The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 597 Mars Collision!Asian Gemini VS American Gemini!

Chapter 597 Mars Collision!Asian Gemini VS American Gemini!
Doha, Qatar.

Khalifa Stadium.

"Xiao Tian, ​​what did they tell you?" Hu Kai asked curiously when he saw these people came over to "greeting" Su Shen.

"It's nothing." Su Shen himself felt a little funny and said, "They said they want to take my 'first blood'."

"Huh? The taste is so strong?" Hu Kai asked in surprise.

It seems that the current network environment is relatively simple, without so many twists and turns and tricks.

"No, it's not what you think." Su Shen smiled wryly: "They just want to win me, because they have never defeated me so far, but I basically took the first loss more or less. "

"So that's it." Hu Kai understood, but still said with a pensive expression: "The way of describing the crooked fruit is really strange, I almost can't understand it."

Su Shen smiled, and in the future, all kinds of memes can fly on the Internet.

But it is only a few years now, and it is indeed relatively "warm and innocent".

Tianchao Sports Station.

"Welcome everyone to watch Tianchao Sports Channel. The upcoming competition will be the men's 100-meter final of the Doha International Athletics Grand Prix." Yang Jiandao: "This time, all five members of our flower planters have entered the final. Three players from Jamaica."

"These guys from Jamaica are all rising stars in the 100m. To be honest, I never thought they could run so fast." Chen Haijian said: "Especially the big guy from Jamaica, who used to specialize in the 200m. He is still a young man in the world. The holder of the 200-meter record has never run any 100-meter races, and the 400-meter and 200-meter races are his main events.

"We can see that some viewers leave text messages saying that this Usain Bolt is Jamaican Zhao Haohuan, what do you think of Haijian?" Yang Jian read the audience text messages and asked.

"Actually, it's a bit like it." Chen Haijian analyzed seriously: "He is very tall, also over 1.9 meters, and his running style is also a late-stage effort. The audience's message is not unreasonable."

"Besides, someone asked you, what do you think of the Jamaican god Nesta Carter?" Yang Jian continued to read.

"Nesta Carter, I watched his game. It should be a strong start, followed closely by God Su, but I still have a problem with this title. Why." Chen Haijian analyzed seriously: " Because looking at the slow motion, the competition between Su Shen and him is actually only ten meters ahead, and he basically has no power to fight back. And we all know that Su Shen is not only a fast start, his future is in this year's Birmingham. It’s a world record, and Nesta Carter is almost there, and it’s slightly different from Bolt’s analogy with Zhao Haohuan.”

"If you have to say it, it should be said that Nesta Carter is the starting version of Su Shen in Jamaica. I think this is more accurate."

"Haijian is worthy of being a professional athlete and a former national record holder. His analysis is indeed very professional."

After the two exchanged a few words, the camera turned, and the on-site cameraman pushed the camera closer from the first track one by one.

"First track, Jamaican player Nesta Carter, his best result so far is the 10.20s he ran in a small town in Spain last year. The strong point, Haijian also analyzed it just now, is at the start, known as the Jamaica start Su God." Good guy, when you say this, it's like helping Nesta Carter get the title among so many flower growers.

I don't know if Carter would vomit blood when he heard the news.

In one game, he becomes the "Jamaica Su God", and he also needs to add a "starter version".

But now Carter's 6s in June has not yet come out, so naturally 10.11s is the current personal PB.

"Second, the florist, a relatively new face, Lao Yi from Guangxi Province!"

Because Lao Yi is indeed training behind closed doors during this period of time, and there are very few results that can be achieved, so I can't introduce it.I could only look at the temporary information in my hand, and bit the bullet and said a few more words: "Don't look at him as a new face, but in fact he is already an 'older youth athlete' on the track, and now Lao Yi is 21 years old. He It was Ersha Island who joined at the end of the year before last, according to the information, it should be Su Shen Zhao Haohuan and their fellow disciples."

"Although he started late, since he can stand here, it shows that he has made great progress. We can look forward to his next performance."

Lao Yi waved his hand foolishly. Compared with the competition, it was this occasion that made him more "nervous".

