Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1016 Chapter 1025, Special Forces Fighting Airplanes

In Lu'an Mansion, the headquarters of the 36th Division, Jing Guanren finally received the order to mobilize troops, which made him happy.

Although he knew that at this moment, Jing Guanren had not yet found the exact location of the Jiuzhai Arsenal, but he had already circled a 10-kilometer radius on the map.He guessed that the arsenal was in this circle.

And in order to deal with the arsenal, he mobilized a lot of troops this time.Well, he has two infantry regiments, a cavalry search brigade, two artillery regiment battalions, and an engineering regiment.After that, the fourth brigade was independently mixed, and the ninth brigade each supported two brigades.These troops add up to more than [-].

In addition to these, there is also the 35th Division to assist in combat, and the independent mixed First Brigade has also mobilized a team of at least 2000 people.In addition, the 5000 Imperial Association Army that was urgently transferred from Sunan was also incorporated into the Imperial Association Army under him, making up a 1-strong Imperial Association Army team.In other words, in this battle, he has a full 2 troops to use, which is an incredible thing.

Of course, he is also unhappy, that is, the intelligence work, the progress is really lackluster.Those pigs in the air force sent reconnaissance planes every day, and they sent back almost the same photos every day. Except that the leaves changed from more to less, there was no change. It’s really Bagaya Road!
"Imamura, send another telegram to the air force, asking them to lower the flight altitude and speed again. I need more accurate information!" Jing Guanren looked at the stack of photos on the table, and could only ask Shintaro Imamura to send another message. The aviation side exerts pressure.After all, to understand how important it is for a team to fight and master the terrain.

Takeshi Ito and Kuma Kishida are two pilots of reconnaissance planes belonging to the Air Force of the Front Army.Today, just as they boarded the plane and were about to start a routine cruise reconnaissance, they received an order.

"Baga, let us lower the altitude again? Is this killing us?" The two planes were not far away, and Takeshi Ito muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Their big shots never take our lives seriously! We are fighting on the front line for the empire's war, and the big shots never care about our feelings!" Kishida Kuma was also dissatisfied.

But no matter how dissatisfied they were, they could only obey the orders of their superiors and decided to lower the flying altitude during this investigation.Behind them, the observer also looked indignant, but he could only accept it.

Besides, on the mountain north of Licheng, Li Yuexuan and the others have already started today's arrangement.According to Hu Changyi's order, Li Yuexuan and the others planned to set up a trap this time, and then wipe out the two reconnaissance planes.

The idea Hu Changyi gave them was to set up a seemingly important military target, such as a convoy or something, and the little devils would be easily fooled.And Li Yuexuan was unambiguous, he felt that adding a tent with a red cross sign on it would make the kid even more interested.

So, at this moment, out of the 10 trucks coming from the artillery battalion, 6 of them formed a crooked convoy on the mountain road, turned off their engines and stopped on the mountain road.And on the hillside not far from the convoy, among the weeds that were about to turn yellow, a canvas tent seized from the devils had already been set up, and a red cross flag was spread directly on the top of the tent. Down is very conspicuous.

Then, a straw man wearing a white nurse's cap and a white nurse's uniform placed one outside the tent.There is also a straw man in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, already lying on a stretcher, and two special forces members are ready to lift it up and run away at any time.Well, it all looks like an eight-way makeshift field medical station with captured trucks.Such a goal is attractive enough.

"Ha, with this arrangement, I don't believe that little devils won't be fooled!" About a few hundred meters away from the north of the trap, Li Yuexuan put down the binoculars in satisfaction, and said to the side.

"I think, even without these, the little devil can fly over our heads and punch a few holes in his plane. Now, it's safe!" Zhao Yuanbao was full of confidence.

"Captain, I took the snipers over there. Let's make an agreement, no matter if the devils are fooled or not, as long as they fly over our heads, we will shoot directly." Zhang Yixiang said.

"Go..." Li Yuexuan waved his hand, and the various action teams quickly entered their established goals.

Because he didn't know where the devil's reconnaissance plane flew over, Li Yuexuan set up three adjacent ambush positions.He believed that with this goal of attracting devils, plus more than 100 special forces members with outstanding marksmanship, no matter what, he could kill one of the planes, right?Well, what's more, I also brought the anti-aircraft firework cannon, which is the kind of electric detonation, and the speed is fast enough.

Time passed while they were waiting, and the breeze in the mountains had turned cold. Some leaves were blown by the cold wind, and they fell from the trees overwhelmed, ending their mission.A few gray pheasants came out of the grass and made a quacking sound, very much like a devil's Type [-] heavy machine gun. No wonder that thing is called a pheasant neck.Attracted by hens, colorful pheasants fly from afar...

Just when the male and the female were attracting each other, a fat hare came out of its cave, threw off its four legs, and rushed towards the hillside with its buttocks pouted, where there was still a piece of tender grass to eat.It's autumn, and rabbits need to store some energy for themselves to survive the winter when food is scarce.On the hillside, the pheasants and hares were doing their own business without interfering with each other, completely unaware that there were more than 100 pairs of eyes watching them not far away.

At this time, the inner thoughts of the special forces team members were: if these pheasants and hares were brought back, and dried mushrooms were added, it would be a rare delicacy!

Woo ang... Woo ang... The roar of the reconnaissance plane came from afar.Quacking... fluttering... the chickens flew and the rabbits ran away, and the special operators didn't think about anything else, they all focused on looking up at the sky.

"Kishida-kun, please divert the plane to the east, there are discoveries over there..." In the air, an observer in a reconnaissance plane shouted at Kishida Kuma.

"Yonishi, let's go! Ito-kun, there is a discovery in the east!" Kishida Kuma notified another reconnaissance plane on the radio station.

In fact, at this time, without the observer's reminder, Kishida and Ito had already seen the trap set for them by the special forces.After all, the white cloth red cross is too eye-catching against the green background.

"It's our turn!" Seeing the plane approaching, the two special forces members lifted the stretcher that protected the dummy, ran into the tent as if flying, and pulled the straw man of the fake nurse into the tent.

After entering the tent, the two of them jumped into the traffic ditch dug in the tent long ago, followed the traffic ditch directly, and got out from behind the tent.Under the cover of tall weeds, they moved away from the tent, and hid in a soldier pit some thirty meters away.At this time, they already had a detonator in their hands, connected to a full 30 groups of anti-aircraft salutes.

Woo ang... woo ang... The plane is getting closer and lower, and the special operators are tense, because it's time to masturbate...

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