One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 351 Chapter 3408 Target Yunxiazong

Chapter 351 Chapter [-] Target Yunxiazong

The enslavement brand was successfully completed, Zhou Tai also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Yang Xuan to put the thrown things back into the storage bag, including the ones he took out, and then quickly left with Yang Xuan Lingbao space.

Although I know that there will be no problems in a short period of time, I can feel at ease when I go out a little earlier. As long as I return to the box, I will know immediately if there is an accident.

"One hundred high-grade spirit stones!"

"110 high-grade spirit stones!"

As soon as he appeared outside, voices of auction bidding came in one after another. Zhou Tai didn't leave in a hurry, and he didn't care about the voice of auction bidding.Instead, he helped Yang Xuan in front of him, gently wiped her face, she stopped crying, her pretty face was expressionless, and she didn't respond much to Zhou Tai's wiping.

They are all immortal cultivators for hundreds of years, and they will not be easily moved by a heart-warming gesture. Zhou Tai didn't want to show the relationship, but was worried that under the ups and downs of her mood, she forgot to deal with the marks on her face, which would cause arousal if she was seen. Doubt is bad.

Although the purpose of doing this is very pure, but in the process of gently wiping, Zhou Tai inevitably had a ripple in his heart, making this moment seem to be very beautiful.

But I knew in my heart that this was just an illusion, a normal man's normal reaction to beauty, suppressed the ripples in my heart, and started the next step: hug the soft and beautiful female cultivator in front of me directly to my lap, and then take her off. clothes.

Yang Xuan didn't resist, struggle, or shout, and Zhou Tai didn't say anything extra, this kind of quietness was what he needed, and he didn't want to waste time on some explanations, it wasn't necessary.

The white skin came into contact with the air. I don't know whether it was because of worry or fear. It trembled for a while and then returned to normal, but this did not affect Zhou Tai's operation. He took out a silk thread made of special material and wrapped it around It looked like he was wearing a waist chain on Yang Xuan's waist. Yang Xuan was also a little surprised by this turning operation, and looked down.

"Wear this on your waist, don't take it off or put it in the storage space." While explaining this, Zhou Tai put on the clothes she messed up by himself again.

"Normally speaking, it's best to give you what is going to be given to you in the future. If someone finds out, it's hard for you to explain, but to save you from worrying and thinking too much, I'll put it in your place, but you have to make sure Hide it first.” According to Zhou Tai’s character, it’s best to be as cautious as possible, but under normal circumstances, no immortal cultivator will let others check his storage bag, so this is not a big problem. Let her cooperate with him when holding hands, instead of letting her choose death in despair. Although the chance is not high, Zhou Tai doesn't want to test the limit. Who knows where the limit of a female cultivator is?

Yang Xuan really wanted to say that she could not let me go, but in the end she just hummed lightly, because she suddenly thought that this was what she deserved, and she couldn't refuse.And she also thought that if the other party fell at any time, as long as she didn't think about dragging her to die together before she died, she would be able to recover her freedom. If the other party had an accident early, wouldn't her hope of the Nascent Soul be gone?She still felt that it was safest to keep it in her own hands.

"You also take these spirit stones! If there is any danger, you can hold on for a while!" While saying this, Zhou Tai took out hundreds of top-grade spirit stones. In fact, the reason why he did this was The other party's poverty made him a little bit embarrassed.

After a brief hesitation, Yang Xuan chose to take those spirit stones. When she held the spirit stones in her hands, she had the first flash of the idea that choosing to be enslaved was not so bad, but soon her heart changed again. firm.

Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan, although this is the first time someone treats you so well, but it is only to use you, and the price may even be higher in the future... The female cultivator who thought this way in her mind, her gaze became softer It disappeared after a short moment.

After explaining some more things, Zhou Tai disappeared directly in front of Yang Xuan. It doesn't matter what the female cultivator thinks, as long as she is obedient and not bad.The reason for giving the other party some benefits is because even if the other party's life is taken, there is no guarantee that the other party will not sell himself after returning to the sect.

After all, resistance is sacrificing her own life, and it doesn't have much impact on Zhou Tai, but if the other party is allowed to return to the sect, and the other party chooses to betray, it may be able to trap Zhou Tai.

