One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 355 Chapter 3502 Another Interpretation

Chapter 355 Chapter [-] Another Interpretation
Pingbo Realm, Weiyang City, an underground old place.

Two shameless monks, a man and a woman, recalled the past and replayed the scene of that year, and a faint female voice sounded: "If I had kept waiting, I could have seen you earlier." Turn: "The writing on the wall is really ugly!"

Although Yaoyu said this, her spiritual sense was seriously observing the inscriptions on the wall, over and over again.

"It's really lucky to be able to meet again. I almost never saw each other again. As for the writing on the wall, I don't often engrave on the wall. There is still a gap between engraving and writing..." In fact, the engraving is not ugly. The sword is sharp, and the spiritual sense can control it freely. It is not easy to write ugly.

Yaoyu said this more because she wanted to attract Zhou Tai's attention, and then kissed him unexpectedly, blocking the rest of her words.While talking, Zhou Tai thought back to the scene when Yao Yu jumped off the cliff, and now thinking about it, he was a little scared. When the words were blocked, Zhou Tai thought that he should cherish the present moment.

After the two returned to the Pingbo world, they played around leisurely, and this was just one of the stops.Every time Zhou Tai passed by the border formation of the mortal world, Zhou Tai would grab such a wave of wool, so the aura in the Lingbao space was enough for two people for a period of time.

I want to find a suitable place to live, live a small life like an ordinary couple, so that there will be no regrets in Xiuxian's life. Originally, Weiyang City, which has left memories, is a place I like more.

But the two stayed here for a while, and felt that apart from this underground secret room and each other, many things had changed, so the two left here not long after.

At first, the two chose to live in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. This place was set up as a royal hunting ground by a mortal country, so it was difficult to see any people, and they didn't care about it. After a few years, they stayed enough and ran to Big cities and towns experience life. In order to live peacefully, they all wear ordinary clothes and dress up as ordinary people. They live their lives during the day and enter the Lingbao space to practice at night. Because of Yaoyu's beauty, they have caused several disturbances, even shaking the mortal world. But in the eyes of the two Nascent Soul monks, these things just add a touch of color to the simple life. After living in the city for a few years, they feel boring and live a life of seclusion again.

The aura in the Lingbao space is not enough, so go to the edge of the large array to absorb a wave, such an ordinary and simple life is close to ten years, and this is just approaching one-tenth of Zhou Tai's hundred-year plan, some days feel I am very yearning, but when I actually live it, it is not as good as I imagined, and many of them are repeated day after day.

The same but somewhat different. This may be the simplest and most simple life. The living environment in the mortal world is not friendly to mortals. In many places, mortals can only say that they are struggling to live. They want to do something, but they don’t know what to do. What to do, trillions of mortals, distributed in more than 100 mortal worlds, just like a fish facing the sea of ​​stars.

Zhou Tai has come back here more than once in these years, but the time before each stay was not long. Qin Nanxi has also come to Pingbo Realm several times in these years, but the two of them missed it because they missed it. The second time is Zhou Tai who stayed the longest, and with his cautious character, even in the mortal world, he would strengthen the Lingbao-level spirit disk to check it from time to time, usually more than once a day, and the Lingbao-level is huge. Its detection range made it inevitable for a female cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage to enter its detection range.

When the light spots of foundation-building stage monks appeared on the spirit test plate, Zhou Tai was not surprised. This is the back garden of Liuyun Sect, not to mention the foundation-building period, even the appearance of Jindan is normal.

With the mentality of guarding against any signs of danger, Zhou Tai naturally entered the blue spot of light representing the Foundation Establishment period with his consciousness, and then he was stunned.

It was a figure he was extremely familiar with, and even for a certain period of time it was still the white moonlight in his heart. It was intertwined and lingering, and it was also angry at the crown. It was hard to tell whether it was like it or with some hatred. I thought about going back to see her, but I gave up because it was too dangerous to enter the first-class sect. I never thought that I would see her here at this moment.

Although that familiar figure still makes people fascinated and moved, Zhou Tai was not impulsive. If he said that he would forget each other forever after a farewell, he would be deceiving himself and others. Let alone a man and woman who have slept together many times, it is just raising him for a year. As pets, people in Boliang will also have a trace of affection.

"What's wrong?" A familiar voice sounded, it was Yaoyu's concerned words when she saw Zhou Tai's strange expression.

