One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 337 Chapter 3304 The Immortal Cultivation Family

Chapter 337 Chapter [-] The Cultivation Family

The world has changed in front of it, and within this area, the figure of the monster is also lost!
After returning to the Lingbao space, Zhou Tai removed his disguise without hesitation. On the second day, he returned to the appearance of a human monk. To be on the safe side, he changed his appearance with fluid enhancement. , Be careful so that the Wannian Ship is always right.

Then turn on stealth and carefully check the situation in this area.

If nothing happened, Zhou Tai might observe the specific situation here in detail, but his main purpose was to find someone, and he would walk around some areas, and if he didn't feel Yaoyu's presence, he would leave quickly.

If you have to observe and take a look at everything, and delay some time if something happens, then you don't have to think about finding someone. As long as it's not really troublesome or really necessary, you will never cause trouble.

I just walked through it, but some basic information about this Dao Dingzong is basically clear: it covers an area of ​​one million miles, and the sect occupies 36 mountain peaks. There is no formation protection outside the sect. There are tens of millions of mortals within ten thousand miles, more than 2000 monks in the Qi training stage, more than [-] monks in the foundation building stage, and at least [-] monks in the Jindan stage.

This is all the situation I saw. The strange thing is that within this area of ​​a million miles, there are no monsters, and the highest level of monks found is only Jindan stage.

Most mortals live with sufficient food and clothing. When Dao Dingzong monks appear in the area where mortals are active, they always look superior, but all mortals love them very much.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Although the Dao Cauldron Sect's mountain gate has no defenses, and has deployed a detection formation and other means, no trace of any demon has been found. Only Jindan monks exist, and it seems that they can let themselves go unimpeded. The place, but Zhou Tai simply approached, and avoided Yaoyu far away after making sure that there was no Yaoyu.

And after searching a large area here, I learned that Dao Dingzong will accept disciples from ordinary people, and there is no special requirement, but not all mortals are attached to it. It turns out that the monks who entered Dao Dingzong have The obligation to pay off the monsters, and the death rate is not low, this is the real reason why mortals here love monks.

In the eyes of mortals here, Dao Dingzong is number one in the world, peerless, and the monks of Dao Dingzong are unparalleled in love and loyalty, and they will sacrifice their lives to prevent monsters outside the clan from taking a step.

With the deepening of understanding, it turns out that there are no historical records here, and it seems that it has been like this for thousands of years.

Zhou Tai also heard part of the method of promotion of monks here: Dao Dingzong monks hunted and killed monsters, took the monster pills, and refined the foundation building pills.

And as he left this area, the scope of activities gradually expanded, and Zhou Tai even discovered that this Dingzong was completely surrounded by monsters and monsters in all directions, and there were only a small number of monsters in contact with each other. Deeper, the number will rise sharply.

Just relying on that ordinary boundary marker, can countless monsters dare not take a step?Can the sect with the highest golden core combat power resist this massive monster?Even if Zhou Tai was killed, he would not believe it.

To put it bluntly, you don't need all the monsters in all directions to take action. As for a small part in one direction, everything in the realm of this tripod sect can be shattered.

It's not that Zhou Tai doesn't want to take care of it. He has the ability to take care of the big things. It's best to leave. At least the peace here has lasted for thousands of years, and all mortals live well.To put it bluntly, if a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period comes, he may not be able to do whatever he wants to do.

Entering the area where the monsters are again, Zhou Tai turned into a monster here, and for safety's sake, he changed his appearance again.


In a relatively hidden cave, there were some strange sounds that kept ringing, it was a sound similar to the chewing of creatures.

After a period of time, two flames rose, and they were two torn clothes stained with blood. If there were any mortals from the Dao Cauldron Sect here at this moment, they would definitely be able to recognize that they were the clothes of the Dao Cauldron Sect monks, and because of the clothes on them Some people shouted in different styles: Great Immortal Master.

In the realm of the Dao Dingzong, monks in the Qi training stage are called Little Immortal Masters, monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage are called Immortal Masters, and monks in the Golden Core Stage are called Great Immortal Masters, representing the highest honor and top combat power.

