One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 340 Chapter 3307

Chapter 340 Chapter [-]

Hearing this question full of emotion, Zhou Tai recovered from the trouble he had been dealing with wholeheartedly, and the voice transmission replied: "It's me, I'll talk about it after I find a way to deal with the monks in the flying boat."

Although the tone of his mouth was flat, as if he was a man dealing with some trivial matters, a kind of joy filled Zhou Tai's heart, and everything was probably in time!very nice!

Just like what the whole world has confirmed, I also know that there is no hope. I struggle with all my strength like falling into the water like a trace of unwillingness. I can't swim. It seems that I am doomed to die, and finally a miracle appears.

After speaking, Zhou Tai looked down at the flying boat beside him again. Although he didn't know how to refine weapons, he was well-informed. After a while, he found that the thing was locked from the inside by the surviving monks. If you want to crack it by means, it is not possible to do it in a short time.

This kind of flying boat is the flying boat that is really suitable for monks to travel. It is much better than the flying boat that almost pulls animals in the area of ​​​​the Demon Gate, but it is worse than the large spirit boat that he has seen in Liuyunzong. Many, many things I didn't understand back then, but I only realize later when I think about it now. Although the spirit boats of the Liuyun Sect looked the same, they were very different from each other.

There are no means of attack placed on the flying boat, but the speed and concealment are improved. If it is not used to interfere with the operation of the flying boat with the method of adding points and recovering strengthening points, it is impossible to find the inside with a spirit test plate below the Lingbao level. The existence of monks.It's not strong enough, but it's definitely practical.

In fact, the flying boat was not completely shut down when we just came here. Zhou Tai had a chance to kill the two foundation-building stage monks inside first. An accident happened, not to mention that he didn't want to hurt his woman a little more because of wasting time.

Although I have a little thought of getting this flying boat, but after thinking about it, I don’t dare to use it with great fanfare if I get it intact, and if there are any calculations left on the flying boat, such as any means of tracking, it is not good .

Rather than trying to get the flying boat out, it is better to dismantle it directly, and re-melt and refine the materials inside. Even if there are any means left, they can be safely eliminated.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tai didn't do anything else. After confirming that there was no other danger nearby, he retracted the strengthening point on the spirit boat, and then showed his figure, appearing in front of Yaoyu
The wind is blowing quietly, some emotions are really not suitable for expression, I feel like there are thousands of words in my heart that I want to say, but when I really face it, I don’t know what to say.

But the two of them looked at each other affectionately for a moment, and the slightest sense of strangeness seemed to disappear completely.

Floating forward, he used his fingers condescendingly to pick up the delicate and beautiful face. The smooth touch on the fingers and the kind of obedience that lifted up like a flower bloomed in the familiar memory became amazing in an instant.

In the materialistic world of the previous life, the so-called love might really exist, but Zhou Tai had never seen it himself, so he didn't believe it, and he didn't believe it in this life either, but at this moment, a faint feeling of heartbeat made him feel It seems that you can also believe it.

Originally, he thought that liking each other, maintaining their emotions together, and finally being able to grow old together in the small days of daily necessities is the best relationship, which is difficult for many people to obtain.Rational lovers would choose to fly separately in the face of adversity. Zhou Tai didn't know his choice, but in his mind, as long as he thought it was worth it, he might make a bad choice for himself, but this kind of choice was already the biggest thing he could imagine. degree.

The behavior of giving everything, even life, for the so-called love without expecting anything in return is in his eyes dizzy, but at the moment he feels that he is chasing some good things in life, which is understandable, and some good things do have a kind of charm that can make people feel happy. People develop an idea that they want to keep forever.

Zhou Tai can't do that kind of thing without trying to repay it. That kind of pursuit and cowardly approach is, at best, a two-pronged use of fire and ice on his own emotions. is easy to change.

Because we are very familiar with each other, the female cultivator didn't show any shyness in the face of this kind of male cultivator's actions, but because the other party was slightly distracted for a moment, her almond eyes showed doubts, and her red lips lightly lifted: "What are you thinking? "

"I saw the injury before, and wanted to take a good look at it, but it turned out to be so beautiful, I was fascinated by it..." After the words in his mouth were finished, Zhou Tai kissed Yaoyu.