"Third way, flower planter player, gold medalist in the National Games, silver medalist in the Asian Games, bronze medalist in the World Cup, former national record holder, one of the Asian twin stars, Zhao ————————————————————— Huan!!! "

"Zhao Haohuan's strength is still very strong, and he is also a super genius who has been delayed by injuries, but fortunately he has recovered. Now he and Su Shen are one of the cards of our country's future sprint track and field."

Zhao Haohuan still had a cool expression and didn't have any other expressions, but just like that, it still made many girls join the spectator group.It has to be said that, in a sense, Zhao Haohuan is also a kind of "vigorous publicity" to help sprint and track and field in China.

After all, generally speaking, except for the Olympic Games where all people watch the games, even if it is the World Championships of the same OW level, it is estimated that not many non-track and field fans will watch them.Not to mention being a girl, Zhao Haohuan really deserves the most credit for this.

So his contracts and sponsors are not much less than Su Shen.

Su Shen really surpassed him, that is to say, he broke the world record. This is really too hard, and it can be regarded as a big explosion all at once.

Before, it was really hard to say how much you could overwhelm him.

"Fourth way, Jamaican player, 200-meter world youth record holder, 100-meter rookie, Usain Bolt."

Bolt likes to show off a lot, pointing at the camera, and then showing a funny expression, which immediately made the audience laugh out loud.In this regard, he is indeed much more powerful than Blake, and he is also much more outgoing.

At the same time, it is easier to be loved by the public.

"Fifth Road, flower planter, 60-meter world champion, 60-meter world record holder, Asian Games [-]-meter gold medalist, national [-]-meter record holder, Su——————————— God!! !"

Su Shen made a signature approaching motion of index finger and thumb towards the camera.

Obviously, Su Shen has come to Doha more often, and he has performed brilliantly here many times, which has caused the audience here to have a relatively good "familiarity" with him.

In addition, they were all Asians, so the applause was obviously a lot more.

"It seems that Su Shen is very popular in Doha." Yang Jian said: "The applause is very enthusiastic."

"Sixth way, Jamaican player, young player, Yohan Blake, who once participated in the final of the Imperial Capital World Youth Championship."

Don't blame Yang Jian for not introducing it carefully, it's mainly because the current Blake doesn't have any outstanding results.

After all, the current Blake is still too young, and there is no way to accumulate honors.

This is also where he is at a disadvantage now.

Not everyone is the return of a dragon king like Su Shen. In fact, under normal growth conditions, Blake has grown very fast and against the sky.But it's a pity that there are monsters in it, and Blake naturally seems a little "weak".

But this time when Blake was beside God Su, he felt that he...

Finally had another chance to confront God Su.

He clenched his fists with a very serious attitude and expression.

"Seventh Road, Flower Planter, Spectacle Man, Hu——————— Kai!!!"

"Eighth way, the flower grower player, the young player of the younger generation, Liang-Jia-Hong!"

After the contestants were ready, the camera left the stage quickly, and the next stage was the stage where the people from the eight passes began to perform.

Perhaps these audiences in Doha still don't understand what they are watching, but the people behind all define this match as the beginning of the confrontation between China and Jamaica.

It is a game of historic significance.

"on your marks."

After the password was in place, the contestants who knelt on one knee in the eight rounds all began to prepare to raise their hips and make the last adjustment.


Mills watched the game with full attention, and he didn't stop from the first second when the password sounded.

The breathing sounds of tens of thousands of people in the audience seemed to be quiet for a few seconds, and then there was a crisp sound.


The electron gun was sent out, and through the small speakers behind him and the audio speakers in the audience, it immediately filled the audience.

Hooooooooo! ! ! !
Wowwwwwwwww! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The audience also began to cheer, and the sound wave began to replace it the next moment the electronic gun fired.

Khalifa Stadium boiled.

Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan broke out with bent arms, and they were the first to rush out, followed by the "ten-meter god of war" Nesta Carter who hadn't fully developed yet.

Followed by Hu Kai, Liang Jiahong, Lao Yi, Bolt, and Yohan Blake, whose reaction is always "slow and half a beat".

