One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 357 Chapter 3504

Chapter 357 Chapter [-] The More Cannon Fodder The Better
"Actually, you still care about her in your heart!" This was Yaoyu's thoughts, and she said it out.

"I don't know it myself, so you know it?" After finishing speaking, Zhou Tai took her hand and started to walk back together while continuing: "I don't know if I can meet her, if I can meet her , I don’t know how to face it in my heart, you are different from her, she is dispensable to me, but after all, there is a bond between each other, so I leave the choice to her.”

There is no deep friendship between them, but there are many one-night pleasures. It is impossible for Zhou Tai to plot to hurt Qin Nanxi.The other party didn't want to stay, and he wouldn't force him to stay, that would only make the other party resentful.

The two are different. In Zhou Tai's mind, if he used his previous life as an analogy, Qin Nanxi was a rich lady who had everything, while he himself was a mixture of a poor beggar and a wanted criminal. There is no real place to stay. The accidental intersection between the two may be just a joke to the rich lady. How can she really be willing to give up everything about herself? If the rich lady is willing to elope, how can the poor boy refuse.What's more, I have already risked my life once, asked the rich lady in front of her, and already understood that the relationship between the two is not love, it can only be said to be a dewy couple.

After all, this world is different from the previous one. This is the world of cultivating immortals, where strength is the most important thing. Affected by Huang Kun's memory, when did the female cultivator who got it fly out of the palm of her hand, and she would die at her feet, although Zhou Tai didn't think his own There is something wrong with the approach, but I can't help but suppress a tyranny in my heart. If it's a good get-together, it's fine. If Qin Nanxi puts on a skirt on the front foot and leaves, there will be a large number of monks chasing after him. Tai will inevitably become Shura...

The thoughts in his heart were very complicated, but Zhou Tai would not talk too much with Yaoyu. It is not wise to keep mentioning another woman in front of one woman, not to mention that when Qin Nanxi was here, Yaoyu had been neglected for a while. Yes, so Zhou Tai has decided that he will not take the initiative to bring up the topic of Qin Nanxi in the next time, and just pretend that she has never appeared.

Facing the possible crisis, Zhou Tai didn't care. If he was still that Xiaobai cultivator who didn't understand many things and felt the crisis, he would definitely run as far as possible, but he is no longer.

After chatting with Yaoyu for a few words, Zhou Tai changed the subject. What Zhou Tai cared more about was Yaoyu's current mood. He didn't want to remedy anything, but just wanted Yaoyu to understand that what he cared about most was her.


An elegant and agile figure quickly passed by in the sky. The mortals seen on the ground, some knelt down to worship, some shouted, and most of them just stared stupidly. For Zhou Tai's kind, they either hid or The stealthy way of traveling, Qin Nanxi can be called a big fanfare, blatantly, going to the Zongmen teleportation array, walking only in a straight line.Some members of the cultivating family in the mortal world saw that besides envy, there was only yearning. They were all monks at the bottom of Qi training, not much better than ordinary people.

As the teleportation array of Yuanding Mountain got closer and closer, Qin Nanxi felt a little bit reluctant, but she quickly dispelled this feeling.Success, Xiao He, and defeat, Xiao He, if Zhou Tai hadn't appeared and given her the purple face grass, after failing to advance to the golden elixir, she would not have such a quick recovery chance, but if Zhou Tai hadn't been there, she would not have been poisoned. I am a little grateful to Zhou Tai, but it is also very complicated.

Although Zhou Tai is wanted by all the sects, if she reports this matter to the sect, she will definitely get a generous reward, but she does not intend to do so. The most important thing for her at present is to advance to the golden core stage. It has already been settled, and the demand for rewards is not urgent. What's more, even if they get rewards, the family will share a part of it. This is unavoidable for every family disciple.

The most important thing is that after the report, it will also be exposed that she has a relationship with Zhou Tai, and it is easy for some people to think that the two have always been in contact. The incident between the two caused some disturbance when the wanted man arrived at the Zongmen , She was also investigated, if she reported it, it would be easy to implicate herself if she didn't say well, let her take the reward first, and then take the reward away, it's not impossible, she and Zhou Tai were unscrupulous back then It's not a secret that he slept in his own cave for a year.


