One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 339 Chapter 3306 Strengthening Points 5 Strengthening

Chapter 339 Chapter [-] Strengthening Points [-] Strengthening

The true energy on his body was constantly being consumed, and if he wanted to kill another monk on the opponent's back, the remaining nine monks would not give him any chance at all.

These fighting figures are moving fast all the time. Looking outside the battle circle, you can only see the images formed by some magical attacks and the sword light that appeared after a short pause in the flying sword attack, and then disappeared in an instant. passed away.

Immortal cultivators at the Golden Core level fight at a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to see with naked eyes. Under normal circumstances, the winner will be determined in a very short period of time. It is considered normal within five breaths. Yaoyu has already fought against the opponent for three times. Ten breaths.

Immortal cultivators recover their spiritual power slowly, and the pursuit of extremely fast resolution of battles is the top priority for all monks, especially for immortal cultivators whose attacks are always stronger than defense at the same level.

Yaoyu was able to drag this into a protracted battle of [-] breaths or even longer, one because of her ability to recover from injuries, and the other because her spiritual consciousness is stronger than any single cultivator of the opponent, even if the opponent has several golden core nine-layer The same goes for monks.

The strength of spiritual consciousness is particularly important in the battles of middle and low-level immortal cultivators. The side with stronger spiritual consciousness can easily occupy an absolute advantage. There is no powerful pupil technique, relying on one's own vision alone, not to mention that it is easy to attack the opponent's afterimage, even if the attack reaches the front of the body, it is difficult to detect it. One of the most important reasons for practicing Qi.

Yaoyu is a nine-in-one foundation, her body is full of spirituality and advanced to Jindan, and there is also a bonus of strengthening points. Although the divine sense has the absolute upper hand, but with a pair of nines, it is impossible to form a crush. If you deal with one person with all your strength, If the spiritual sense crushes the opponent, it will bear all the attacks of other immortal cultivators as before.

Spiritual consciousness dominates. In a normal fight, if you move or your spiritual consciousness affects the opponent's spiritual consciousness, you can avoid most of the attacks.

It was because they were so close before that the opponent didn't know the real gap between their spiritual senses, so they had a chance to kill them. It was very difficult when the opponent was on guard.

If there were only three or four Golden Cores fighting against each other, or Yaoyu was not the first level of Golden Cores, but the ninth level of Golden Cores, with stronger spiritual consciousness, these ten Golden Cores would probably be killed by her.

Because if the spiritual consciousness of an immortal cultivator is strongly suppressed, it will be difficult to quickly distinguish between the enemy and ourselves in a chaotic confrontation.

In order to prevent the situation of being killed alone again, these nine golden cores would choose to fight, which resulted in many times, facing Yaoyu's attack, they would choose to give in.Once again, a beautiful female cultivator rushed to the opponent, and according to the opponent's previous response, she spread out again, but after the opponent moved out of the way, it was not a smooth way to leave, but at least two flying swords blocked the way. The short delay of the two flying swords was enough for the opponent to encircle Yaoyu again.

Although Yaoyu was constantly moving, those Golden Core cultivators could always keep her surrounded. This made the battlefield between the two sides constantly changing and moving. In just [-] breaths of fighting, they moved a distance of more than ten miles.

If Yaoyu had a body technique to surpass the opponent, in this case, she would have a chance to kill her, but she didn't.

Even if there is a chance to run out, the opponent's flying boat can catch up, so Yaoyu knows that it is only a matter of time before she loses. With a one-to-nine match, her real energy consumption is far greater than that of any opponent.

Thinking that she would be defeated, Yaoyu was ready to die directly. During the constant battle, a trace of her consciousness fell on a certain low-grade magic weapon that she always wore in front of her.

This low-grade magic weapon is not a precious thing to other monks, but it is indeed what she cherishes the most. When she misses it countless times, she will hold this magic weapon in the palm of her hand, which can be said to be a kind of spiritual sustenance for her.

This lower-grade magic weapon is a delicate and small necklace, which looks easy to break, so she is usually careful, for fear of accidentally breaking it.

But in the next moment, a certain part of this low-grade magic weapon was directly shattered by her, including the soul imprint contained in it, which directly dissipated into the air.

In Yaoyu's view, death is inevitable, there is his spirit imprint inside, if it is destroyed, there will be a sense, so that the news of his death can be passed on to the other party, this is an agreement between the two parties long ago.


At the same time, Zhou Tai had just passed through the area where there were many monsters, and was at the center line of the southwest area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World.

