One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 341 Chapter 3308 Chapter Qishan

Chapter 341 Chapter [-]
This is a series of questions, right?Zhou Tai, who was thinking like this in his mind, didn't hesitate for too long: "It was already a golden core, but it fell back again."

Fall back again?This answer obviously surprised Yaoyu, and her expression was wonderful for a moment.

In order to avoid asking the question of how to return the golden elixir, Zhou Tai continued: "I was far away from you, but I sensed that the spirit imprint left on you has dissipated. I know something happened to you, so I don't feel relieved. Hold it and try it." The idea of ​​using a forbidden technique."

"I didn't expect it to be successful, and I could sense your position, so I rushed over in time. As for the consequences of the forbidden technique, I will temporarily return to the foundation building period. It's okay. It will be fine after a while. You don't want to have any troubles." Worry."

Zhou Tai didn't know if there was anything wrong, but in this great world of cultivating immortals, the cultivators whose golden cores were destroyed usually fell directly, and he created an achievement that may be unprecedented by relying on the recovery ability of strengthening points.

Because in the history of cultivating immortals, foundation building can lose Qi training, and Qi training can lose levels. In the final analysis, it all depends on the cycle of spiritual power, and the golden core is a part of the practitioner's body, it cannot be dropped, and it will die if it falls out. No, monsters with stronger physical bodies would die without the demon core, not to mention human immortals.

At the moment Zhou Tai feels good about himself, so he is not too worried, and there is no need to say it too serious, it will only make Yaoyu worry and feel guilty.I also thought about it well, and if something went wrong in the future, I would say that something went wrong in my cultivation.In this kind of days of wild cultivation and escape, I can't give my woman any good things at all, and it's not good to let her follow me worry and feel uncomfortable.

It's just falling back to the foundation building stage, and there's nothing wrong with it, Yaoyu doesn't believe it, and thinks about how short it is from the moment she destroys the imprint of the soul to rushing to her side, and how easy it is, I was moved, but more worried.

"Don't do this next time..." Before Yao Yu finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zhou Tai's movements.

He held up the cute little face with red eyes that seemed to be about to cry, and said softly with his forehead against his forehead: "I won't leave you outside alone next time. In fact, the original reason for finding out is that I am not good. , if you didn't chase people at that time, you wouldn't necessarily fall into such a dangerous place, and there wouldn't be anything later."

"I know what I can do and what I can't do..." Before Zhou Tai finished speaking, his mouth was blocked, and a cool liquid dripped on his face.

Zhou Tai doesn't like women crying, this is what he wants to avoid, but he still can't escape, women are made of water.Maybe these tears also contain some joy of meeting and the grievance of being alone in these years, maybe it is good to cry, I can only think so while coaxing.

There is no impatience, and there is no dissatisfaction in my heart. I didn't plan to become a bachelor. After doing some things, I need to bear certain responsibilities.The long-term love of people with seven emotions and six desires does not mean that one has to abandon all emotions after cultivating immortals. If that is the case, it is no different from being a stone.

In the history of this world of cultivating immortals, there have been many ruthless and abstinent cultivation systems, but because of the bad relationship with other practitioners and lack of absolute strength, they were wiped out in the long river of history.If Zhou Tai were to give a definition to the current era of cultivating immortals, he would define it as: the era of post-cultivating immortals.The specific analysis is that the most splendid and splendid era in the world of cultivating immortals has passed, and before the end of the Dharma era, the remaining era is gathered together like decayed deposits.

After calming down, the two roughly talked about their experiences over the years. Yaoyu had nothing to say, because she basically hid here and did not move. When something unexpected happened at the end, Zhou Tai came.

Zhou Tai made some changes to his experience, and arranged some reasonable explanations for the means he could use. First, he was teleported to the area of ​​the Demon Gate, but found that the situation was wrong, and escaped. Lingbao even took out the fluid enhancement and demonstrated it in front of Yaoyu.

Because of this, the two even disguised themselves for each other. Yaoyu could make Zhou Tai look handsome, but Zhou Tai could only make Yaoyu look ordinary. Zhou Tai could only suspect that it was because he had no art. talent.