At this moment, the tragic killing scene around them still exists beside the two, but because the two are telling each other how much they miss each other, they are completely unaware that such an environment is a bit of a disservice.

After a while, after Yaoyu murmured twice, the two parted, facing Zhou Tai's suspicious eyes, Yaoyu uttered a somewhat anxious word from the corner of her mouth with a trace of sparkle: "The flying boat flew away. "

She thought that the flying boat had been solved before, but she didn't expect the situation at this moment. She knew that Zhou Tai should have discovered the situation, but she didn't know if he was too obsessed with the reunion of the two and ignored it, so she sounded a reminder.

"It's okay, let it fly for a while." Zhou Tai didn't care at all about it.He hugged Yaoyu first, then raised her high before letting her enter the Lingbao space.

Because he has been in the Lingbao space for a long time, Zhou Tai knows that it is not good for a person to stay in it for a long time. , and there is no such a small thrill that the mortal world holds high.It's been a long time since we parted, and it's really not that she should immediately hide in the Lingbao space as soon as they meet. Compared with the things that are about to be dealt with, it's not as important as making Yaoyu feel better.

Cultivating immortals is very hard, she will accompany him, so try to live as happily as possible.It's okay for Yaoyu not to enter the Lingbao space, but Zhou Tai is worried, he is going to chase the flying boat, and he doesn't want her to see his cruel side.

Although the character design should have already collapsed, and the battle was resolved just now, but if it can be avoided, Zhou Tai is still willing to avoid leaving too much impression on Yao Yu's heart with his bloody hands.

First, I cleaned up all the nearby battlefields. Except for the storage bags left behind, all traces of the scene were wiped out.

Then he teleported directly, chasing after the spirit boat.

The shocking change in just a short period of time made the two Jin Zhengzong Foundation Establishment monks on the flying boat a little scared. The change was too sudden. If they hadn't reacted quickly and closed the flying boat portal, they might have become two in an instant. dead body.

In their cognition, even a Nascent Soul cultivator should not be able to kill a Golden Core cultivator so easily. If so, which sect's Golden Core cultivator would dare to run too far away from the sect, almost completely It's an instant kill!Because senior monks seldom go out, and if they want to meet a monk of the transformation stage or above, it is almost the same under normal circumstances, not to mention the rare encounter in a hundred years, and even if they meet, there is nothing that people will look at for Jindan monks. It will also leave hidden dangers.On the contrary, monks in the Nascent Soul stage can be seen outside the sect, but the chances of encountering them are also not high, so Jin Zhengzong and Jindan dare to go out together.

It can only be said that these two foundation-building cultivators didn't know that there was such a thing as Jindanyi, who could cast compound spells, which increased the power several times, and they also encountered an existence that could open invisibility, and when they were combined, they made people Things have become extremely irrational.

They all thought that they had met a high-ranking monk from another sect, so they hid their identities and made a fierce attack. Although the portal of the spirit boat had been closed, both of them thought that they were bound to die. It would be better if they were closer to the sect. Cards will have a sense, Jin Zhengzong is a first-class sect, far from being comparable to second-class and third-class sects, and other people will die when they die, but if the senior brother dies, it is very likely that there will be monks from the sect. Official disciples of the sect, how could they not know that there are ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays, but they are generally restricted for unknown reasons.And this place is too far away from the sect, which has already surpassed the sensing range of ordinary soul cards. I thought it was a good job to come out this time. That's too much, I didn't expect that something would happen when I went out with ten Jindans.

The flying boat failed to start, and the only remaining hope of the two of them was shattered, but at this moment, the monk who secretly made a move came out ostentatiously, and flirted with the wild nun Jin Dan they were chasing before.

Surprised to find that the hidden cultivator seemed to have only the foundation-building stage. The reason seemed to be that this one was too fierce, and the Nascent Soul cultivator didn't even strike him swiftly.

No one has been waiting to die, and when they found that the male and female monks on the other side ignored them, they tried to start the flying boat again, and it succeeded.

