One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 347 Chapter 3404 3 checks 7 checks

Chapter 347 Chapter [-] Three Checks and Seven Checks
Everything in Qishan has not changed much. The main purpose of Zhou Tai's return is to take out the ultra-long-distance teleportation array left in the deep underground. When carrying it with him, if there is danger, he can also guarantee a retreat.

Although I also wondered if I could wait until Su Rou, and then the two of them worked together to find a way, for example, what if Su Rou could make alchemy?It's not out of the question to provide herbs and such yourself!Because Zhou Tai suspected that Su Rou had searched for an array mage, if that was the case, wouldn't it be impossible for the other party to search for an alchemist?

Zhou Tai originally planned to continue waiting in Qishan, but when he thought about it, if the other party never showed up, it would be a waste of time to wait until the end, and it was uncertain whether Su Rou would have a way to advance to Nascent Soul.

In the end Zhou Tai decided to find a solution by himself first, and if there was no solution, he would come back from time to time.

So Zhou Tai and Yaoyu returned to Qishan and left not long after staying. Normally, they should stay in the area where the sect is located to see if they can get news of Huaying Pill from some squares and cities, but because Before, Zhou Tai killed a few monks in the Nascent Soul Stage of the Zongmen. It was a bit risky to do so, so Zhou Tai only wandered in various mortal worlds, especially Qi Shan was next to the edge of the mortal world. Walking in a large formation, safety is also guaranteed.


Liyuan Realm, the mortal realm to which the first-class sect Liyuan Sect belongs, is the same as Liuyun Realm. It is a small realm where the monks of the Zongmen family live. It has a high content of spiritual energy, and it can be enlightened without spirit stones.

A cry of a baby rang out in a house. This was the birth of a new life, but unlike ordinary mortal families, the baby who made the sound did not enter the arms of the family at the first time, but was delivered by the midwife. It entered the hands of a group of people outside the delivery room. Looking carefully, the midwife's clothes were the same as the group of people outside.

Regardless of the noise of the newborn, an old man first took out a magic weapon and manipulated it on the baby's head, and then used a needle to draw some blood from the baby. After these two things were done, he turned around, okay? A man in the distance said: "The family initiation ceremony has been completed. From now on, there will be another family member in my Li family. You must educate them well. When you are seven years old..."

After saying these words that have been said countless times, the old man left with a group of people.

"Congratulations to the clan elders!" The man who had been afraid to speak much didn't say a word of congratulations until the old man left. After these people disappeared in the courtyard, he looked at his newcomer with joy. born child.

And everyone here didn't know that all the process was seen by a pair of eyes.

The Li family is one of the several major cultivating families in the Liyuan sect. Except for some Li family monks who have already entered the sect, the rest of the clan members are spending scattered leaves in the Liyuan realm. The cultivating families in the sect will not be unlimited To expand the number of mortals in the family, as long as the family can reproduce and ensure enough next-generation monks are enough.

The scene just now was a scene of a mortal clan adding a child within the Li family, and Zhou Tai has seen this kind of scene many times in the past few months.

Although there is a formation protection outside the area where the Li family lives, it is almost useless to the current Zhou Tai. As long as he wants to, he can come in silently. Too bad luck, it is still very useful in general.

Now Zhou Tai can run the Ghost Meridian Extinguisher for ten hours in a day. During this period of time, it can be said that he has almost turned the Li family around. Be as careful as possible.

There are only a few thousand mortals in the Li family, and newborns are born every few days. Zhou Tai's focus from the beginning was to collect various information and observe the birth of these newborns.

Because there are still two hours to reveal his figure every day, Zhou Tai has to hide in the Lingbao space every day. He hides the Lingbao space in a secret place outside the Li family. Go around in a circle, the time is longer or shorter.

"Going to see the birth again?" Back in the Lingbao space, Zhou Tai just showed his figure, and Yao Yu, who was staying here, asked with a puzzled expression.Zhou Tai would tell her what was going on, and he didn't want her to be too boring here, so he would tell her what he had seen and heard throughout the day.

