsters, but even if monsters have this idea, can they raise a sect?
There are so many places to go, and all kinds of strange things can be encountered.

(End of this chapter)

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