One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 362 Chapter 3509 Different paths but the same destination

Chapter 362 Chapter [-]

After returning to the Zongmen, Qin Nanxi stayed in the Zongmen for a period of time, received the resources she should have received, and learned about the recent news, which Zhou Tai asked her to help pay attention to, and then left from the Zongmen .

At this time, monks from the tribulation stage appeared, and the news that a large number of monks had escaped from the general world had already spread. After Qin Nanxi knew about it, she didn't take it seriously. One of these two things was too far away from her, and the other was also with her. It doesn't matter. Although there are very few monks who choose to leave the sect at this time, Qin Nanxi still chooses to leave.

For her departure, the monks of Liuyunzong who noticed did not feel any surprises. They failed to advance to Jindan twice, and there were always many monks who wanted to leave the sect to take a gamble, so there was nothing surprising.

After leaving the sect, Qin Nanxi directly chose to fly to the east. This was the time and direction she had agreed with Zhou Tai. She only knew this. She didn't know whether her choice was right or wrong, and she was not sure which Whether Zhou Tai will really come to pick her up, but instead of continuing to practice without any hope, she is willing to choose a life of detoxification.

As the flight distance got farther and farther, Qin Nanxi couldn't help but wonder, would he really come?

When the two are together, most of the communication is physical, not much verbal, and the mutual trust is very fragile. For example, during the time they were together, she didn't even know Zhou Tai's cultivation level, and the other party always Being able to hide herself very well, Qin Nanxi thinks that it is more likely to be in the foundation building stage. After all, in her mind, it is not so easy to advance to the Golden Core. Even if it is a first-class sect, the highest probability is one-third , and second-class and third-class sects, this probability is even lower.

If Zhou Tai was just an ordinary field cultivator, Qin Nanxi could be 100% sure that the other party would not be able to advance to the Golden Core, but the other party's body was full of fog, so it was impossible to judge. It looked like a reincarnated monk, but it was difficult to back up from the result. , the other party was a handyman in Liuyun Sect back then, and he was also a guard of the sect. Normally, it was easy to be discovered when he entered the sect. If he was really a reincarnated monk, he should run as far as he could when he was a handyman , instead of being a guard of the sect like a fool, not only is there no benefit, but it is also in danger from time to time.

In Qin Nanxi's mind, there are other reincarnated cultivators helping Zhou Tai. Through observation during this period, she has ruled out that female cultivator named Yaoyu. In her eyes, she is a woman who can only accompany her to bed, she has a little cultivation, and she was promoted with the help of others.

Although Qin Nanxi doesn't have any special thoughts about Zhou Tai, if other wanted monks appear and meet Zhou Tai, she will never miss the opportunity. At most, she will find a way to keep Zhou Tai who is involved with her away from danger .

When Qin Nanxi left the coverage area of ​​the Liuyun Sect's big formation, her body felt the change of the poison of the peach mist flower in her body. Although she couldn't see it, she knew that Zhou Tai was coming, not far from her side, the corner of her mouth Unconsciously, he showed a smile, and then changed the direction of flight.

Zhou Tai flew in front of him stealthily, Qin Nanxi followed behind, and occasionally made some turns. It seemed that he was just a monk without any flaws.

Zhou Tai flew backwards, admiring the scenery in front of him while flying, this is another kind of beauty different from that on the bed, seeing the beautiful and charming female cultivator who is like a fairy, feeling this beauty, full of joy in his heart At the same time, there is a trace of melancholy.

Zhou Tai liked this kind of scene with his back turned to lead the way, so he chose to fly for a while without hesitation.

Yaoyu, Qin Nanxi, and Ji Jingxin are all very good-looking in Zhou Tai's heart. It can be said that they each have their own strengths, and the difference in appearance and body is not that big. , Zhou Tai will definitely choose Qin Nanxi, she seems to deliberately grow into the kind of appearance that Zhou Tai likes very much.

But there are few happy things in the world, this is true for ordinary people, and it is also true for cultivators. Although the two have had sex together many times, there is still a very large distance between the two emotionally.

Liking is liking, but Zhou Tai will not blindly take it for granted. His heart is full of distrust for Qin Nanxi. Even though he came according to the agreement, he is reluctant to bear the other party's body, and he waits and confirms that there is no danger. appeared.

