One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 356 Chapter 3503

Chapter 356 Chapter [-] Birds and Fishes Have Different Paths

The sky was half cloudy, with a little more clouds, and the wind was blowing gently. The shadows of the clouds passed the area where the small courtyard was located. It was a little dark, and then it quickly returned to sunny.

Zhou Tai stayed in the small courtyard, while thinking about some things in his heart, he seemed to be admiring the scenery.

Yaoyu had already left, but she didn't go far. She was within the coverage of Yuanying's spiritual consciousness, so she stayed there quietly, with her back facing the direction of the small courtyard, and her spiritual consciousness didn't come to check. what a feeling.

It can be said that she is a close maid who helps her young master guard the door, she is loyal, no one can disturb her good deeds, no matter what, she is by his side; it can also be said that she is a sensible wife who makes people feel distressed when she finds out that her husband is cheating on her. After that, she didn't cry or make trouble, and waited quietly for the other party to come back, which was also telling her husband to rest assured that she would not run around.It can also be said that she is a princess who is waiting for her son-in-law to admit her mistakes and coax her. No words are worth a thousand words.

These were all Zhou Tai's thoughts. He didn't know how much he had guessed correctly, or if he was completely wrong, but he knew that he couldn't continue to mess around for the time being, or else he wouldn't be able to pass the test in his heart.

It is not a big problem to continue with Qin Nanxi, but Zhou Tai thought of a sentence: You can be unscrupulous, but you must know when enough is enough.

So when Yaoyu came out, he also came out, speaking from the bottom of his heart, Zhou Tai didn't expect such consequences at first, he really just took a look and wanted to remember it.

After being discovered and the situation continued to develop, he also had the opportunity to avoid it, and he could even choose to pat his ass and leave after being comfortable for a while, but he didn't.

Later, I realized that such a scene might appear, but I chose to let nature take its course.Such a result is actually not good, but Zhou Tai is willing to obey his own heart.

It is true that many things can be handled more perfectly by taking a detour and changing the method.Zhou Tai once stayed in Liuyunzong, and he knew that the monks who established the foundation had only three months to come to the mortal world. As long as he wanted, he could completely make Yaoyu unaware before Qin Nanxi left.

As for the question of whether Qin Nanxi will definitely leave, Zhou Tai has an answer in his heart. Qin Nanxi has made a choice before, and the answer is already there. It's just that she wanted to get rid of the poison by the way, and Zhou Tai is not a tool person who responds to requests, he is also a greedy person.

It's not that he doesn't know how to adapt, but that Zhou Tai thinks very clearly, he and Yaoyu have been together for a long time, deception and concealment will sooner or later cause problems, and he doesn't want to live under the lie all the time, the matter with Qin Nanxi, Zhou Tai hadn't said anything yet, it just so happened that this time the paper on the window was punctured.

It is time to cultivate immortals. Zhou Tai's heart was very fluttering at the beginning. Although he was hit badly by the reality of cultivating immortals and lived a difficult life, some thoughts have not changed. He will not be a dedicated man. He is already cultivating immortals. , why restrain yourself?If he was a good man, he wouldn't have slept with Yaoyu just like that.

There was an idea to use this incident to let Yaoyu know what kind of person she is, but when the incident actually happened, Zhou Tai still felt a little unbearable.

"That's your concubine?" At some point, Qin Nanxi came out of the house fully dressed, looked at Zhou Tai and said, her tone was neither hasty nor slow, without the slightest hint of intimacy.

Although she was very dissatisfied with Zhou Tai's actions just now, she would not show it easily. The other party was secretive, and it was not a rational behavior to provoke the other party. In fact, she knew in her heart that she couldn't even tell the other party's cultivation. is the disadvantaged party.

"When will you go back?" Zhou Tai didn't answer the meaningless question, and wanted to understand what the other party thought.

"There is still one month left! Why do you ask this? Do you want to imprison me?" Qin Nanxi felt a little yearning in her heart when she said the last few words. She attributed it to her poisoning.

"Imprison you for what? If I really wanted to, I would have taken you away by force. You can leave anytime you want." Zhou Tai didn't have any thoughts against Qin Nanxi. It's just a woman who has been bullied.

After these words, the two of them fell into a brief silence. If either of them leaves directly at this moment and the other does not speak, then this encounter will end.

