One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 352 Chapter 3409

Chapter 352 Chapter [-]
During the rush, Zhou Tai took something from a place, it was the same thing that was wrapped around Yang Xuan's waist, and it was also used to test the Zongmen's formation.

The detection of the Zongmen Great Formation is divided into two types: internal and external. In addition to internal detection, external detection can also be used to detect threats in advance, but the external and internal detection are slightly different. First, detection outside the sect is more waste of resources. The frequency is lower, and some sects do not open external investigations at all. Second, there will always be wild cultivators or monks from other sects passing by or visiting outside the sect. Early warning within the sect.

In fact, many sects have canceled the external detection of the sect's large formation before, especially some third-class sects, but after the news of the top formation masters appeared before, all the sects' external detections have been opened, but at intervals The time is different.

After observation, Zhou Tai discovered that Yunxiazong's external detection frequency is once a month recently.

After these two time points were determined, Zhou Tai went to Yunxiazong with peace of mind. He did not choose teleportation. Although teleportation is fast, it will cause spatial fluctuations and may cause unnecessary troubles. Therefore, Zhou Tai chose to open the ghost vein along the way. Mie Xing went to Yunxia Sect.

From a distance, Yunxiazong saw that the mountain gate was the mountain gate, and the scenery was the scenery. It was not easy to find the existence of the Zongmen Great Formation. This only showed that the Zongmen Great Formation was not fully operating, and was only maintained in a simple defensive state.But if you keep approaching, you will be blocked by an invisible barrier within a certain range, making it difficult to move an inch.

Ordinary monks may have to feel obstacles to discover the edge of the formation, but in Zhou Tai's eyes, traces of various formations emerged in the void, and the Zongmen's formation could not be hidden at all.

It took some time on the road. When he arrived outside Yunxiazong, Zhou Tai just kept observing around the formation, and didn't choose to rush in. He didn't find a relatively secluded place to hide until it was almost time for the ghost veins to disappear. In the spirit treasure space, after the time for the ghost veins to disappear is restored, they continue to observe.

The operation of the sect formation is extremely complicated. Although the formation at the edge of the mortal world is also a large formation, it is like a kind of stupid existence, and the operation of the formation is semi-open to the top formation masters. The sect formation is not only precise, but also because it was designed by the top formation masters, it has its own unique features, and it is not so easy to crack it easily.

In this way, most of the time every day is spent on observation and calculation, and I left once in the middle to avoid the external investigation of the Zongmen formation. I have started to enter the big formation, although there are small risks, such as a sudden big formation investigation or something, but I have to take this risk for the Infant Transformation Pill.

I saw Zhou Tai continuously connecting dots in the void, and after three incense sticks, he stepped out in one step and entered the great formation of the sect.

Observing from the outside, it is impossible to observe too many situations. We can only make some predictions first, and then enter the formation to verify it. Now we can judge that the range of this Yunxiazong formation is five miles, and the goal of entering is not to break through , the breakout didn't work.The main thing is to see if we can find out some subtleties that can be changed. The requirements are not high, as long as we can create a small area to avoid the detection of the big formation. After staying in the big formation for a few days, Zhou Tai had to Evacuate again, because the detection time of the large formation is coming soon.

In this way, he hid outside the detection range of the Yunxia Sect's large formation several times, and after going back and forth for almost two months, Zhou Tai finally found a small habitat in the large formation of the Yunxia Sect that could avoid detection. Until now, He really breathed a sigh of relief. Before, it could be said that he was always in danger. Now he has more time to study and operate in this large formation, at least in terms of safety.

In fact, the third-class sect that Huang Kun went to back then was the fastest, because it had already been cracked once, but Zhou Tai was always worried that there would be traps waiting for him, so he would rather crack another one.

As a top formation mage, Huang Kun is not unfamiliar with the big formation of the sect, but it is a first-class sect, not to mention that it is more dangerous, and there is no guarantee whether the formation has been modified in ten thousand years. You can only enter with confidence after a thorough inspection, so there is no advantage.