I hope that the two love each other and trust each other!But hope is hope, reality is reality.The correct way is to stay away cruelly, or be imprisoned by your side forever. The current situation is a bomb, and it will affect the relationship between Zhou Tai and Yaoyu to some extent, but if reason is useful, there will not be so many impulsive things in the world up.

If the two had nothing to do with each other, he would look at each other more when he saw that the other was beautiful, but after the two had physical contact, Zhou Tai was unwilling to let go easily, but it was said that he was poisoned by beauty, otherwise he would have been in trouble back then. I won't go to Liuyun Realm to make troubles,

From day to night, Qin Nanxi, who was flying, suddenly stopped in place at a certain moment, and also showed a strange shape, as if being held in someone's arms.

Far away from the place where there is a large formation on the edge of the mortal world, Zhou Tai directly hugged Qin Nanxi and entered it. It was too strenuous to lead, not only to guide how to go, but also to take care of it from time to time, so he directly hugged Qin Nanxi and led him in.Zhou Tai didn't plan to go back to Pingbo Realm, Yaoyu was in the Lingbao space, so the three of them could go wherever they wanted now.

The scenery in front of her suddenly changed, looking at the grand and magnificent scene, Qin Nanxi's beautiful eyes instantly widened: "Are you a formation master?"

The tone was a little surprised, and this was the first time she spoke after the two met again.

As we all know, formation masters cannot be achieved in a short period of time, not to mention being able to walk freely in such a large formation. The possibility of reincarnation as a great monk appeared in Qin Nanxi's mind in an instant, and many thoughts emerged in her mind in an instant, but among them Some thoughts can only die down because of her humble thoughts at this time.

"Just knowing how to get there!" Zhou Tai said casually.

"Any formation method that can be called is not changing all the time, let alone this kind of large formation." Qin Nanxi retorted.

"I know you still ask?"

"It's just that I can't believe it!"

"You can do the same after you search for a magician." Zhou Tai didn't care about Qin Nanxi saying this at all. The reason why he didn't tell Yaoyu was because he didn't want to expose his bad side, and he didn't admit it. I have searched the soul of others by myself, and the rest is all up to the other party's brain.

After that, Qin Nanxi didn't say anything. After the two left the border formation, they entered a mortal world. They didn't hurry again, but made a temporary cave.

"Do you believe that I can help you advance to Jindan?" Zhou Tai suddenly said this while hugging Qin Nanxi.

"Trust!" After a long silence, Qin Nanxi replied, if Zhou Tai was a reincarnated monk or later searched for a reincarnated monk, it is very possible that there is a way to increase the success rate of advancing to the golden elixir, but if the other party If this is the case, he must not be a good man and a faithful woman, and he will definitely have to pay a huge price, so Qin Nanxi didn't show how happy he is, the more he cares, the easier it is for the other party to handle him.

"Then do you want to advance to Jindan?" Asked softly, lifting the opponent's chin with frivolous fingers.

"Then what do you want?" There was no joy in the voice of the answer. As a monk of the sect, Qin Nanxi knew very well that there was no way to 100% advance to the golden core in the world of cultivating immortals, so facing Zhou Tai, although there was Interested, but not very excited, because she does not rule out that this is a kind of deception by the other party, which is very possible.

"After I help you advance to Jindan, you will stay by my side for ten years. After ten years, you can leave anytime you want!" Zhou Tai thought that this request was not too much, and he couldn't bear the other party's failure to advance. After a few years, Jin Dan will fade away, but he doesn't want to risk his strengthening points. This is what Zhou Tai thought after Qin Nanxi came back again.

"Are you a Golden Core Stage?" Qin Nanxi's question is correct, you need to prove that you are a Golden Core Stage first.

Faced with this problem, Zhou Tai's aura was released and retracted in an instant, and it was the first time that he exposed his cultivation in front of Qin Nanxi.

Qin Nanxi's small face turned a little pale in an instant, Nascent Soul Late Stage?Or is it the early stage of becoming a god?She wasn't sure, but she was sure it wasn't the Golden Core Stage.

But she has never heard of any way to instantly recover from the injury of the soul, so the other party said ten years plus the time to recover from the injury. Can you explain it clearly in the sect?

So she was silent at first, and then saw that the other party was still looking at her waiting to return, she shook her head with difficulty, and said: "No sect, no golden pill."

