Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 268 Chapter 267, Pinghan Railway is very important

Chapter 268 Chapter 267, Pinghan Railway is very important

As the saying goes: once the train rings, it is ten thousand taels of gold;
As the saying goes: once the cannon is fired, it is worth ten thousand taels of gold;
The big wind song is well written: the cannons are fired and his mother is bombarded, and Vega and Hainei come back to their hometown.Zhang Zongchang counts the heroes, and the giant whale swallows Fusang.

It's just that when Lao Zhang wrote this big wind song, his fourth aunt was flirting with the devil's officer face to face, and Lao Zhang was going to Japan to avoid disaster.

Now, the damn Marshal Zhang has been killed by his brother Han Paopao, and his brother Han Paopao was also killed by bald Jiang after he lost Jinan. It has become a series in history handwriting.

Speaking of this Zhang Zongchang, for three years in Lulu, the people have had a hard time making a living, especially foreign soldiers in Shandong are like emperors who want what they want, especially like to molested women.

This Dashuai Zhang also built a university in Shandong and became the principal himself. It is said that this university has continued and some styles have continued.

Cough cough, the great god is watching, so I won't say more.

The railway network in this period is not as developed as it was later. The Kingdom of the Underworld did not add an inch of railways in the golden ten years, but the flower planters built a lot of railways when the first five-year plan was completed.

Now there are two important railways running north-south, one is the Ping-Han Line (from Beiping to Hankou) and the other is the Jin-Pu Line (from Jinmen to Nanjing Pukou).

On May 5th, the 13th Division concentrated its main force and launched a general attack on the Ping-Han Railway.

From a strategic point of view, because the Yellow River Bridge in Zhengzhou has been bombed, the Ping-Han Railway only reaches Xinxiang, which is not as important as the Jinpu Railway that can go directly to Xuzhou.But what about the actual situation?

The actual situation is that the importance of the Pinghan Railway is higher than that of the Jinpu Railway.After all, the Jinpu Railway is to the east. For the Xuzhou Battle, the railway was destroyed, and the devil's supplies could still be transported northward from Nanjing, and it could also be sent over from the Jiaoji Railway.

The Ping-Han Railway is different.First of all, it was built close to the Taihang Mountains. With this railway, the little devil can completely mobilize troops along the railway. It can also connect the Zhengtai Line, Tongpu Railway and Daoqing Railway through the railway, and give Shanxi an open heart. Enclosed division.

You may not know about the Daoqing Railway. Its east end is in Daokou Town, Huaxian County, Anyang, where the specialty is Daokou Roast Chicken; its west end is in Qinghua Town, Bo’ai, and there is a Jinbo Highway leading to Jincheng from here.

Think about the location in the southeast of Shanxi. Okay, the north is the Zhengtai Line, the west is the Tongpu Railway, the east is the Pinghan Railway, and the south is the Daoqing Railway...

What is the key?The key is that the Ping-Han Railway is connected to Beiping, and Beiping is also connected to Shenyang by railway. Shenyang has a complete arsenal left by the little six sons to the devils, a complete airport and aircraft, and even a complete munitions warehouse...

The little devil is now vigorously producing in the Shenyang Arsenal, using the equipment left to the devil by the little six, which originated from the equipment left by Zhang Laoshuai to the little six, and using the resources looted from the black land to produce and kill countless Chinese people weapons and ammunition.

For example, the little devil's [-] rifle, the stock material of the rifle is birch wood, is there so much white birch wood on the devil's island?

And if these weapons and ammunition are to be transported to the Xuzhou battlefield, the Ping-Han Railway is one of the best choices.And what is the significance of the Battle of Xuzhou?
Because it was on the 13th that the 14th Division of Kenji Doihara, headquartered in Xinxiang, crossed the Yellow River, hit Heze, and continued all the way west.

Because the 14th Division is heading west all the way, there is a distance between it and other divisions.Does distance produce beauty? The headmaster discovered this.

The significance of this raid is to destroy the supply line of the 14th Division.Think about it, the little devils are fighting in the front, and there is a steady stream of ammunition in the back to be sent to the vicinity of Xinxiang, and then the Fourth Mixed Brigade will send them across the river to the ferry on the edge of the Yellow River...

The main reason for the failure of the Battle of Lanfeng was that Brother Agui ran away for the second time, and Long Muhan followed suit, giving the 14th Division an important city of Lanfeng, and the 14th Division also had time to breathe. A steady stream of ammunition supplies, this slowed down.

Later, Huang Jie's Eighth Army was frightened away from Shangqiu by a brigade of the 16th Division without firing a single shot, and finally ruined this opportunity to encircle and wipe out Tufeiyuan.

In the end, the unlucky ones were the 89 people who died under the flood caused by the digging of the dike at the entrance of Huayuan, and the tens of millions of people who were displaced in the Yellow River Flood Area...

In fact, the principal is also very helpless, not because I was careless, but because my subordinates really can't manage it!Or dare not control it!When I sent the three German weapon masters to the battlefield of the Songhu Battle, I originally wanted to wear down the troops of Minister He's faction, and even made a little effort.

But when they turned around, they took the money given by the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, recruited new soldiers here, got new weapons supplies, and directly pulled up an army, which can't be messed with!Brother Agui is Minister He's niece and son-in-law, what should I do?
There is also the parachutist Sun Paopao, and his backstage is also very stiff, he dare not kill him, Huang Jie?The strength of the army under him is so strong that it cannot be killed.

From the eyes of today's people, these generals are friends of the Japanese army like Yuan Chonghuan, typical Japanese army helpers...

The Battle of Lanfeng is just a later story, Hu Changyi knows this, because he has consulted too much information.He even knew that the various motley troops on the front line of Xuzhou had already begun to retreat in an all-round way, and they even retreated in an organized and planned way.

As a result, all the hundreds of thousands of troops withdrew, leaving only the people and the city to the devils.Then the little devil began to harm the people, and stipulated how many women should be sent from a village to the military camp for condolence activities...

At this time, those people who were abandoned by the government army ushered in a different team, which is our New Fourth Army.

In order to cover the retreat of these large troops, in a place called Mengcheng by the Wohe River, more than 2000 Guijun brothers withstood the attack of more than 6000 Japanese devils, and delayed the attack of the devils at the cost of almost all deaths. At the same time, more than 1000 Japanese devils were killed.

In this battle, the Gui army's prestige was played out in a serious manner, and it was a rare battle with such a close casualty ratio.

So, it's not that the soldiers are not good enough, it's not that the commanders below can't fight, and it's not that the little devils are really invincible... It's really what Lao Meng said: the city is not too high, the pond is not deep, and the rice grain It's not too many... It's because the location is not as good as the people and harmony...

The outside world is very exciting, but the life in Hanjia Village is a bit dull.But on the 16th, Hu Changyi waited for a small surprise.

Because a few days after he handed over the blueprint of the bazooka to Fu Yunpeng and Guo Dezhu, they actually came to Hu Changyi with the finished weapon.

PS: Thanks to Xingyu & Laozhu for their 1500 tip, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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