One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 361 Chapter 3508

Chapter 361 Chapter [-]

Two years later, the sects in the entire world of cultivating immortals began to become silent, and at the edge of the general world, crowds of people gathered here. If you use a magic weapon such as a spirit disc, you can find that these people are all practicing Qi. Stage monks, to be more precise, are basically the first level of Qi training stage, and the second and third stages of Qi training are rare.

No one is restraining, and the whole scene is messy. If you change your perspective, you can see monks coming here from farther away, and even countless mortals.

Ordinary people are also in one camp and one camp. Generally, tens of thousands of mortals gather together, and some monks in the Qi training period are mixed in it. This is an individual cultivator family in the general world who suddenly heard the news here, and then brought some of their ancestors here. , This kind of family has few monks, but many mortals.

"Ah sister, is it possible to start cultivating immortals in the world of cultivating immortals without using spirit stones?" Among the mortal group of a certain cultivating family, a young man asked a woman beside him who looked a few years older than him full of yearning.

"Yes, if you go, there will be hope!" The woman replied, but her eyes still showed some uncertainty and worry. She didn't know whether the news was true or not, and her family didn't know either, but countless listeners The families who heard the news were all moved after hearing the news, even if there was a slight possibility, they wanted to see it.

And such similar scenes are happening in many corners, and many people come here with hope, waiting here quietly.

A year ago, there was news that a passage to the world of cultivating immortals would be opened here. The date and location were clearly stated. Except for the cultivators, those who came here were mortals from the cultivator’s family, mortals who really came here alone hardly.The road to get here is very long, the Xiuxian family has countless resources, and it is very difficult for mortals with barely enough food and clothing to get here alive, not to mention that most mortals are illiterate and will not be far from home in their entire lives.

The most important thing is that the news that has been spread has not spread among mortals at all. Even if mortals hear the news, they will treat it as a joke made up by others. also go?Just listen to it.

When the scene was chaotic, the time was approaching, and countless people began to become more and more suspicious, a loud voice sounded from the sky and the earth.

"The world of cultivating immortals is dying, the sect has no way, and the road ahead is difficult. Those who do not cultivate immortals will stop, and those without great perseverance will stop..." When the voice sounded, it seemed that this voice was left in the whole world, although the words said before The road is difficult, but the faces of the people who come here are more excited, because the sound shows that the news is likely to be true, and some monks in the Qi training period are even looking around, looking for the once-flash-in-the-pan The beautiful master, but in the end did not find anything.

"...The world has changed drastically, the world of cultivating immortals has been cut off from the common world. For thousands of years, countless cultivators have been cut off from the road to immortality. Today, the world will be opened for an hour to give the creatures in this world a glimmer of hope..." After these words came out, a voice appeared in the crowd. There was some commotion, mainly because some smart people heard that there was only one hour to open the boundary, and thought of the countless crowds all over the mountains and plains. Some worried that they would not be able to squeeze out, so they began to approach.

"...Wan Jianzong has disappeared in the years, but the orthodoxy is still alive. After 20 years, Wan Jianzong will re-establish the sect. If you feel hopeless waiting in the world of cultivating immortals, you can come to my Wanjianzong!" After these words After that, the light in the entire world suddenly changed.

The seemingly unshakable border formation disappeared for a long distance in an instant. The monks who were worried about opening a narrow passage saw this spacious avenue, and immediately started to move forward in joy.

The cultivators in the qi training period who were going forward clearly felt a feeling of a breeze flowing, and their bodies were cheering. Many people did not feel this abnormality. Only some experienced family monks knew that this was the aura of the world of cultivating immortals. Come, run even more cheered.

Although the previous words said that the road ahead is difficult and those without great perseverance will stop, but the countless crowds are all moving in one direction, and there are no retreaters at all.

In just half an hour, tens of 10 people broke through from the general world, and as time went by, the number continued to increase.

It was said that it was opened for three hours, but after opening for more than two hours, the passage was closed. It was not that the passage was not trustworthy, but that the passage was very wide, and the monks who passed through were also fast. Before the three hours, the crowd was all It's in the past.