"I have something to tell you, but I'm worried that it will make you feel bad, so I'm a little hesitant." Zhou Tai replied in this way after regaining his composure.

"Tell me about it?" Yaoyu asked in a puzzled and curious tone after moving closer to Zhou Tai's side.

"You should know that I have a very special secret method, and there is one thing that needs to be verified. This is related to the future path of cultivation, but I need to find a woman to verify it." This was Zhou Tai's long-standing plan, but he didn't Say it now, if the next time the body is fully strengthened, it will take 1000 years of strengthening points, and there are still more than 800 years, so there is no need to worry at all.

"The one who advanced to Foundation Establishment and Golden Core?"


After asking, Yaoyu understood after hearing the confirmation from the other party.Then she said nonchalantly: "That's all? I don't mind finding one, I don't mind if I find a hundred and eighty." Her tone was as if she was talking about a hundred and eighty rice grains, not a hundred and eighty women. It shows the grandeur and demeanor of a Nascent Soul female cultivator.

"Really?" Is this true?Looking at Yaoyu's innocent and clear eyes in front of him, why is he a little unbelievable.

"Really, do you want..." Yaoyu whispered in Zhou Tai's ear, from a male cultivator looking for a few more women to talk about it normally, to being a little alone.

After discovering Qin Nanxi, Zhou Tai didn't go looking for it, but inadvertently, he searched for the spirit disk more times.In fact, there is not much affection between the two of them. For Zhou Tai, it is best to wait and see from a distance for the last time.

He is a wanted criminal, and she is a disciple of a sect. They are destined to be incompatible, and they will be caught and imprisoned forever?He is not so vicious, if we meet each other and let the other party go, if the other party attracts a large number of Liu Yunzong monks to chase and kill them, it will destroy the last goodness left in the heart. In short, seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other.

Moreover, she has a deep relationship with Yaoyu. Although she is very open-minded, how can she really not care about it in her heart? If it was just Zhou Tai herself, she would see her as soon as she saw her. Destroy each other's deep friendship by not being sure about good or bad emotions.

So he persisted for seven days. After seven days, Qin Nanxi was about to fly out of the detection range of the Lingpan. Zhou Tai couldn't bear it anymore. Right away, he knew that the other party was only building a foundation, and he was in a first-class sect, so he must have failed to promote Jindan. He also thought of the poison of the peach mist flower, which had a lot to do with him. If he didn't want to show courtesy , and there will be no intersection between each other. To a certain extent, the other party was killed by him.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so Zhou Tai went, and his idea was simple, he just had a good look at the other party not far away, and finally watched the other party leave, there must be a sense of ritual in parting.

"I have something to do, Yaoyao, just wait for me here, and I will be back soon!" After explaining to Yaoyu like this, Zhou Tai teleported away.Seeing this scene, Yaoyu looked puzzled. Zhou Tai seldom stayed with her alone. Even if he was not around before, he must have been within the scope of his consciousness. Moreover, she had already discovered Zhou Tai's situation these few days. wrong.

In Zhou Tai's thinking, he really just flew to the opponent's side and stayed for a while. When his body appeared not far away, he was in the state of ghost pulse extinction, but he was discovered.

"Come out!" With a coquettish shout, Zhou Tai was a little dazed when facing Qin Nanxi's gaze looking straight at him, did the other party find him so easily?Are you sure it's just the foundation building period?
Although he knew about the poison of the peach mist flower from the memory obtained from the soul search, Huang Kun had never been in contact with it in depth, not to mention that there was still a change in Qin Nanxi. When Zhou Tai appeared not far from Qin Nanxi, The poison on her body began to change, and as the distance approached, this change became more obvious.

Qin Nanxi had experienced this situation many times over 100 years ago, but it was not as obvious as it is now, that is, whenever Zhou Tai appeared not far from her, the poison on his body would automatically remind him where he was.When she first felt this situation during the flight, Qin Nanxi also thought it was her own illusion, not to mention how unlikely Zhou Tai would appear here, even her divine sense didn't find anything, but when the feeling on her body changed The feeling became more intense, and the feeling that the other party was just a few dozen steps away was very strong, so she yelled coquettishly without hesitation.

She didn't know if there was really something wrong with her, and she also had some uncertain doubts in her heart, but when the figure that she couldn't even think about appeared in the seemingly empty place, her emotions suddenly exploded Well, the coercion of the foundation building period was released. At this moment, she didn't think about what the other party's cultivation level would be, and she couldn't understand why she was like this. Like a small beast that exploded, she lost her mind.