Looking at the starting time, the fastest shot was... Zhao Haohuan.

The starting time reached 0.149s.

He was also the only one to open a .0.150s start time.

Zhao Haohuan's damn desire to win, the more he dislikes talking people, the stronger his desire to win.

The rest lined up at the back, Hu Kai was second at 0.156s, Su Shen was third at 0.157s, Liang Jiahong was fourth at 0.159s...

Bolt's reaction time still looks a bit like walking 200 meters, only 0.189s.

This is really not good in the [-]-meter race, but it doesn't matter, he is not at the bottom.

In Blake's race when he was young, it is really not that easy for you to compete with him for the "slowest start" medal of honor.

With Blake's shot, the reaction was 0.201s.

Typical Blake-style start times.

Because of Zhao Haohuan's quickest starting reaction and the advantage of the curved arm burst, even if he was ten meters ahead, he did not fall very far behind.

In this way, it gave him a good result in this game and laid a good foundation.

Both Bolt and Blake were next to God Su, and they once again experienced how powerful God Su is in the super start.

I also know why Nesta Carter, who has an extremely strong domestic [-]-meter record, will fight against this oriental man, and he is still deflated.

But fortunately, Blake and Bolt were sober before the start, and now is not the time to fight Su Shen.

The advantage of the two of them has never been at the start.

It's easy to be chaotic if you follow along, it's better to fight steadily.

There is no problem with this strategy, but what Bolt doesn't understand is that the third lane next to him is also a big man with a height of 1.9 meters, why...

It was so fast when he went out.

Both Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan completed the Golden Four Steps, and because of the bent arm start, their upper body lifting speed was also faster, and the arm swing posture was more able to enter a good swing area.

Sprinting is "grabbing time".

To say that it is to improve a little and race against time is all "derogatory".

Because in sprinting, the word "race against time" is really...too slow.

Everyone is paying attention to Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan's bent-arm start. After all, this starting mode is too rare, and they are obviously not in the previous bent-arm posture.This kind of posture is exactly the same every time, even exactly, it is definitely... a carefully trained starting posture.

This Mills will never be wrong.

But his current focus is on another place, that is - Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan.

Even in the whole scene, the first step of the landing of these five Orientals seems to be the same as Bolt and the others, they are all "three-point" start, but in fact...

The sharp-eyed Mills spotted something wrong with this start.

Because it is not obvious at first glance, but when you put Bolt and them together, you will find that...

Slightly different.

But I can't tell where.

But as shrewd as Mills, he can basically confirm in an instant...

This "three points and one line" undertaking attitude.

It is likely to be more optimized and more efficient than the "three points and one line" that is commonly used today.

It's hard to say, but that's the instinct of a great coach.

Ten meters, the acceleration zone is accelerating with their heads down, but this place, the competition for rhythm, has already begun.

In this kind of high-level competition, the competition and influence of rhythm are already extremely important.

Whether you can affect the opponent's rhythm and whether you can stabilize your own rhythm is one of the decisive factors in a game.

I don't know when it started, except for the top competitions, yellow figures frequently appeared in the final guns in the international arena.

And in many cases, there are even overwhelming proportions.

Not to mention the track and field fans of the flower planters, even many Asian track and field fans can't help but feel excited when they see this.

Following the several yellow figures on the TV screen, my mood kept fluctuating.

10 meters, there is nothing to say, it is still Su Shen's world.

Now he has advanced to an incredible future strength.

In the future of this era, it is not so difficult to keep pace with him.

At the very least, you have to be at the level of a super master to make it possible.

These peers who are about the same age...

There is almost no threat to God Su.

At 20 meters, Su Shen began to take the lead, and Hu Kai began to become the second, but careful people can find that Hu Kai's body trembled slightly after this shot, which...

It's a sign of core instability.

Why is Hu Kai's core unstable?He wasn't lazy, he should have strengthened after the winter training.

That's because Hu Kai rushed too hard in yesterday's semi-final.

He wasn't the kind of guy who had a particularly good recovery ability. In fact, it was very difficult for him to show his full strength in today's final shot.