"Do we still need to continue to break the boundary?" After the crowd dispersed, three figures walked out of the border formation that had returned to normal, and it was Zhen Shanhai, a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period, who spoke.

"No need. Once these people appear, those first-class sects will definitely notice that with those mortals, the number of people in the world of cultivating immortals will increase. There is no need to take risks." Su Rou said this. When you are in the sect, it is enough if you can receive people. There are millions of people running out, so you don’t have to worry about not receiving people. Although it is said that you want to restore the glory of casual cultivators, just take your time Well, it is impossible for her to travel to hundreds of mortal worlds to release people, and it will not do her any good in a short time.

It turned out that Su Rou took Zhen Shanhai to find Yuhua Yang, and then ran back to the general world to release people. Although the two formation masters were not strong enough to shake the formation, there was a cultivator in the tribulation period who was able to act according to the command. It is still possible to start a channel.

After the matter was over, the three people quickly disappeared in place.


The world of cultivating immortals suddenly began to become a little chaotic, but it didn't affect Zhou Tai in any way. He and Yaoyu had been living a shameless life in the Pingbo world. After Qin Nanxi left for a long time, nothing happened. Under special circumstances, Zhou Tai knew that the other party did not report him, but he did not leave. I wonder if the other party will come again?For Zhou Tai who stays the same wherever he is, he doesn't mind staying here for a little longer.

Although he is already a Nascent Soul, in the great world of cultivating immortals, besides danger is danger. There are still many lifespans in the Nascent Soul stage. Zhou Tai still thinks it is better to save more strengthening points. He has planned to cultivate with peace of mind in the next 100 years. In the next 100 years, I will find a place in the world of cultivating immortals to plant elixir. In this way, after 200 years, I can see the difference after accumulating [-] enhancement points.

After Qin Nanxi returned to Liuyun Sect, news came out that there was some turmoil in the world of cultivating immortals, but she just had a brief understanding, and put all her body and mind into the cultivation, planning to start trying to advance to the Golden Core again.

Normally, after failing to advance to Jindan, it will be more difficult to try again, because even if the injured Shangdantian Palace is recovered with various spiritual objects, it will be weaker than before the injury. If you fail consecutively, the hope of advancing to Jindan will be reduced. Even more elusive.

A year later, Qin Nanxi started to try to advance to Jindan again in one of the places where Liuyunzong specially used to advance to Jindan.

She thought she was ready for everything, regardless of her state of mind, but shortly after the start, her rosy face became pale as visible to the naked eye, and then she was injured and collapsed on the ground.

Failed again!Although he knew in his heart that failure to advance to the Golden Core was the normal state of most foundation-building monks, Qin Nanxi still felt very miserable in his heart.

It is true that some monks just can't advance, and fail more than once, twice, or three times... Such monks have a lot of people, but why do they have to have themselves?
Although there are examples in the world of cultivating immortals who were promoted for the third time or even the fourth time, the chances of that are not one in a hundred.

It may be that the blow was too great, Qin Nanxi didn't even think about how to recover quickly, whether she would have a chance to try to advance again, after a short period of distraught, she returned to her cave and sat there.

There are monks in this state in every sect. After experiencing consecutive failures, it takes a while to recover, and some can recover, but most of these are from the powerful families behind them. Generally, after two failures, they will either give up on themselves. , or muddling along, and some of them are drunk and only want to enjoy a luxurious life. Although many of these people who give up will get furnaces and try the method of human pills, it is like buying a lottery ticket, the odds are too low, and good furnaces The tripod is not something ordinary monks can get.

It's not that these monks who gave up have no perseverance, but that there are countless bloody examples in front of them. If a miracle can be easily created, it is not a miracle.

In the past, the world of cultivating immortals still had the opportunity to leave the sect and find a way to obtain resources by themselves. As long as they were not afraid of death and did not die in the end, ordinary sect monks could try the Golden Elixir many times. Go to a field cultivator, all of them are cleaner than their faces, rob them, you can practice Qi before you can advance to Foundation Establishment, and from Foundation Establishment to Jindan, robbing them is just a waste of time.