Zongmen large formations generally have multiple array disks to operate, and there are also masters and assistants. If those monks who control the formation disks are fools, Zhou Tai can slowly turn this sect large formation into his own freedom, but this is not true. It is possible that if a big change is too large, the formation disk will react, and the monk who controls the formation disk will be able to detect the abnormality, so we can only take it slowly.

If it is a top-level formation master who controls the sect formation, there will be no such opportunities, but formation masters are rare. After those deaths, becoming a top-level formation master is no longer easy and difficult. .

Relying on the perception of the brand of enslavement, Yang Xuan was not in the sect. The other party went out several times, for a few years at a time, to pave the way for the origin of his Infant Transformation Pill materials, and at this moment Zhou Tai had already There is no need for her.

Many practices are just to seek stability, just like the group of Yunxiazong monks who had two Nascent Souls before, Zhou Tai wanted to do it very much, and the two Nascent Souls were only short of ghost veins. The temptation is very great, but No, once something happens to the Yunxiazong monks, the Yunxiazong will probably increase the frequency of investigations in the sect's formation, which will imperceptibly delay Zhou Tai's promotion to Yuanying indefinitely.

Within the Yunxia Sect, there are strange peaks, pavilions, towers and pavilions. Just looking at the scenery, it seems to be better than the Liuyun Sect of the first-class sect. It took nearly three months in total, and Zhou Tai finally broke through the formation and entered the sect. , after feeling the aura environment here which is much stronger than the outside world, Zhou Tai started his investigation tour of Yunxia Sect.

For Zhou Tai, the restriction of some sect disciples' caves seems to be fake, but this does not mean that they can walk freely in this sect's land, because not all places are only blocked by formations, such as thick metal walls, broken forbidden stones, etc. etc. are obstacles.

Even under Zhou Tai's observation, some powerful small-scale detection formations were arranged in front of some key areas, and they were running all the time. , he dared to put his fingers into that area, and his fingers could come out from mid-air alone.

This is also the real reason why Huang Kun didn't gain much from being in the third-class sect, because he could only wander around in some ordinary areas.

The biggest difference between second- and third-class sects and definite sects is that there are some living areas of mortals belonging to the Xiuxian family in the sect, and they occupy a lot of area.

After simply observing these areas, Zhou Tai left. Normally, even if a top-level formation master enters Yunxia Sect, it is extremely difficult to steal things, but Zhou Tai is different, he has strengthening points!
First, he observed several key areas and chose where the pill might be placed.

Then find a place where there is no one, and quickly bring Yaoyu out of the Lingbao space, and let her use the special attribute of true essence to lead Zhou Tai to escape underground. If there is an obstacle or danger, Zhou Tai The pupil technique can also warn in advance, and finally reach the location selected by Zhou Tai, use the storage bag strengthened by the enhancement point to fill some soil, and a shelter will come out.

Then let Yaoyu return to the Lingbao space, and recover the reinforcement points on the storage bag, perfect!
What Zhou Tai is doing recently, except for some details, did not disclose what to do, and did not hide it, so Yaoyu is very clear. When she just left, she expressed concern and worry with her eyes, because she is very sensible, she understands My biggest role is not to add chaos.

When he was alone, Zhou Tai used his strengthening points to strengthen the Lingbao-level excavation tools for excavation. He had always prepared these excavation tools.

In this way, digging when encountering real objects, and deciphering formations when encountering them, Zhou Tai kept approaching the target area he selected with great thought, especially when he was about to come out at the end, he would be very careful. This kind of sect similar to stored resources Importantly, we must guard against the existence of monks inside.

After Zhou Tai came out, he found that this place was not a place to store pills, but some usable spiritual materials. There was a large pile full of them, which could hold several storage bags. After confirming that there were no traps or problems, Zhou Tai directly After collecting these things, I came here, why didn’t I take them away when I saw them? The only pity is that the Yunxia Sect’s things are all stored separately. If these are the entire inventory of the sect, even Zhou Tai would not be killed. Faithful.

After the first misjudgment, Zhou Tai could only act more quickly. After that, Zhou Tai either dug the wall or repeated the previous actions, and continued to search in other places. In short, he searched for four places before finding the elixir. There was a lot of searching. Although the longer the time, the greater the benefits, but also the higher the danger.

