One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 348 Chapter 3405

Chapter 348 Chapter [-]
Within the large formation at the edge of the mortal world, a huge storm of aura swirled and danced in mid-air. This was the fairy-grade spirit stone strengthened by Zhou Tai in his hand and began to absorb aura again. It cannot be absorbed continuously, but as long as it is possible Next, we have to gather a wave of wool.

In the spirit treasure space, the spiritual energy is as dense as in water. It can be said that if it is only as dense as the spiritual energy of cultivation, it can be compared with the secret places of first-class sects.

After making a decision, Zhou Tai first came to Pingbo Realm, then left from the edge formation, and went directly to the Great World of Immortal Cultivation from here.

"Jinjianzong!" The name was on his lips, but Zhou Tai went in the direction of Yunxiazong. Regarding his sect, that chick Yang Xuan lied back then, and he really couldn't tell the truth from the fake. , but now he can tell which sect the other party belongs to when he thinks of the Zongmen disciple's clothes worn by the other party. Generally, the style of Zongmen's clothes will not be easily changed.

The reason why he left from Pingbo Realm was that Yunxia Sect was not too far away from Liuyun Sect. Back then, the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles might have been considered a long way to Zhou Tai, but it really didn’t matter to him now.

Although there are other mortal worlds that are closer to the edge, it takes time to find them. It is better to go directly from the place you are familiar with. Now Zhou Tai is on the ninth floor of the golden core, and the range of his consciousness reaches more than 400 kilometers, which is almost Generally, Jindan ninth-level monks are twice as fast. Now Zhou Tai can teleport about two thousand kilometers in a single teleportation. If all the true energy in his body is used for teleportation, he can teleport hundreds of times in a row.

So as long as he thinks about it, hundreds of thousands of miles is not a big problem.

Normally, there are requirements for borrowing spirit treasures to teleport. Before, short distances were not a big problem, but now teleporting [-] kilometers at a time, Zhou Tai can feel that every teleport has a slight sense of compression and pressure on his body. Destruction, but the fully strengthened body allows the body to recover quickly and always maintain the strongest state, so this has little effect on him.

The Nascent Soul cultivator uses the body as the medium for teleportation, no matter how far or near, it will cause damage to the body. The teleportation of the spirit treasure uses the spirit treasure as the medium, and the spirit treasure can bear the cost of teleportation within a short distance. If the treasure cannot bear it completely, the body will share part of it.

Returning to the big world of cultivating immortals, there is a feeling of a vast space between heaven and earth. First, strengthen the Lingbao-level spiritual disk to check, and after confirming that there is nothing wrong, the consciousness will spread out to check the surrounding environment and terrain.

The spiritual consciousness is based on monks. The wider the scope of exploration, the greater the area of ​​increase. Therefore, the later it is, the harder it is to increase the distance of exploration. The area increased by a small distance is very huge.

Once the detection distance is too large, there will be no feeling of being in control of everything nearby. The farther the distance, the stronger the feeling of losing control, unless it is combined with the consciousness in one place, so the range of consciousness of high-level monks Although it is wide, it will not be very strong when it is all distributed to the maximum detection distance.

After finding the right direction based on the terrain map, Zhou Tai directly withdrew all his consciousness, and then left quickly.

Occasionally, I saw some wild cultivators on the road, and I didn't have any thoughts of chatting with them. I knew in my heart that many of these wild cultivators were from the Liuyun Sect. The situation of inner sect disciples.

Because he knew that these sects were looking for him, especially in the past few years, they killed some members of the sect, so Zhou Tai was very careful on his way. Pretending to be wild and rushing on the road, he absolutely did not reveal his figure.

Because there is a lot of aura in the Lingbao space, it is not uncommon for Zhou Tai to teleport on the road, and he quickly rushed out of the control range of the Yunxia Zongmen's big formation.

Yunxia Sect is a second-class sect, the area occupied by the sect is only half of that of the first-class sect, and the control range of the sect's great formation is only tens of thousands of miles.

After a few days of simple observation, Zhou Tai found that there were very few wild cultivators here, and there was no market nearby. Let go of the field training during the Qi training period.

After waiting for some time, no monks came out of the Yunxia Sect, but Zhou Tai could only wait patiently. If he wanted to know about Yang Xuan, the fastest way was to arrest a Yunxia Sect monk first. ask.

