One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 360 Chapter 3507 The present

Chapter 360 Chapter [-] These Now

As a monk in the tribulation period, it was not difficult for Zhen Shanhai to break through the storage equipment of those monks. In a flash, he gained a lot, and he also got an innate spirit treasure of exploration, but his mood was better than when he came out. It's even worse.

Those stupid and low-strength monks of the Zongmen will be killed if they are killed. Sooner or later, the matter of the Eternal Essence will be exposed, and the traces cannot be hidden. The essence of Chen, but it cannot be confirmed.

If he really slept for countless years, the world may have changed greatly, and he has no way of judging the situation, but Wen Yueqing only got the golden core after reincarnation, at most it will only be ten thousand years, and ten thousand years is for the world of cultivating immortals. It's too short, it's only the length of a lifespan of a multi-tribulation period, the world of cultivating immortals must still be the world of cultivating immortals where the hearts of monks are all black.

After he was exposed, he must be the enemy of the entire world of cultivating immortals, but he was trapped here. Although no high-level monks were found in the sect before, the hundreds of monks who appeared later let him know, There is a Mahayana period, it is impossible that there is no Transcending Tribulation period, it is just the number, and soon a group of Transcending Tribulation period monks will come here, he has no doubts about this, it is just a matter of earlier or later, but It shouldn't be more than a day at the latest.

There is such a judgment because if he goes all out, there is hope that he can break out from here within a day, but going all out means that the consumption is extremely huge. The period of crossing the catastrophe is strong, but the recovery is also extremely slow. If there is no way to recover quickly, once he breaks out, his strength will fall to the bottom, which will be extremely dangerous.

But staying here is also a disaster. Even if you kill more monks, you will inevitably die in the end. No matter how strong a monk is, it is impossible to fight against the entire world of cultivating immortals.

From the broken storage equipment, he kept taking out high-grade spirit stones to supplement the consumption of his inner body, while quickly refining the innate spirit treasure, preparing to find the trace of that woman Wen Yueqing.

He knew that if he killed that woman at that time, he would have to face such a fatal ending, and now he could only negotiate with the other party. He knew very well in his heart that if the woman hadn't really had no choice but to get him out, It is impossible to let him out just to let him die. If the other party really thinks so, after he just started to sleep, the other party will have countless opportunities.

The search for someone was not random. Zhen Shanhai returned to the place where he came out first, and after the Xiantian Lingbao probed, he quickly discovered the teleportation array left by Su Rou. Without any hesitation, Zhen Shanhai The teleportation was started directly, and the next moment came to the edge of the general world.

"Qing'er, come out, I think we should have a chat!" Looking at the border formation in front of him, Zhen Shanhai said directly, the grand voice resonated like the heaven and the earth, and it continued to spread a long distance, even the nearby mountains There was a slight tremor, but the border formation remained motionless.

"It's Qing'er if it's useful, but Wen Yueqing if it's not. Have you always been so realistic, Zhen Shanhai?" The mocking tone changed from far to near. Not only did this woman, Su Rou, come out boldly, she was still approaching, but the next moment No need, Zhen Shanhai appeared in front of her in the next instant, and the distance between the two was only two feet.

"You found me and almost destroyed me. If it was someone else, it wouldn't be too much to destroy the whole family. It is you, you can stand here properly!" The sound of the wind, the sound of talking, mixed together, and the previous sound was gone. The earth-shattering loudness, some of them are only soft-spoken, showing sincerity.

"I have no choice, or I will die sooner or later, I need your help! And the Eternal Essence is just a legend, no one knows where the limit is, and you are betting on an uncertain future."

Both of them knew their situation, they didn't lose their temper, they didn't argue, they were looking for the most powerful result for themselves, so there was no words like you don't help me, or you want to turn around and leave, all of them are partly necessary Yes, let the other party think for themselves.

"Even if you offend all the sects, you won't be unable to survive, right?" Zhen Shanhai was puzzled by this.

"You don't know what happened when you came back, and you don't even know what the world of cultivating immortals is like now. Since you fell into a deep sleep..." Su Rou simply talked about the matter, and didn't go into too much detail. Time is very precious now. She doesn't want to waste any more time.