If Zhou Tai chooses to stay in Yunxiazong for a long time, after long-term observation, he may be able to determine the location of the Huaying Pill, but he does not know how long it will take to observe, especially since he also found some pills, which prove the Yunxiazong's pills The medicines are stored separately, and God knows whether it will take until the Year of the Monkey to find out slowly.

The reason why Zhou Tai dared to search so quickly without worrying about failure was because he could discover those hidden secret places no matter whether it was strengthening points or void manifestation. However, Zhou Tai found the elixir in a hidden place in the corner, and after taking it out, it looked very similar to the Huaying elixir.

Then Zhou Tai threw it back, because it was a fake pill, the appearance was the same, but the inside was completely different, without the aura that Huaying Pill should have. If he didn't have the Void Manifestation Technique, it would be difficult for him to tell the real from the fake. .

The elixir does not seem to be very old, which shows that Yunxiazong still replaces this fake elixir regularly. It can only be said that the sect will respond to some possible events, even if the probability of occurrence is very low, and will always Stick to it.

The scene where there are all kinds of pills in one place or all kinds of materials together does not exist. At this moment, Zhou Tai even suspects that Yunxiazong may have divided the Zongmen's Infant Transformation Pill into more than ten or even more places to hide. The real, the fake, and the fake are mixed in, so as to avoid accidents and get caught, and even if there are some special circumstances, it can guarantee that there will be a part left.

They have already been placed in a heavily guarded place, and Zhou Tai can only say that he admires him if he wants to play like this. This situation also has an advantage for Zhou Tai, that is, it reduces the difficulty. If you put it in multiple places, you only need to find one place. Of course, make sure there are at least two pills there.

In fact, the difficulty was much lower than Zhou Tai had expected. He thought he had to deal with the guardian monks, and he couldn't kill them. It can be said that the difficulty has directly changed from the hell level to the easy level.

In fact, there were guards in the past, but multi-family sects also have disadvantages. Yunxiazong canceled the option to set up guards in resource-heavy areas because the number of resources in the Yunxia Sect could not be checked, and each time When entering, several monks supervised each other and came in together. It can be said that Zhou Tai caught up with the good time.

When Zhou Tai was inspecting the fifth place, he finally found some pills hidden in the wall, among which were Huaying Pills, four in total, Zhou Tai threw back another one after some observation, This wasn't an outburst of kindness, but the one that was thrown back was tampered with.

For the other things obtained here, Zhou Tai couldn’t keep track of whether there were passive things in them because he acted too quickly, but they would all be thrown in the storage space and would not be taken out in a short time, so it wasn’t very important. Worried, other things can still be used after treatment, but this elixir cannot be treated and used, so it has no value.

After getting the elixir, Zhou Tai didn't care about anything, he quickly returned the same way, and without stopping, he left the range of Yunxiazong directly.

In fact, from the time he broke through the inner layer of the sect's great formation and entered the Yunxia Sect, the whole process took less than an hour. If he stayed for a while, he would have gained more, but Zhou Tai was unwilling to gamble. After getting the important things, he chose to leave without hesitation. He also hesitated in his heart, but in the end he chose to leave firmly, because he felt that people make money and birds die for food, which is also applicable in the world of cultivating immortals. It is benevolent.

It is impossible for such a thing to happen in the Yunxia Sect not to be discovered in the end, but the strange thing is that such news has not spread, whether it is a monk like Zhu Zishu who attaches great importance to the promising Nascent Soul, or Yang Xuan who doesn't pay much attention to it. None of them heard any abnormal news. In fact, the reason is not difficult to guess. Some resources and a few Infant Transformation Pills are not very important to a sect, but after such news is released, they will never stop. If there is any benefit, it will face the censure of other sects, so some monks of the Yunxia Sect made up their minds in the end, and just pretended that this hadn't happened. The enemy has been nervous for a long time, and they don't need to report when they run out of resources. If they find that a top-level formation master appears in the sect but must report it, the result will naturally be nothing.

 Thanks to the southerners who look like northerners for rewarding Yaoyu's 100-point starting coin
(End of this chapter)

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