One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 346 Chapter 3403 The way to become stronger while sleeping

Chapter 346 Chapter [-] The Way to Get Stronger While Sleeping
The final blow was as natural as the flow of water. The Nascent Soul cultivator didn't have time to blew himself up and didn't run away. Not only did he need to make up his mind, but he also needed a little time. Zhou Tai didn't give the opponent this chance.

Meeting a Nascent Soul cultivator who couldn't teleport was an unexpected harvest, and he dealt with the scene simply. For a moment, Zhou Tai saw the place where the two ghost kings died thoughtfully, and then turned and left without hesitation.

I must run quickly, the longer the time, the greater the movement,

After the shot, Zhou Tai had no way to continue to pay attention to the other Nascent Soul cultivators of the Demon Sect. He had killed many Demon Cultivators before, but they were all at the Foundation Establishment stage. He just killed a Nascent Soul cultivator. If you don't run away, when will you wait!
Seeing a single Yuanyingqi is like picking up money on the road, as if planning to go out to earn 300 yuan, it's hard to say whether it will be successful or not, just pick up [-] yuan first, of course it's better to settle down first.

As for the present, Zhou Tai has already given up, and has no goals for the time being, so he rushes to fight for what is available. Now that something has happened, there is no need to take any more risks.

Continuous teleportation, and soon left the range covered by the mist of the evil moon, without staying, continued to teleport continuously, until the true energy in the body was reduced to less than three layers, and then found a hidden place to enter Within the Lingbao space.

It is invisible when running, but reveals its figure when entering.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Yaoyu asked directly when she saw Zhou Tai's appearance just after entering the Lingbao space.

On the surface, it seemed that Zhou Tai was no different, but the series of killings still made Yaoyu feel a little different, especially this way of frantically absorbing spiritual energy to recover, which obviously consumed a lot of energy.

"It's no big deal to meet some monks from the Demon Sect, but the previous plan has to be changed." Zhou Tai replied in this way while absorbing spiritual energy to recover his true energy.

Hearing such an answer, Yaoyu was quiet for a while, to confirm that Zhou Tai was really not injured, and then asked with confidence: "Going to another place?"

Sensing Yaoyu's consciousness running to his side, Zhou Tai didn't stop him, and directly withdrew his consciousness, knowing that he wanted to check whether he was injured or not.

"Stay away from here first. As for where to go to see the situation, I will talk about it. In the end, if it doesn't work, I will go back to Huiqi Mountain." Without a good solution, I will try to see if I can wait until Su Rou finds her. If not, I can only take risks. Started on those sects.

"Yeah! I'll listen to you." Yaoyu took Zhou Tai's lead as the leader. In fact, what she liked most was the days when she and Zhou Tai lived quietly in Qishan. The fate of running out of life energy.

After recovering the true energy in his body, Zhou Tai went out immediately, and continued to teleport continuously. No matter how big the battle those demon sects made in the end, it had nothing to do with Zhou Tai.

If he can, he really wants to keep killing there, but there are few things that go well in the world, especially in the world of cultivating immortals.

After recovering his true energy several times and then teleporting, Zhou Tai resumed his normal driving speed when he felt that he was out of a safe distance, and only then did he have the opportunity to deal with those waiting Mozong storage bags.

The Mozong’s storage bag more or less has some blood spirit pills, and there are not many other spirit stones or materials. Many magic tools are eerie. I tried it, but I didn’t find anything special. Zhou Tai I plan to find time to melt these instruments into materials in the future.

"Yaoyao, try refining this magic weapon." Zhou Tai took out a magic weapon bead and threw it to Yaoyu.

"What's this for?" A black bead, it doesn't look any different.

"This is a magical tool for searching. I have a conjecture that needs to be verified." Hearing this, Yaoyu did not raise any objections, and directly refined the bead.

After refining, he didn't feel the use of this magic weapon, so he looked at Zhou Tai suspiciously: "I don't feel anything."

"What about now? Can you feel my position?" While speaking, Zhou Tai activated the ghost meridian and moved his position.In this state before, Yaoyu couldn't find him.

"Yes!" At the same time, Yaoyu walked up to the invisible Zhou Tai, Zhou Tai moved, and she could really move.

Seeing this phenomenon, Zhou Tai directly withdrew from the stealth: "Sure enough." The result was the same as he guessed, and he also figured out why the Nascent Soul could find him.

