The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 595 Why am I not as good as him?Answer: Your ass is not as big as his

Chapter 595 Why am I not as good as him?Answer: Your butt is not as big as his (Second update~~~)

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Nesta Carter's first taste of being surpassed by her peers at the beginning stage of her life...

No, it's not about surpassing your peers.

Because this guy is a young man who is still two or three months old.

I am an adult, but he is still underage.

But in fact, for those who are familiar with God Su, they feel that, um... there is something about this Nesta Carter.

Why do you say that, it's very simple.

Because this was the first time that Hu Kai and the others saw someone who was able to resist Su Shen's "four-step kill" head-on.

Before this, no matter who it was, they had never done it.

This is because although those people are powerful, they are not as powerful as the previous ten meters.

Obviously, Nesta Carter's activation is stronger than all of them.

Although not yet at the peak...

But wait, it sounds like God Su has reached his peak.

Not to mention that his activation has not reached its original limit in this life, even if it has reached it, he still has to knock it open, using his fully scientifically grown body to hit another level and field.

Therefore, Nesta Carter, compared with God Su, even if he is the famous "Ten Meter God of War" in history, he has no chance of winning.

But it was only ten meters away, and after losing the start, Carter was still thinking about whether he could get some points back later. If he could win, it would also make him face a little bit, wouldn't he?


Then it appears more.

To put it simply, in the first ten meters, he can still fight against the peak Su Shen in the original timeline, but after ten meters...

It may not be polite to say that to the famous "Ten Meter God of War" brother in history.

But the fact is that after ten meters, his "God of War VIP" will expire, and there will be no buff blessing.

This guy Carter is very strange, his ability to activate is unparalleled in the world, but his entire future is...

Some hips.

Not only the segmented data, but his indoor races are also very weird.

The best indoor competition is 6.52s.

Some people may say that at that time his age was no longer the peak period, but at that time he was actually only 28, and the key point is that there was no discussion when he was still SB breaking ten in those years.Before he was suspended, he maintained a very impressive record. For eight consecutive years, his best time was within 10.07 seconds. If it wasn't for the suspension, he might have another year or two.After all, after two years of suspension, he soared to [-]s a year after his comeback. At that time...

He is really 33 years old.

So judging from his performance, even in his peak period, he can go faster, that is, a segment of 6.40 or so.

Unlikely to be stronger.

Because of this, we can see the segmentation ability from his 9.78s PB.

The 60-meter segment in that game was 6.39s. With the wind speed of 0.9s, the answer can be easily obtained.

Even if he takes out the best shot and peak state, it is a luxury to want to break 6.40s without wind.

So, if he couldn't run Su Shen in the first ten meters, then don't even think about the latter.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Su Shen pulled him away by 20 meters.

Carter is still not convinced, and wants to chase, so good, 30 meters——

God Su pulled Carter away by more than two positions.

At 40 meters, Su Shen widened the gap to three positions.

50 meters, a little more than three positions.

Then, Su Shen's "six-second burst" pressed against Carter's "six-second burst", widening the gap to nearly five positions!
Carter was dumbfounded.

He knew that God Su was very fast ahead, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the world record in Birmingham, but...

Who knows that he will be suppressed from any future segment.

This is, too uncomfortable.

But at this time, the suffering is not over yet.

Here, God Su seemed to... turned his head and glanced again.

Seems to be determining how much he pulls away.

However, this time, from the outside world, it is not the case at all.

Immediately, the scene was ignited, and huge noises rang out.

He, he was actually... looking back at me?
Carter was struck by lightning.

Without a single trash talk, this turnaround is already better than thousands of trash talks.

Carter is afraid that this game will be a big blow.

Although a historical-level person like him will definitely slow down and even continue to find opportunities to challenge, but that is later, not this day, or even this time.

"Look, he died suddenly." Seeing this, Bolt couldn't help but laugh and said, "Su is the world record holder. Isn't it hard to think about fighting for a future with him?"

Carter may just be trying to get started.

But it doesn't make much sense to say it. Blake didn't say it. He could only watch Su Shen pull Carter away and said, "Both Nesta and Powell lost to him. Is his start already at a historical level?" .”

Blake squeezed his hands, and his heart suddenly became complicated again.

