One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 358 Chapter 3505

Chapter 358 Chapter [-]
The Puluo Realm is the mortal realm to which the first-class sect Lingtianzong belongs. It has been in peace for thousands of years, just like the Pingbo Realm of Liuyunzong. It is constantly accumulating resources to support the Lingtianzong. Every few years, it will also collect chores Entering the sect, under normal circumstances, the monks of the Lingtianzong wait for the resources to be delivered at a certain place, but sometimes the monks of the Lingtianzong will also go around the general world, basically to try to find The unique resources of the mortal world, such as purple grass, are too likely to return empty-handed, so under normal circumstances, there are very few monks, and sometimes even no monk will come for many years.

After all, although the general world is the mortal world to which the sect belongs, because there are many immortal cultivating families in the sect, if the monks of the sect come and go at will, it is not conducive to the stability of the mortal world, and it is not easy to come here, so even if there are It is impossible for the monks to come in too many people.

But on a certain day, at the teleportation array connecting the general world and the Lingtianzong, a burst of teleportation light flashed, and a group of monks from the Lingtianzong appeared. They were all handsome men and beauties. In the base period, a small part is Jindan.

"This is the general world? It's really the first time I've come here!" A Golden Core cultivator sighed.

"Senior Brother Luo is usually busy, so naturally he doesn't have time to come to such a low-spirited place." Another Golden Core cultivator said beside him.

"If it wasn't for some small situation in the world of cultivating immortals, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to come here. I will walk around here and complete the mission of the next sect by the way!" Said the Jindan monk called Senior Brother Luo.

It turned out that some time ago, in the world of cultivating immortals, someone arrested monks from second-class and third-class sects, and used them as bait to ambush monks from the Nascent Soul stage of their sect. It caused some shocks, and the place of ambushes had a very high and deep formation arrangement, which attracted many formation masters from sects to check afterwards.

But in the end, nothing was gained. Even who did this thing was not found out, but the sects used all believed that it was related to the top-level formation masters that had appeared. After all, formations of that level are not something ordinary people can arrange.

Especially in a small forbidden area, when a large number of sects were besieged and suppressed, they let each other escape. The world of cultivating immortals has been at peace for many years. Apart from some small frictions between some sects, nothing major happened. After some accidents occurred in the millennium catastrophe initiated by the third-class sect, some people outside the sect occasionally appeared in the world of cultivating immortals to make trouble.

Because something happened again, and it also caused the death of many monks in the Nascent Soul stage, so in addition to restraining their own disciples from going out easily, the disciples of the sects walking in the world of cultivating immortals are almost all bait, but after many years It didn't have any effect, because considering that top-level formation masters can enter the mortal world, first-class sects have also organized senior monks to investigate many times in the mortal world controlled by the sect.

At that time, Zhou Tai went to look for Yaoyu after practicing ghost meridian extermination with Yuanying. Although Su Rou was wandering in various mortal worlds at that time, she also escaped the search perfectly. The aura environment is bad, and after searching a few times, the high-ranking monks of the sect are reluctant to come.

Although the low-spirited land is suitable for hiding, it has no possibility of growth. If the top magician is willing to waste his time, Zongmen is also happy to see this result.And later, some first-class sects felt that the aura of the sect had occasionally changed significantly, so they shifted their attention to the fringe formations of the mortal world.

In fact, it is not easy for low-level top-level formation masters to pass there, but it is not easy to stay there for a long time, and it is not more comfortable than staying in the mortal world. It is not something these first-class sects can easily search for. , if it was only a small area, the Zongmen would have found monks from the central area of ​​the Xiuxian Continent long ago, but the more than 100 fringe formations of the mortal world are too large, so things fell into a short-lived situation. In deadlock.

Because they believed that no matter hiding in the mortal world or the fringe formations of the mortal world, they would only survive, so after the search was fruitless, Zongmen gave up searching in the mortal world.

Because it suddenly became not so safe outside the sect, and some monks from the first-class sects were stuck inside the sect, so it was inevitable that they would have the idea of ​​wandering around the mortal world of their own sect. in this way.

