Chapter 305 Chapter 304

"This, this is the charge... We haven't fought enough yet! Shall we charge down?" On the hillside, Li Erniu put down his gun and asked.

"I don't think so, there are only a few ghosts left, there is no need!" Li Yuexuan said.

"Oh, no one thought that the devils would play this game. Our grenade launchers and bazookas were useless!" The speaker was Lei Dapeng who hurried over.

"Look! There are a few little devils who have crossed the river. They want to run away, and they need to fight for a while, Dapeng, won't you give them a few shots?" Li Yuexuan asked.

"No need, the 687st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment is on the opposite side, waiting for the devils to come!" Lei Dapeng said while holding a telescope.

"I don't know what happened to the captain? This battle process is different from our training?" Li Yuexuan said.

"Yes, the captain taught us that the bayonet fight is the last thing to do, but after a few shots, we went up to fight the bayonet! You said that the little devils are in the river and have no weapons in their hands. How good is it to use them to train marksmanship? Live targets Ah!" Li Yuexuan said.

"Brother Xuan, what if the comrades of the 344 Brigade want to practice assassination with devils?" Xin Xiaomao said.

"Okay, just wait! This is how the devil's front team is settled, and there are still a large army of the alliance and a division behind..." Li Erniu interjected...

What the few of them said actually reflected the difference in combat philosophy, which was determined by resource conditions and also brought about by Hu Changyi.

Because of the different levels of weapons and equipment he has seen, and because he has received education on system data and information from later generations, Hu Changyi's combat philosophy tends to be more like the firepower-oriented method of later generations.Great Artilleryism is also nice if possible!

Therefore, soldiers like Li Yuexuan and the others who trained with Hu Changyi were more inclined to use firepower to deal with the enemy; while Lai Dongxing and the others who were former Red Army veterans were more inclined to use bayonets to deal with the enemy.

It doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, the key is how to do it right!But the current situation is that any fight is suitable!It can be solved with bullets, or with a bayonet, and it can save bullets...

"Rush...crash..." In the river below the mountain, Battalion Commander Feng led the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion to step on the river, rushing forward along the waist-deep river.

In front of them, the devils shook their buttocks and ran forward desperately... This chase lasted for more than half an hour. After all, the little devils were running for their lives, and the potential of their bodies was fully stimulated under the threat of life. out.

The little devil fled all the way from the shop owner's battlefield to Xiaowangzhuang in the east, planning to gather here.

"Fight!" At this time, the soldiers of the 687st Battalion and [-]nd Company of the [-]th Regiment rushed over and fired directly at the devil.

"Baga... ah..." The little devil was attacked by the enemy, and fled to the southeast in a panic, but in the end because he had no shoes on his feet, he was caught up and killed one by one.Time, more than an hour has passed, and it is almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, soldiers from the 687nd Battalion of the 2th Regiment had already come to the devil's convoy and horse team, collecting the spoils...

"Squad leader, there are mortars in this car? It seems to be 82 mortars! There are also shells!" Someone found 82 mortars on the devil's truck.

"Platoon leader, come and see, here is the 60th force, and there are a lot of shells!" This man found a lot of 60th force.

"Hahaha, one bundle per person, pick them up and hurry away..." This is the riverside, and the gun towers built by the devils just bundle them up and take them away, which is convenient!

"Go, report to the brigade commander, and say that more than a thousand people in the enemy's front team have been wiped out!" Chief of Staff Han, who was sitting here, ordered.

"Understood, I can see it here too! You tell the chief of staff and ask him to lead people to clean up the battlefield quickly. The devil's follow-up troops are attacking the third battalion of the 688 regiment. I want them to guard the mountain pass and buy you an afternoon. , we must clean up the battlefield!" Brigadier Xu said.

"Yes!" The communications soldier went to make a call...

"Ask for death..." In the third battalion position of the 688 regiment, the captain of the Ota Chumichi brigade of the 105th regiment, Xiaofeng Weifu, is organizing an attack.

That's right, the devil's advance troops were ambushed. Although the gunfire rang for a while, it still alerted the devil troops behind.After receiving the news, Captain Kudo immediately sent the nearest Xiaofeng Squadron over to find out the situation.

As a result, Xiaofeng Squadron, which came by truck, was blocked by the 3rd Battalion as soon as it reached the mountain pass.Two rockets shot down from the hillside on one side of the road, directly disabling the leading car.

The current situation is that the squadron leader Xiaofeng got out of the car with his squadron, and attacked the position of the 3rd Battalion desperately.

"Come closer and hit! Damn, we must not let the devils pass!" The third battalion dug some simple fortifications, and the commander of the third battalion said in a trench.

"Cracking hook... Ce Ce Ce..." The devil's attack was very methodical, with light machine guns covering, infantry charging, grenadiers calling names and bombing from behind.

As for the third battalion, because of insufficient ammunition and poor weapons, they could only choose to put the devils into the fight.

"Death to death..." A small group of little devils approached the position of the 3rd Battalion under the cover of the troops behind, and stood up to cross the last few tens of meters.As long as they break into the position of the 3rd Battalion, they will have the confidence to solve the [-]rd Battalion in hand-to-hand combat.

"Swish... Chi... Swish..." Just as the devils got up, more than 100 grenades were dropped from the third battalion position on the mountain.

"Boom boom boom..." The grenades continued to explode, and the devil who had just charged a few steps was blown upright...

"Baga, turn in! Turn in! Communications, please ask the commander for tactical guidance!" This is the third attack of Xiaofeng Squadron.This was the closest to the 3rd battalion position, and it was also the worst time to be beaten.

"Damn, it's fortunate that Minister Zhang sent so many grenades, otherwise it would be really hard to defend!" Seeing the devils retreat, the third battalion commander let out a foul breath and said.

"Baga! Where did these Eight Routes come from? Could it be that our 108th Division was born to fight against the Eight Routes?" In Jincheng City, Captain Kudo received the battle report from the front and knew that the vanguard troops in front were still resisting, but reinforcements The Xiaofeng Squadron was unable to achieve results.

"Baga, pass my order to let the Xiaofeng Squadron maintain contact with the enemy and contain the enemy! Order the Mountain Artillery Squadron to leave the city immediately, rush to the Qinhe Ferry at the fastest speed, and assist the Datian Zhongdao Brigade to attack westward immediately. The vanguard troops are rescued from the siege of the Eighth Route!"

"Send a report to the headquarters of the front army, requesting reinforcements from Qinshui!" Captain Kudo ordered.

"Hay!" The little devil quickly mobilized.

(End of this chapter)

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