Zhou Tai has already made up his mind. After he catches it, he will directly build a super long-distance teleportation array in the lower depths, and directly transmit it from the teleportation array he set up in a distant place, teach Yaoyu to search for souls, and directly attack the Yunxia sect Disciples use it, because the distance is far away, and the soul cards in the sect will not respond to monks who are searched for souls and die. Zhou Tai, who has grasped the situation by then, can formulate the next step.

As for the torture, the authenticity of the news cannot be guaranteed, and Yaoyu also needs some basic knowledge of normal sect monks, so a soul search is not a loss.

It's just that Zhou Tai didn't know, because the news that he had arrested Zongmen disciples and trapped and killed Yuanying had already spread, and now under normal circumstances no Zongmen disciples would go out easily.

In these years, many sect disciples who were walking outside were bait, but as time went by, the bait became less and less.Decades are very short for monks, and because of the withering of the world of cultivating immortals, second- and third-class sect disciples rarely have anything to do outside the sect except to go to the market to trade, so If there are no special circumstances, the general sect disciples will not go out.

So if Zhou Tai wants to catch a disciple of Yunxia Sect, it is destined to be a process of waiting.


Inside Yunxiazong, in a cave, a sweet-looking female cultivator is sitting upright and practicing. She has fair and delicate facial features, and her skin is supple and radiant. After a long time, the cultivation is completed.

"Already reached the seventh level of the golden core!" A soft sigh was followed by a soliloquy.

After the ninth level of Jindan, she has to find a way to advance to Yuanying. Although Jindan has 500 years of lifespan, she still has nearly 300 years to use, but she still feels that the path to Yuanying is very difficult.

Yang Xuan is a family monk in the Yunxia Sect, not the kind of disciple who is very valued. Normally, the ninth floor of the foundation building is the pinnacle of her kind of monk, because the sect will not have any resources for her. Building the ninth floor is all about practicing day after day. Except for the foundation building pill and a small amount of elixir, it can be said that it is hard work all the way up. It will take nearly a hundred years to advance to the ninth floor of the foundation building. Fortunately, as long as you advance to On the ninth floor of foundation building, the Zongmen will give a chance to advance to Jindan. Under normal circumstances, if it fails, basically it will be fixed at the ninth floor of foundation building in this life, but she was lucky to be promoted to Jindan once.

The resources of the second-class sect are limited, and the cultivation of the golden elixir stage is even slower. The time when she advanced to the golden elixir caught up with the thousand-year catastrophe. Because the newly promoted golden elixir has no strength, the sect does not allow her to participate, and there is no chance Followed by a wave of scraping.

The golden core period without resources is destined to be a long process of cultivation, so after some thinking, she secretly went out by herself. Although there is a certain danger in not following the sect, her status as an official disciple of the sect , usually there is no problem.

In the end, this became a nightmare for her life. Not only did she not get anything, but she was robbed instead. She was arrested by a mysterious monk for three years and left a very bad memory. The only thing she was lucky about was that she survived .

That experience has become a lingering memory for her, and she will think of it often.

Just when she was thinking about the past again, someone outside the cave triggered the restriction. This meant that other monks came to visit. Yang Xuan adjusted his expression, and then directly opened the portal of the cave.

"Senior Sister Yang." Before anyone arrived, the voice came first, and a gentle male cultivator's voice came from far to near.

"Is there something wrong with Junior Brother Zhu?" She felt a little displeased, now that she was naturally bored with male cultivators, Yang Xuan's tone was very cold.

The male cultivator who came in didn't care about this, this senior sister was like this, looking at the beautiful senior sister, Zhu Zishu's eyes were clear, but his heart was a little hot.

"Junior Brother has reached the sixth level of Golden Core. I want to go out to find the spiritual grass of Huaying Pill. I wonder if I can go with Senior Sister?" While speaking, his eyes were fixed on Yang Xuan's expression for a moment.

"I'm not interested in this, you can find someone else!" It's not that Yang Xuan didn't want to find the spiritual grass for refining the Infant Pill, but that she went out for nothing. Apart from the Chaos Mountains, there is hope to find it, and the rest is in some sects. In the hands of monks, the former can only be entered after the foundation building period, while the latter can be traded and purchased in the Zongmen Square Market, but she can't afford a single plant, and going out is just for nothing, so it's better to practice in Zongmen.

"Senior sister, you haven't stepped out of the sect for more than 100 years, even if you go out for a walk, it's good!" Zhu Zishu's tone was a little helpless.