"What does it mean to watch the birth?" Zhou Tai disagreed with this statement, he knew she said this on purpose.

"Probably about the same!" Yaoyu's plain tone suddenly turned into a joyful laugh while saying this.

"It's a lot worse!" Zhou Tai didn't care about this at all, instead he made a dissatisfied expression in cooperation, and then it disappeared in a flash.There are only two people, and occasionally they can tease each other like this, which is a way to adjust their mood.

"Sure enough, as I expected, these cultivating families will test and record the soul and blood of every newborn baby." After playing around, Zhou Tai talked about his recent discovery.

"What's the use of this?" Ask if you don't understand, this has become the norm in Yaoyu.

"Because cultivators are different from ordinary people, they have many methods, such as seizing the house or reincarnating, so there is a system of three inspections and seven inspections." In fact, this system was also heard by Zhou Taixin. Although this method has already appeared in the world of cultivating immortals, However, there has not been a situation of comprehensive popularization, but now it is not only popular but also carried forward.

"Three checks and seven checks, the third check is for family monks who enter the sect, the seventh check is for clan members who stay in the clan, the third check is to check when they are born, check when they enter the sect, and check when they leave the sect and return. Check. The seven checks are at birth, and when you are seven years old, even if you stay in the family and don't go out, you have to check at least seven times in your life."

"The soul and blood are checked. The soul and blood are recorded at birth, and the blood is checked. Later, they are checked to prevent someone from pretending to be a clan." Zhou Tai explained that he was also popularizing knowledge blind spots for Yaoyu.

"Record the soul?" Yaoyu said the word again.

"Everyone's soul is unique, and if it is taken away, it will change." Zhou Tai explained briefly.

"Then what about reincarnation?" Because both Su Rou and the two array mages he met had too much magic, Yaoyu once asked why they were so powerful, Zhou Tai said that they might be reincarnated monks, Yaoyu was right Reincarnation was very curious, so I told him about it.

So Yaoyu asked later, "Then are you a reincarnation monk?" Because although it is considered reincarnation, it is not a reincarnation of a monk, so she answered no. Afterwards, Yaoyu became very interested in the word reincarnation, which is also true. It is easy to understand, but it is difficult to cultivate an immortal, but there are people who have succeeded in reincarnation and reincarnation, and everyone will think about it.

"The reincarnated soul will have abnormalities, which are difficult to detect when they are just born, but it will be obvious when they are six or seven years old."

"Then the idea of ​​joining if you can't beat it is hopeless..." After a while, Yaoyu asked in a low voice.

This sentence is what Zhou Tai said to Yaoyu, because even if he got the Huaying Pill, the road to cultivation would be difficult in the future, so Zhou Tai thought about whether he could enter the sect and become a sect monk?The ones outside are not good, so how about trying to pretend to be a native?
His idea is also simple, find a sect family, use the ghost veins to observe the growth of those newborn children, get familiar with all the acquaintances and affairs around them, and finally find a fake who looks similar to himself, the subtleties , use spiritual body strengthening to make up for it.

Pretending to be a cultivator of the sect, you can practice slowly, and when you are able to leave the sect, you can bring Yaoyu back in an open and honest manner, and say that Yaoyu is a newly captured furnace. After Yaoyu changes her appearance, she can bring it back again, so that the two of them can stay in the sect forever. As long as the resources are sufficient, they can pretend to be golden elixir consummation for at least a few decades, or at least a hundred years. Obtained the Infant Transformation Pill from Zongmen.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. If ten thousand years ago, this success rate would still be there, but the three checks and seven checks made the difficulty of this matter more than ten times higher.

"It's not that there is no hope, but the difficulty has increased, and there will be a lot of time delay..." I roughly talked about it again.If you want to be successful, you need to have the means to deal with three checks and seven checks. Either do something when the newborn is born, and record your own soul in it, or find a way to replace the magic weapon that records the soul and replace it with your own.Then, when impersonating, the chosen person is imprisoned, and fresh blood can still be obtained during the blood test.