After being called to break the position, although Zhou Tai was surprised, Zhou Tai did not escape, but walked out with some complicated emotions, and as a result, he directly faced the 'powerful' coercion of the foundation establishment period.

If it was in front of Zhou Tai in another foundation establishment period, he would definitely think: how dare the little foundation establishment stage fight against others?Dawei Tianlong... But seeing Qin Nanxi like this made her feel a little uncomfortable, thinking about letting her hit her twice?
Qin Nanxi looked very imposing, but since she was at her peak at the beginning, she didn't make a move, and her aura also declined a little. When she got closer, she said three words: "Don't run!" Then her clear eyes began to become blurred, and her movements Like more than 100 years ago, he threw himself on Zhou Tai's body skillfully, and then kissed him.

Two figures embracing each other, one above and one below, slanted and slowly fell towards the ground. This was controlled by Zhou Tai. Although under the observation of his spiritual sense, there was no one nearby, it was too obvious above the sky. It's better to fall, everything happened as the two people did more than 100 years ago.

A day later, when Zhou Tai and Qin Nanxi were still on the bed in an uninhabited courtyard, Zhou Tai could only lament that the inertia was terrible. Qin Nanxi had returned to normal now, but she was still the same as before, only moving and not talking .

Feeling the wetness of the bed, and the enchanting figure still on him like revenge, Zhou Tai suddenly had another interpretation of his name: Isn't Zhou Tai turning Tai over?What is Thai word turned over?The water is above, and the people are below.

How can a man be overthrown by fate? When Zhou Tai thought of this, he turned over and began to practice the Baifeng Chaoyang Spear.

But soon his expression changed. Just now he was wondering whether the two represented himself and Qin Nanxi, but now he found Yao Yu appeared, and he knew it was representing Yao Yu and Qin Nanxi.

Could this be the catastrophe that was definitely included in the name?While thinking this way in his heart, Zhou Tai did not choose to escape. Although he really didn't want to be in such a situation, sometimes it is useless to escape.

As Yaoyu approached, both she and Zhou Tai seemed a little silent, but when the distance reached a certain level, Qin Nanxi also felt it. When she thought that someone was peeping and was still approaching, she immediately became angry, and her breath exploded. He planned to make a move, but there was no more, Zhou Tai activated the poison of peach blossoms in her body, and chose to let her get lost for a while.

It is not a good thing to let her and Yaoyu quarrel, the lesser of two evils.

"This is what you have to be busy with!" Yaoyu walked very close, and came directly to the bedside. This was the first sentence she spoke, and the words were a little cold.

The scene on the bed was in the eyes of the other party, Zhou Tai reached out and hugged Yao Yu directly by his side, and found that she did not refuse, Zhou Tai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, just let him hug her!

"Didn't I tell you? Who said it could be a hundred or eighty?" Try to keep your tone soft.

"Didn't you not have it when you said it?" Yaoyu cried uncontrollably when she was speaking.He continued: "I didn't expect that you not only really looked for it, but you didn't tell me you found it so quickly, and you actually found such a good-looking one!"

I know that sometimes women can't really believe what they say!Even if Yaoyu can accept it in her heart, it still needs a gradual process.

"No matter who it is, it's not as important as you in my heart!" After finishing speaking, he kissed Yaoyu's cheek, tears were cold and salty.

"What's your relationship with her?" Yao Yu asked after her emotions stabilized a bit.

"Fellow Daoist!" With this sentence, Zhou Tai could swear that he was not lying.

"How many friends like this do you have?" Yaoyu continued to ask.

"Just this one." After finishing speaking, Zhou Tai began to turn passive into active: "Yaoyao, can you go back first? Give me some time to deal with things here."

Yaoyu left for a while, she noticed the clothes thrown nearby, and knew that it was a female cultivator of the sect, she really wanted to ask and even suggested to kill this female cultivator, but she didn't know what Zhou Tai was thinking, so she didn't make random proposals , what if he is reluctant?Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him? Yaoyu actually doesn't care if Zhou Tai has other women, but when she really sees other women lying on the bed where she should be lying, she is still so beautiful, her instinct arises in her heart She felt a sense of crisis, but in fact, what she was afraid of was losing, and she was afraid that other women would snatch her sweetheart away.

(End of this chapter)

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