One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 354 Chapter 3501 Another Interpretation

Chapter 354 Chapter [-] Another Interpretation
After advancing to the Nascent Soul stage, all the senses around him will be clearer and more sensitive, and the functions of the five sense organs will be improved several times.

For example, to observe an object the size of a person dozens of miles away, one had to either use one's consciousness or use a magic weapon, but now, the scene tens of miles away can be directly seen very clearly, and one's ears can even hear the slow flow of air in the breeze the sound of.

The range of spiritual consciousness is more than [-] kilometers away. This distance of spiritual consciousness can only be reached in the late Nascent Soul stage. Now Zhou Tai has just entered the Nascent Soul stage.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, Zhou Tai really wanted to find a chance to kill the Nascent Soul stage monks of two sects, and perfect his ghost meridian extermination practice. Although there are flaws, it is very useful in most cases. However, the time difference is two hours, and it cannot run continuously. Many times, it feels that it is very delayed.

It's like some things can be done in one go, carefree, but they are always interrupted. This matter has always been in Zhou Tai's plan. The monks of Qunyun Xiazong also had the opportunity to do it, but in order to obtain the Infant Transformation Pill more smoothly, they had to give up.

After being successfully promoted to Yuanying, Zhou Tai actually wanted to do something in his heart. If he was alone, he would not hesitate. Although he was cautious, it was in the details and ideas. The adventurous spirit has always been in Zhou Tai's heart. Exist in the bones.

As the saying goes, a hero is sad for a beauty, and the gentle town is a hero's tomb. With a beauty by his side, there will be some sense of slack in cultivation, not to mention that I just told Yaoyu that I will not take risks easily, so I will kill the ghost veins Zhou Tai chose to delay the promotion to complete the matter.

This is also beneficial. The cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage can be more stable, and some spells in the Nascent Soul stage also require a large number. The more important thing is to give those sects a longer calm period, so that when they make a move, they will be more powerful. It's safer, but I don't know if there will be other monks who will cause trouble, and then attract the attention of those sects, such as Su Rou, or another top-level formation master Yu Huayang that I have met.

As for Su Rou, Zhou Tai was stuck under Nascent Soul before, and there was no good way to conspire with the other party. Now that his goal has been achieved after taking the risk, how could he be willing to touch the possibility of bringing a series of surprises? Su Rou, who is troublesome, has a common goal and can cooperate, but mutual calculations are also indispensable, so Qi Shan doesn't plan to go back.

As for Yuhua Yang, although he was forced into a certain forbidden area, for this old monster who has lived in the world of cultivating immortals for a long time, it does not mean that it must be a desperate situation. There are always some methods that others do not know, there are too many possible.

"Where are we going next?" Yaoyu asked while lying in Zhou Tai's arms after her Yuanying realm stabilized.

"The level of aura environment is very important for cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage, so we have to go back to the edge of the mortal world!" After thinking for a while, Zhou Tai continued: "In 100 years, except for occasional cultivation, the two of us will Live a good life, and don’t run around or take risks for the time being.” In an instant, a century-old salted fish plan was released.

Under normal circumstances, no monk would choose to do this, but Zhou Tai has strengthening points, and the longer the time, the more strengthening points, the stronger he can be. In fact, if the lifespan is enough, Zhou Tai will choose to live forever until he is born one day, and then he will become stronger. The stone broke the sky.But there are not many lifespans, even though it is already in the Nascent Soul stage, but it is not enough.

The 100-year plan for salted fish is also because the transformation stage does not have the special requirements of the transformation pill like the Yuanying period, and it can directly rely on practice to leapfrog, which requires luck and opportunity, which is a bit similar to epiphany. Fu Ling Xin Zhi, different monk experiences are difficult to apply to each other. If you use a metaphor, it is that everyone's genes are different, and the way to open up the gods is almost unique. Some monks can transform into a god within ten years, while others need hundreds of years, and some monks may not be able to advance even if their lifespan is exhausted.

With the improvement of cultivation base, strengthening points are becoming more and more insufficient. Zhou Tai's current body can still be strengthened. In the previous two promotions, he chose to fully strengthen his body to advance. Facts have proved that it is indeed infinitely useful. The kind of damage that Jindan destroys can be recovered. Zhou Tai seriously doubts that if the Nascent Soul is teleported, the damage to the Nascent Soul can be quickly recovered.

The first time the body is fully strengthened requires ten years of strengthening points, and the second time the body is fully strengthened requires 100 years of strengthening points. Considering that the strengthening points need to be increased by ten times and ten times to upgrade items, Zhou Tai seriously doubts that the body is fully strengthened again Requires 1000 Reinforcement Points.