"What's the situation?" Regarding this, Yaoyu also raised a question. In her opinion, Zhou Tai's invisibility was definitely a very powerful method, and she couldn't even detect it with her spiritual sense, but it seems small and ordinary here. Under the beads, one can perceive the Tao.

"There are many things in the world that interact and restrain each other. There is no truly perfect and invincible cultivation method, but some restraint methods are simple, and some restraint methods are not common..." Zhou Tai simply explained to Yaoyu.

This magic weapon bead is used to find spirit ghosts. It can be said to be a very low-level artifact. Only some demon cultivators will use it. When the monks were fighting, when they met the ghost king in the soul streamer, although it was only for a short moment, Zhou Tai's ghost meridian extinct had a reaction similar to absorbing the Nascent Soul, but compared to absorbing the Nascent Soul, it was more difficult. This reaction is much weaker.

Zhou Tai seriously doubts that this ghost meridian extermination is a cultivation technique for absorbing spirit ghosts, and after absorbing low-level spirit ghosts, it may only have the effect of hiding some whereabouts. In the past, spirit ghosts were rare, and this technique also Unlikely to flourish.

Is this wrong?Zhou Tai came up with such an idea in an instant, he probably raised this skill directly to a higher level.

After all, it is too cruel to directly use the Nascent Soul to practice. If you want to kill the Nascent Soul at will, you must be a high-level monk.And there is such a big loophole, if no one knows about it, it is like wasting all previous efforts if it is known to others, no matter how you think about it, it is not worthwhile.

Of course, there may be follow-up exercises, and what I have obtained is not comprehensive, but Zhou Tai believes that his guess is closer to the truth.

He even suspects that once he absorbs the spirit ghost to practice, even if he uses the Nascent Soul to practice in the later stage, he will not be able to achieve the effect of direct invisibility.

Although Zhou Tai discovered a huge flaw in the cultivation technique, Zhou Tai was not disappointed at all. It would be lucky to know in advance, otherwise he would rush to a group of ghost-playing Mozong Yuanying one day to play a sneak attack, and that would be a lot of fun .

There has never been any truly invincible cultivation technique in the world. The true strength of an immortal cultivator is to use the right method at the right time.

Heading all the way to the southeast of the Immortal Cultivation World, enjoying the scenery along the way with Yaoyu, wandering around the barren areas of the Immortal Cultivation World, most of which are all kinds of beautiful scenery, occasionally a spiritual grass may need to be laboriously dug up Neither Zhou Tai nor Yaoyu have much interest in mines with a little spiritual material. The most common encounters are some monsters. In front of the two golden elixirs, they either run away from afar or are easily killed. .

The wild ones are monsters. If they are captive or enslaved by immortal cultivators, they can be called spirit beasts, but Zhou Tai has no idea of ​​catching a small one as a pet.

There is no place for them to be raised, and there is no such leisure. Thousands of years ago, there were casual cultivators who liked to keep them in captivity, but now the title of casual cultivators is gone.

The resources in hand were not enough to set up an ultra-long-distance teleportation array, so they could only hurry on their way. Because the distance was too far, the two of them both advanced to the ninth floor of Jindan, reaching a situation where there was no way to advance.

In the 210th and eighth year after he came to this world, Zhou Tai's golden core was perfected, but the road ahead was still difficult to cultivate immortality, one strengthening point a day, he wanted to accumulate [-] points to see the effect, and there was still a long way to go.

Sometimes, looking at Yaoyu's happy smile, Zhou Tai wanted to ask in his heart: "Are you willing to sleep forever with me?" It's also full of dangers. If he was alone, he would probably make such a choice at the bottleneck of his cultivation, but if there were two people, he would give up after thinking about it.

Now that the world of cultivating immortals is withered, many things that used to exist are hard to find, such as the Eternal Essence, also known as Eternal Water, the immortal cultivator lies in it, and the whole body is covered with this Eternal Essence, and the body can almost stay in the state when entering. Sleeping in it, if no one disturbs you, you can sleep for eternity.

This is the most suitable method for Zhou Tai. One strengthening point a day will make him stronger when he really sleeps. After sleeping for countless years, after waking up, he will be accompanied by hundreds of millions of strengthening points. Not a problem anymore.

If he has nothing to worry about, he may risk his life to look for it. Failure means death, everything can be fixed, and success means taking off in place.

Everything can be expected, living in such a depressing way in this world of cultivating immortals, it is better to take a gamble.

