The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 596 Please call him the "1 Blood" Harvester of the Jamaican Sky Mission from now o

After Chapter 596, please call him the "First Blood" Harvester of the Jamaican Sky Group (Add more to ~~~!!!)
"Start to accelerate, God Su leads, and Carter is not left behind...too much."

"The acceleration zone continues to accelerate, and Carter wants to bite."

"Look at running on the way, oh, I can't help it, I was pulled away by God Su."

"But it's one of the tightest I've ever seen."

"Sprint, no pressure line... oh?"

"The last time, Laoyi, it was Laoyi who also caught up, surpassed, surpassed!"

"It should have passed Carter in the last ten meters. Let's take a look at the slow motion. That's right, that's right. In the end, Lao Yi suddenly caught up and overtook Jamaica's Nesta Carter!!!"

"That means that in this game, both big Q's will be taken away by our florist sprint team!"

"Look at the results, Su Shen 10.12s, Laoyi 10.23s, Nesta Carter 10.25s, all four of the flower growers have entered the finals! I just don't know if Xiaoq, Liang Jiahong still has a chance, let's count Let's see..."

"There shouldn't be a problem. After calculation, Liang Jiahong should also be able to get the last small q promotion spot."

"However, Liang Jiahong's shot in the semi-final was a bit ruthless, and I don't know if it will affect his final."

Tianchao Sports Station.

Yang Jian and Chen Haijian started discussing after seeing the results. In the end, it was exactly as they had calculated. Liang Jiahong entered the final with the last small q.


"Congratulations to the five members of the Flower Planters who have entered the final of the Doha Grand Prix! Tomorrow we will bring the broadcast of the final gun, please pay attention to it on time."

Five-star hotel in Doha.

Liang Jiahong and Hu Kai are receiving additional physical relaxation and massage.

Nothing else, but because they exerted too much force in the semifinals, their muscles were really tense.After coming down, the physical therapist of the team knew at a touch that they had just exerted strength, which exceeded the normal "body use" of the semi-finals.

"It seems that we are still optimistic. I didn't expect the young generation in Jamaica to be so powerful." Seeing Hu Kai and Liang Jiahong receiving physical therapy in the room, Yuan Guoqiang shook his head at Yu Weili and said, "Thanks to Haohuan and Xiaotian Stabilize the situation, otherwise this result will be passed back, and I am afraid that the great situation that has been established with great difficulty will be shaken all at once."

Yu Weili knew what Yuan Guoqiang was talking about. Don't look at the fact that the "Su God Department" is almost destroying the "Traditional Department" in China, but in fact, both of them know that this is just a performance.It is not so easy to really destroy the "traditional department" that has been entangled in the country for so many years. In addition, there are harassment and fanning the flames by the big and small eagle sauce factions in the country, this is definitely not an easy thing.

It's just that the "Su God Department" has been too fierce in the past few years, its strength makes people speechless, and its record is extremely proud. Coupled with the fact that Su Shen is still in the theoretical battlefield, he is constantly overcoming obstacles, and this is how he has the current situation that seems to be just a few years old. Want the feeling of "unification of rivers and mountains".

But Yuan Guoqiang and Yu Weili have been rolling in this place for so many years, how could they not know that the more this is the case, the more the other party is actually accumulating strength.

As a freshman unit, the "Su Divine Department" actually left...too fast.

It can't be used to go, and the speed of flying a plane is indescribable.

Too fast means that it will not be consolidated, and there is no way to infiltrate the grassroots. As long as the grassroots forces are still dominated by the "traditional department", it makes sense that once they find an opportunity, it will be easy to "resurrection".

Therefore, since the "Su God Line" is moving so fast and developing so rapidly, the best way is...

Keep winning like this.

Don't stop and give people a chance.

This scene reminded them, and let them understand that the "Su God System" is actually a very fragile and new thing that needs to be maintained, and its power is far from being as strong as it is shown.

"It's because we are in China and Asia, and it's been really smooth recently." Yu Weili also looked at the "screams" coming from the room from time to time, and said to Yuan Guoqiang next to him: "Before breaking ten, we still have to Let’s protect this hope for the future.”

"The battlefield of public opinion cannot be given up."

"That's right." Yuan Guoqiang said: "We can't put extra pressure on the children. They are already under a lot of pressure if they want to break ten. We try not to let public opinion affect them."

"Especially in case of failure."

"People can be fanatical or cruel. We have been athletes and should understand this."

"Ask Xiaotian later, discuss with him, and see what he thinks about tomorrow's final." Yu Weili tapped his arm with his hand, and said: "If you are not sure, first disclose some cooling news, don't Let everyone's expectations go too high."

But what God Su said they waited for was——

"Maintain the plan and strive for number one."

These words are really similar to the words he said at the Osaka track and field competition when no one was optimistic about him.

The two looked at each other, nodded one after another, and said, "That's fine, just keep the original plan."

"It's yourselves, you have to work hard, we can't help you with things on the field."

"Don't worry, I know many people are enduring it." Su Shen said with a smile: "The closer it is to dawn, the more undercurrents will emerge."

"Then I'll let them bear it all the time, and don't have a chance to speak."

"As long as it breaks ten, it will be much better."


The Jamaican team stayed at the hotel.

Carter was really depressed, and Bolt and Blake made him more emo the more they comforted him.

The two were also a little bit blind, and even felt that this guy was too difficult to comfort.

Whoever is his girlfriend is really unlucky.

At this moment, Mills and his two assistants walked in, looked at the three of Bolt, and after sitting down, he opened his mouth and said: "Tomorrow, go all out, even be prepared to lose, it's nothing Can't."

