One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 345 Chapter 3402 The best guide

Chapter 345 Chapter [-] The Best Guide
The gray mist filled the air, the consciousness was retracted, and the ghost veins disappeared, and it went straight to the somewhat brilliant figure in the eyes.

Although Lingbao-level bows and arrows are available, but only one arrow does not have much lethality. On the contrary, it will scare the enemy, and the opponent can teleport. Once they are on guard, they can be said to be invincible. Crisis, one teleport away.

With the flying sword in hand, gradually strengthen it, and a unique attribute power spreads over it. This is Zhou Tai's real means of relying on.

Reversing the Nascent Soul with the Golden Elixir is not common in the history of the Great World of Immortal Cultivation, but it is not impossible.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary Jindan monks want to kill normal Nascent Soul monks, it can only be said that they are thinking too much.

In the memory obtained from the soul search, Huang Kun is a formation master, backed by the sect, and before the level of the formation is improved, he is just an immortal cultivator with ordinary combat power, and there is no possibility of leapfrog challenges at all. Most of the spells or spells were obtained after becoming a top-level formation master, which resulted in some skills that could only be practiced in a certain period of time, and he had never practiced them at all.

Kung Fu is a method of cultivation. In the history of the fairy world, for a long period of time, kung fu is very important. There are as many complicated kung fu with names of different lengths as brilliant as stars in the sky, but these kung fu Most of the exercises are like meteors across the sky, and they will soon flash by and disappear in the long river of history. Among them, not only the old exercises have been eliminated, but also some exercises have been cut off from inheritance.

But the real reason is the separation of skills and skills. Originally, skills have some skills, but with the continuous development of the world of cultivating immortals, the continuous formation of large sects, and more and more skills gathered, there will always be more and more skills. Some cultivators will make some generalizations.

For example, the most basic fireball technique is recorded in the "Fire Sutra", and it is also recorded in the "Blue Flame Sutra". , you will find that there are as many as a thousand kinds of exercises with this name, at most there are only a few dozen kinds, and there are too many similar ones.

This is also one of the reasons why Zongmen disciples are often stronger than casual cultivators, so it promotes the separation of exercises and techniques.

In the end, countless exercises evolved into a small number of exercises and various spells as numerous as stars. The only ones that have been handed down until now, apart from the common exercises practiced by ordinary immortals, are some secret exercises. Ordinary exercises are often foundation-building methods, golden elixir methods, and no special names. Although the exercises with special names will not be famous all over the world and make all immortal cultivators like thunder, they definitely have their own powerful and unique characteristics. place.

For example, Zhou Tai's golden alchemy cultivation method with attributes, the real name is "Returning to the Cold", it sounds like a common name, but it is definitely one of the top golden alchemy exercises, and it is also the one that Zhou Tai wants to counterattack. Nascent Soul's true support.

Nascent Soul cultivator’s true energy transforms mana, and the protective ability of the body surface is greatly increased. If ordinary Jindan cultivator does not have a magic weapon of the spirit treasure level, it is not easy to break through this kind of defense with one blow. What is even more difficult is the attack caused The mana shield is damaged, and under the flow of mana, it will soon be restored to its original state.

If it is said that it is not difficult to break through the real essence protection on the body surface of the Jindan stage in the foundation building stage, but it is several times more difficult to break through the magic power protection of the Nascent Soul in the Jindan stage.

What's more, Nascent Soul cultivators have other defensive means, and Nascent Soul stage monks have stronger attack means than defensive means. Jin Dan can only say that it is not a difficult word to sum up Nascent Soul.

Zhou Tai was able to destroy Yuanying with Lingbao-level bows and arrows back then, but the strength of Lingbao's attack was so strong that he could break through defenses again and again, and opened a safe distance.

"Returning to the Cold" sounds like an ice attribute exercise, and when used, it will greatly reduce the surrounding temperature, but Zhou Tai, who has really learned and understood this exercise, knows that it is just a superficial.

The speed of particles slows down, the temperature becomes lower, and when it reaches absolute zero, it stops moving. "Return to the Cold Break" just slows down the speed of particles, and the speed of particle movement slows down, and the links between each other will become weaker. In this case Under this condition, the enemy's strong defense ability can be turned into paper, and the temperature drop is just an incidental effect.

If Zhou Tai did not have some scientific knowledge from his previous life, it might be difficult for Zhou Tai to understand the principle of this exercise, but the combination of the two lives is not so difficult.