The figure that was moving forward stopped in place in an instant, and the figure also appeared in mid-air. The operation of the ghost meridian extermination was affected by the drastic change in the heart.

He just felt that the imprint of his spiritual consciousness left outside instantly dissipated, and the only imprint of his spiritual consciousness left outside now is the low-grade magic weapon on Yaoyu's body. It is obvious that it was passed from her when she was about to die. farewell message.

Sensing carefully, I can't feel the existence of those strengthening points on Yaoyu's body, and adding the more than 2 available strengthening points to the paired low-grade magic weapon on her body for a moment also has no response.

Although he knew that this situation was very likely to happen now, when it really happened, Zhou Tai felt an extremely painful feeling in his heart.

A sense of powerlessness filled the whole body, and the whistling wind from high above the sky seemed to have turned into a kind of mockery.

Mocking the overreaching, mocking the stupid and useless practice of traveling all over the world of cultivating immortals.

He admits that he is a bit lustful, and he will have some thoughts when he sees a good-looking female cultivator, but the reality of this world of cultivating immortals is doomed to focus on survival, but it is impossible to say that he can not care about Yaoyu's death because of this.

Being able to choose to waste a hundred years looking for it is a kind of deep concern in itself.

Some people will accept the mercy of fate, while some people will choose to fight stupidly, even if the consequences are tragic and sadder, and Zhou Tai belongs to the latter.

Strengthening point is the biggest reliance in this life, Zhou Tai doesn't know if he can turn his destiny around again, but how can he be reconciled if he doesn't try his best.

Zhou Tai resolutely chose to start self-destructing the golden elixir, the golden elixir clothes appeared in front of his body, and soon the second golden elixir clothes appeared, which was Zhou Tai's transfer of the true essence in his body.

I didn't think about recovering the strengthening points of the Lingbao space, and see what the reaction of [-] points of strengthening is, [-] points of strengthening is not enough, I still have to take the last step, Zhu Tai has no confidence in [-] points of strengthening, Zhou Tai thought directly It's [-] strengthening points, try [-] points first, if [-] doesn't work, go to [-].

In fact, I thought in my heart that only 7 points would be worth a try, but he currently only has [-] enhancement points, which is only so much, and he has to gamble his life once.

The body has been fully strengthened twice, and I have tried to recover the strengthening points, but it has never been successful. The golden core in the golden core stage is not as easy as retreating from foundation building to Qi training.

It has been conceived a long time ago: only by destroying the golden elixir and restoring the upper dantian palace to its original state, can it be possible to degenerate to the foundation-building stage.

Under normal circumstances, when the golden core was destroyed, the monk would die directly, but the strong recovery ability of the fully strengthened body left Zhou Tai with the possibility of survival.

Perhaps if he calmed down slowly, he would not choose this dangerous way of trying, but the discomfort in his heart made Zhou Tai not want to calm down.

I'm not sure if I really like it enough to sacrifice myself, and I understand that my actions are impulsive and greatly affected by my mood, but Zhou Tai is willing to give everything, including his life, for the woman who is closest to him.

Only now did Zhou Tai realize that he was not a person who could be truly cautious, but an arrogant person who always liked to take risks and risk his life.

Wanmidong is, Liuyun Realm is, and it is still at this moment...

The golden elixir has no body to connect with it and maintain its operation. The true essence on the golden elixir will soon become aura and dissipate into the air, but it cannot be transferred. Although I know that it may still be wiped out in the spirit treasure space in the end, Zhou Tai still threw the golden elixir that had been separated from his body into the Lingbao space.

Then quickly self-destroy the golden core. Generally speaking, the golden core self-destruct is the fastest, but Zhou Tai doesn't really want to seek death.

It seemed like a long time passed in a flash, and Zhou Tai's somewhat blank brain returned to normal. The headache in his head was difficult to clear in a short time. The good news is that, as he guessed, he did not die after the golden core was destroyed. , the upper dantian palace is constantly recovering.

He didn't care about the state of his body at the moment, and immediately began to try to recover the strengthening points on his body, and kept adding points to the low-grade magic weapon on his body.

When the strengthening point reached [-], no surprise, the necklace that turned into a star did not respond at all. Although it was expected, it was inevitable to be disappointed, and then continued to add points.

When the reinforcement points are increased to [-], there is no obvious change. When the reinforcement points are increased to [-], Zhou Tai is planning to empty the spirit treasure space and degenerate to the Qi training period to continue to recover the reinforcement points, turning into a star-like spirit. The treasure necklace started to rotate independently and pointed in one direction.