But at this moment, the top combat power and the two Great Immortal Masters with the highest honor, with the clothes burned, only a few residual blood spots left in some corners, proving that they once existed in this world.

"Just eating two like this, will there be any problems?" A voice came from a place in the darkness where there was a pupil of a similar creature.

"Why don't you say it before you eat it? If you don't dare, if you say it earlier, I will eat it." Not far away, another voice sounded.

"There's nothing you dare to do. It's just that if you don't say the reason, don't you feel uneasy?"

"What? Afraid of becoming the food of those blood eaters?"

"Aren't you afraid?"

"How can you do such an unsure thing? As long as you and I cooperate, you can eat it!"

"How do you say that?"

"You and I are stationed at the border, we don't talk to each other, and we won't leak the news easily, and this time we ate it secretly, because there is a monster who will blame you and my brother." The voice clearly revealed gloating.

Soon after listening to the gloating voice, he continued: "A while ago, there was a monster king who broke through the barrier. He was so stupid. He even used the method of invisibility in front of me. He may pass elsewhere. How can he pass the barrier in a fool with me."

Another voice hesitated: "Caught?" If caught, it has nothing to do with them stealing food.

"Let it go! That may be the new demon king, who is relatively ignorant, and actually used the name of that idiot Barbara to overwhelm me! Although he looks strange, he does have Barbara's aura on him. It may be his younger generation, the other party I have already recorded the figure and appearance, and I have already reported this matter, saying that the other party was too fast and did not stop it! Therefore, if the blood and food are reduced, people will suspect the other party's body."

"That's good! Then Barbara is old. If she becomes the food of those blood food, at least five blood food can be cultivated. The total number of blood food will increase by three, and she will soon be able to feast on it!"

At the same time, in the depths of the ground where Dao Dingzong was located, there was an old man who looked like a dead tree, his whole body was like a dying person, only a pair of eyes seemed to be shining.

Seeing that two of the more than 300 soul lamps representing the existence of Jindan stage monks went out, the old man was indifferent, as if he was used to it, until a long time passed, he slowly got up, walked out of here, came to somewhere and said casually Sentence: "Two more dead!"

The tone was flat and natural, and without waiting for the reaction behind him, he walked back slowly.

A roar that didn't sound like a human voice came from behind: "Someone stole food again, these bastards, how many times have they stolen it, don't let me catch who it is... ah... ah..."

As for the voice behind him, the old man turned a deaf ear just like the old man was really deaf.

No wonder that monster roared. After the golden core monks accumulated to a certain level, they would take part of it for a food sharing meeting. Only the monster with the highest strength would have the chance, and its strength was just enough to qualify, but the stealing food that appeared from time to time, Make this progress extremely slow.But the old man didn't care about the monster's reaction at all. There is a passage underground that leads directly to a certain monster's lair in a distant place. The monster guarding here has never been a fixed one. The main reason for the opponent's anger may be stealing food is not itself.

Dao Dingzong, the inverted Ding, with four legs facing upwards, four legs, beasts!

The so-called golden core monks of the Dao Dingzong's supreme glory are just the blood of the demons in this area.

The old man's somewhat depressed figure returned to the place where the Golden Core cultivator's soul lamp was placed before.

Silently, a small soul lamp appeared in his hand, and the soul lamp had been extinguished for an unknown number of years.

This is the soul lamp of the disciples of the direct descendants of his clan, and those old faces that seemed to be dying fell into memory.

"Peng'er, the monsters regard us as food for blood. Qi training, foundation building, and golden core are corresponding to the third class. This is such a sad and pitiful thing. There is no hope for staying here. One day, my family and clan will be wiped out." it's here."

"Go here, if you can escape, seek help from the great sect, and pray to them to save tens of millions of people like me from the sea of ​​suffering, if nothing can be done, just live on your own, remember..."

"I would like to follow the order of the ancestor, and try my best to save our whole family!" The handsome and resolute face seemed to be shining under the light of this moment.

But this young man with the old man's full hope, soon left the old man with only the dim light of his soul.

There have been 140 or six such extinguished soul lamps left alone for the purpose of going out to ask for help. For thousands of years, those who want to escape for help will never survive. Most of the clan monks who know this situation have given up. The hope of asking for help, let alone the hope of escaping and asking for help is slim, and it is extremely difficult for those big sects to ask for help.

