One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 338 Chapter 3305 The nun under despair

Chapter 338 Chapter [-] The Nun in Despair

The ice field with no end in sight, except for the frozen glaciers whose depth is unknown, is just flakes of snow, like a white world.

This is the northernmost part of the Immortal Cultivation World. A large area is covered by ice and snow all year round. Due to the poor living environment, there are very few biological activities.Except that human monks with special purposes may set foot occasionally.

One day, a small airship flew over a long distance and appeared in this area.

"It is said that besides the snow spirit flower we are looking for, there have been past life flowers here. I don't know if we can meet them." A handsome young monk said while looking at the world outside the spirit boat. Said.

"The flower of the past life? It has always been just a legend. No one has seen it, so I just think about it." Behind the flying boat, a beautiful female cultivator said so.

"Snow Spirit Flower, we are here to find a congratulatory gift for my senior sister who is promoted to Nascent Soul." Another female cultivator, who looked petite in both age and size, said while looking at the big girl who was sitting in the front and kept her eyes closed. The senior brother took a look, and the words in his mouth continued at the same time: "Snow Spirit Flower is one of the elixir that can replace Ziyancao, and it can also be used to refine top-quality Zhuyan Pill. Although the efficacy of the medicine is much worse than Ziyancao, but in Ziyancao If there is none, it is already the best choice, but I don’t know what is the use of the legendary flower of the past.”

This group consists of ten Jindan period monks from the first-class sect Jinzhengzong, seven men and three women. They don't look very old, they just have good looks. It is true that the one with the lowest cultivation level is the junior junior sister in this line of work.

In the sect, seniority is never ranked by age, only cultivation base, and many monks are unwilling to disclose their ages, but even if people of the same clan don't say it, how can they not know each other.

The elder brother in this line is currently the strongest existence among the Jindan monks of the Zongmen. This is also likely to be related to the strength of his Immortal Cultivation family in the Zongmen. There is no real competition, but many Jindan monks are He is recognized as the senior brother of the Zongmen Jindanqi.

"I've only heard the name of the past life flower, but I really don't know what it's useful for. I guess only those monks with advanced cultivation will know it." The beautiful female cultivator replied at the beginning.

After she finished speaking, the flying boat returned to silence. No monk continued to speak, and the senior brother kept his eyes closed, as if he was cultivating.

Originally the No. [-] Golden Core in the sect was a female cultivator, but now that female cultivator has successfully advanced to Nascent Soul, the senior brother here becomes the senior senior brother.Originally, this didn't have much to do with them, but this senior brother is famous for being greedy and lustful in the sect, and his vision is still high. The average female cultivator doesn't like it, but female cultivators with the same status as him cannot be forced , so I always like to find some things that nuns need.

This trip to find the Snow Spirit Flower was made by this senior brother in the name of congratulating the senior sister who was promoted to the Nascent Soul. If there are very few strains, I don't know how this big brother will operate.

Most of these Jindan monks had to come due to various reasons. For example, among the monks in the family of this senior brother, there is the best alchemist in the sect. It's bad.

Of course, there are also special ones, for example, the three female cultivators who came with them may not have thought of finding a snow spirit flower for themselves. As long as their cultivation level improves in the future, they will use it sooner or later, and this ice field is very far away from the sect. There are not many opportunities to form a team.

It's not that high-level monks don't need it, they need it even more, but the sect has a quota for top-grade Zhuyan Dan, but it has become less and less these years.

"I've gone deep into the ice sheet, and I'll start searching from here. The flying boat will move forward slowly, try not to leave the flying boat thousands of miles away." At a certain moment, the senior brother opened his eyes and said.

"If you find the Snow Spirit Flower, you will not only buy it at a higher price than the market price, but also treat me as a favor from Peng Feng." While speaking, the elder brother's eyes swept across all the monks in the flying boat.

It’s impossible not to say these things, Xue Linghua has a price but no market, and often they can’t buy it at a price several times higher, otherwise they would not come here to look for it. This senior brother mainly sells his own favors. The monks also came here for favors.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother, Junior Brother is here to help you find it."

"That is, what conditions are needed to help the big brother."

Accompanied by all kinds of pleasant compliments, these Golden Core cultivators flew away from the flying boat one after another.