Robbing the foundation-building monks of other sects?Not to mention that it is difficult to meet, those who dare to come out and walk alone in the foundation building period are not weak, or they are in groups, not to mention that once a sect cultivator dies, all sects will receive news, only grab one, it is not very effective, grab more Yes, it's absolutely irritating.

Female cultivators are different from male cultivators in that they seldom know how to use human pills, because compared to male cultivators, the chances are lower.If Qin Nanxi hadn't been poisoned, she could still gamble on the method of human pills after breaking the pot, but after being poisoned, this road will not work.

Qin Nanxi, who stayed behind closed doors in the cave mansion, after recovering a bit, did not think of a way to try again, but the two promotions to Jindan both failed at the beginning, and her confidence was blown away. .

Under normal circumstances, Qin Nanxi didn't know how long it would take to adjust, and she didn't know what would happen after adjusting.But because of the poison on her body, it will inevitably affect her. She didn't know Zhou Tai's news before, so she could only endure it. Now that she knows where Zhou Tai is, she will inevitably want to go.

Originally, Qin Nanxi didn't want to meet the other party again, but after another failed promotion, she inevitably gave up on herself, and finally thought that the other party might leave there at any time, and the possibility of this getting bigger as time passed, she couldn't help going out again.

In the same Pingbo world, Qin Nanxi appeared here again two years later, without any delay, she went directly to the place where she met Zhou Tai.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the place is already empty.

"Have you already left?" Although she was thinking this way, Qin Nanxi continued to fly around in circles to search for it. In her heart, this was not a very important thing, but under more and more disappointment, she became more and more disappointed. I am very sad, and all the loss is gathered at this moment.

Until a few days later, she had already given up, and when flying around was more of a distraction, at a certain moment, her body quickly sensed something, and when she turned to look somewhere, a voice also Passed over: "What are you doing around here?"

Zhou Tai didn't leave, but he had enough time in the previous place, so he moved to another place nearby. As for why Qin Nanxi didn't find out, he just didn't want her to find out.

In fact, Zhou Tai found out when she was flying around after she came, but just to be on the safe side, he observed for a few days and made sure that there were no ambushes or backhands before he appeared.

"Looking for you!" I don't know why, although Qin Nanxi was sad before, she didn't feel like crying, but now when she saw this bastard, she couldn't help but wanted to cry, but she held back.

"Are you avoiding me on purpose?" Qin Nanxi suddenly asked indifferently after moving forward for a certain distance and getting closer to the exposed Zhou Tai.

"If you hide on purpose, you won't come out!"

"Then why didn't you come out sooner?"

"Because I'm not sure you're looking for me."

"I went to the place where you lived before."

Zhou Tai felt that it was meaningless to continue such a conversation, so he went straight forward, hugged Qin Nanxi, and saw that she didn't respond to this, so he replied: "When I saw you, I saw you flying in circles. .”

Looking at the complexion and physical condition of the female cultivator in his arms, Zhou Tai knew that the other party had failed to advance to the Golden Core, but he didn't say much, just asked: "To detoxify?"

"Hmm!" This time the answer was actually very quiet.

In the blink of an eye, it was approaching March, "Don't go, I'll come back after I go back!" Said a female cultivator who obviously didn't stay long enough.

"It's not good for you to go back and forth so frequently!" For Zhou Tai who is cautious, Qin Nanxi's doing so is too risky, and it is easy to attract the attention of interested people.

"You don't want me to come?" Qin Nanxi's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Three months is too short. Ten times of tossing back and forth is less than three years. After you go back and come out of the sect, I will go find you again..." Zhou Tai said the once-and-for-all method in his heart.

In the past three months, Qin Nanxi didn't mention her injury, and Zhou Tai didn't ask either. It wasn't heartless, but unsafe.If the other party is willing to listen to him and come out from the sect to find him, he doesn't mind helping her add points so that she can hope to advance to Jindan.

There is only one prerequisite: she has to use her ten years of company time in exchange, mainly because she is worried about letting the other party run around with her own enhancement points. What if she is killed and the enhancement points cannot be returned?
"Okay!" Qin Nanxi replied simply, she didn't think too much at the moment.

 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by Hui
  Thank you for the 300 starting point coins rewarded by Erqi Sanhuan
(End of this chapter)

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