It turned out that after Yang Xuan was released back then, she never left the sect again. Although there was no problem with this, it was still a bit different in the eyes of some monks, because she was a Jindan period monk, and someone once invited her to go out together. , but she rejected them all.

Of course, she would not tell her fellow students that she was afraid of going out, but wanted to practice hard and advance to the ninth level of Jindan as soon as possible.

This is not a problem. A monk without resources can practice extremely slowly. After more than 100 years of hard work, he is only at the seventh level of the Golden Core.It’s not that the second-class sects are poor and have no resources at all, but that the sect implements the allocation of superior resources, and will devote all their efforts to cultivating elite monks. She is not in the scope. Her golden core is an accident, not to say that there is no Nascent Soul Opportunities are just difficult, and basically depend on her own efforts.

"What can I do if I go out? It's better to practice hard and reach the ninth level of the golden core soon." Yang Xuan shook his head and said in refusal.

"Even if the golden elixir reaches the ninth level, we still have to find a way to accumulate the spirit grass of the Huaying elixir. Wouldn't it be better to prepare earlier." Zhu Zishu looked at Yang Xuan and said, not wanting to give up at all.

Hearing this, Yang Xuan felt miserable. Although Zhu Zishu called her senior sister, he was an elite monk cultivated by the sect. He could hire some low-level monks from the sect to search for them in the chaotic mountains and wait outside. Yes, and there are resources to bid in the auction.And going with the other party by herself is not beneficial except that she has to take action when there is a crisis, not to mention that she doesn't want to go to the sect at all now.

"Wait until the ninth floor of the Golden Core is only one piece away, maybe there will be a chance, even if there is no chance, it will be safer for the ninth floor of the Golden Core to leave the sect." Yang Xuan said.

Hearing such an answer, Zhu Zishu sneered, and then said unceremoniously: "Opportunity? How can there be any chance? You can't get a Huaying Pill if you warm the bed of Uncle Yuanying for 100 years. Go out with me, Zong There are many brothers and sisters, how many can you call when you go out?"

Although the words were harsh, Yang Xuan didn't get angry at all, but said again: "In recent years, it's not safe outside the sect, many fellow sects don't leave the sect, why bother to go out at this time?"

"What's unsafe, they are all cowards." After saying this, he explained: "After a while, it will be the auction held by the nearby sect every ten years. It would be a pity to miss it." In fact, he It's not that he is ignorant, but that he was also selected as a bait to walk outside for a period of time, but in the end nothing happened, and this time he went out, he also wanted to make thorough preparations, so the ordinary golden elixir of the sect who hadn't gone out for a hundred years They were all watched by him.

Although he has some other thoughts about this good-looking senior sister in his heart, but after all, he is the golden core of the sect, so he can't be too presumptuous, but if the other party doesn't know what to do, he won't be polite, and he can't directly bully her, isn't it enough to do a little favor? Dare to refuse?

"Junior brother..." Yang Xuan spoke again, but just after he said two words, Zhu Zishu directly interrupted: "Although senior sister has little hope of advancing to Yuanying, it is not hopeless. If you join me this time Go out, maybe I can help you a little in the future, if you don't go, even if you get all the ingredients for the Infant Transformation Pill in the future, although the alchemist of the sect will definitely help you refine it, it's hard to say whether it succeeds or fails, You should think about it carefully..." After coercing and coaxing, Zhu Zishu turned around and left, because he wanted to visit other fellows.

Under normal circumstances, the Zongmen Golden Elixir would not be so miserable, Zhu Zishu had to give some benefits, but Yang Xuan's family was already weak in the Zongmen, she practiced hard for a hundred years, and was estranged from the family Not to mention some things, he seldom communicated with his peers, and he seemed a little isolated, so Zhu Zishu dared to take advantage of the other party, and he was not really short of this helper, but he had some ideas about this senior sister, and he had to take it step by step.

And Zhou Tai, who has been waiting outside the Yunxia Sect, has been waiting for more than a year. If he hadn't been sure that the Yunxia Sect's formation was still in operation, he would have thought that the sect had been wiped out. None of the Zongmen monks came out.

If he was only waiting for a specific monk, Zhou Tai would have given up long ago, but he was waiting for any monk in this sect, so he would have persisted until the end, and he felt a little angry: just Can't wait!He also thought that it might be the aftereffect of his previous shot, so even if a monk came out, he had to observe it carefully before making sure.

(End of this chapter)

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