In the name of helping the sect to inspect it, this group of monks got the opportunity to visit the general world.

"Senior Brother Luo, are you going to act separately? Or gather together?" This group of monks surnamed Luo spoke first, and it was easy to see that he was the leader. If any other monks who followed at this moment asked.

This monk surnamed Luo knew that if he said a word at this moment and acted separately, his group of monks would fly in all directions the next moment. Although he thought that there was little hope of those wanted monks appearing in the general world, he did not dare to take it lightly.

"Let's be together first, let's talk about it after we investigate it once." After the monk surnamed Luo said this, he walked up to a female Jindan. Can follow and fly behind.

"Senior Brother Luo came here for Junior Sister Zhu. Everyone helped to make up the game, but in the end they were so timid that they let everyone follow." After a group of monks flew up, two Golden Core monks stayed in place and chatted with their spiritual sense.

"Let's not say that those wanted cultivators are unlikely to appear, so what if they did. Although they killed Jindan and Nascent Soul, they used the power of formations to use formations in this low-spirited place? How much is that? That's what idiots do." Another monk beside him echoed.

"The two are flying in front, and a group of us are following behind. It looks majestic!"

"Why don't you say, look, if Senior Brother Luo thinks he can win Junior Sister Zhu, we will still be separated later, but Junior Sister Zhu's flower is not good to bloom."

After "wait and see" finished, the two also followed Yu Jianfei.

And this group of monks who came here didn't know that if they had been fine a few years ago, if a certain apprentice madman hadn't come here or confiscated a few apprentices, if they would be fine in the later years, even if they appeared As long as they stay within the big formation of the sect, they will not have any problems, but they have reached an agreement with a certain female cultivator and the cultivating family here. With the cooperation of the cultivating family here, they will practice After the explosion of the number of monks in the Qi period...

When the number of monks in the Qi training period is small, Su Rou will still hide, because it is possible to occasionally pass by one or two sect monks in this mortal world, but due to the cooperation of the cultivating family here, especially the tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones Afterwards, all members of a certain immortal cultivating family became qi-training monks within a short period of time. During the qi-training period, the number of monks began to explode rapidly, and there was no way to hide them.

Low-grade spirit stones are only enough to inspire one mortal, while middle-grade spirit stones can enlighten multiple mortals, especially high-grade spirit stones. Under Su Rou's circumstances, regardless of the cost, in less than ten years, the More than 30 Qi training monks were gathered.

The monks who have entered the qi training period also know how to cultivate, but there are not many auras in the mortal world, and the effect is even worse when they are gathered together, so there are always some smart people who like to go to places where there are few people to practice. Regardless, he was just busy increasing the number of Qi training monks.

A group of monks flew in the air, looking down at some monks in the Qi training period who were looking up at the sky stupidly.

"Senior brother, something is wrong?" A female cultivator who was more careful suddenly reminded her. She said it directly, which directly attracted the attention of this line of Lingtianzong monks.

"What's wrong?" The Jindan male cultivator surnamed Luo feels that he has seen a lot of monks in the Qi training period, but thinking that there are at least hundreds of immortal cultivating families trapped here in the general world, it seems that some Qi training monks gather here. past.

"There are a lot of qi cultivators, and they are not from the qi cultivating family here!" Without waiting for others to ask, the female cultivator continued to answer: "I have come here alone, and the cultivating families here are all overlords. Above the mortals, they live a life of rich clothes and fine food, and many of the qi training monks below you are covered in black and their clothes are in tatters."

While speaking, the group of monks didn't stop. Suddenly, a monk in the foundation building period asked, "Is the detection spirit weapon broken?" Although there seemed to be many monks in the Qi training period here, the distance was scattered, and the sum of them did not add up under the range of spiritual consciousness. Many, but at the edge of the search for spiritual weapons, as they continued to advance, densely packed qi training period monks appeared, the number approaching thousands, which suddenly made this foundation building monk a little suspicious of life.