But there are still ties, and now it can be said that it is Yaoyu's only reliance, she bet the rest of her life on Zhou Tai, how could Zhou Tai let her lose everything.

As for why the two of them don't sleep together, that's because the already high death rate will be doubled again, and it is very likely that the final result will be that the two of them will become a pair of desperate little mandarin ducks.

This is mainly because of the Essence of Hengchen. After searching the great world of cultivating immortals for countless years, it is more difficult to find the natural Essence of Hengchen and reach enough to cover a monk, than to destroy several first-class sects in a row, because Zongmen can see it there, but the essence of Hengchen is rare to extinct.

The reason why Zhou Tai dared to think about it was because he knew where it might be from the memory he got.

Forbidden places, a very special existence in the Great World of Immortal Cultivation, there are dozens of them that are very famous, and there are even individual forbidden places left in some mortal worlds when the heaven and earth changed drastically.

Most immortal cultivators only know that it is the cave of some great monks, left over from a long time ago, it is difficult to break through, it is very complicated and full of dangers, it is easy to enter and difficult to get out, and some famous ones make some immortal cultivators turn pale when they talk about it .

If this is the case, even if it is difficult, some sects have already gone to clean up, maybe they can get a lot of benefits, such as setting up an existence like a sect formation, which can be easily broken. The real reason is that those forbidden areas are actually It is a mausoleum, to be precise, it is a tomb of the living dead where immortal cultivators may survive.

The total number of lifespans of immortal cultivators is limited, and it is difficult to become an immortal. Even if they live out the second life, there is little hope. Therefore, some great monks obtained the essence of Hengchen and fell asleep in it, hoping that one day when they wake up, the world of cultivating immortals already has a real life. The way to become a fairy.

It can be said that the Eternal Essences in this world are basically in those forbidden areas, and Zhou Tai's plan is also for the Eternal Essences in these forbidden areas.

Under normal circumstances, there is no hope of entering it without breaking the forbidden area, but Zhou Tai's top array mage's means combined with the plug-in of the strengthening point, there is a chance to mix in it. Of course, if there are monks lying in it, they dare not move. retreat.Once he wakes up, with his current strength, there is no chance of surviving against that kind of boss.

Zhou Tai's goal is to find an empty forbidden area to see if there is any leftover Eternal Essence.

Some great monks built their own forbidden areas and prepared to sleep, but they may have died outside due to accidents.There may also be sleeping monks who wake up at the set time and end up walking out of the forbidden area, never to return.

In the past, this kind of thing happened, so not all the forbidden places must have monks.

There are also some big monks who built forbidden areas for various reasons, but the scale is much smaller, and they are called small forbidden areas.After the Immortal Cultivation World could not find the Eternal Essence, there would be no monks to cultivate forbidden areas. Only some monks had attacked several forbidden areas. Although there were gains, it was also tragic.

Zhou Tai wanted to enter the forbidden area, but he didn't get out just by looking at it. It was extremely dangerous to enter it. Many forbidden areas have means to wake up the sleeping monk by triggering something. Otherwise, how can people walk in front of the sleeping monk? Isn't it very dangerous to sleeping monks?And the Essence of Hengchen is very rare, there is either no one in the forbidden area, or there is only one copy, Zhou Tai may take his life if he wants one copy, but if he wants two copies, he can only die without life, so this is a battle gamble.

Because of the characteristic of strengthening points every day, life is limited and sleep is infinite, Zhou Tai knows that he will go this way sooner or later, otherwise his upper limit will be extremely limited, with this strengthening point, how can he not think about it? Check out the final scene.

In fact, knowing that the higher the cultivation base, the greater the chance of survival, Zhou Tai also wanted to delay this time, but the promotion to Nascent Soul stood in front of him like a stumbling block.

There is still time, there will always be a way, Zhou Tai finally thought so.

After traveling around for a while, Zhou Tai began to use teleportation to hurry quickly. If you don’t hurry, you can’t go back at the normal flying speed of Yujian. It will take at least a few decades. Can't be wasted like that.

The hope of advancing to the Nascent Soul still lies with the Zongmen. Although the risk is high, it is nothing compared to entering the forbidden area.

In less than ten years, Zhou Tai and Yao Yu returned to Qi Shan's range again.

 Thanks to the emotional Mr. Youshou for rewarding 100 starting point coins.

(End of this chapter)

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