"What do you think of Su Rou?" When Yao Yu and Zhou Tai were lying together afterwards, Yao Yu suddenly asked such a sentence.

"How about what?" The sudden question made people a little confused.

After a moment of silence, Yaoyu continued: "You want to find me some sisters, I don't mind, I don't object, but try not to choose those sect female cultivators, it's not safe, Su Rou is also alone, you and I Still familiar, you have to have an idea, if you meet in the future, I will help you find out."

Zhou Tai was a little surprised by these words, but soon Zhou Tai also wanted to understand why she seemed so magnanimous. In the family, which man does not have a group of wives and concubines?It is both for enjoyment and for the sake of spreading branches and leaves. The number of wives and concubines often starts from dozens.

Yaoyu was born in the mortal world of a failed offshoot of the immortal cultivating family. She has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child, and she doesn't think it's wrong for a man to find a few women. It's the bottom one with the least amount of wealth. They don't marry just one of them with a little wealth.

In these years of ups and downs, most of the days were just the two of them. Yaoyu's heart was on Zhou Tai. The two of them hadn't talked about this before, so how could she take the initiative to say this? During the period when Rou got along, she was still worried about what would happen to Su Rou and Zhou Tai. After all, in her opinion, she was far behind Su Rou. bottle.

Because of the relationship she knew since she was a child, she had long been prepared for Zhou Tai to find other women, but before that, she could occupy it alone. How nice a person should be, but this time Qin Nanxi's appearance made her give up her fantasy, and a sense of crisis appeared in her heart.

Although Zhou Tai would accompany her this month, most of the time he stayed with him, and she had to admit that the nun Qin Nanxi was really pretty.But he was a member of the sect, and there were too many hidden dangers, so Su Rou, who had made her a little wary before, now seemed to her to be a good candidate.

If it is Su Rou, I am familiar with it, and Su Rou has a strong and domineering personality. It is very likely that after Zhou Tai chooses her, he will not provoke others. Said: One for myself, one for Su Rou, and if that Qin Nanxi counts as one, at most there are three.

"Don't mess with the mandarin ducks!" Zhou Tai has always put Yaoyu on an equal footing, so he didn't realize that she would have such thoughts before, but the Su Rou she suggested may not have any meaning for Zhou Tai.

"What's wrong with her?" After hearing the answer, Yaoyu asked back, she thought it would be very suitable for Su Rou to come, if they were all submissive, wouldn't it be easy to get more and more people?

"How do you know that she can fall in love with me?" Perhaps in Yaoyu's eyes, he is the best, but this does not apply to everyone, Zhou Tai understands this very well.

"Isn't it because I'm helping you find out what's going on? I think there's a lot of hope." Yao Yu's words were full of confidence in Zhou Tai's obsession.

"Whether you can encounter it or not is hopeless, so don't think about so many unrealistic things."

Hearing this, and thinking of how big the world of cultivating immortals is, Yaoyu also fell silent.

In fact, Zhou Tai really has no idea about Su Rou. To put it bluntly, even if Su Rou agrees, Zhou Tai will not agree. A reborn monk has thousands of years of experience, and it is impossible for him to be moved by ordinary emotions. But if you move, you must ask for something.To put it bluntly, even if Su Rou wanted to have a weekend break with Zhou Tai, he still had to think hard about whether he was trying to plot against him.

And when Zhou Tai and Yao Yu were chatting about Su Rou, Su Rou also stayed in a certain mortal world to teach his apprentices,

It's just that she has a lot of apprentices; now it's almost [-].

After teleporting away that year, Su Rou was randomly teleported to the area near the edge of Xiuxian Continent. Normally, it would be difficult for the Zongmen to search for this area. This area is very safe for Su Rou, but she He didn't stop, but went directly to the dangerous area where the sect was.

