Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 302 Chapter 301, lay out positions

Chapter 302 Chapter 301, lay out positions
At noon on July 7, a team appeared on the hill north of Dingdian, and Hu Changyi was in the team.

"This is the town shop..." Looking at a small village in the valley below the mountain, Hu Changyi not only sighed.

"Yes, this is Dingdian! Don't look at it as a small place, but it is the only place where the Houjin Highway from Jincheng to Houma must pass! You see, there is the Luwei River below, and the Houjin Highway is beside the river! If the devil If you want to reinforce Houma, you have to go this way!" said Chief of Staff Han at the side.

"Here is indeed a good place to lay an ambush! Look, there are reeds growing on the banks of the Reed River, and there are high mountains on both sides. The straight-line distance between the two mountains is less than 400 meters, and the foot of the mountain is even narrower! This is a natural ambush field!"

"As long as we do a good job of keeping secrets and setting up an ambush here secretly, then..." Brigadier Xu looked at the terrain below the mountain and began to consider the formation of troops.A brigade, two battalions plus the guerrillas need to be properly arranged.

First of all, the river valleys here are curved and the roads are narrow, making it easy to ambush devils.But the devil's combat effectiveness is not weak, so he needs to find the most suitable place to arrange the main ambush position.

And drawing lessons from the battle of Pingxingguan, that is to ambush the devils, it is best to shorten the distance between the ambush troops and the devils as much as possible, so as to take care of the old guns made in Hanyang in our hands and use the fastest The speed mixed with the devils hand-to-hand combat.

In hand-to-hand combat, the little devil's stabbing skills are good, and often a few fighters can't beat a devil.However, if you don't fight hand-to-hand, the devil's weapon advantage is too great, and you will suffer even more.

To determine the ambush field, there must be troops to prevent the devils from breaking through, some to pinch their heads, some to remove their tails, and some to prevent the devils from reinforcing... In short, this kind of battle does not mean that it can be arranged casually. Taking into account the devil's reaction, the combat effectiveness of his own troops and so on.

Hu Changyi didn't care what Brigadier Xu and the others thought, he just followed to see the terrain, and he was not needed to make an ambush plan.But looking at the shining river below the mountain, Hu Changyi suddenly remembered a battle description in his book, but it was on the other side of the corner mountain in Sucheng Township.

At that time, he remembered that he designed the appearance of the devil with reference to the situation of an actual battle... But looking at the current terrain conditions, it seems...

The corner of Hu Changyi's mouth curled up into a smile, the little devil seemed to have played a big game here, something good to see...

"Changyi, what are you thinking, kid? You smile so well?" Chief of Staff Han, with sharp eyes, saw Hu Changyi's smile, and asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, just let's make sure that the devils will pass here, right? If they really pass here, then our shotguns will be very useful! You see, we only need to go through the woods, grass, and reeds on the side of the road." Set up shotgun positions in the bushes, as long as the devil's team comes over, they will bombard the mother!"

"Shotguns are a dozen of a large area. Putting them at a distance of more than 100 meters is definitely a big killer for ambushes! Then set up positions for light and heavy machine guns on the mountains on both sides, and arrange rocket launcher combat groups in front of the shotguns. Teams deployed for close combat rush out for hand-to-hand combat."

"I think, as long as our firepower is strong enough, thousands of devils will not be enough for us to beat!" Hu Changyi said.

"Haha, I have an idea! But your idea is fine, being a front-line commander is enough! As for the intelligence... Early this morning, the Devil's 105th Regiment was preparing for action, and their direction of action was Houma in the west! " Chief of Staff Han said.

"It seems that the little devil is destined to go this way... Then how do we arrange it? Our guerrillas request to follow the main force to lay an ambush front line!" Hu Changyi said.

"How to act, wait until you have checked the surrounding area of ​​the battlefield to determine. Let's go, continue to check the terrain!" After Brigadier Xu finished speaking, he led people to continue eastward...

It took another half a day for the team to see the entire bank of the Luwei River clearly, and even the ferry of the Qin River on the east side.That's right, the Qin River flows not far from the east and goes all the way south.

And the town store is actually in the middle of the valley of the Luwei River. Judging from the name, it should be the place where the top shop lived in ancient times.

On the night of the 2nd, all units were already in place. Sujialing Brigade Headquarters, all cadres above the battalion of the 344th Brigade held a meeting, and the two battalions of the 771st Regiment also held a meeting. Hu Changyi was also listening to the deployment of the battle plan.

"Before laying out the battle plan, let me emphasize it! The little devil has won two battles in a row recently, and it is inevitable that he will be arrogant! And our operation this time is a top-secret operation, and we have also paid attention to secrecy along the way, devil Didn't know we were going to beat them!"

"So, for this ambush, we must shorten the distance, and then close it, and set the ambush point between 100 and 200 meters from the road! As long as you hide well, you can catch the devils by surprise just like Shentouling! Now let me talk about the specific action deployment!"

"Use the 687st Battalion of the 1th Regiment to occupy the commanding heights on the northeast side of Dingdian along the Tudi Temple, Ximazhuang, Xuejialing, Wangjiazhuang, and Qinhe Ferry, ambush, cut off the enemy's retreat, and block the enemy's reinforcements! The 688st and 1nd Battalions of the 2th Regiment are here Build fortifications in the Baishan and Liugou areas of Yicheng, and prepare for a frontal ambush! The 687rd Battalion of the 3th Regiment went west to the mountain pass, and cooperated with the guerrilla detachment in the Shanxi-Henan Border Area to cut off the Japanese army's westward road; , Houling, Fujiaping, and the Shanzhuang area, as a reserve team!"


Brigadier Xu made some arrangements and mobilized all the troops that could participate in the battle, and even left two battalions of reserve troops in case of emergency.

Of course, the guerrillas got a frontal ambush task as they wished.Here, in addition to the large number of guerrilla veterans, good equipment is also the key. 9 shotgun combat groups and 6 rocket combat groups, 6 light machine gun groups and 2 heavy machine gun groups are the confidence of the guerrillas.

Of course, Brigadier Xu and the others did not know the function of semi-automatic rifles, thus ignoring the fact that the guerrillas still had 20 semi-automatic firepower.However, since the guerrillas are placed on the main battlefield of the ambush, there is no need to tell Brigadier Xu that they are semi-automatically easy to use, right?
Of course, what should be said still has to be said.

After the meeting, Hu Changyi applied for a live ammunition training opportunity for the guerrillas.It is said that the battle is approaching, and it would be a waste of ammunition to shoot live ammunition.

However, in order to ensure that the semi-automatic soldiers can adapt to the new gun, Hu Changyi can only do so.Training now is better than training after a war, right? The 10 rounds of training ammunition are all veterans, so you should get used to it after you finish shooting, right?

Therefore, in the early morning of the 3rd, in the deep mountains and dense forests far away from the road, the guerrillas deliberately opened up a 200-meter-long live ammunition shooting range.Then, amidst the sound of gunfire, the guerrillas completed a live ammunition shooting training, allowing the soldiers to become familiar with their semi-automatic rifles.

When the guerrillas were actually training with live ammunition, the devil's reconnaissance plane flew over the sky several times. It seemed that the little devil was scouting the way for the 105th regiment...

Thanks to book friend Griza for the two 100 rewards, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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