As soon as these words came out, even Carter, who had lowered his head and said nothing just now, couldn't help raising his head.

"Don't be confused, the strength of the team over there is really not necessarily inferior to those of you geniuses." Mills said: "Go and run with a straight mind, don't think too much, the more burden you have, the harder it is to keep your head clear .”

"Anyway, if I remember correctly, all of you should have received a certain degree of 'first blood' by the other side."

Bolt: ...

Blake: ...

Carter: ...

"Since you have lost your 'first blood', don't think too much, just do a good comparison, and don't be like those stupid guys who underestimate your opponent because of their skin color. I have read the latest scientific research, in fact The physical function and explosiveness of Asians are no worse than anyone else. They just suffered from backward technology and system in the past, and when they stop suffering from these, they may not be able to produce sprint geniuses." Mills said: "And we except West African descent has a sprint bonus, and the rest of the blacks, compared with Asians, don't think there are too many advantages."

"Coach, do we have any?" For this group of children, this is really a slightly esoteric topic.

"Coincidentally." Mills glanced at the few people in front of him, and said, "In Jamaica, most people have this bloodline." (This is true)

"But I want to remind you that bloodline bonuses are not a panacea. They must be combined with physical and technical concepts to be useful. This is exactly what the group of Orientals are doing now. Compared with them who have already started to act, we The people in the country are still living on their laurels and following the old ways, who knows what will happen after a long time." Mills complained, he is not "eating rice" these days, in addition to observing technical movements at close range, he also One thing is to analyze and collect carefully——how the florist went from a sprint country that can be capped at 10.20+ to a hegemony in Asia.

Right now, there is even a historic threat to break ten.

Now, even white people don't care about shouting that.

Breaking ten has been the "patent" of black people for a long time.

"It's okay, don't we still have you, Coach Mills. You are professional and scientific." Bolt has always been optimistic. When he said this, Mills' serious atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and in the end he could only be tense. Stopped, smiled, and said: "You can talk."

"But I'm not omnipotent alone. I hope that after you run well, you can invest a lot of money in your own track and field career like the florists. Because I have a hunch..." Glenn Mills said : "In the future, sprinting is likely to gradually change from a purely physical event to more technical research."

"Once it really becomes like this, if you rely solely on your talent to eat, you will definitely...starve yourself to death."

"So I hope you all can run well tomorrow, observe your opponents well, and at the same time don't worry too much about gains and losses."

"Don't worry." Mills said: "You are not big people, and no one will pay attention to you if you lose, so just run hard."

Mills is actually doing a kind of "psychological counseling".

Along the way, he has seen too many geniuses "died" due to psychological factors.

Don't think that Jamaica is a real "sacred land of track and field". In fact, if you look at the things Don Quarry came to promote before, they are actually "old three", at most they have more experience.

Is this because people refuse to reveal it?
It's really not.

Don Quarry was specially introduced by the foreign affairs department, and he didn't come here to be perfunctory.

For example, Yang Yaozhu once received some advice from him, which really helped him and broke through the bottleneck.

This is enough to be positive, Don Quarry, he is not here to make soy sauce.

It's just... he actually has those things in his stomach, so he can't take out any "new ink".

This is also why you can see why Jamaica Bolt and his generation are getting old, but in fact, the younger generation has directly fallen into the outage.

Not to mention getting close to them, breaking ten is very difficult.

The Tokyo Olympic record is even more difficult to find for men. This is actually what Mills is worried about.

How long do you think you can keep it in the modern age of technology and technology by relying on the macho man from the sky?

However, Mills didn't know that even if he had this idea, it would be useless if no one took over his team.

Just take good care of this generation.

What he said was equivalent to taking away the psychological pressure of several people at once, and he could go into battle tomorrow with ease.

Go all out to fight Su Shen and the others.

In other words, among the eight positions tomorrow, apart from the flower growers, it is Jamaica.

This kind of scene, even a few years ago, Mills would never have thought of it.

On the second day, the contestants from other countries were actually "spectators". The only ones who were really qualified to participate in the final 100-meter battle were Jamaica, except for the florists.

Warming up for the game, Su Shen found that Jamaica's mental state was relatively relaxed. Even Carter, who suffered a serious setback yesterday, seemed to have recovered a lot.I couldn't help but secretly lamented that Mills was worthy of being a super famous coach, and he really had some tricks.

You must know that helping athletes quickly recover their mental state is originally an energy category that a famous coach should consider.

What's funny is that after Su Shen greeted them, these people actually spoke in unison, and they actually said——

"Su, we want your 'first blood'."

"I don't know if it's convenient for you."

Ah this.

It seems that these super geniuses in Jamaica are all stimulated by the word "first blood".

Since the lost "first blood" can't be brought back.

Then, take away the opponent's "first blood".


That's fine too.

Hong Kong is true.

God Su's "first blood", has anyone of them ever taken it down?

PS: Add more! ! ! ! ! !Continue to try to explode today! ! !
Hmm, the battle between the first blood and the protection of the first blood is about to start. Whether the Jamaican Tiantuan succeeded in developing Su Shen's first blood, or whether Su Shen successfully guarded the first blood and let them return home, will be revealed today~~~(*^ ▽^*)~~~
Thank you Straw Hat Ding Ding Da, Qin Rumeng Da Da, San Mu Da Da, 161038 God Sect Taishang Dao Da Da, Mu Zi Xiaodao Da Da’s rewards~~~~
Thank you Xiaozi~~~~ Continue to make appointments tonight~~~ Continue to hit the word count list! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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