In 1000 years, it is almost the lifespan of the entire Nascent Soul stage monk, and the golden core stage can't wait. Zhou Tai, who felt that there was no special change after adding the extra enhancement points on his body, directly recovered the enhancement points and chose to advance to the Nascent Soul stage. Expect.

Body strengthening cannot be recovered once it is upgraded. Zhou Tai doesn’t know if he can make up for this upgrade if he has more strengthening points in the future, but he has no choice. Insufficient life energy is a flaw. An experiment, such as getting in touch with a female nun, and then adding some more to try. I don't know why, as soon as this idea came out, Zhou Tai thought of Qin Nanxi.

"Then can I go back to my hometown and have a look?" A voice like clear springs and flowing water sounded beside him, and Zhou Tai quickly realized that the hometown Yaoyu was talking about was the mortal realm where they were born: Pingbo Realm.

"Want to go back and have a look?"

"Well, a little thought."

"Then go back, it's the same everywhere anyway, and you can live there for a longer period of time." Both of them knew in their hearts that after so many years, things have changed, but sometimes things like feelings can be ignored , but it's there.

After the tenderness, Zhou Tai put away the formation, and then started to go to the direction where Pingbo Jie was located.

On the way, the two also took turns to practice the teleportation in the Nascent Soul Stage. This kind of teleportation can be accurately teleported within the range covered by the spiritual consciousness, but it can't be done if you stay away from it. In other words, the Nascent Soul Stage Although a monk can teleport up to [-] miles away, once the distance exceeds the range of his consciousness, he will not be able to accurately grasp the specific location. It is like holding a stone in his hand. Although he can throw it very far, it can only be done within the arm's reach. to accurate delivery.

Zhou Tai stood in the air, and Yaoyu was in the Lingbao space. When Zhou Tai wanted to teleport the Nascent Soul, he instantly created countless footholds in his heart centered on himself, and chose the farthest one. After the vaguest landing field, Zhou Tai disappeared in place in an instant, appearing twenty thousand miles away.

The speed of completion is very fast, and there is no obvious sense of stagnation when using Lingbao teleportation after completion. That is to say, although there will be some adaptation time after teleportation, it is much shorter than using Lingbao teleportation. And after the teleportation was completed, a slight pain came from the Nascent Soul, but it disappeared quickly.

Zhou Tai knew that this pain was to remind the Nascent Soul cultivator that the number of teleportation times had been exhausted. Under normal circumstances, if the Nascent Soul cultivator chose to teleport again, at least the Nascent Soul would be cracked and severely injured. Baby shattered.Because of his knowledge of searching for souls, Zhou Tai knew that the normal Nascent Soul's pain would last for about a day, and when the pain disappeared, it meant that the cultivator could perform the next teleportation.

After careful induction, Zhou Tai was sure that his Nascent Soul did not feel any discomfort. This meant that he should be able to continue teleporting, but he knew that Zhou Tai did not do this. After all, he was a Nascent Soul who had just been promoted. Even if he could, it was not necessary Ke Huo Huo, if something happens, it won't be good, wait until Yuanying is stronger, if it is really possible, then when Yuanying can teleport twice a day, Zhou Tai should not be able to feel the first teleportation. Secondary pain should occur.


Liuyunzong, within a cave in Ziyu Peak.

A beautiful female cultivator who looked very young stood in the cave, her eyes were bright and clear, her starry eyes and the corners of her mouth were tightly pursed, which showed that her heart was not very peaceful.

At a certain moment, the clothes kept slipping off, and the amazing beauty revealed in the end made the cave where she was the only one in existence look eclipsed.

If you observe carefully, you can find that on this seemingly perfect figure, there are some faint traces of flowers like tattoos.

Immortal cultivators have spiritual consciousness, and if they want to observe their physical condition, not only do they not need a mirror, but they can also be very detailed.

The traces are aggravated again!This judgment sounded in Qin Nanxi's heart. She is not the kind of female cultivator who is so narcissistic that she likes to admire herself, but over the years, the poison of peach fog flowers has become more and more serious. It was okay to say before, as long as she doesn't think about it , it will not easily attack, and only when the attack occurs will the traces of the whole body become obvious.

But after it became more and more serious, when the poison did not attack, faint traces began to appear on the body, and with each episode of toxicity began to become clear, it would be okay if the traces were only on the body, but now even the face began to appear There are some traces of the trend, although they can be hidden by means of makeup, but it is not a long-term solution.