The other monks who heard these words all took out their own detection instruments. Some of them were not far enough away, but nothing was too far away. If the distance was enough for everything, they all took a deep breath.

"Scatter, go back to the sect to report the situation!" Senior Brother Luo immediately turned into a stream of light and went back after saying that. The other monks did the same, and there was obviously some kind of extremely strange change. Although there are many Jindan monks here, But in the world of cultivating immortals in the past 100 years, not only many Jindans have died, but many Nascent Souls have fallen. The monks, especially the monks of the Zongmen, do not like to take risks.

But after they chose to return, a woman's sigh appeared not far away, and then a petite female cultivator appeared on the spot, watched the monks go away, and then turned and left.

Because there were too many monks in the Qi training period, Su Rou arranged for some to go to the periphery. If Zongmen monks appeared, she would definitely be interested in these monks in the Qi training period who appeared, so that she could rush over to deal with them in time, mainly to catch them. Lord, the number of qi-training monks is growing by an astonishing number every day, and a little more delay will make her plan more powerful, but she didn't expect this many sect monks to appear all of a sudden.

In fact, she had already discovered the other party in advance, just waiting for these sect monks to act separately, so as to have a chance to try to arrest them, but she didn't expect the other party to be so decisive, so they all ran away.

Su Rou didn't know that if she had found this place a few years ago, it would have been worse than this. If she met a group of high-level monks, not only would she be chased away temporarily, but the qi training period monks who worked so hard would also be wiped out immediately. .

She didn't kill those monks because she couldn't beat them, but directly killed them. The soul card was shattered, and the sect would react as soon as it waited. Soon there would be high-level monks appearing here, which would easily disrupt her plan. But if they don't kill them, it will take some time for those monks to fly back, enough for her to carry out the next plan.

She came to the area she had been looking for again, and then found a big mountain. First, she dug a hole to the middle of the mountain, and then began to dig down without hesitation. After digging for a long time, she reached the three hundred feet deep The distance stopped, and the underground of this distance is difficult for the spiritual consciousness of top monks to reach.

Under Su Rou's feet, there is a formation. Maybe this formation was once considered powerful, but it has long been ruined in the low spirit world for a long time. Even if it is a good formation, it is not considered to be Su Rou's formation. What a problem, let alone now, it is very easy to enter this area surrounded by formations.

In addition to reincarnating, monks can also choose to sleep in a large amount of Eternal Essence. Many forbidden areas exist because of this. Above the gate formation, even the required construction materials are no less than that of the Zongmen formation. Since the Zongmen formation became powerful, it is difficult for monks in the world of cultivating immortals to build their own forbidden areas. It can be said that there are a lot of resources in the world of cultivating immortals. Most of them are spent on these two sides.

And here is sleeping a top monk who can't build a forbidden place, but lies in a large number of eternal spirits. There are no immortals in the world of immortality, and some monks choose to sleep when they still have a part of their lifespan. When he woke up, there was a real way to become a fairy in the world of cultivating immortals.

Su Rou and the other party used to be lovers. It can be said that the two of them obtained the Essence of Eternal Chen together, but it was only enough for one person.

When she was reincarnated for the second time, she fell directly into the hands of the sect, but it may be due to the disappearance of the secret treasure of reincarnation. Not only was she not successfully searched for the soul, but a third reincarnation appeared after some years. Because the second death was too fast, after the third reincarnation, the soul was weak, and the memory was not awakened at birth, but recovered slowly later. It may be the obsession in the heart, subconsciously told myself not to die, so She was unexpectedly strong when she was a child, of course, if she hadn't met Zhou Tai, she might have died.

Normally, she shouldn't bother, because once the other party is born early and exposed to all the sects, it is not easy to fall asleep again, but this world of cultivating immortals makes her unable to survive, so she came, even her Waking up directly in this way may anger the other party, but so what?The big deal is death!

Some restraints that still have some power can't stop Su Rou's footsteps at all, and soon she came to a closed space, but she didn't dare to go any further, but triggered something, and then waited for a while After that, he said directly: "An old friend is visiting!"

(End of this chapter)

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