"Hmph!" When only the eldest brother Peng Feng and the beautiful female nun were left, the female nun let out a dissatisfied grunt before leaving.The elder brother just smiled at this, he had already said that they were just playing for fun, and he had to accept it or not.

The flying boat was left to the two nephews from the foundation building period who were in charge of controlling the flying boat. Peng Feng also left the flying boat and started the journey to find the snow spirit flower.

Some days later, before Xue Linghua could be found, Peng Feng discovered the existence of other Golden Core stage monks on the detection magic weapon he carried with him, and then he immediately gathered the monks of this sect and went straight to them.

The snow spirit flower is very hard to find, otherwise he would not gather a number of Golden Core cultivators to look for it together, and the other Golden Core cultivators appearing here may have the same purpose as them, and this kind of lone cultivator may have already I have been searching here for many years, and I might already have one on my body, why not go and have a look?
"Golden Core Stage, probably fellow Taoists from other sects?" A monk said at this moment.

"In this uninhabited land, there is no difference between yes and no. It depends on the situation. If you are a familiar Taoist friend, how can you do it without saying hello?" After Peng Feng replied, the other golden elixir of the same sect all chose silence.

When monks from different sects meet, conflicts usually do not occur easily, but this is not absolute. Some monks are born to cause trouble, especially when they are far away from the sect and their strength is much stronger than the other party. Brother has bad intentions.

Yexiu has no sense of existence, and the competition for resources outside the sect usually reaches the Jindan stage by default, but monks will not really abide by the rules, so most of the Jindan sects usually go out in groups.

And when they rushed to where the Jindanqi was, the Jindanqi monk also found their existence on the magic weapon of the spirit test, and left the ice cave where he lived without hesitation, turned around and started running away.

This is a female cultivator with a veil and a slightly plump figure. Although the crisis appeared suddenly, she did not panic. This can be said to help her make a choice. She has stayed here for a long time. .

No one can endure being alone all the time, and she spends every day in hesitation and hesitation. Although it is far from the level where life is worse than death, it can be counted as living like years.

After leaving the ultra-long-distance teleportation array back then, she appeared directly in this area. Although it was cold and desolate, it was inaccessible, so she chose to stay here temporarily without too much hesitation.

This female editor is Yaoyu who Zhou Taiman is looking for in the world of cultivation.

At the last moment of leaving, she noticed something abnormal in her body, and the hidden danger of failing to advance to Jindan seemed to disappear in an instant.

It was precisely because she discovered this powerful recovery ability and did not feel safe enough in an unfamiliar environment that she chose to be promoted to Jindan again in a short period of time, and the promotion was successful.

But after she was promoted to Jindan, she didn't rely on this unreasonable recovery speed to practice quickly. She didn't know what the situation was, and she was also worried about Zhou Tai's situation.

It is impossible for this ability to appear for no reason. Combined with Zhou Tai's words when he left, she is 100% sure that it has something to do with Zhou Tai.

While her heart was warm, she was more worried. In her mind, if this method could be used at will, it must have been used to help her recover from the injury. If it was only used at the final parting, it is likely that Zhou Tai paid a lot. the price.

Especially when she was promoted to the Golden Core Stage for the second time, she was injured again. Under normal circumstances, it would be absolutely impossible to advance to the Golden Core Stage, but with this, she changed her fate against the sky.

Not only did this not make her happy, but on the contrary, she was even more frightened. She wondered if Zhou Tai was bearing a huge price every time he recovered?
Thinking of this possibility, she also gave up the idea of ​​using it to practice quickly.

Wanting to leave here, but not daring to leave, she is no longer Xiaobai in the world of cultivating immortals, especially at the final parting, the scene of cultivators fighting each other made her heart palpitate.

She didn't dare to walk alone in the great world of cultivating immortals, and finally chose to settle here.

In her heart, she also hopes that Zhou Tai will come to find her, but she also knows that the possibility of this is very small.

There are a lot of things left for her, and long-term survival here is not a problem. Apart from normal cultivation, her greatest joy is walking around.

It was fine at first, but as the years stayed here, the sense of loneliness became stronger and stronger. Sometimes she would think that instead of waiting to die alone here, it would be better to go out and die. If you die, you will die.