When this poisonous hair does not flare up a lot, look at your thoughts, a slight ripple can cause consequences, but how can even a monk completely control his thoughts, just like Qin Nanxi just wanted to see the traces, but a trance thought of it What, confusion appeared in his eyes for an instant, and the tattoo-like flower traces on his body instantly became extremely vivid and gorgeous.

It wasn't until a long time later that she came back to her senses, and skillfully dealt with the wet trace on the ground for the first time, and then the one on the two slender and tangible thighs.

The body returned to normal, and the expression on her face was indifferent. Over the years, she tried her best to deal with this problem, but in the end it was useless. At first she hated a certain man to death, but later she didn't dare to hate him anymore. Once she hated, she would think, It is easy to attack when you think about it.

It would be fine if that man could stay and detoxify often, but he left with a whole body of secrets. She wasn't sure if it was the man who plotted against her back then, but even if he wasn't, he could hardly absolve himself of the blame.

As for not choosing to leave with the other party back then, Qin Nanxi didn't have much regret, did she leave the sect to become a field cultivator?Dao and everything he owns are given up?Over the years, there have also been thoughts in my heart that it is difficult to look back on the past, and that no one can explain my sad thoughts, but they were quickly suppressed by her in the bottom of my heart. These things should not be thought about randomly, and the body is prone to seizures.

When Qin Nanxi met Zhou Tai, she had only entered the sect for a few decades, so even if more than 100 years had passed, she still had nearly 100 years of lifespan.Although she failed to advance to the Golden Core for the first time, Qin Nanxi did not give up her hope of advancing to the Golden Core. Sometimes she even imagined that when she became stronger in the future, she would be able to suppress this poison.

After the marriage failed, she returned to the sect. Although the family still did not give up the idea of ​​remarrying her, there was nothing they could do about her. It was against the family's will, so she could not get the support of the family in cultivation, but as a As a first-class official disciple of the sect, the resources of the sect are normally distributed, but for her who needs to recuperate from her injuries, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

In this situation, it is difficult for her to leave the sect, and it is also very difficult to obtain a large amount of resources. In the end, she turned her attention to the mortal world to which the sect belongs. After all, the value of purple grass is very high. If she can If you pick a few plants, you can exchange for a lot of resources to heal your wounds. After all, a certain male cultivator took out more than one plant back then.

But she is only building foundations, and it is not easy to escape to the mortal world except for the mission of the sect, so she took out the beauty-retaining grass that someone gave her back then, cut off a small part, and married a girl from her sect. In exchange for some resources, Xiu also exchanged the qualifications of the other party to enter the mortal world once every few years.

In the past 100 years, she has often gone to the mortal world to which the sect belongs to look for resources, because someone said that they found them all in the Pingbo world, so she went to the Pingbo world the most times, but the whole plant of Ziyancao was replaced. Despite the resources and times, she did not find any valuable gains.

In fact, after more than 100 years of recuperation, plus the resources that have been exchanged, her injuries have recovered a lot. If she is willing to give up the other Ziyan grass in her hand, she has a chance to try to advance to Jindan again, but she is a little reluctant. In fact, she went to the mortal world not only to find resources, but also to relax, because when she was in the sect, she almost only stayed in her own cave.

And after experiencing a golden core failure, she was worried that the second promotion would also fail, and she couldn't bear the second failure, so she always wanted to be as stable as possible, and the poison on her body was also a hidden worry in her heart. When she was promoted to Jindan, the poison had no effect, but it was not as serious as it is now, so even though she had the opportunity to try to advance to Jindan for the second time, she herself was trying to find a reason to procrastinate.

Although there has been no harvest in the mortal world of the sect, Qin Nanxi, who has traveled to many areas, is not reconciled. Although there is no way to remove the poison on his body, he has already summed up some rules. For example, after an attack, within seven days It will not easily happen again, so she took advantage of this safe time to find a Zongmen Jindan monk again in exchange for a chance to enter the mortal world.

The Zongmen has three mortal realms. Excluding the Liuyun Realm where the family is located, there are only two options left. Over the years, Qin Nanxi has entered the two mortal realms more than once. Relatively speaking, those who entered the Pingbo Realm A little more times, after a brief hesitation, she chose Pingbojie again this time.

Although she has the qualifications to enter, each time is limited to three months. Qin Nanxi doesn't have much hope for this report. Anyway, after returning, she can use the resources she got to hide in the cave to recuperate.The entry conditions are only incidental, and the most important thing for Ziyancao is to exchange for resources.

 Thanks to Xiao Jianhua for the reward of 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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