One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 353 Chapter 350 Advance to Nascent Soul Stage

Chapter 353 Chapter [-] Advancement to Nascent Soul Stage

"Guess what this is?" Zhou Tai asked in a relaxed tone, with the jade bottles containing the pills in his hands.

"Have you found it?" Yaoyu's eyes lit up, her enchanting figure came to Zhou Tai's side like a butterfly, and she naturally asked while hugging her.

During this period of time, she was basically the only one staying in the Lingbao space, and she didn't feel anything about it. On the contrary, she was very worried because she knew what Zhou Tai was going to do.

Zhou Tai will consider the worst outcome when doing things, so if there is a danger, Yaoyu has already explained in advance what to do in the corresponding situation.

Yaoyu has not shown anything on the surface, but she has been a little worried in her heart during this period of time.

Seeing his woman's anxious look, Zhou Tai nodded happily, knowing that speaking in advance would make her worry, but it was better than having no time to communicate in case something happened.Now that everything is over, I told the good news as soon as I came in, and I didn't want her to worry any longer.

Seeing Zhou Tai nodding, Yaoyu felt relieved, they both knew each other very well, she knew that her man must have left the danger zone at this moment, this adventure can be said to be a consummation of merit.

"Promise me, don't take such risks in the future, okay? In fact, even if we can't advance to the Nascent Soul, we still have more than 300 years of life, in fact, it's good to live well..." Breathing out the words, whispering in the ear of the sweetheart, Tell the heart of the moment.

Yaoyu used to yearn for immortal cultivation infinitely, but there are some things that are best when they are never available. As a wild cultivator, she has gone through all these hardships in the world of immortal cultivation, and it is more about feeling The difficulty of cultivating immortals and the suffering of cultivating immortals.

If she lived together with Zhou Tai for hundreds of years, this option is also a good choice in her mind.

"Since you have chosen the path of cultivating immortals, how can you give up easily if you have further hopes? Although you don't know how far you can go, you can see more wonderful scenery and scenery in this world! And you will not blindly pursue penance. , Now I have the hope of being promoted to Yuanying, after I successfully advance..." Zhou Tai could understand Yaoyu's thoughts, if there were no strengthening points, he would give up on the road of cultivating immortals, and just find a place to spend his life without seeing hope It is also a good choice to be able to lie down comfortably.

"I won't take risks lightly in the future, and I will be more careful in what I do." Seeing Yaoyu's arms around him tightened again, Zhou Tai added.

Then he hugged the woman who looked like a charming and seductive pretty young woman beside him.

Although because of the strengthening points, he has to keep climbing in this world of cultivating immortals that is hopeless for ordinary people, but Zhou Tai will not choose that kind of tragic and desolate life. When he can be more comfortable, he will never wrong himself. He never had the idea of ​​not relaxing for a moment at the peak of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

The kind of immortal cultivator who self-tortures and chooses a boring immortal cultivation career is like wanting to be a marshal right after joining the army. Before becoming a marshal, he must eliminate all emotions and six desires. is normal.


To advance to Yuanying, you must find a quiet area where no one will disturb you. Qishan is not a good choice. When you advance, the higher the aura environment, the better, but it is not possible in the Lingbao space, because Upgrading to Yuanying is not only the sublimation and transformation of the inner soul, but also the external mutual induction is indispensable, and it must be done in a complete big world.

In a place far away from the Zongmen area, Zhou Tai first confirmed that there was no danger in the vicinity, and spent several months arranging a set of formations, not only for concealment, but also to ensure that some spiritual treasure spaces were exported. The aura in his heart will not dissipate. After these preparations are completed, Zhou Tai will start his own way to advance to the Nascent Soul.

But before starting, Zhou Tai revoked the enslavement mark left on Yang Xuan's body, and restored the freedom of the other party. Normally speaking, there may be places where the other party will be used in the future, so it shouldn't be released in such a short period of time. The other party, but Zhou Tai's cautious character made him have an attitude of avoiding it even if it only had a one-in-a-billion chance of appearing.

If there is a problem with Yang Xuan's soul in the process of being promoted to Yuanying, it will have an impact on Zhou Tai. After all, the world of cultivating immortals is dangerous, and even Zongmen monks are not foolproof. When he was in danger, he also took Zhou Tai's thoughts and chose Jindan to blew himself up, which would definitely cause Zhou Tai to fail to advance to Yuanying.

Zhou Tai didn't think that Yang Xuan would be grateful to him. After all, what he did was done by force. This possibility may be lower than winning the lottery jackpot, but after all, someone won the lottery. He didn't want to take any more risks. .