The power of the "Returning to the Cold" attribute of the eighth layer of Jindan is added to the Lingbao-level flying sword. Theoretically speaking, if the opponent stands still, let alone a Nascent Soul cultivator with full protection, it is a god-turning monk. A monk in the early stage can easily cut into two pieces with one sword.

The reason why I say it is theoretical is because there are no fools who cultivate immortals to stand still and let people cut them down. When it comes to real hands, all kinds of situations may happen.

When Zhou Tai kept approaching the Nascent Soul Stage Demon Sect monk, the opponent was also constantly moving. After finding out that it wasn't his spirit ghost that had a problem, he began to search for the cause of the death of his sect monk team.

A better situation is that although the time of each other is not considered to be head-on, they are not flying straight in the same direction. If they are in the same direction, the Nascent Soul's moving speed must not be slow. Using teleportation will easily expose space fluctuations. Teleportation, the pursuit will take more time, which is not a good thing for Zhou Tai who wants to leave here quickly.

While changing direction and constantly approaching the opponent, Zhou Tai kept reducing his speed and sense of presence. The idea was very simple, as long as he tried to sneak attack and strike the opponent with a sword, it would be perfect if he could accomplish a feat.

One is intentional, the other seems unintentional, and the two soon meet in mid-air.

At the moment of approaching, Zhou Tai changed from static, there was no earth-shattering shock, only a split-second slash, normally speaking, he felt that his slash was stable.

But the facts are impermanent. When Zhou Tai made a move, the Mozong Yuanying also made a move, but it was just a simple grab. This change was a bit too sudden. The danger level in my heart has directly increased to a higher level, so I don't have any intention of catching the other party's catch. Who knows if there is some ultimate move hidden.

But it was too late to retreat at this moment, the flying sword that could only attack changed its angle, and directly met the opponent's grasp.

At the last moment of the flying sword's attack, when the power of the attribute exploded completely, the ghost veins that escaped directly disappeared, and a brilliant brilliance appeared in midair, directly slashing at the arm of the monk Nascent Soul.

In an instant, the situation changed drastically. The Nascent Soul cultivator Che Yangzhen, who was a bit indifferent at first, suddenly became a little terrified. He just did it for a trivial matter, and the world turned upside down in an instant, becoming dangerous and terrifying. .

The Lingbao-level flying sword with added attribute power cut off the forearm of the Nascent Soul cultivator without any hindrance. Zhou Tai was a little surprised that the opponent didn't show any follow-up methods, but this did not prevent him from cutting off the first sword in an instant. Two cuts, being so close to the opponent, keeping a distance is not a good way, especially when the opponent may have a way to see through his invisibility.

Although Che Yangzhen couldn't see the appearance of the other party, she knew that he was very close to the other party. After all, he was an old devil in the Nascent Soul Stage. Between life and death, the pain of breaking his arm didn't make him spend a moment of mourning. The moment he felt that the situation was not right, he retreated extremely quickly, and at the same time threw out a shield-shaped defensive magic weapon.

Normally, this defensive magic weapon would become larger in an instant and fully deploy its defenses. It could be deployed thirty times in the blink of an eye, which can be said to be very fast.

But he didn't wait for the defensive magic weapon to be fully deployed, and he didn't wait for the Nascent Soul cultivator to keep a safe distance.
The second blow easily split the defensive magic weapon and hit part of the Nascent Soul cultivator's body, but that was all. As the Nascent Soul cultivator moved away, Zhou Tai knew that he had failed. No one was left behind.

A few drops of blood left by the Nascent Soul cultivator are falling,
"Swipe..." The sound of the flying sword beating the magic weapon came to my ears belatedly.

"Huh?" Zhou Tai looked suspiciously at the injured and fleeing Nascent Soul cultivator, and the severed hand flying in the air behind him, and then stepped forward to catch up.

"Are you reluctant to part with your own body? Or do you think you have the strength to fight?" I don't know why the opponent didn't choose to teleport away, but Zhou Tai didn't mind trying to attack again.

When the compound speed technique was used, Zhou Tai's speed increased sharply in an instant, and the distance between the two kept getting closer. Feeling the crisis behind him, Che Yangzhen gave up her severed hand without hesitation, and also accelerated her speed .