If it is to enslave a monk and keep him by his side all the time, there won't be too many problems, but if Zhou Tai wants to plan the Transformation Pill, he must be sent back to the sect.As for the final result, it is not certain, but regarding Yang Xuan's personality analysis and the benefits he gave, Zhou Tai thinks that the other party will be obedient and cooperate.

After Yang Xuan was left alone in the box at the auction, she first searched all the places with her spiritual sense, but she couldn't find the slightest trace of him. She wasn't sure if he really left or was hiding in the dark, after all No matter how you look at it, it's a closed space.

After standing still for a moment, she tidied herself up and down. After finding that there was no problem, she returned to the front of the box. It seemed that you were observing the scene of the auction, but only she knew how chaotic her heart was at the moment.

She thought that she would be taken away, but she didn't expect to simply let herself go, taking the risk to enslave herself, but the purpose was not for her. She knew that this could only show that the other party had big plans.

Not long after, Yang Xuan touched her waist lightly. If she hadn't confirmed that the things were still there, she would have doubted whether she had hysteria.A lot has happened to her in a very short period of time, and now the auction has only just started for a while.

When the auction ended, except for a few, most of the monks of Yunxiazong bid for one or two items at the auction, and Zhu Zishu even bid for the main medicine of two Huaying Pills.

After the auction, these Yunxiazong monks were divided into two parts, one part just came to participate in the auction, and after the auction was over, they would choose to return to the sect, and the remaining part would go to the outskirts of Chaos Mountain Range once.

Golden Core cultivators can't enter the Chaos Mountain Range, but there are those in the sect who can enter. After these Golden Core cultivators left the sect, some monks who could enter the Chaos Mountain Range set out from Yunxia Sect, and their goal went straight to Chaos mountains.

The main purpose of Zhu Zishu and his party is to confirm that the monks selected by the sect really entered the range of the chaotic mountain range. As long as the monks who entered have harvested and can come out, no matter how much they handed over to the sect, monks like Zhu Zishu who have received monitoring tasks You can get a part of it.

In the Yunxia Sect, this kind of mission is mandatory for a small number of low-level monks in the sect. These monks have violated the rules of the sect or have other faults, and they seldom go voluntarily. After all, there is a certain degree of danger.It’s normal to come out without gaining anything, so Zongmen’s requirement is to just go in. Of course, if you gain something, you can not only get some rewards but also eliminate your guilt. For example, Zongmen’s punishment is not to advance to Jindan Opportunity, this can be said to end a monk's career of cultivating immortals one step ahead of schedule.

The chaotic mountain range is very vast both in and out. Few monks will choose to stop and plunder there. It is only for a small amount of spiritual grass. There is the main spirit grass for refining Huaying Pill, but the probability is very low.But like Yang Xuan, there are Jindan cultivators with little resources, and they may use some other methods, but they are either disgraceful or extremely dangerous.

For example, there was a dishonorable case where female cultivators of the Zongmen double-cultivated with wealthy monks of other Zongmen in exchange for resources.

"Senior sister, is this going back to the sect?" Zhu Zishu saw that Yang Xuan and several other Jindans of the same sect had chosen the direction of returning to the sect, and asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"Just come out to watch the auction to prepare for the future." When Yang Xuan came out, he only said that he agreed to come out and take a look, and he didn't agree to be with the other party all the time, so the words at the moment were very natural.

Deliberately wanting to say some more threatening words, but thinking that since the other party made such a decision, it would be useless to say it, and in the end Zhu Zishu could only leave with some dissatisfaction, he thought: Ready?Is it possible for you to become a Nascent Soul without external help?Obedience to me can give me a little more chance, I didn't expect to be so ignorant!

One year later

Yang Xuan, the retreat madman of Yunxia Sect, left the sect again after returning to the sect this time, and this time he went out alone.

She thought about reporting her enslavement to the sect, but after a long period of consideration, she temporarily let go of this idea that is not good for herself. Although she is afraid of death, she does not want to be enslaved. After catching her once and letting her go, that person still has some trust in her heart, and she will not choose to compromise.