"What's the matter? I'll leave without me!" In the end it was Zhou Tai who broke the silence first.

If she hadn't known that she was not the opponent's opponent, Qin Nanxi would have shot without hesitation at this moment, and then arrested the opponent, but she knew that this was just a matter of thinking.

Qin Nanxi is in need now. In fact, the poison on her body was not as strong as it is now. If the other party keeps detoxifying, nothing will happen. The seriousness now is completely the result of continuous accumulation. She felt it before After seeing the situation in her body, she actually felt that the toxicity was lessened, so she kept pestering her.

Now the situation is very obvious, she can't beat the opponent, if it is not for special reasons, she would not be able to discover that kind of invisibility, not to mention the turmoil when she got married back then, she would have known the strength of the opponent.

Now she needs the other party to continue to detoxify, reduce physical symptoms, and then try to advance to Jindan again in a few years. The reason why she is a little angry is because Qin Nanxi wants to come to the other party to ask if something is wrong. She knows that she needs to detoxify, and she forces herself to say it .

In fact, Zhou Tai was somewhat misunderstood, and indeed he guessed something, but he couldn't eradicate this poison, and the other party would definitely return to the sect, otherwise, as soon as the time passed, monks from Liuyun Sect would come to investigate.Detoxification is just that the symptoms will be relieved for a period of time. How would he know what this woman would think?
If the other party is okay, he will go to coax Yaoyu, so he won't waste time here, if there is something, he will decide according to the situation.

In fact, Qin Nanxi felt that detoxification was very important, mostly due to psychological factors.

"I have something to do, spend the rest of the time detoxifying with me!" Qin Nanxi said an answer that Zhou Tai could think of but couldn't believe. The attitude of asking for help, and then said: "Can I?" There is a hint of pleading in these three words.

Although she knew the allure of her body, she didn't want to change the final result because of her attitude, not to mention that the other party had a concubine, and there was no shortage of women, so she didn't have any advantages.

"Detoxification is fine, and it's okay to accompany you to detoxify during this time, but I have a condition, that is, stay by my side, don't say a superfluous word, only detoxify if you talk about detoxification, and don't do anything irrelevant!" Will make such a request , I just want her and Yaoyu not to conflict.

Each other can still be each other's tools quietly as before, but try not to involve others.

Hearing such a return, Qin Nanxi was about to open her mouth to agree, but her heart moved, and the words changed into: "Do you still have Ziyan grass? Give me a plant, and I promise you."

Thinking that Zhou Tai once took out the purple face grass, thinking that he couldn't find it, and thinking that the other party is staying here now, so he probably has it on him.

Originally, I just wanted to say it with an attitude of giving it a try. If the other party disagrees, I will talk about it. After all, in Qin Nanxi's eyes, purple face grass is rare and precious, especially for female cultivators. Now that the other party has a concubine, even if Yes, it's not easy to get it. This is her true inner thoughts. Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, the other party took out a jade box and sent it directly to her.

"I'll give you one first, and if you don't say a word in the end, I'll give you another one." Ziyan grass is not a precious thing at all to Zhou Tai.

Knowing that helping the other party detoxify is playing with fire, but he doesn't want to refuse in his heart.

"Those who shout out unconsciously don't count!" Qin Nanxi might have thought of something, and added in a low voice.

"Yes!" After the conditions were negotiated, Zhou Tai moved towards Yaoyu, followed by Qin Nanxi.


"What are you thinking here!" Yaoyu sat on a boulder, and Zhou Tai took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside her. He wanted the two of them to have a good chat, so they sat side by side. Come on, Yaoyu leaned directly on Zhou Tai's body, glanced back at the vixen who was following her sweetheart, then leaned on Zhou Tai's side and said: "You must not abandon me, and you must not abandon me."

Being able to come here so soon makes Yaoyu very happy, which shows that she is still very important to Zhou Tai.

In fact, Zhou Tai really wants to hold Yaoyu into the Lingbao space and talk quietly, but he doesn't want to expose too much in front of Qin Nanxi, just like Yaoyu who obviously has spiritual consciousness, but she didn't show her in front of Qin Nanxi. He was very satisfied with the exposure, otherwise he wouldn't have looked back, so he hugged Yaoyu into his arms.

