Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1012 Chapter 1021, just for peace of mind

Chapter 1012 Chapter 1021, just for peace of mind

In October, the weather was already very cold, and the well water was left outside for half a day, and the cold was threatening.A ladle of cold water was poured down on the head, once again wetting Captain Gou's body.When the clear water flowed from Captain Gou's body and finally fell to the ground, the clear water had turned red, obviously taking on the color of blood.

"Cough, cough... cough cough cough..." With a dull cough and weak panting, Captain Gou woke up, and then vigorously stood on tiptoe, so that the thumb carrying the weight of the body could relieve a little pain .Although his whole body was in pain at the moment, he still did this.After all, compared with the pain on the body, the pain in the thumb goes deep into the bone marrow.

"Old dog... hey, why bother!" Captain Gao sat on the grand master's chair brought by the minions, with his left leg bent and naturally placed on the ground, the ankle of his right foot resting on the knee of his left leg, and the knee of his right hand His elbows were resting on one side of the armrest, his four curled fingers were touching his cheeks, and he made a sigh-like sound.

"Gao...Captain Gao...continue, continue to greet me! It's best, give me a good time!" Captain Gou seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After saying this, his body sank and he continued to pant heavily.

"Ha... I'll give you a happy one? Don't worry, safekeeping will make you happy, but you won't die! Where do you think this is? This is the gendarmerie, and this is the Palace of the King of Hades!" Captain Gao stood up and came to the dog. The captain stepped forward, bent down, looked at Captain Gou at the same level, and said, "I really didn't realize that a person who is usually so cowardly can survive until now! Tsk tsk..."

"In the past few days, the means of the gendarmerie have only tasted appetizers. Look over there..." Captain Gao broke Captain Gou's head and looked at the wall on one side.

"It is said that there were [-] kinds of torture instruments in ancient times, such as crossing halls and five gates, all of which are here! Moreover, these are only a part. Have you seen that chair? It is much more powerful than the tiger stool you have sat on. It is an electric chair. Let me tell you, as long as the person is tied up, tied up, connected to the electricity, and the switch is pushed, blah... that feeling, life is worse than death, there is no way to describe it!"

"Besides, before the execution, a wooden stick is stuffed in the mouth of a person. Do you know why? Because of the pain, it can make a person crush a mouthful of teeth! Compared with that, you are It’s a skin injury, it’s nothing at all! Alas, I didn’t use heavy methods for you because of our fortifications for many years. Old dog, if you don’t talk about it, you will really have to! Chili water Doesn't taste good?"

Captain Gao spoke earnestly and with a sense of compassion, but in Captain Gou's ears, it was not the case.As the captain of the detective team, it's not that Captain Gou has never interrogated prisoners, so he naturally knows how terrifying these criminal detentions are, but when he thinks of the explosion where there were no dead bodies, his heart trembles.Of course, that's just one of the reasons why he doesn't speak.

"Old Gou, I don't understand. You used to be no different from me. You were a dog for the imperial army. Why are you getting mixed up with Eighth Road now? Did Eighth Road give you gold, or did Eighth Road give you gold? You got the money, or did you give it to your woman? What are you doing for it? Come on, tell us, Lao Gao, and we will understand!" Captain Gao asked teasingly.

"For...for peace of mind! For, to sleep...for the next be...a human!" After Captain Gou finished speaking, he passed out again.

"Hey... why bother? Why bother to be like those hard bones? Isn't it good to live well?" Captain Gao looked at Captain Gou who had fainted again, and motioned for the thugs next to him to be put down and sent to the cell.

Beating people and putting them to death are also particular. They cannot be carried out for a long time, otherwise they will be beaten to death if they exceed the limit of the human body.Moreover, after the first execution, the second execution, the new wounds add to the old ones, and the pain doubles, but the wounds will not become too serious, and they can persist for a few more days.Of course, these are relatively rough methods, and there are more scientific methods, such as waterboarding, which have long been thoroughly researched by the Yingjiang family.

In the cell, Captain Gou was thrown on the blood-stained hay, and the thugs directly closed the iron door of the cell.After a long time, Captain Gou woke up, looked at the guards outside, and closed his glasses helplessly.At this moment, Captain Gou was exhausted physically and mentally, and he didn't want to move.

"So, is it worth it? How valuable is the information I know? Also, it's been a few days, I hope the Eight Routes can escape..." Lying on the hay, Captain Gou was at war with man, thinking With his own past, Captain Gou fell into a coma again.He was not a strong man, and his body couldn't hold on after being tortured for several days.

"Captain Gou, take a bite! Alas... People are like iron, rice is steel, and you can eat as much as you can!" The shout from outside the door woke Captain Gou awake.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to persuade you!" The visitor walked into the cell, put a bowl of white rice on the ground, and a roast chicken: "The locust army said, because you have worked for the imperial army Come on, let you have a good time! Eat, you can go on the road when you are full!" While the visitor was speaking, he also took out a jug of wine and put two wine cups.

"Ha...haha...haha..." Captain Gou suddenly laughed.After he finished laughing, he said in a full voice: "Heavy rice, I gave it to others before, but I didn't expect to eat it myself."

While talking, Captain Gou climbed up with difficulty, picked up a glass of wine with the index finger and middle finger of both hands, brought it to his mouth with difficulty, and drank it into his stomach with a squeak.Then, without being polite, he directly picked up the rice bowl, stuffed the white rice into his mouth with his hands, and swallowed it without even chewing.Then, the person who brought him the decapitated rice kindly tore off a chicken leg and put it in the bowl, and he didn't hesitate to start it directly.

With the chicken legs, Captain Gou finished his white rice, and then glanced at the guards outside the door, and the cell leader who delivered the food.Suddenly, he slammed the rice bowl in his hand onto the ground with a loud clatter: "Hell, I'm full. Haha, I'm waiting for the road..." Captain Gou sat on the hay and roared like a beast.

"Alas..." The cell leader looked at Captain Gou and shook his head helplessly.It's just that he didn't notice that Captain Gou had already picked up a sharp piece of porcelain in his hand.

"Cellmaster... Tell me, I was shot dead by devils, what will people think of me when they talk about me in the future?" Captain Gou seemed to be full of energy and spoke more smoothly.

"Evaluation?" The prison chief thought for a while, and then said: "It depends on who will be in charge of this world in the future..."

"Haha...haha..." Captain Gou laughed dryly for a few times, and then said: "No matter what, I am at ease! I am so at ease... I hope that in my next life, I can live in a peaceful and prosperous world!" Captain Gou said, He put the sharp piece of porcelain directly between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, put the thicker piece on the palm of his hand, raised his hand, and stabbed the sharp piece into the neck.

Blood began to rush out, but Captain Gou still smiled: "If I die, I won't die at the hands of a devil! Haha, devil... ghost..."

(End of this chapter)

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