When she came out this time, she followed the original agreement and wanted to know what the other party would do. If the other party simply let her go, in order to cover the origin of the spiritual grass on her body in the future, Yang Xuan wanted to pretend to be a promoted Nascent Soul. Prepare, it is essential to leave the sect for activities frequently in the future.

According to the guidance of the brand of slavery in his mind, Yang Xuan quickly left the scope of the sect, and after several turns, he was led into the Lingbao space again.

Zhou Tai only showed up after confirming that there was nothing wrong with her behind him, and he had been waiting outside the Yunxia Sect for a year.

"Xuan'er, see the master." Yang Xuan has already thought clearly in this year, no matter what the other party's purpose is, as long as there is no life and death crisis, try to obey the other party, and he will suffer less.

Seeing this well-behaved female cultivator kneeling on the ground as soon as they met, Zhou Tai didn't think she was sincere, but took off the waist chain that was around Yang Xuan's body a year ago, and carefully observed it in his hand.

Halfway through the observation, when he lowered his head, Yang Xuan also looked up curiously with his small face, but when Zhou Tai looked over, he immediately lowered his head.

Zhou Tai didn't mind her watching, because she was doomed to not be able to see anything, Zhou Tai covered his face, and the things in his hands, let alone Yang Xuan, no monk in the entire Yunxia Sect could understand.

The reason why Zhou Tai didn't break through the sect's great formation to enter it was not that he couldn't get in, but that it would be dangerous to enter rashly.

The Zongmen formation is not only strong in attack and defense, but also in detection. Zhou Tai can confirm that he has nothing to hide under the detection of the Zongmen formation.

It's just that under normal circumstances, the Zongmen's big formation will not always open the detection formation, and basically check it once at a fixed time. The reason why the first-class Zongmen is dangerous is because the first-class Zongmen has enough aura. The inspection will be very frequent, not once a day, but maybe once a few days.

No matter the disciple tokens of the first-class sect or the handyman tokens are the signs of the Zongmen formation to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, it is extremely dangerous even if the tokens of insufficient level appear in areas where they should not appear. After a series of self-test locks, you will face countless possibilities.

This kind of large-scale investigation is generally difficult for monks to detect, so even the monks of this sect can't sum up the rules.

In general second-class sects and third-class sects, self-examination once every few months, or even once every few years is possible. This is the real reason why Huang Kun was able to sneak into a third-class sect. As long as they enter it and have enough time, the top formation mage can find a way to avoid detection.

But after Huang Kun's incident happened, the self-examination of the Zongmen's formation must have been much more frequent, so Zhou Tai didn't dare to enter it rashly.

The waist chain around Yang Xuan's body is just a special material, its only function is that it will leave traces on it when the Zongmen's big formation self-examines, and if there is no Void Manifestation Technique, Zhou Tai will not be able to see it. Traces, this method is Huang Kun's exclusive discovery.

After careful identification and inspection, Zhou Tai concluded that Yunxiazong's large array self-inspection is currently done once every seven days, and the latest one has just passed two days. Although this thing is adjustable, each self-inspection will consume resources. After a long time, it is impossible for the monks of the Zongmen to change once in a while, at least Zhou Tai watched the Yunxia Zong's big formation self-examination very regularly.

"Okay, there are no facts, you can go first." After Zhou Tai took Yang Xuan out of the Lingbao space, he left after leaving a sentence. The swift speed made this a kind of psychological preparation. The female cultivator was a little overwhelmed. Although she didn't quite understand, she still left the place quickly without hesitation.

Letting her leave is because she is of little use to Zhou Tai at present. Although it is the most convenient and easy way to let the other party enter the sect with the Lingbao space, Zhou Tai doesn't have that much trust in her.

In order to prevent uncontrollable situations in the future, Zhou Tai didn't even let her see Yaoyu's face. If there is a life-and-death crisis because of Yang Xuan in the future, at least it can leave Yaoyu with more chances of survival.

And Zhou Tai's goal is very clear, which is to enter Yunxia Sect to steal Huaying Pill. Since this sect has a tradition of keeping pills, how could he let it go? In addition to not having good concealment techniques, he can only hide as a rat, but Zhou Tai is a big thief.

 Thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by the southerners who look like the northerners
(End of this chapter)

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