It's not that he doesn't want to teleport, but that he used up the number of teleports on the way here in a hurry. He's still a little dazed up to this moment, not knowing what's going on, and his severed hand is only holding the attitude of giving it a try. They ran together with their spiritual sense, but because of their fast speed, before the severed hand could catch up, the other party came first, so they had to give up for the time being.

The opponent's sharp attack frightened him, the Nascent Soul, but this was not the real reason why he ran away, not because he didn't dare to turn around and attack, he would fight back, but he wanted to distance himself a bit first and figure out what the opponent was!
Otherwise, there would always be a feeling that there was no way to start, but as the opponent kept approaching, he found nothing, and he couldn't figure out the origin of the opponent.

At first, he thought it was just a newly formed spirit ghost. With his kind of magic cultivation, he had a magic weapon specially designed to find spirit ghosts, so he could easily perceive the existence of spirit ghosts at close range.

Spirit ghosts can only be formed in places like the Yin Sha Moon. The newly formed spirit ghosts can't even show their bodies. Capture, the spirit ghosts in the soul banners of the monks of the Demon Sect come from this way, and then cultivate them little by little.

A newly formed ghost spirit is meaningless to Che Yangzhen. He just wanted to take a picture. It's not like he has never encountered such a thing before. He almost killed himself.

Now that it was a spirit ghost, he would not believe it if he was killed. The sharp attack just now was obviously a flying sword, but it was too strong. He said it was a monk, but he did not find the power of divine consciousness. If there is a reaction, you can't see the other party at all.

I think a lot in my heart, but the time is only three fingers.

One after the other quickly pursued in the air, and the speed of the pursuit was obviously faster than the speed of the front. The situation took a turn for the worse, and Che Yangzhen had to rely on changing directions to avoid the pursuit.

He originally had a prepared spell on him, but it was a defensive spell. He knew that he couldn't stop the opponent's attack at all. He had dispersed and was going to try bombarding a spell. Accurate, but the opponent's speed is too fast, it is likely to catch up with him first.

If the fog dissipates and time slows down, you can easily see the figure of a monk, moving without direction, but because the speed is too fast under normal circumstances, there is no afterimage left, but at a certain moment, A cloud of black mist appeared and continued to grow in size.

Because the previous defensive magic weapon was destroyed in an instant, and the defensive effect was not achieved at all, so Che Yangzhen didn't want to use his own magic weapon easily, but after turning around three times and escaping, he knew that if it wasn't for the other party, it would be difficult to judge his own. Changing the direction, he faced the third attack a long time ago. The opponent had already failed in his prediction once, and every time he predicted it, he was betting his life.

He directly used the prepared magic attack without caring about the result. While continuing to escape, he took out his magic weapon, Soul Sail, and summoned the two ghost kings inside, so he could only choose to go all out.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a monk to see the movement of spiritual power in the body of other monks, but the prepared spells are not triggered, and it can be seen that they are prepared under the Void Manifestation Technique.

Although the Nascent Soul cultivator's spells are strong, they are not unexpected. Zhou Tai, who was prepared, escaped most of the attacks, and only a few minor injuries were caused by his magic weapon-level defense. He has a fully strengthened body. , is not a problem at all.

The opponent was about to fight back, but instead of being surprised, Zhou Tai was overjoyed. He said first that the opponent either did not have teleportation, or the teleportation was useless. Secondly, his spells did not last long. Once the time was up and the speed slowed down, it would be difficult to pursue Yes, although there are Lingbao-level bows and arrows as a base, only the last arrow is missing, and it will take at least dozens of arrows to kill the opponent, which is a bit of a waste of time.

Cha Yangzhen used the black mist of the soul sail to hide her figure, and used ghost king-level spirit ghosts to assist her. The idea was good, but when Zhou Tai attacked with a spell and lifted the two ghost kings away, he rushed into the soul sail and formed a large cloud of mist Within a short period of time, the sword ended with the Nascent Soul cultivator who had been injured and whose reaction had slowed down as he fled all the way.

It wasn't that Zhou Tai suddenly became stronger, but that the Nascent Soul cultivator was too confident in his ghost streamer mist, thinking that it would be difficult to find his figure. Indeed, the pupil technique is not easy to use, but the reminder that can be strengthened is the most important thing. Good directions.

The ghost banner is a special kind of magic weapon. The spirit ghost inside is connected with the monk's soul. It is not only convenient to control but also difficult to snatch. Once the monk dies, the spirit ghost will also die.

(End of this chapter)

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