There are only three Infant Transformation Pills. Under normal circumstances, he is [-]% sure, but Yaoyu is not. If nothing happens to him, even if Yaoyu fails to advance, after recuperating, she will have another chance.It is too difficult to get Huaying Pill, if it is not a last resort, Zhou Tai doesn't want to try it a second time, as he often gets his shoes wet when he walks by the river.

And letting Yang Xuan go is not a big loss. If the other party needs to do something in the future, the worst thing is to catch him again. It should be easier, right?


The female cultivator who was flying somewhere with Yujian suddenly stopped in place, and an unbelievable expression suddenly appeared on her expressionless and beautiful face.

Although Yang Xuan seemed to have no problems on the surface, and after being enslaved, he was treated well and received a lot of benefits, but in his heart, his life was in the hands of others at any time, so how could he really not care?In her heart, this was the biggest demon in her heart, but just now she felt that the imprint of enslavement in her mind dissipated.

After confirming again and again, Yang Xuan was sure that the imprint of enslavement left on her body by that powerful bastard had really disappeared completely. At this moment, she was extremely excited and felt like crying with joy.After the feeling of joy, she also thought about the reason. There are only two possibilities for the enslavement mark to disappear. One is that the other party voluntarily revokes it, and the other is that the other party dies.After thinking about it, those clear eyes clearly expressed an idea: the other party died unexpectedly.

One of the great joys of cultivating immortals: dead master!

Yang Xuan, who resumed his journey again, became more and more cheerful when he thought that not only was he freed from the shackles, but also that the Nascent Soul was expected.


The first step to advance to Nascent Soul: transfer of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. The so-called Sea of ​​Consciousness is all the memory and cognition of a monk, which normally exists in the depths of the mind. This is very difficult for monks who are promoted to Nascent Soul for the first time.

If it is not handled properly, it will end in death. Although the body is still there, it is just a body with the soul fading away. Until the soul dissipates at last, the body will start to perish. Only after this step is passed, can the promotion to the Nascent Soul be failed. , or fall to the early stage of Jindan and lose the hope of advancing to Nascent Soul forever, or it is just injured, and there is still hope of continuing to advance after recovery.

This point was very easy for Zhou Tai who had the memory aid, and he completed this step in less than an hour.

The Golden Core is not suitable for the existence of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but this is a crucial step. The Nascent Soul is to cultivate a soul body that combines reality and reality. It's a dead thing.

After finishing this part, Zhou Tai directly swallowed the Infant Transformation Pill that he put in his mouth in advance, and then started the second supplement: Rong Pill.

The so-called fused core is to fuse the nine layers of spirits formed in the golden core stage into the golden core. Under normal circumstances, these condensed souls will collide with the sea of ​​consciousness that has no foundation in the golden core as if they have entities. The pain that goes deep into the soul, under normal circumstances, no monk can bear it.

The Huaying Pill played a key role at this time. The unique medicinal power entered the monk's golden pill, which not only reduced the pain felt by the monk to a minimum, but also made the hard golden pill look like a mass of air: a little bigger , and can constantly change the shape according to the monk's thoughts and consciousness. As long as this step is passed, it can be said that more than half of the success is achieved.

The third step to advance to the Nascent Soul: the induction between heaven and man.This step is somewhat metaphysical in Zhou Tai's cognition, because he didn't want to understand the specific principle.Normally, it is to feel everything in the body and the existence of the outside world with heart, so that the golden core that integrates a large number of souls and sea of ​​consciousness can establish a new body induction. Gather everywhere, and when the golden core finally turns into a baby-like shape, this step is considered complete.

This is a crucial step for turning pills into infants, but few monks will fail, but for Jindan monks who rely on the furnace to advance, this step is very difficult. Infants, but some strange things, the form and the spirit are not one, this is not impossible to cultivate, but the strange things that appear are rarely the same, which means that there is no previous practice experience, and there is no way to continue to practice.

Just like the accumulated knowledge of generations can make a supercomputer, but if replaced by a single person, the achievements are absolutely limited.

Although there are so many disadvantages of relying on the stove to advance to the top, for some hopeless monks, the continuous process is comfortable, and the hope of promotion can be regarded as quenching thirst. .

After one day and one night passed, a pure white Xiuzhen baby appeared in Zhou Tai's body. At this point, the promotion to Yuanying this time can be said to be really stable. At this moment, Yuanying is not confined to a certain part of the body.