There is also Liang Jiahong who also has this problem.

He was also in the semi-finals because of his final fight with Bolt, which led to the final semi-finals running out of his physical fitness ahead of schedule.

This kind of running, obviously, cannot be slowed down all at once.

It’s okay to run normally, but there will definitely be problems later on in the finals of this extreme intensity.

30 m.

God Su is here, even in the face of these geniuses in Jamaica, he still maintains absolute suppression of the future.

Even many people in Amelika who don't like him now can't help but admit that in front of Su Shen, he has become a top opponent.

Even if you try your best, you may not be able to easily win the monster of the future.

Anyway, Zhao Haohuan and Hu Kai are also used to it now, don’t try to fight such stupid things with Su Shen, on the contrary, you can see the "benefits" of this matter according to Su Shen and Randy's suggestion, and then make use of it.

How to use it?

Naturally, he always followed Su Shen's buttocks every time.

Don't think this is a shameful thing, because Su Shen is the 60-meter world record holder, so follow him well. As long as you don't be disrupted, you will have a bright future and may be driven to run faster.

As for the acceleration zone, except for Su Shen, who has an obvious advantage, although the rest of the people also have front and back, but there is not so much difference.

After the acceleration run, the eight laps began to rise one after another.

At this time, it is the part of the traditional 100-meter cognition that is most prone to "high and low wins and losses".

That is, the entire [-]-meter run to the inside, the longest link, running on the way.

Because everyone's extreme speed is not the same, there will be a big difference here, and sure enough...

Some people's speed began to increase suddenly.

Such as Zhao Haohuan, Bolt, Blake and others.

There are also some people who are slightly weak here.

For example, Hu Kai and Liang Jiahong, who were exhausted in the semifinals and have not fully recovered.

Running and running, the first echelon began to change. Except for Su Shen leading the way, there was no change. The "Ten Meter God of War" Carter, who was still in front just now, was overwhelmed by several figures.

Liang Jiahong was also pushed downstream here because of his physical fitness and strength.

Blake ran, and only then did he realize how far the big-ass friend from the east had evolved.

Say something.

The feeling that Blake is running now is...

The fifth road next to him doesn't look like an Asian, but looks like the number one leader in Jamaica, Asafa Powell.


He has run with Powell a few times, and they are both from the same country. Although he is not a head coach, there is no shortage of such opportunities.

Powell's activation gave him such a "scary" feeling.


Can't catch up.

This is because even if Blake is at the peak, he is actually an "absolutely balanced" runner.

You can tell by looking at his first ten-segment data. His segment data is terribly balanced.

And balance means that it is difficult to compete with the top Qianqian, and it is normal for him to think so.But Blake has a very strange thing, which can also be said to be one of his "special abilities", that is... when his front is fast, the back usually also becomes fast, anyway, he is trying not to hold back , forcibly "equilibrium".

After rushing up, the gap between several people began to appear.

In the section between 30 and 50 meters, Hu Kai's advantage is almost gone, and Zhao Haohuan, Bolt, and Blake are all chasing after him.

Seeing these young people chasing so fiercely, Hu Kai really regretted fighting so hard in the semifinals.

Otherwise, it would definitely be faster now.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Nearly 50 meters is approaching, and when this place arrives, it means that the "six-second burst" will start.

The real extreme speed, everyone must start to show it.

The eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

A supernova has begun to grow.

Everyone is rushing to shine their own light.

Bang, boom, boom, boom.

After everyone started to follow the six-second rule for a six-second burst, Hu Kai was immediately...

Pulled to the back.

It's not that he's not strong, it's mainly because of this shot, he's not in his peak form anymore, and suffered a dull loss.

Moreover, he will soon know how far the four young people in front will progress.

Yes, starting from this incident, the whole world will gradually know about it.

Asia Gemini VS America Gemini, Mars collided, kicked off again.

PS: The first update~~~~A big chapter~~~~ I fell asleep while writing, it’s so annoying! ! !woo woo woo woo! ! !

I can't stand it even after drinking coffee, woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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