As they continued to stay away from there, apart from the panic that had not completely dissipated, the two foundation cultivators also had a slowly sprouting joy: the male cultivator who appeared was one of the most wanted by all sects, and his face and portrait had been seen for a long time. Pass.

But their mix of terror and joy didn't last long.

"What's the matter...!" The flying boat stopped again, and then came the voice of one of the Foundation Establishment cultivators who was puzzled and terrified.

There was a loud "bang" that overwhelmed all other sounds. After such loud noises continued, everything was over.

As for this flying boat, since Zhou Tai decided that he only needed to refine the materials, he chose to directly destroy it violently, smashing it with the strengthened gravity spirit treasure, and quickly disintegrated one side of the flying boat. , and was easily solved by Zhou Tai.

Collect the materials directly, then teleport, and after leaving a certain distance, choose to return to the Lingbao space to meet Yaoyu.

"It's become much smaller!" This was Yaoyu's first words after the two met in Lingbao Space.

"Because there are a lot of stone slabs underneath!" Zhou Tai didn't say anything about the warmth of the small dots. Although it sounds nice, it's neither true nor can it answer doubts.

"You still plan to build a house!"

"Start to do some research on formations, these slates are auxiliary." This is not to deliberately deceive, but not to talk about soul searching in detail,

As the chat progressed, the two got closer and closer, and then hugged each other for a long time.

When the lovesickness was released and the two were lying together, seeing Yao Yu's little expression of hesitating to speak a few times, Zhou Tai said directly: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly?"

He could guess that Yaoyu should have a lot of doubts, such as the fact that she is full of enhancements, such as why she suddenly appeared by her side at the most critical time, etc. She may have had some doubts in the past, but definitely not as many as now , after all, everyone has curiosity.

Zhou Tai's choice for this is to strengthen his biggest secret. He can never tell it. He can find some reasonable explanations to deal with it. As for other things, although Zhou Tai will not deliberately conceal it, he will not take the initiative to say it on his own initiative. , some things will become more troublesome the more you explain them.

What he mainly thinks at the moment is what she will ask and how he will answer.

Yaoyu lay on Zhou Tai's chest for a while, before she said quietly: "I know you have many secrets, such as you helping me build a foundation, I won't ask about these, because I'm afraid that if I can't keep it, it will bring you danger .”

"And then?" Zhou Tai lifted the hand that was embracing the soft waist, hugged Yaoyu up, and after bringing their mouths and ears closer together, asked cooperatively.

"But if I don't ask about one thing, I'm not sure, and I will always think wildly!"

"What's the matter, you ask, you just tell you."

"My body recovers very well now, and it will recover quickly after being injured. Will this cause damage to you?" In fact, this is also a side confirmation that the special condition of the body appeared because of Zhou Tai.

"That's it? No, but I don't want you to get hurt!" The tone was very serious.



"That's good." After saying this, after a while, Yaoyu whispered again: "Can I ask again?"

When one problem ends, a new one arises.

"Ask, just stop thinking wildly." This is also Zhou Tai's true thoughts. If he encounters any questions that cannot be answered for the time being, he will tell him to wait and see the situation later, and he doesn't want to be deceived.

"Without you, I wouldn't have my Foundation Establishment, or even Golden Core, and you are still Foundation Establishment, do you have something to do with me? You don't need to answer the specifics, just tell me whether it is related or not."

Hearing the return in a somewhat low tone, Zhou Tai knew that what Yao Yu wanted to ask was if she was his own oil bottle, dragging down his steps.

"It doesn't matter if it's related or not!" First he answered the question with one sentence, and then he said in detail with a questioning expression on his face, wondering if he could still ask: "There is indeed a reason for me to be able to build a foundation, but it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't have much impact, it's just a little bit more time delay, and this impact can even be ignored." Zhou Tai will not completely erase his own role, but he doesn't want to say that he has made a lot of sacrifices.

But unexpectedly, the woman asked another question: "Then why is it still Foundation Establishment?"

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  Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by Shuangda Hongdou
  Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by Dongfang Dislocation
(End of this chapter)

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