Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 303 Chapter 302, flaws, hatred, waiting

Chapter 303 Chapter 302, flaws, hatred, waiting
"How is it? Are you used to it? You all know the rate of fire of this gun, so when fighting, you need to change your tactics accordingly, because the time you turn around and pull the bolt to reload is no longer needed. You can spend more time in this time." Fire some shots."

"Of course, for us, we still need to sum up experience in the battle. Everything starts from actual combat. The battlefield is the best place to test the pros and cons of weapons! After all, this is a new gun, and there is no similar gun before. equipped us with rifles, and everything is groping."

"It's up to you to see how well this gun can be used in actual combat! Li Yuexuan, you can consider a crooked machine gun team for suppressing devils at medium and close range. Several people can cooperate in combat."

"In addition, there is another point that must be remembered, that is, the magazine spring of this gun is a little weak. Usually, it is enough to press the bullets of one magazine (note: one magazine has 5 rounds). Don't press too much. Too many bullets, too much pressure will weaken the spring's elasticity."

"When you go out to perform missions, you don't need to be fully loaded. For example, when you are on duty, you should have 10 rounds of ammunition! When will you be fully loaded? When fighting! Just like this time, we entered the ambush battlefield, When you wait for the devils to arrive, you can fill up 15 rounds of bullets!"

"Actually, I didn't think carefully. I only thought about supplying as many ammunition as possible. I ignored that the quality of our springs is not up to standard. That's the only way to go!"

The new gun has some flaws, that is, the quality of the magazine is not up to the requirements, and if it takes a long time to fill the magazine, the spring will not be able to bear it.Hu Changyi actually discovered this problem when he made the magazine, but the material was not up to standard, so he could only make do with it, and there was no need to make a new magazine.

This is the conflict between design masters and weapon materials—Designer: According to the design, there is no problem!Material: No, the concubine can't do it...

As for why not exchange qualified magazine springs from the system?You can't count on the system to exchange everything, right?If you can make yourself, you have to make it yourself, this is the kingly way!Therefore, after the live ammunition shooting was completed, Hu Changyi specifically explained this precaution to the semi-automatic soldiers.

"I'm talking about captain, I think you can just tell us about your bullet, and don't worry about other troops!" Lai Dongxing said.

"What's wrong? There's something wrong with this gun and we still hide it? Wait, when the next batch comes, I'll change the magazine to 10 rounds!" Hu Changyi said.

"Captain, have you forgotten? Looking at the entire Eighth Route Army, how many units can have 10 rounds of bullets as combat ammunition? Have you forgotten our name of Three Guns and Eight Route Army?" Zhou Changfa said beside him.

"Hiss... I really ignored it... But our army can't always be three-pointed, can it? We must develop, and our eyes must look forward! Alright, now go to the station to gather, I think the battle is about to start , prepare to enter the ambush position in advance!" Hu Changyi led the team back to the Sujiashan brigade headquarters.

The guerrillas were stationed together with comrades from the guard battalion of the brigade headquarters.Hu Changyi entered the office of the brigade headquarters and saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"Changyi is back? Sit down!" Seeing Hu Changyi, Chief of Staff Han told him to sit aside.

"What's the matter? Officer Su?" Hu Changyi whispered to a brigade officer who had just gotten acquainted.

"The news just came from the front that the devils sent troops to occupy Yangcheng in the south. Just today, the devils massacred more than 600 people..." Director Su said.

"Damn it..." Hu Changyi became angry when he heard this, but quickly suppressed his anger.

If he hadn't come to this world, Hu Changyi would still focus on numbers, pictures, and even videos for devils to kill people.

But after a lot of experience, I know that behind these strings of numbers, there is a ruthless deprivation of fresh lives, and it is still a torture-like massacre!

Among these dying people, there are children who are learning to speak, infants, mothers who are pregnant, and newcomers who have just formed a family and are looking forward to a bright future, and... Of course, they There is a common name - ordinary people!
What are the people guilty of?Why suffer such innocent pain?Who did they provoke again?Could it be that they are being abused because they are too kind?
Perhaps seeing Hu Changyi's anger, Chief of Staff Han took a mug of water and put it in front of Hu Changyi: "Take a sip and suppress the fire. We will avenge this revenge sooner or later! Not far away, we are waiting for the devils to come! "

"Thank you, Chief of Staff. During the battle, you take the time to take a look at the battles of my guerrillas. The point is to see how well our new guns are doing. If you think it's okay, let the chiefs judge. Wait until the arsenal scales up. , let's mass-produce it!" Aunt Hu Changyi started the topic.

"Ha, that's a good relationship. I knew that your kid quietly got a new gun when we were in the car, but I'm too busy to pay attention to it these days. Okay, I happen to be in charge of directing the frontal annihilation of the enemy, so I'll just take a look! " Chief of Staff Han said...

In a gloomy atmosphere, July 7 passed just like that, and everyone was waiting for the arrival of the fighter plane.On this day, the devils continued to occupy Yangcheng, slaughtered the people, and transported the bulk of the looted materials to Jincheng.

Among these materials, food and livestock will be eaten by devils, and those that can be used for military purposes will be used by devils for military purposes.As for those valuables such as gold, silver and antiques, they will be sent back to China by the little devils to raise those younger little devils so that they can grow up and continue to do evil.

Therefore, there are no wronged souls under the mushroom bombs. Since those devils hiding on the island have enjoyed the dividends of war, they should bear the punishment after failure! !
But... a certain bald head with soft knees, always doing things so that the foreigners are happy and the common people are disappointed...

In the early morning of July 7, a simple wooden bridge was erected at the Qinhe Ferry. More than 4 devil cavalry passed the wooden bridge and marched along the Luwei River Valley to Huangya and stopped.

Dong Xiansen, an investigator from the 344th brigade, saw all the devil's actions.After confirming the devil's movements, Dong Xiansen sent two scouts back to report the enemy's situation...

"Very good, the little devil is finally dispatched! Order all combat personnel to enter the ambush position and prepare for battle!" Brigadier Commander Xu ordered after receiving the information.

"Quick, march quickly, enter the designated position, hurry up!" Brigadier Xu gave an order, and all the troops participating in the battle entered the designated position as quickly as possible.

"Everyone in the 2nd Battalion has them, and enter the combat position! Remember, those who are behind follow the steps in front, and the grass that has been stepped on must be lifted up, and you must hold on!" Feng Battalion Commander Feng of the 688nd Battalion of the 2th Regiment waved his pistol, Take the second battalion and drive into the grass on the side of the road.

"Go!" Behind the 2nd Battalion, Lai Dongxing waved his hand, and the soldiers of the three main infantry platoons of the guerrillas also followed the 2nd Battalion into the ambush position, lying on the tall reeds with their comrades, waiting for the arrival of the devils .

"Oh, it would be perfect if we can arrange directional mines in a large area!" On the hillside behind, Li Yuexuan and his seven gathered together with Chef Sun Langzhong Fan, and it was Li Yuexuan who spoke.Lei Dapeng Xinlu and their two grenadier teams are also here.

"Don't think about good things, you can't be so well prepared for all battles, right? Sancai, Chengduo, follow me when they fight, and take care of Er Leng and Six Xi. Er Niu, fight hard, don't give your boss The squad leader is ashamed!" Chef Fan said.

"Don't worry, monitor!" said Li Erniu, the deputy monitor.

(End of this chapter)

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