Although the Lingbao Necklace did not upgrade its level again, the increasing reinforcement points enhanced its ability.

When the direction was selected, Zhou Tai had a feeling somewhere in his heart, which was the position of another part of the corresponding magic weapon.

I don't have time to feel the joy in my heart. While adding new points to the body, I directly take out the formation stone tablet engraved with ultra-long-distance transfer for teleportation. Time is running out now.

When making this choice, Zhou Tai didn't even think about what kind of crisis he would encounter, he would go there if he could be saved or if he couldn't be saved.

Although he could sense the location, Zhou Tai did not choose to appear in front of him with great fanfare. The moment the teleportation array appeared, he would become the best target, but chose a location some distance away.

After coming out of the teleportation array, Zhou Tai directly felt the strengthening point on Yaoyu's body, which proved that his previous guess was not wrong, and being able to sense it meant that nothing happened.

Originally, after taking out the top-grade spirit stones, he teleported there to recover part of his spirit energy, but found that because of the rapid time, the golden elixir clothes did not dissipate much.

Yaoyu and the nine Golden Core stage monks who besieged her didn't even notice that the low-grade magic weapon necklace on Yaoyu's body began to emit a subtle light at some point. This was the reaction of the two necklaces being close to each other.

A slight spatial fluctuation came, which aroused the vigilance of the monks present, but they didn't find anything, but in the next moment, multiple blood mist appeared, which were the few monks who besieged Yaoyu, the Jindan monks.

With the help of the invisibility of ghost meridian extermination, combined with the compound speed secret method that does not dissipate on the golden elixir clothes, Lingbao level flying sword sneak attack, combined with the fighting skills experience gained from the soul search memory, Zhou Tai killed four golden elixir stage monks in an instant .

In the short moment when this accident happened, the monks present all had different reactions. Yaoyu had an inexplicable light in her eyes, while the remaining five Jindan monks from the first-class sects all scattered and fled at the same moment, although they all wanted to escape. They fled to the flying boat, but they knew that they would die faster together.

Under normal circumstances, these people would not be invincible in a fight against ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, but four of them died in an instant, and it would be a problem to continue to deal with the powerful Jindan female cultivator, not to mention the new tyrannical cultivator. opponent?Before he had time to think too much, he instinctively chose the best response.

But when Zhou Tai appeared here, dealing with them, who were only Golden Core stage monks, meant that they had no chance of making a comeback, even if Zhou Tai's current cultivation base was after the Golden Core stage.

Two of the Golden Core cultivators who escaped turned into blood mist again, which was the anger of the Lingbao-level flying sword, and the remaining three, one was intercepted and killed by Yaoyu, and the other was shot to death by Zhou Tai with a Lingbao-level bow and arrow , the last in a flustered escape.

Zhou Tai did not choose to continue attacking the last Golden Core cultivator, but after killing one with a Lingbao bow and arrow, he came to the flying boat that started to move.

Feizhou wanted to pick up the Golden Core cultivators, but Zhou Tai gave priority to killing the cultivators who were closest to Feizhou.

The flying boat is not only exquisite and flexible, but also has a good defense ability, how could Zhou Tai let it leave easily.

Under normal circumstances, the defense of the airship is difficult to break in a short period of time. That kind of forceful attack will only leave a destroyed airship. Zhou Tai really wants to keep this airship for his own use, although it is not suitable for him. It can be used as a wild cultivator, and it can be collected. This is something that only excellent craftsmen can make.

With a heart move, some parts in the flying boat were directly strengthened.I saw the flying boat that had already taken off, fell directly to the ground after a chaotic fluctuation.

After solving the problem of the flying boat escaping, Zhou Tai directly started to shoot and kill the last Jin Dan who had fled away. This time, it took four arrows to kill the opponent.

He didn't have any intention of keeping prisoners. Although Yaoyu was recovering quickly, the bruised clothes showed everything. If he came a little later, the consequences would be disastrous.

He didn't know the other party's intention to capture the prisoners, and he would only be angrier if he knew.

"Is it you?" At this moment, at the scene of a pile of corpses all around, the female cultivator's eyes and consciousness wandered around, looking for the figure in her heart between glances, the tragedy here and the crisis just now seemed to be nothing. What's the matter, Zhou Tai was able to hide, she already knew it.

 Thank you Yundanfengqing 888 for rewarding Yaoyu's 100 starting point coins.

(End of this chapter)

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