Chapter 301 Chapter 300

You can be a little more tired and more ruthless during training, but now that you are going to fight, naturally you can save your energy if you can.Therefore, Hu Changyi didn't mind sending the No. 130 guerrillas to Jincheng by truck.

When you arrive in Jincheng, you can walk the rest of the way, because there are not many roads left.

Amidst the laughter of many leaders, the comrades of the guerrillas finally got on the truck of the arsenal, loaded the staff of the brigade headquarters, and under the leadership of Chief of Staff Han, they drove towards Jincheng at night.

Not to mention, the evening breeze at the end of June was cool, and everyone sat in the car all the way shaking and shaking quite comfortably, along the Baijin Highway all the way to the vicinity of Gaoping.

It's nighttime, and it's easy to get tired when driving, and several drivers are switching to driving.Fortunately, there are very few vehicles these days. As long as the driver does not drive the truck on a dead road, there will be no accidents, which is very good.

In Gaoping, the 344th brigade is relatively familiar, because in April, they killed more than 1000 devils together in Zhangdian Village, north of Gaoping.Moreover, there is another famous place in Gaoping, which is the site of the Battle of Changping.

After Gaoping had a brief rest for two hours, the convoy continued to head south, halfway from Zezhou to the west, and drove towards Yangcheng along a narrow road.Because Dingdian is just to the north of Yangcheng, and Yangcheng is to the west of Jincheng, there is no need for everyone to go to Jincheng to join in the fun.

As the battle continued, there were also battles in Jincheng. The specific enemy situation was unknown, and no one could tell whether it was the army of preserved fruits or the army of devils in Jincheng. It would be very troublesome to go there.Well, the devils should be occupying Jincheng, but that's not important.

Not far west from Zezhou, the convoy couldn't go any further because there was no road...or there used to be a road, but it was destroyed.

But it doesn't matter, everyone has been wandering all the way, and has long been irritable, so they simply let the convoy return, and everyone walked forward with ammunition and supplies.It's just walking, it's a trivial matter...

This walk was a journey of several hours. It was not until dawn that we came to a small village in the mountains.I don't know the name of the village, and the village is not very big, only fifty or sixty families at most.

In fact, Hu Changyi is already in a dizzy state by now.why?Departing at night, even sitting in the co-pilot's seat, was bumpy all night.And the surroundings are all dark, and only the place illuminated by the headlights can see the road clearly.

Later, when marching, they walked in the middle of the night, with only a few horse lanterns lighting up the front of the team...

Well, let me tell you clearly, Hu Changyi is lost... I don't even know where he is now...

Of course, he doesn't need to worry about these issues now, because Chief of Staff Han is the same as he grew up here. He led people around a few alleys in the village and knocked on the door of a family.Hearing the sound of Chief of Staff Han knocking on the door, there seemed to be some kind of pattern.

"Old Han, you're here! Didn't you say you're still in Changzhi? Why did you come here so soon?" Hu Changyi took his own signal soldier and orderly, as well as Li Yuexuan's precision shooter squad, and followed Chief of Staff Han into the yard to guard. Listen to the conversation of the people inside.

"We hitched a ride here, and we didn't stop along the way! Have you received the order from the headquarters? I came here first to arrange camps for the large troops in advance, and I need your help!" said Chief of Staff Han. .

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged for you, just wait for the troops to arrive..." said the person inside.

"That's good, is the specific enemy situation clear this time?" Chief of Staff Han's words sounded.

"The devils are still active near Jincheng. I don't know exactly when they will leave, but a large amount of supplies are being delivered to the devils near Jincheng along the Jinbo Highway. You come at the right time, and we can arrange it in advance!" said the man.

"Soldiers are expensive and fast. You can arrange it first. The comrades in the brigade are still waiting outside. Let's rest for a few hours. It's dawn and people are exhausted..."

Under the arrangement of local comrades, Hu Changyi and the brigade comrades rested in this village for several hours.After waking up, the local comrades made millet porridge and steamed bun pickles for breakfast.

At this time, it was past ten o'clock in the morning, and Chief of Staff Han did not know when he left. In the village, only the civilian staff of the brigade headquarters were busy establishing a temporary command system, and even the accompanying telephone soldiers were pulling the wires , Telegraph soldiers are also erecting antennas.

It seems that this small village will be the command center of this battle...

Looking at the system time, it was already noon on the 30th, and the guerrillas who had nothing to do in the village established a defensive position on a nearby hill, guarding against the only path into the village.

"Boom... Kachacha..." At this time, there was thunder from the sky, and the sky quickly darkened.

Not long after, the heavy rain poured down, hitting the treetops in the mountains, the roof tiles, and the soldiers.

"Comrades, work harder, put on the coir raincoats, and reach the destination before the devils take action..."

On the highway north of Gaoping, soldiers from the two main regiments of the 344th Brigade were marching in the rain.For them, marching in the rain was already commonplace. Apart from saying hello back and forth and taking care of the frail recruits around them, most of them moved forward steadily.

"Take care of the front and back, don't fall behind! Take care of your grenades, don't get wet by the rain! Whoever can't hold on, get on the carriage... a few people come, the carriage is stuck in the mud..." Marching, accompanied by heavy rain Accidents, but none of them can stop the determination of the soldiers to go to the battlefield.

The heavy rain did not last long. It stopped after two hours, and the marching soldiers were still walking on the road, but most of them were covered with mud and leggings, and the rain dripped from their bodies with sweat. muddy...

After the rain, the sun shone fiercely on the ground. Soldiers with coir raincoats also took off their coir raincoats, and those without coir raincoats simply took off their military uniforms and marched on sticks... Then, the rain evaporated, and the sweat continued to flow...

This is the marching of troops these years, no matter it is wind, frost, rain or snow, it will never stop the speed of marching.

Of course, because of Hu Changyi's relationship, the guerrillas were not hit by the heavy rain, but waited for the team's arrival in the village.

On July 7, Brigadier Xu led the guard battalion to the village where the brigade headquarters was located. At this time, Chief of Staff Han also got in touch with the local guerrillas, and the telephone soldiers also set up telephones at several assembly points.

"Okay, take an hour's rest and have a meeting at seven o'clock in the afternoon!" Brigadier Xu and the others are forced to march, and now they are exhausted and need to rest first.

(End of this chapter)

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