So it turned out that Zhen Shanhai, who was thinking like this in his heart, had countless thoughts flashing through his mind in an instant, and then asked directly: "What do you want?"

"I want casual cultivators to reappear in the world, and I want to establish a sect!" Su Rou, who understands the current situation in the world of cultivating immortals, said directly. She can't survive alone, she can only slowly gather strength.

"Yes, the sect is gone! Establish a sect? Is it possible?" He sighed first, and then asked his doubts in a relaxed tone. The sect is not so easy to establish.

Hearing the previous exclamation, Su Rouqing couldn't help thinking that the two of them not only had a sect but also belonged to the same sect, but soon he stopped recalling it, because that sect had long been extinct, and it was her and him who fought for their own road to immortality. , indirectly caused the destruction of the sect, otherwise, how could the two of them actively cross the catastrophe period, and they could still contrive such a priceless treasure as the Essence of Eternal Chen? .

"Try it! It's okay to fail, it's better than doing nothing." There were no ups and downs in Su Rou's words, as if she was saying another very small thing.

"What do you want me to do, what should I do in the end?" After simply understanding the situation, Zhen Shanhai asked about his own situation again.

"You should have gotten a lot of things from killing the monks. It's useless for you to keep them. Give them all to me." Su Rou said these words easily, and Zhen Shanhai didn't care when he heard them. It really didn't work out.

"It's hard to build a big Zongmen formation. Although I will try, it is destined that the Zongmen will not have any protective power in a short time. You can help protect the Zongmen. Once the Zongmen big formation can be completed, I will guard and continue to sleep. After my cultivation has improved, I will help you move to a safe place."

"What should we do if the Zongmen formation cannot be completed? Are you sure I can protect the Zongmen alone?"

You have destroyed me once, how can I trust you again?With such thoughts in mind, Zhen Shanhai simply asked two more questions.

"If I can't finish it, or if you can't keep it, I will just give up." Su Rou is just talking about whether to establish a sect or not, is it so easy to establish?Where did you get the materials for that day?Although she will work hard in this direction, she is more just playing by ear. In fact, as long as she can get the Infant Transformation Pill, her work is not in vain. I just got an infant transformation pill?

"Hundred years! I'll help you for a hundred years, and I'll talk about the rest later!" He said this, but in fact, what he thought in his heart was to see if he could find other safe methods within a hundred years. For some easy things, if he finds a better solution, he will just turn around and leave.

"Okay!" Su Rou simply answered this one word, and then led Zhen Shanhai across the border formation to the world of cultivating immortals. She was not afraid that the other party would regret it after leaving, nor was she afraid of death.Death is death, even if the other party repents, it can be regarded as throwing a big stone to the current peaceful world of cultivating immortals. For her, it is a great help.

After leaving the general world, Zhen Shanhai did not turn her face immediately as Su Rou expected, so when the other party asked what she was doing, she immediately thought of the most important thing, and said directly: "Go and save someone first. , that is a formation master, although the level is low now, but it can provide help in establishing the sect formation!"

Su Rou already knew that Yuhua Yang was trapped in a certain forbidden area, but she was a golden core, so she didn't dare to rescue her. The sect must have arranged many methods nearby, but she went with a cultivator in the transcending tribulation period. , basically foolproof.

To save the other party, it was not because of the identity of the other party's formation mage, but because she suspected the other party's previous identity. If she guessed correctly, the other party was not only a formation mage but also a master of alchemy. At that time, Yuhua Yang was the one Su Rou observed the most.It was the possible alchemy master trapped in that place that prompted Su Rou to make this move.Otherwise, why didn't she choose to find Zhen Shanhai right after she was promoted to Golden Core?No matter how strong a thug is, he is only a thug, and he is still a thug who is not easy to control.

And on the way there, he didn't walk in a straight line. At Su Rou's request, this cultivator in the Tribulation Stage made a few simple appearances.Su Rou was worried that the news that had already come out should not be disseminated in time. After the sect entered the general world, those sect monks would wipe out the qi training monks she trained. Although it is not important, there will be a chance to do it again in the future, but After all, it was a waste of time.