Seeing this, Zhou Tai didn't say much, he understood as soon as he heard it, if he was promoted to Jindan outside the sect, it would be easy to have problems after returning to the sect. Being by his side, of course, is feasible, but it is doomed to become a wild cultivator like him. Even if the other party knows that there is hope to advance to Jindan, he is not willing to stay by his side forever. It is a somewhat sad answer.

It's normal to think about it carefully, the two of them only got together because of an accident, and the things exposed now can easily make Qin Nanxi think that the accident that happened back then was planned by Zhou Tai.

After this incident, the relationship between the two seemed to be a little more distant, and Zhou Tai didn't care too much about it.Instead, he led the other party through the mortal world formation several times, and returned to the Great World of Immortal Cultivation, and released Yaoyu one day, as if he had been waiting here before.

Choosing an area away from the sect, Zhou Tai started the work of planting elixir here, and successively arranged secret formations within the scope of the Lingtian, and the three of them lived a real life together.

Zhou Tai passed on Qin Nanxi's spiritual transformation method, and the elixir he planted was also used by the other party to heal his injuries. Originally, Zhou Tai accompanied Yaoyu and Qin Nanxi separately, but he didn't know that Qin Nanxi wanted to Give something back, or simply want to snatch it, or simply can't bear it, one time when Yaoyu and Zhou Tai were together, Qin Nanxi also ran over, threw herself directly on Zhou Tai, and said : "I have a toxic attack and need detoxification." Since then, the three of them have always been together.

Although Zhou Tai also heard the news about the world of cultivating immortals from Qin Nanxi, he didn't care too much, the wind was too strong, and he was anxious to get in, easily blowing himself away.

Fifty years of this kind of life will pass by, this is Zhou Tai's intention, 50 years is just for Qin Nanxi to recover from her injuries, and she can try the Golden Elixir again. She wanted to go back to the sect, and even the low efficiency of taking the spirit grass gave Qin Nanxi the idea of ​​taking the spirit grass back to the sect and finding someone to refine it into a pill, but Zhou Tai clearly disagreed.

"You really let me go?" Qin Nanxi asked when she knew she could really leave.Zhou Tai not only let her go, but also sent her outside Liuyunzong, because at the end of the parting, he still gave this girl some points, and directly completed two enhancements, letting Zhou Tai know that the enhancement with less body can be done later. Make up.

Although it was only added at the end of the parting, Qin Nanxi couldn't not feel the obvious changes in her body, so she immediately asked indifferently: "What did you do to me?"

This kind of tone has never appeared in the past few decades of getting along. Anyone who suddenly finds out that his body has been tampered with will not pretend that nothing happened.

"It can guarantee you to advance to Jindan! And it should be able to suppress the poison in your body. Believe it or not, I can only say that it will not do you any harm!" While saying with a smile, he stretched out his hand to pinch that indifferent little face. pinch.

"Are we going to part forever? I was still thinking that I would go to you after Jindan succeeded in promotion. Could it be that you could have helped me like this a long time ago, but you didn't take it out until today?" Qin Nanxi's words were a little messed up.

"I don't want to test people's hearts. It's not good for each other. It's not a permanent separation. We will see you again if we are destined!" Having already exposed many secrets in front of the other party, Zhou Tai didn't want to give Qin Nanxi a difficult choice. It is best to separate completely from now on. choose.

"An ordinary person's life is only a hundred years at most. It is rare for a husband and wife to be together for more than five or sixty years. If you accompany me for 60 years, it will be as if you have married me once. That's why I am willing to help you."

"Although this secret method is strong, after you advance to Jindan, you can't be seriously injured within ten years, otherwise you will be backlashed. After you go back and advance to Jindan, you have to be obedient and stay honestly in the sect for ten years. You can't find me when you come out Regardless." After saying something regardless, Zhou Tai kissed Qin Nanxi for the last time, and then disappeared in place.

Birds and fish have different paths but can go to the same destination.

It was you who asked for the separation last time, but this time it was me. I didn't really want to let go, but my current strength is too low. Although mortal half-life couples are good, how can you and me, immortal cultivators, be the same?
After watching Qin Nanxi leave, he kept heading towards Liuyunzong, and Zhou Tai turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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