Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1013 Chapter 1022, in exchange for something

Chapter 1013 Chapter 1022, in exchange for something

Captain Gou died, quietly in the cell of the gendarmerie, his blood stained a large piece of dry grass.

That night, the special operations team that had sneaked into Changzhi City received the news.The original rescue plan was stopped, and then the personnel would quietly leave the city, as if nothing had happened.

"Really, the world is impermanent..." In the early morning of the next day, at a certain ferry by the Zhuozhang River, Li Yuexuan sighed, took the soldiers of the Special Forces to row across the river, and then returned to Licheng.

For Captain Gou, everyone's mood is complicated, and there are always some inexplicable emotions in it.But after much deliberation, there will always be a sigh.

"Remember him. No matter how many disgusting things he has done, he has always kept the last bottom line in front of the righteousness of the nation. Of course, if the merits are overshadowed, let people later comment on the good and evil things. And We must continue to fight for the independence, development, and prosperity of the nation! If the nation is not independent, who will remember them?" This is Hu Changyi's evaluation.

In Jiuzhai, this year's autumn harvest and autumn planting have been completed, and even those emperor bamboo grasses that have lost their leaves have been cut off with a sickle and used as silage fodder.Last year, the emperor bamboo grass was directly dried with the last crop of grass as an insulation layer, but this year it was all replaced with sun-dried thatch.There is no way, there are too many livestock raised this year, and the feed is in short supply. It is a little bit more.

Moreover, compared with the thick and long stalks of imperial bamboo grass, the leaves of thatch are softer, stronger and more flexible, and more heat-resistant.Of course, it would be safer to add another layer to the mat made of reeds.

Hu Changyi doesn't need to care about all of this anymore, because the people in the villages have long been proficient in doing these tasks, and they can easily complete them.

After completing the task of autumn harvest and autumn planting, the arsenal's production resumed order, and the production lines accelerated again, providing a large amount of ammunition for the front line.Well, there are weapons, but now the weapons in the arsenal are no longer provided for small units like guerrillas, but mainly for the main groups.After all, the guerrillas don't need 120 heavy forces, semi-automatic rifles, and even machine guns, do they?
"Minister Zhang, is the anti-sweep in Beiyue District over now? And there is no specific battle damage ratio?" In Minister Zhang's office, Hu Changyi asked with a roasted sweet potato in his arms.
"It's over. In this anti-sweep, more than 1 Japanese and puppets were annihilated. Thousands of people were also damaged in the battle, and thousands of civilians were damaged. After all, there is no loss or gain." Minister Zhang said.

"That's great! There are only so many little devils in total, we can afford to change one by one! What's more, our troops are getting stronger and stronger, and we have fought several battles once or twice, Li Yunlong We fought hundreds or even thousands of battles at a time. We are confident! In fact, it is still a vital force to kill the devils, and kill their soldiers, so what do they use to invade?" Hu Changyi said.

"Yeah, killing the enemy's vital force is the key! I heard that you ordered the militia to train again?" Minister Zhang asked.

"Well, this time it's a training camp held by each village, and some weapons and ammunition have been distributed. Didn't I build a fortress village? I dare not talk about other places, but the area controlled by the Ninth Detachment must be controlled by every village. It is a fortress, and every village can communicate through tunnels. We not only need to have a transportation network on land, but also have a transportation network underground, as well as a telephone network, and we must also build a network underground." Hu Changyi said.

"You boy, I'm afraid you are the regiment-level unit equipped with the most telephones and radio stations in the entire army. But no one can say anything about this matter. The arsenal is too important." Minister Zhang said.

"Minister Zhang, what happened to the battle at Maoxiong's house in the north? We haven't received any news?" Hu Changyi asked.Well, he was very concerned about the Soviet-German war, worried that his little wings would make a big noise.

"Not good! Not good... For such a big country, it is almost impossible to fight back after being beaten by Germany. This will hit the capital... But the resistance is getting stronger and stronger, I hope there will be good Let's see the result." Minister Zhang held the hot sweet potato in his hand and shook his head lightly, still a little afraid to accept the current situation of Mao Xiong's family.

"Don't worry, Mao Xiong will not be easily defeated. I have confidence in them! The key is, what benefits can we get? For example, our medicines and information, but there is no news?" Hu Changyi asked.

"Ha... Speaking of this, we have something to say!" Minister Zhang's eyes lit up, and then he pulled a stool and sat beside Hu Changyi, took out a document from the file bag and said, "Look, let's The comrades over there, this time they felt a little elated. Of course, they also vomited too many times!"

"Oh, is this a list? It's nothing, just a production line for Mosin Nagant, a production line for bullets, and a production line for artillery. They eliminated them, right? That's it? What about gun tube steel? Can we Manufactured? What about the shell production line? Didn’t say what caliber it is?” Hu Changyi glanced at the simple strings of numbers before asking.

"Scared? Don't underestimate this! How important are rifles and bullets? Don't tell me you haven't counted them? As for the artillery production line, we're still talking about it, as well as the corresponding shell production line and gun barrel steel production line. You Boy, why are your eyes so high now? Is it because your bazooka came out, so you don’t care about these things?” Minister Zhang said.

"Hey, the 107 rocket launcher is a good thing. Lei Dapeng used it once in Beiyue District, and he was missed. But I didn't expect that they would release Lei Dapeng and send a bunch of students back to follow Study. Well, the chief over there still has vision, and those who have learned this may be able to form their own artillery." Hu Changyi finished speaking with a face of pride, and then asked: "What do we exchange with Maoxiong's family? There is no Write, could it be that the penicillin was sent out?"

"What are you thinking! Such an important thing can be easily sent out? Now we are secretly contacting some big companies of foreign allies... Ahem, I won't talk about this. Do you still remember that you put it in the warehouse and gave it to the shotgun? The submachine guns used by the artillery crew? And the squad machine guns and continuous machine guns we are equipped with now?" Minister Zhang asked.

"I exchanged this for this? I remember, didn't I send it over before? I also got something in exchange. Oh, it's been too long and I forgot what happened!" Hu Changyi said.

"You have a good memory...but the equipment you bought this time has nothing to do with it." Minister Zhang thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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