When the news that most of the monks in the central area had been wiped out in the general world came back, in the center of the central area, in a palace, there was an existence that seemed to be full of mist-like spiritual energy, covering everything here. Although it looks like nothing, the temperature here is actually extremely low. If a mortal appears here, he will be frozen into an iceman in no time.

The sound of the palace door opening sounded, and the mist-like spiritual energy surged, indicating that a monk had entered.

If you observe carefully, you will find that what is floating here is not aura, but something crystallized from aura. It may be for the convenience of absorption and use. Comes just like atomized Reiki.Although the two things have the same origin, the content of aura is very different.

"Fairy Qin is here? You can come last." An old and hoarse voice asked with dissatisfaction.

"Fairy Qin lost her innate spirit treasure, so it's normal to come a little later." Another voice like a dead tree continued, and the voices of the two were worse than the other.

Although it was said to be late, they all came one after the other. It was just that Fairy Qin was at the end. The two voices were more of a reminder that the innate spirit treasure of the investigation class was lost, including some gloating.

The mist surged, indicating that someone was approaching.

"It's gone, it's gone, save someone will want to borrow it!" The voice was also very harsh, but in this person's heart, it was more fortunate this time, and she went up to take the Xiantian Lingbao herself, It turned out that the trip was in vain. This time they constrained each other and had to take advantage of each other. She didn't want to bother, so she borrowed it from others. Those ancient Tribulation Transcending Periods were definitely not opponents. If she went, she would definitely fall there.

When these monks gathered together, the surrounding fog became thinner due to their continuous absorption, and the faces of dozens of monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period were all exposed.

Including that Fairy Qin, everyone has an old and horrible face, uglier than bark, and the facial features are drooping so badly that they can block the eyes. Fortunately, the monks are used to using divine sense.If a child sees this scene, it may feel like seeing a group of terrifying ghosts.

These are the group of monks with the highest power and strength in the world of cultivating immortals. They are all in the period of crossing the catastrophe. Gathering together, they are the existence of calling the wind and rain in the world of cultivating immortals.

In the foundation building period, if the body can perfectly transform into a spirit and advance to Jindan, the face will not be like this. If there are a large number of perfect Zhuyandans, this will not be the case. The former has long been missed, and they have never even tried it again. Most of the perfect Zhuyan pills in the world of cultivating immortals are not enough.

In fact, they all have beautiful faces outside, and their voices are extremely beautiful, but as long as they gather together, they will be in this state of archetypal exposure, and I don't know what kind of psychology and thoughts they are.

In fact, there must be some of these top monks whose true colors are not like this, and there may even be quite a few of them, but who wants to be the target of public criticism because of such a trivial matter?

"You know everything about the Lingtian Sect. Old guys like us need to take a trip. If we go inside the general world, there must be guards outside, but we also need someone to stay here. Whoever goes and who doesn't, let's discuss it! "The speaker is the highest talker here, but this talker is here in turn from all the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

"To prevent the other party from running away, we have to rush there as soon as possible." In fact, the main purpose of gathering together is to discuss who will go, some are willing to go, and some are not.

After a brief discussion, [-] cultivators from the Transcending Tribulation Period chose to go directly, mainly because the Essence of Hengchen made people excited. Although they knew that it would be more troublesome if they got it, they wanted to try it.

There is a lot of aura in the central area, which is beneficial for these monks in the tribulation period to better maintain their lifespan. Under normal circumstances, they are not willing to move. After all, they can reach this level, and many things are despised.

These monks fell very quickly from the central area, and set off again after a few hours, but they walked fast and came back even faster, because there was news that the other party appeared in the world of cultivating immortals.

They will go, just to bet that the opponent does not understand the formation, so that they can trap the opponent to death, no matter how strong they are, it is useless.

But appearing in the world of cultivating immortals can only be considered in the long run. The world of cultivating immortals is too big, even if there are many of them, it is extremely difficult to trap a person in the open space to death during the tribulation period.

Therefore, the entire world of cultivating immortals began to be turbulent, and Zongmen called the Zongmen monks who stayed outside to return to the Zongmen. After all, let alone ordinary Zongmen monks would be in danger, even walking outside during the tribulation period alone would be dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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