Then he said that after leaving the magic gate, he was chased by monsters and ran all the way to the endless sea to get rid of it. Finally, he got some new skills and array master inheritance on an island, plus two ultra-long-distance arrays. The stone plate, which also explains why there are such stone plates in the Lingbao space, is because he wanted to practice and made it himself.

Because I was worried that the chasing demon would not leave, I directly used super long-distance teleportation, because there was still a super long-distance teleportation stone left, and there was a chance to escape when in danger, so I started looking for Yaoyu everywhere, and finally relied on the last super long-distance teleportation slate to escape. The teleportation arrived just in time.

Although Yaoyu didn't ask some questions, Zhou Tai still tried to explain it reasonably. These were not deliberate deceptions, but related to strengthening points and there was no way to explain them.

Maybe it was a good feeling to meet each other, and while talking, the two of them fell asleep hugging each other.After waking up, Yaoyu took Zhou Tai to the place where she was hiding before.

"Haven't you seen enough?" It's just an ordinary hiding place, and Yaoyu didn't make special decorations, so seeing that Zhou Tai didn't intend to leave, she asked, because according to what the two said before, they came here to take a look Just leave, after all, it is not far from the place where the ten golden cores were killed.

"I've changed my mind, stay here for one night before leaving." If it was before, Zhou Tai would never choose this way, but he has learned more about cultivating immortals, and his skills have also improved, so he has the confidence to stay for one night .I didn't want to do this before, but after I came here, the idea came out.

"You've lived here alone for so long, and you don't want your own aura to stay here alone, leaving mine behind." Zhou Tai didn't know if Yaoyu could understand this kind of strange Wenqing thoughts.

"Okay." There was also joy in Yaoyu's answer, I don't know what she was thinking, but this was Zhou Tai's compensation for the regret he had lost here for decades.

In terms of gains and losses, in the decades of separation, he first obtained the soul-searching technique, and then searched for Huang Kun's soul. It can be said that he made up for the biggest shortcoming at one time. It is very important for the future, but there are gains and losses , he has lost decades of simple happiness. If he is a mortal, it can be said that everything will be over in a few decades. Fortunately, he is a cultivator. Survival is not comparable to ordinary people.

The next day, Zhou Tai and Yaoyu moved their location again. The two agreed to find a place to plant the elixir that can be taken by the golden elixir stage, and then quickly improve the cultivation level of the golden elixir stage. The first level, but under Zhou Tai's suggestion, he chose to re-do the exercises of the Golden Core Stage.

Because Yaoyu only practiced the ordinary golden elixir method before, it is really impossible to judge whether something is good or bad until the end. , she will not be in danger, but the meeting time with Zhou Tai will be extended indefinitely. Even if the two meet in time, the cultivation base of the ninth level of Jindan cannot be restored.Zhou Tai dared to destroy the golden core to gamble, the main reason is that he only had the first level of the golden core, and there was only one layer of soul outside the golden core. If it was the ninth level of the golden core, he would not dare.

At the ninth floor, there are nine layers of spirits outside the golden core. In this period of preparation for the promotion of the Nascent Soul, this is where most of the souls are. It is not an exaggeration to say that the control of the immortals is transferred from the brain to the golden core. , and the early stage of Jindan are fundamentally two concepts.

The new golden elixir exercise for Yaoyu also has attributes, and there is no difference between Zhou Tai's and Zhou Tai's, but the attributes are different.

Her is the earth attribute, which not only increases the defense, but also has the magical skill of earth escape. In case of danger, this kind of spiritual power with earth attribute can easily open the way in the low place, or the kind that opens the front and blocks the back kind of.

Zhou Tai's is offensive, and it is enough to have him as an offensive one. What he needs is someone who can accompany him, not a comrade who goes through life and death together. With the help of strengthening points, Zhou Tai is not afraid of anyone at the same level. Cultivators, even if there are several monks, there is no problem. If there are more or high-level monks, there are formations that can be used together. No matter how you look at it, you don’t need Yaoyu to take risks, and the earth attribute only focuses on defense, not weak .

Because the world of cultivating immortals is too big, the two of them have not left this ice and snow area after traveling for a long time, but they are not in any hurry, and they are not in a hurry. As long as there is no danger, it is the same to get familiar with the spell first.

Only a small part of the day is spent on the road, and the rest of the time is either practicing exercises or resting.

