In the sky, the pilots of Kishida and Ito adjusted the attitude of the reconnaissance plane, and then gradually lowered the altitude, intending to fly over the false target to determine what it was.

This is not on the edge of Jiuzhai. Although there are many hills, the relative height is lower. The devil's reconnaissance plane can lower the height and then lower it.And the two pilots relaxed their vigilance because they hadn't been hit by the ground for so long.There is also the order they got when they set off, asking them to reduce the speed as much as possible.

And all of this has made today's Special Forces.

"Detonation!" In the individual soldier's pit not far from the tent, seeing that the distance was almost the same, a special forces member yelled, and the two pressed the detonator almost at the same time.

"Tom tom tom..." 30 groups of 9-packed anti-aircraft fireworks were successfully ignited immediately, and the special firework shells were quickly driven into the air by the huge pressure in the launch tube.When it soared to a height of about 300 meters, it exploded with a bang, forming a cluster of dead shrapnel in the sky.And there is not one such dead shrapnel group, but a total of 210.

Why 210?Because there are 60 fireworks bombs with white phosphorus mixed in it!That's right, white phosphorous bombs are a good thing, especially when they spread out in the air.That’s right, it’s used up, you need to pay attention to the people and buildings on the ground, don’t burn it by accident.However, Li Yuexuan and the others were conducting air defense operations in the mountainous area here, so it didn't have much impact.

210 high-explosive fireworks bombs exploded in the air, forming a barrage of death directly in front of the devil's reconnaissance plane, with flames of white phosphorus bombs flying in the middle.

At this time, the devil's reconnaissance plane just flew here.Clinking, the pilots and observers in the inspection plane only heard such a sound, and they didn't know how many shrapnel were hit on the fuselage.

"Baga! There is an ambush, my observation window is broken!" In Ito's plane, the observer's angry voice sounded, complaining that the window he relied on to observe the ground was gone.

"Pull up, pull up..." Ito didn't have the time to care about his comrades. He was yelling at this time, intending to let the plane climb up.The higher the height, the safer it is.

It's just that their wish is destined to turn into disappointment!Because during this period of time, their plane had broken through the area where the anti-aircraft bombs were located, and came to the ambush site of the main force of the special forces.

Da da da... Papa... On the ground, bursts of gunshots suddenly appeared, echoing the roar of the planes in the sky.Then, hot warheads hit the front of the plane quickly, and collided with Ito's plane head-on.

Woo ang... Ito's plane changed its flying posture visibly with the naked eye, flying lower and lower, and directly passed the position where Li Yuexuan and the others were, and crashed towards the distant mountain peak.

Boom... The plane crashed into the mountain, and there were ten deaths and no survivors. Ito was completely finished.

On the other side, Kishida's plane was not concentrated by bullets, but there were countless craters on the fuselage.Fortunately, these craters did not cause fatal damage to the aircraft, and it was still able to fly.

"Kishida-kun, Kishida-kun, it's not good, our plane is on fire!" Kishida was silently mourning the lost comrades, when he suddenly heard the shout of his own observer.

Kishida looked back, good guy, there were clusters of flames burning on the plane at some point, and he didn't know if they were shot out by the shrapnel just now.But no matter what, the plane is dangerous now.Well, especially on the side of the fuel tank and the engine, the flames have been soaring, and the plane feels that it is not powered enough.

"Kojiro, I'm going to skydive! Let the big man deal with the matter of the big man! Besides, long live the emperor!" While speaking, Kishida opened his cabin and jumped off the plane.

"Long live..." The observer called Kojiro was also decisive, opened the back cabin and jumped off the plane.

Fortunately, the parachutes of the two devils successfully opened, and they fell in the air like two white cotton balls.Their plane, however, hit another mountain and exploded.

"We made a fortune this time!" Li Yuexuan looked at the two devils in the air, and shouted excitedly: "Yuanbao, take your platoon and drive the car! The rest of you, move towards the place where the parachute landed! Remember, try to grab Live! If the devil resists, just break his arm! By the way, we don’t have pilots yet, these two are precious!”

Li Yuexuan gave an order, and the special forces team members were divided into two groups, one group drove and the other ran, chasing after the devil's skydiving location.

The location where the pilot parachuted was a little away from Li Yuexuan and the others, about two to 3000 meters in a straight line.But this distance is just a normal distance for special forces members.

Soon, the devil's pilots and observers landed on the ground, and Li Yuexuan and the others also chased for a distance, and they could already see the parachutes scattered on the ground.

"Kishida, hurry up, get out of here!" Kojiro cut off the paracord wrapped around his body with a paratrooper knife, and struggled to get closer to Kishida.

"Kojiro, we have nowhere to run! You know, we are now in the area controlled by the Eighth Route Army. And here, we can't escape at all!" Kishida Kuma murmured.

"Can't you escape?" Kojiro looked at the special forces team members who had already appeared in sight, and also saw the dust raised by the truck in the distance, and sat down decisively on the ground.

"Kishida, are you going to surrender and be a coward?" Kojiro asked.

"No, we were just caught! The Eighth Route Army gave preferential treatment to prisoners. We were caught, and our lives would not be in danger. But we fled back. What is waiting for us?" Kishida Kuma sat down and said.

"Then...well! Long live the Emperor... Long live ****..." Kojiro shouted loudly, but he didn't move at all.

"Long live..." Yoshida shouted loudly, still leaning back to back with Kojiro, without any intention of moving.

"You have been surrounded, immediately raise your hands and surrender, our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially!" Li Yuexuan held up a semi-automatic, and shouted in Japanese.

Shua... The two devils raised their hands in tacit understanding, as if surrendering was no longer a shameful thing.Well, they all parachuted, so it's a pity for their lives, otherwise wouldn't they be finished with the plane?

And the propaganda of the Eighth Route Army is really in place, especially after the own radio station is opened, there are broadcasts against the Japanese army every day, and of course the little devils can hear it.

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