"Even if I lose myself, I won't abandon you!" He answered the question first, and then said: "Actually, I am even more afraid that you will abandon me. I don't know if you will hate me like this, and in the end because of this Leave, but even if you want to leave, I won't let you go." The last two sentences are both domineering and serious.

"Then why do you want to provoke others? Is it because I'm not doing well enough?" Seeing Zhou Tai's sincerity, Yaoyu also asked the question she wanted to know.

"It's not to provoke, but to detoxify!" Faced with Yaoyu's doubts, Zhou Tai told his past experience, without any embellishment, it was all straightforward.

"The reason why I didn't tell you before was because I thought I would never meet her again. Telling her will only make you think too much." Finally Zhou Tai concluded with this sentence.

He didn't talk about the ideal of building a vast harem, and it would only be rhetorical and unrealistic to say these things now. Let's not say that his vision is very high now, and ordinary women can't catch it. In Zongmen, there is a high probability that they want to catch his mortal enemy. Zhou Tai can't do that kind of thing like captivity.

In fact, Zhou Tai has Yaoyu, and has met Qin Nanxi. Under such an environment of cultivating immortals, his sentimental thoughts have long since faded, but after searching for the soul of Huang Kun, he was affected. Huang Kun's things, but when I think about cultivating immortals once, if I can't have more confidante, I feel like a failure. I don't have to accomplish anything, but I don't want to restrict myself in thought.

It has to be said that once a person's three views are formed, it is difficult to change. If Zhou Tai hadn't brought the memories of his previous life with him, he would have been led astray long ago after getting Huang Kun's memories.

"You said just now that you have to detoxify with her for a month before she leaves?" Yao Yu asked focusing on the key question.

"After all, it's because of me. She wants to get rid of the poison, and I don't want to refuse." This is also telling the truth. Zhou Tai knows that saying this will make him appear to have a low EQ, but he doesn't like deceitful words.

"Okay...why has she been silent all this time?" Yaoyu reluctantly agreed, and then suddenly the two chatted for so long, and the female cultivator had been very quiet, so she asked a little strangely, after all, she called very loudly before. Huan, it's not that she didn't hear it, which means she couldn't be dumb.

"I made an appointment with her, detoxification is just detoxification, not to mention anything else, she also agreed!" Hearing this, Yaoyu also understood that Zhou Tai was thinking about her mood, but thinking of the other party for a month... before leaving , she couldn't be happy.

The matter can be said to have calmed down for the time being. After Zhou Tai chatted with Yaoyu, Yaoyu found time to sneak into the Lingbao space to practice, leaving only Zhou Tai and Qin Nanxi outside. Yaoyu felt that she was upset, Simply choose to hide.

But Zhou Tai didn't completely ignore Yaoyu, he would always look for opportunities to go in and stay with Yaoyu, whether it's a simple conversation, or just hugging for a while, in short, Zhou Tai wants Yaoyu to feel him care.

One month, whether it was long or not, passed quickly. According to the agreement, Zhou Tai gave Qin Nanxi another purple face grass before she left.

"Going away like this?" Looking at the figure going away, Yao Yu asked.

"Then what else!" To Zhou Tai, Qin Nanxi was just a bird, always thinking about the sky, and would fly away sooner or later, while Yaoyu was a fish, staying in his heart, she couldn't escape no matter what.

"Let's go?" Yao Yu simply said two words until Qin Nanxi's figure disappeared.

"Don't go!" Although he didn't say it clearly, Zhou Tai knew the meaning.

The identities of the two were wild cultivators, and they belonged to the most wanted sect of the sect, and Qin Nanxi was a cultivator of the sect. Once they returned to the sect, it would probably be unfavorable to them. Yaoyu said to leave because of safety considerations, and Zhou Tai said no to leave, because he wanted to see how Qin Nanxi would choose. If he really led a large number of high-ranking monks to arrest him, then he would never end with the other party. If not, it means that the other party is not so ruthless. .

This choice may not be wise, but Zhou Tai just wanted to have a look and want to be willful for a while. If he was still in the Jindan stage, he would not do this, but now that he has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, the danger is not high. After all It's not an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, but a Nascent Soul cultivator who can teleport continuously, and can escape danger by entering the edge formation.

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(End of this chapter)

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