Normally, the strength of spiritual consciousness is extremely unstable when advancing to Nascent Soul. Many monks will not restore the true essence in their bodies to full when they advance to Yuanying, but will deliberately exclude more than half of it and only keep a small amount. Part of the true energy is in the body, which is because the control power will be reduced, causing the true essence to go out of control. However, after the step of induction between heaven and man, the true essence will undergo some changes like mana, and the problem of control will no longer be a problem.

Zhou Tai's choice in this step is to turn the golden elixir clothing into a golden elixir 'tent'. The techniques of the golden elixir clothing are still usable when it comes to Nascent Soul, but more precisely, it should be called Nascent Soul clothes.

Transfer the newly formed Nascent Soul to the dantian, and the true essence outside the body will be continuously recycled into the body, and then Zhou Tai will start the last step: washing the baby.

Using the true essence in the body to continuously wrap the Nascent Soul can not only consume the true essence to promote the stability and slow growth of the Nascent Soul, but also allow the true essence to change continuously in the process and eventually become mana.

It took a total of seven days for Zhou Tai to complete the process of advancing to Yuanying. The power of attributes produced by the exercise "Returning to the Cold Po" in Jindan has been integrated into Yuanying, and it will continue to grow with the strengthening of Yuanying. strengthen.

Cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage requires both a high aura environment and spiritual herbs and elixirs that are beneficial to the soul. The former is one of the main reasons why monks in the Nascent Soul stage are generally unwilling to run around. It will take a long time, and the latter is one of the reasons why monks in the golden core stage have less resources for cultivation. The same thing is also needed in the Nascent Soul stage, and monks above the Nascent Soul stage also need it.

Thanks to the induction between heaven and man when they were promoted to the Nascent Soul, the monks in the Nascent Soul stage can automatically perceive the teleportation supernatural powers, but it is similar to knowing what it is but not knowing why, just like primitive people can boo, and they know it. As for The specific reason is unknown.

The teleportation of the Nascent Soul stage should actually be called the teleportation of the Nascent Soul stage. The body of the cultivator is driven by the Nascent Soul. It is precisely because of the weak endurance of the Nascent Soul that there is a phenomenon that the number of teleportation of the Nascent Soul stage monks is limited.

Otherwise, although the body will be damaged, there are many ways to quickly repair it, but if the monk's Nascent Soul is damaged, it is difficult to have a quick recovery method.

Now Zhou Tai's newly formed Nascent Soul can't teleport, but after a year, he can teleport Nascent Soul once a day. The damage of this kind of teleportation to Nascent Soul has nothing to do with the distance of the teleportation, only the number of times.

Because Nascent Soul's teleportation is very unique, similar to perceiving a certain mysterious field in the entire world of cultivating immortals, similar to the electric current finding a wire, although there are countless such wires, filled in every corner, but this wire has a length , although it seems to be connected to every place, the maximum length will not exceed [-] miles, which shows that the teleportation distance of the Nascent Soul cultivator is between infinitely close and [-] miles.

Teleportation is an 'electric shock', it doesn't matter how long the wire is, it's all in a split second, the stronger the Nascent Soul can withstand more 'electric shock' times.

Nascent Soul is gone, a hole card for quick escape is added, and there are more new spells to practice, but after Zhou Tai advanced to Nascent Soul, he first used it for a while to stabilize his realm, and then let Yaoyu start to advance to Nascent Soul .

Yaoyu's promotion is different from Zhou Tai. When she was promoted, Zhou Tai was by her side. Not only did she explain the process in advance and in detail, but also in order to ensure that there would be no major accidents in Yaoyu's promotion, Zhou Tai acted as a guardian This is the reason why he advanced to Yaoyu first and then to Yaoyu.

Ordinary monks would not dare to ask others for help when encountering this kind of thing, they would be easily manipulated and exposed all the secrets, but Zhou Tai and Yaoyu did not have this problem.

For example, the first step of sea consciousness transfer is very dangerous for novices. If Yaoyu fails, Zhou Tai, who has mastered many kinds of soul skills, can help her transfer, but as long as there is no real crisis, Zhou Tai will not take action. It is necessary to try to familiarize yourself with all the procedures and steps to advance to Yuanying, after all, this is a world of cultivating immortals where monks can reincarnate and survive for a second life.

I don't know if it's the strengthened Nascent Soul, Yaoyu's promotion to Nascent Soul went very smoothly, and it was useless for Zhou Tai to make a move.

 Thanks to the ancient stone for the 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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