Waking up from meditation, Zhou Tai's expression changed slightly. The upper dantian palace had already fully recovered, but because he found that it was getting stronger slowly, he was not in a hurry to advance to the golden elixir until today, three months later. Only then did Zhou Tai realize that this strengthening had stopped.

Compared with Shangdantian Kung Fu, which was also not advanced, it was stronger for about 10 minutes. Zhou Tai didn't know if this was a kind of breaking and then standing. More powerful, but combined with his own knowledge of immortal cultivation, after careful analysis, Zhou Tai gave up this kind of behavior similar to card loopholes. The human body is mysterious and unpredictable. At the golden elixir, the stronger the upper dantian palace, the stronger the spiritual consciousness, but it is only in the golden elixir stage. When the alchemy becomes a baby, the divine consciousness is still divine consciousness, but it mainly depends on the power of the nascent soul. Well, the strength of the primordial spirit has something to do with the spirit, and has a lot to do with the cultivation techniques of the nine-level spirit of the Jindan period, and has no direct relationship with the upper dantian palace.

After confirming this matter, Zhou Tai began to advance to the Golden Core stage again without hesitation, because he had already experienced it once, and did not make any special preparations, and started directly in the Lingbao space.

There were no accidents or disturbances at all, the only difference was that it was not a success in the first reading. It can only be said that it is really not easy for ordinary monks to advance to Jindan, and it may be that Zhou Tai belongs to the kind without talent.

True Qi reappeared naturally in the body. Because Zhou Tai had advanced to Jindan in the Lingbao space, the spiritual energy around him formed a vortex. Within the Lingbao space, Zhou Tai completed all the transformations in just one day.

When Zhou Tai advanced to Jindan, Yaoyu, who felt the situation, stopped practicing and just watched Zhou Tai quietly not far away. Until this moment, she was truly relieved.

It wasn't until a long time later, when she was sure that nothing would happen, that she continued to practice. Zhou Tai taught her two techniques recently: "Void Appearance" and "Golden Danyi".

After practicing for a while, I found that the progress was very small. The silk thread formed by the true essence is still like a ball around the body, but it is only a little smaller than at the beginning. Thinking of this, her face turned red, and she was still a little scared. Then the Baifeng Chaoyang Spear was too powerful, she couldn't stand it at all!
Zhou Tai must let Yaoyu learn such a powerful auxiliary technique of Jindanyi. Only when she becomes stronger can her safety be truly guaranteed. Even he can't tie the two of them together all the time. Together.

Generally, there is no means to minimize the observation of the true essence, and the golden elixir clothes cannot be cultivated at all. The main reason restricting the development of the golden elixir clothes is the need for a coordinating technique such as the void spirit manifesting technique, and such Cultivation techniques are often more precious.

For Zhou Tai, Yaoyu is of course as strong as possible, but she won't teach everything. For example, although Guimai Miexing is strong, but the technique is too cruel, he doesn't want her to learn it. There is also the art of searching for souls. Others will affect him to some extent, if it is not necessary, Zhou Tai would not want to teach her this, but he will talk about the characteristics and circumstances of this kind of exercises, so as to save it in case of disadvantages in the future.

After returning to the Golden Core Stage, the time spent on the journey between the two gradually increased. Zhou Tai did not take Yaoyu to find some inaccessible places. Instead, he ran back to the area where the sects were located, and returned to Qishan. At Dongfu.

It's not that he doesn't know the danger, but Zhou Tai who came back here once discovered that this is also an area that intersects with the mortal world formation. If there is danger, it is safest to run into that formation.

In arranging some shielding formations, safety is still very guaranteed.

In other places, it would be very dangerous to meet high-ranking monks. Here, it would be over as soon as he ran away.And there is another reason for choosing this place, that is, to see if Su Rou might come here.It's not about thinking about the other party, nor about taking revenge, but that she needs Huaying Pill to advance to Nascent Soul, and I want to know if there is any way for her to get it.

If she was worried about facing Su Rou before, she is completely gone now, just like her sword transforms into thousands. Although she is strong, she can't catch up with the monk who has compound speed spells on the Golden Core Clothes.

 Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by Erqi Sanhuan
(End of this chapter)

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