She never went to Qishan again, not because she thought it was impossible for Zhou Tai to appear there, but because of the encirclement and suppression by the sects, she really knew how hard those sects were to encircle and suppress people like them. If you don't take the initiative to provoke, there will be no major problems. As for the difficulty of practicing and advancing, you can slowly find a way, but she found that she was wrong.

What's the use of finding Zhou Tai?Although the other party has some supernatural powers, what is it in front of a group of huge sects? Before, she wanted to manipulate the other party and get the secrets from the other party, but facing a battle with a large number of golden cores, let her know that in the golden core Dan Realm himself is not much stronger than the other party, so he temporarily lost interest in Zhou Tai.

Nascent Soul Realm is very difficult for her. She once planned to search for an alchemist, but in the end the plan failed and the other party blew himself up.In fact, thinking about it now, even if she knows how to make alchemy, it is difficult to find spiritual grass for refining in such a world of cultivating immortals. Without the support of the sect, everything seems to be a dead end.

After some years of rushing, Su Rou returned to the area where the sect was located, but this time she changed her mind and did not appear in the great world of cultivating immortals at all, but wandered around in various mortal worlds, She wasn't just wandering around bored like Zhou Tai, but was looking for somewhere.

There is a very special area, which was specially transferred to a mortal world back then, but she didn't really participate in it to prevent others from suspecting it, so although she knew it must be in the mortal world, she didn't know which mortal world she was in. In the world, it can really be said that he saved his mouth back then, but now he has broken his legs.

If there is still a way, she doesn't want to use that place, and it is also dangerous for her, but if the current world of cultivating immortals is not chaotic, how can she still have hope of surviving?Could it be that he waited until the golden core stage's life energy was exhausted and died directly?

This search lasted for decades, until one day, after she saw a large area that matched her memory, and found that there was no special change, she smiled happily for a long time, both happy and mocking .

But Su Rou didn't move this place immediately, but began to accept mortals as disciples in this mortal world and teach them the methods of cultivation.Thanks to the storage bags of the golden core period obtained in the small forbidden area before, she has a lot of spirit stones on her body, which can just enlighten the spirits of these mortals and start to practice.

Su Rou didn't hand in everything very carefully, she just picked up a hodgepodge of exercises similar to the ancient times and passed them on. The so-called hodgepodge means that there are one or two types of kung fu, some spells, and some alchemy. A little bit, everything is commonplace.

The innocent and simple mortal boy, after obtaining the exercises, looked at the beautiful master who seemed to be about the same age as him, and countless beautiful fantasies about the future appeared in his heart.

Especially later, the beautiful master once watched his successful spiritual enlightenment smile by his side, which made the young man who had entered the state of Na Qi even have a bold idea, but soon, he discovered that for an apprentice like him, the beautiful woman The master collected a lot, and in the end, he couldn't count the number...

At the beginning, there was no problem when the number of apprentices was small, but as monks in the qi training period continued to appear, and the number of monks in the qi training period taught qi training methods, and the number continued to increase, it would inevitably cause some countries in the mortal world to Note that although Su Rou chose some remote places, the number of people cannot be covered. The mortal world is the back garden of a first-class sect. With so many qi cultivators appearing, it will be exposed sooner or later, but Su Rou What she thought was that the more people there were, the better. If she could be exposed later, she would be exposed later. For this reason, she set up a concealment formation, or asked a branch of monks to dig rocks and hide in caves, etc.

But when there are too many people, it is easy to lose one side, so after the number reached a certain number, she also dealt with two immortal cultivating families in the mortal world. It is not sure to hide it from the immortal cultivating families all over the mortal world.

The matter was resolved smoothly. Su Rou took the two cultivators from the Cultivation Clan through the large formation on the edge of the mortal world, allowing them to feel the concentration of aura in the Cultivation Great World, and then told them that as long as they help conceal it, they will also be able to hide it. Being able to bring them back to the great world of cultivating immortals is a huge temptation for the cultivating family trapped in the mortal world.

Of course, she didn't mention the specific situation in the current world of cultivating immortals. She said she was afraid they would not want to go out, and Su Rou's goal was not limited to these two cultivating families. At the end of the day, she would inform more cultivating immortals in the mortal world Family, in short, the more people, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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