Some monks of the sect family have long given up hope. After all, they have been living well these years. Although they are afraid of panic, they are used to it.

It seems that asking for help has become a kind of spiritual comfort, and it has never stopped, and has been advancing one after another...

The old man who sat cross-legged for a long time finally let out a cry in his heart: "Is my clan's family wrong?" Then he became silent.

The old man who communicates with the demons can only cultivate in the qi training period, and his qi and blood are withered, and he is about to die. Only in this way can we ensure that there will be no accidents when communicating with the underground demons.

The Zong family, one of the former immortal cultivating families, is just an ordinary casual cultivating family on the surface. In fact, it was built by low-level disciples who escaped from the Beast Sect's demise, and has been living at the bottom of the immortal cultivating world.

Passed down from generation to generation, I don't know how many catastrophes have been avoided, and even the great changes in the world ten thousand years ago have survived by luck.

Not only was it not driven into the mortal world, but it also developed slowly, but it was completely cut off, and the highest monk that the family could produce was only in the Qi training period.

Until one day, a demon appeared, and the family was in danger of genocide. Because there were too many people in the clan, after being eaten part of it, it was used as food by the demon.

Because of the inheritance of the Beastmaster Sect, I can more or less figure out the habits of this monster and communicate with it. I don’t know whether this monster is born smart, or the monk has eaten too much and has made great progress. He realized the concept of food storage and living food, and arrested some mortals to continue spending loose leaves.

Because they are afraid of monsters and know their fate, the effect of this kind of cultivation and storage of food is not good. It is the Zong family who tried their best to get rid of the monsters and the idea of ​​wanting to eat them all.

Only during the Qi training period, the monsters were not satisfied. It happened that there was the method of building the foundation of the demon core passed down by the Beastmaster Sect, which allowed the clan to truly survive in front of the monsters who already possessed spiritual wisdom.

Therefore, the demon who has greatly improved his cultivation base is happy in his heart.

Until another monster attacked and was killed by the monster protecting the food. The monks of the Zong family studied the corpse of the killed monster, combined with part of the inheritance of the Beast Master Sect, and found a way to refine the dead monster and advance to the Golden Core. Let the strength of this monster continue to increase.

Monsters are also like human monks. No matter how strong an individual is, it is difficult to fight a group. In addition, the food reserves continue to increase, and even a monster can't take care of it, so more and more monsters gradually joined in.

The number of mortals continued to increase, and the number of monks increased. Finally, Dao Dingzong was established, and the scope not only expanded, but it stopped growing after the last million miles.

Except for a small number of sect monks, the other monks don't know the truth. They all think that the Dao Dingzong is the best in the world, and the golden core monks are the top combat power. These golden core monks will kill some monsters or even monsters every once in a while. , However, the monsters that were killed were all deliberately thrown out by other powerful monsters. Either they had already lost their strength after being beaten, and they had few breaths, or they had a short lifespan, their strength faded, and they were about to die. These abandoned monsters are the only way for the monks in the Foundation Establishment Period to advance to the Golden Core here.

Under the leadership of the Zong family, countless monks in the Qi training stage, foundation building monks, and golden core monks have continuously become the source of some monsters' strength promotion.

Even these monsters use low-level Qi training monks to cultivate some monsters who are specially promoted as humans, which is one of the main reasons for the rapid growth of monster power in this area.

If it is a monster that came out of the wild, only if it has actually eaten human monks can it realize the benefits to itself.

It is precisely because many monsters know the benefits of this, so some monsters and demon sects trade Qi training monks.

At first, most of the monks who died were clan monks, but as the number of monks continued to increase, it was other monks who died, and even many clan members would rather live the life of ordinary people.

This situation of being captive by demons is very unfriendly to monks, but it gives the mortals living here a real habitat.

The Zong family knew that this situation could not last forever. The demon kept so many Golden Core cultivators alive only because the higher the level of the demon, the worse the effect of the Golden Core cultivator. It could only be compensated by the quantity. One day, the demon would bite Swallowed all the monks here.

Knowing that running out is death, but because it is the only hope, it has never been cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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