He didn't listen to how Bolt around him commented with relish on how coquettish Su Shen was when he turned around this time. He must learn from it.


During the commentary, seeing that Su Shen surpassed Carter and was as stable as ever, everyone in the studio breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Jian finally smiled and said: "He is leading, and Qiancheng Su Shen is still very good. He is indeed the world record holder. By……"

"He seemed to turn his head again, let's watch the slow motion later." Chen Haijian also said.

Just then, a mutation arose.

"This idiot." These words came from Mills, who had been watching seriously but didn't speak, and suddenly spoke.

The opening is "Omi National Essence".

Why do you say that about Carter, because...

After God Su pulled away, Nesta Carter's mind might be a little erratic, and his running rhythm was a little out of focus. In addition, the oriental man in front still had a "glance"...

Nesta Carter, who is not yet a super expert, nor is he a ten-breaker, has already broken his defense in his heart.

And you break the defense in a sprint race, and you know what the outcome is.

A world record holder like Asafa Powell may be reversed by some masters who are far inferior to him.

What's more, a person whose hard power is now 10.16~10.17s.

In a trance, in the rear area, instead of accelerating with all his strength, he narrowed the gap with Su Shen in front, and put on a "wonderful scene" that made the domestic track and field fans roar again with excitement——

About 70 meters away, a figure who had no sense of presence in front of him and could not join the battle group suddenly caught up.

This person is Lao Yi.

Lao Niu, this is to... take advantage of your distraction, and kill you.

One of the strongest strengths of latecomers is.

It is easy to kill and finally steal the home and come back.

Originally, it was definitely impossible for Nesta Carter to lose to the current Laoyi. After all, the hard power still has 10.16~10.17s. .

And our Lao Da Niu has the tradition of "stealing the house and turning it over".

Immediately exerting all his strength, seeing this black figure getting closer and closer, Lao Yi...

under full force.

In the last ten meters, it was really——

Overtake the past!
What the hell!

Someone shouted in front of the TV.

It doesn't count that Su Shen won, and Lao Yi also killed Nesta Carter, which is... a real surprise.

At the end, Carter saw someone beside him passing in front of him.

His dizzy head, which had been groggy for most of the game, suddenly became even more dizzy.

At this time, he remembered the conversation between the Jamaica players...

"Su's activation is too strong, you must pay attention."

"Avoid competing with him to activate."

"Don't look for it yourself to be boring."

Now it seems... that's true.

I didn't believe it at first, but now I have experienced it for myself.

Only then did I know what a world record holder is.

The undefeated golden body of ten meters peers was instantly broken.

The point is, this round didn't even get the second biggest Q, which makes it... more miserable.

Belongs to "misfortunes never come singly".

Su Shen 10.12s.

Work and rest 10.23s.

Nesta Carter 10.25s.

The wind speed is 1.1M/S.

The two flower growers unexpectedly entered the final with a big Q at the same time, but Nesta Carter was asked to line up a small Q.

This really doesn't make sense.

But I can only blame myself, why didn't I concentrate in the end.

If you don't concentrate, what will people steal if they don't steal your home?

Carter looked at God Su and the work and rest with a silly smile in front of God Su. For a while, he could only "sadly" and "disgraced" walked to the Jamaican team.

After he came back, he wanted to find his fellow teammates to comfort him and relieve his inner depression, so he said, "You guys say, is it true that my activation talent is not as good as his?"

According to his thinking, if he is a brother, he will hook his shoulders, pat his back or buttocks, and tell himself "it's almost the same", "you're just unlucky", "I guess the goddess of luck likes his hairstyle more today", etc., but this The two Jamaicans looked at him and said in unison:

Nesta Carter: ...

As if feeling that this was not enough, the big-hearted Bolt told Carter carelessly:

"It's not just the start, you're not as good as him in the whole front."

"His future, every ten meters, is better than yours."

Nesta Carter: ...

"Oh, that's right." Maybe Bolt felt that saying this hurt the "little heart" of his teammates too much, so he deliberately added a sentence, saying: "I can't blame you, after all, your butt is much smaller than his. It's talent..."

Nesta Carter:! ! !
Carter has completely forgotten what Bolt said later.

Because here, he completely broke his defenses and just wanted to be quiet.

I want to be quiet!

PS: The second update~~~~~~~~ Continue to continue~~~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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