Although these two things are difficult, they are not without opportunities, but the real reason why Zhou Tai wants to give up temporarily is the scarcity of places for monks in the Zongmen. He must ensure that the monk he chooses can finally enter the Zongmen, otherwise all the previous efforts It will all be in vain.According to the news from the Li family, sometimes it takes decades for a family member to enter the sect, but for a newborn, it takes only a few days!
Wait until it is determined who can enter the sect before trying to figure out a solution, the difficulty and danger will increase greatly.

"Let's go to other places to see." Finally, after Zhou Tai said this, he took Yaoyu and left Liyuan Realm together.

Although he felt that there was little hope, Zhou Tai still visited a few cultivating families of other sects, and found that they all had a system similar to three checks and seven checks. Zhou Tai really gave up, and there was a dangerous incident that was almost discovered by others. .Cultivation families in the mortal world don't have this kind of system, but it can only be cultivated in the field.

There is another plan, Zhou Tai has also thought about it, that is to snatch all kinds of alchemy books from those families in the mortal world, practice hard for hundreds of years, there is hope to become an alchemist, and then refine Huaying Pill by himself.But from Zhou Tai's point of view, this is a bottom-line guarantee plan. It is not so easy to devote hundreds of years to one thing of alchemy.

"Even if it's difficult, why don't you try it!" In a restaurant in the mortal world, Yao Yu and Zhou Tai wore the same attire and enjoyed life here. voice to speak.

"Too much time has been wasted, and during this period of time, you have to hide in the Lingbao space all the time, you are too wronged." This is Zhou Tai's heartfelt words.

"I'm fine!" Yaoyu's tone was firm and serious. I don't know if she's used to it. She doesn't feel too much in the Lingbao space. In fact, it's mainly because Zhou Tai can accompany her often. If it's just herself It's just another way.

"I still have another method to try, if it still doesn't work, let's talk about it." While saying this, a picture from many years ago appeared in my mind, which can be described by the name of a foreign painter, after all... .

Yang Xuan, a Golden Core cultivator captured by Zhou Tai back then, may have felt that he had killed too much. In the end, Zhou Tai did not choose to kill the other party. Let her go.The information provided by the other party was proved to be true afterwards. Although it may be for saving his life, it must have left an impression of fear of death and simplicity in Zhou Tai's heart.

What I thought back then was, in case the Nascent Soul Method didn’t come out in the future, I just wanted to see if I could get it from the other party, but as a result, time has passed, and more than 100 years have passed, and the Kung Fu has already existed, but it is still because of the Transformation Infant Pill that I can’t advance to the Yuan Dynasty. infant.

Because there was a cooperation before, and there was a bit of a foundation of trust, Zhou Tai thought about trying to catch the other party and do another 'business'.As long as he catches him, he will have the means to control the other party. If the other party can get the Huaying Pill, and he and Yaoyu successfully advance to the Nascent Soul, he will release the other party as promised.

Although there are suspicions that the persimmons are picked and squeezed, there is no good way. Other Jindan monks caught them and put them back. There are many accidents, and the female cultivator seems to be a little bit likely.

Instead of entering the Zongmen to find a way, it is better to find a Zongmen monk to find a way, the time is faster, but I don’t know if the other party has advanced to the Nascent Soul after more than 100 years, Zhou Tai just wants to give it a try, and there is no loss .

In fact, there is still one person in Zhou Tai's heart, and he hopes to be bigger, that is Qin Nanxi, but the other party is in the first-class sect, and it is somewhat dangerous for Zhou Tai to enter it. I don't want to use any tricks on the other party, but if I can completely trust the other party, it is even more impossible.

"What are you thinking about!" Looking at someone who was suddenly in a daze, Yaoyu interrupted the memory of the other person with words. Just like the past, it is so clear.

"I'm thinking about what needs to be improved in the new method." In fact, the real situation is that some unforgettable memory fragments are mixed in it. It is not a lie, but it is not comprehensive enough.

The reason why he didn't think of a way to find a way from Qin Nanxi first was because Zhou Tai was not sure, if he really caught the other party, would he be willing to let him go back and bet that the other party would get him the Infant Pill? Don't let go.

(End of this chapter)

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