It was in this entanglement of choices that other golden core stage monks appeared here, and they came straight to her in a group.

"There will never be a real safe place, and it's time to leave." These were the words that flashed in Yaoyu's mind before she fled, and it could also be said to help her make a choice.

Under normal circumstances, with her Foundation Establishment and Golden Core background, those Golden Core monks would not be able to catch up with her, and would only get rid of each other after the distance became farther and farther away, so she didn't pay much attention to her at the beginning .

But until she consumed one-fifth of the true energy in her body, the distance was not far away, but even closer. She knew that this matter could not be solved. She thought she could deal with one or two, but she couldn't deal with ten. make any assumptions.

When I thought that I might fall here today, I didn't have much fear in my heart, but I felt a sense of relief.

At the same time, those Jinzhengzong monks were sitting on the flying boat, supplemented by high-grade spirit stones and taking turns to control the flying boat, so that the flying boat kept approaching the Jindan monks in front.

"Brother, the other party has stopped!" A Jindan stage monk who was paying attention to the detection of the magic weapon suddenly said.

"It's time to stop a long time ago. Compared with the speed of the flying boat, it's useless to use up the real energy." The senior brother said coldly.

When the flying boat stopped and the ten Golden Core stage monks came out, their spiritual consciousness unfolded, but they didn't find each other's position at the first time, and the surrounding area was empty.

But in the next moment, the consciousness that entered the ice layer encountered obstacles, and the little junior sister lowered her head and saw the face of a masked female cultivator through the ice layer. It gradually changed from blurred to clear, and then a sharp attack, It came to her like a stone breaking the sky.

Yaoyu's original intention was to catch the opponent by surprise, even if she couldn't increase the chance of escape if she killed a few people, she still had to pull a few backs.

But there is no shelter around, and the ten people have already prepared the golden core, so it's just a display. Although Yaoyu's spiritual sense is stronger than any of the opponents, reaching the level of crushing, and she also has a bunch of defensive magic weapons, but facing the ten people who cooperated tacitly Jindan, all means are almost in vain.

She bombarded a bombardment spell, and two spells intercepted it, and at the same time, several spells bombarded her body and surroundings, making it impossible to hide.

Her movement speed is fast, but the opponent is just fighting, and she is not given a chance to get close at all, unless she resists all attacks and ignores them.

In the end, she chose to do this. While beheading one of the opponent's golden cores, many magic weapons were shattered all over her body, and she was seriously injured in an instant.

Feeling the rapid recovery of the injured body, I couldn't help thinking of Zhou Tai, and my whole body was full of sadness.

I don't know if it will hurt him, she thought foolishly at this moment.

Because the last wave of attacks was too violent, not only was the veil on his face blown away, but several wounds of different depths appeared on his face.

But the recovery speed of the wound visible to the naked eye made the remaining nine Golden Cores feel that their beautiful and enchanting faces were a bit enchanting at this moment.

Originally, senior brother Peng Feng wanted to find out the other party's situation before deciding whether to make a move, but he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative to make a move under such circumstances, so there is nothing polite about it.

He didn't care about the death of a fellow disciple, but when the other party's veil fell off, he realized that the other party turned out to be a wild cultivator, no wonder it was like this!

Originally thought that the other party would be a monk of the sect, but he assured that that enchanting face did not belong to any official disciple of the sect, otherwise how could he have no impression at all.

"Catch the living!" Some kind of dark thought erupted in his heart, and the words he said made his attack slow down.

Because of his greedy and lustful image, several fellow monks were extremely dissatisfied. The opponent's strength is not weak, and if he wants to catch them alive, it is very likely that they will be killed or injured again.

But soon everyone realized that this was Yexiu, Jindan period!

There is no golden elixir without sect!The other party must have a big secret!
Soon these golden core monks changed their style of play, blocking all directions, preventing the opponent from escaping, and at the same time choosing a method to consume the opponent's real energy.

Perhaps because of the power of the previous attack, these Golden Core cultivators easily refused to give each other a chance to get close. Faced with this situation, the last glimmer of hope in Yaoyu's heart also turned into despair.

 Thanks to the book friend 20170401185252727 for the reward of 6000 starting coins
  Thanks to the guy 517 for the 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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