Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 306 Chapter 305, devil reinforcements

Chapter 306 Chapter 305, devil reinforcements
Qinshui is just to the northwest of Yangcheng, more than 50 miles away from Dingdian in a straight line, and the little devil can get there along the road in a few hours.

Qinshui soon received an order to send reinforcements, and more than 1000 devils came out of the county directly and marched along the road to Dingdian.At the same time, most of the Datian Brigade, which was still at the Qinhe Ferry in the east of Dingdian, also left a small number of troops to guard the ferry, and came west for reinforcements.

As for the artillery squadron waiting in the city?Daejeon said he couldn't wait.Without the help of mountain artillery, the infantry artillery in our hands can also be used!
Naturally, the devil's movements could not be concealed from the scouts of the Eighth Route Army. The information was quickly passed to the brigade headquarters, and several leaders began to discuss the enemy's situation.

"The situation is a bit serious! The devil still has a lot of supplies! Brigadier, what should we do? Fight or retreat?" Chief of Staff Han asked.

In this battle, the efficiency of cleaning the battlefield is still very high!Because the little devil set up the gun by himself, took off his clothes and went to the river to take a bath, which brought great convenience to the work of cleaning the battlefield.Well, you only need to pack up the clothes that the devil left by the river and take them away in a bag, which is convenient!
However, there are more than 1000 devils, and there are only so many people in the main battalion of the two ambushes. Just taking away the devil's belongings is enough to bear the burden!So don't look at the hours that have passed, but the work of cleaning the battlefield is not over yet.

The most important thing is actually the materials loaded on the truck. Even if the people's stretcher team was used to help, it still took a lot of time.

Brigadier Xu looked at the topographic map nearby, thinking about the troops he could use, and remained silent for a long time.

"The order said that we should stop the enemy here. Now that we have eaten part of the enemy, it is okay to retreat!" Political Commissar Huang said.

"Retreat, we have to withdraw! But even if we want to leave, we must attract the devil here! Maybe we can find an opportunity to knock him again!" Brigadier Xu said: "Give me the order, Dingdian owner All the troops retreated while fighting, assembled on Pine Ridge to the north of Dingdian, and established a blocking position!"

"Every battalion on the West Road, pay attention to the enemy's movements, and wait for the opportunity to wipe out one of the enemies! In addition, the seized materials will be sent back as quickly as possible! The wounded will also be sent back! These materials and the wounded, let the two battalions of the 772 regiment be responsible for protection along the way !Tell them that as long as the things are sent back to our rear, it will be a victory!"

"Brigade Commander, what about our guerrillas?" Hu Changyi asked.

"You guys, you performed well this time. One company fired as much firepower as my battalion! In this way, you... go to the third battalion of the 687 regiment in the west and help them stop the enemy from Qinshui! In addition, let the first battalion of the 687 regiment Also rush over, and the guard battalion will also go over!" Brigadier Xu said.

The brigade commander's order has been issued, and the troops are also implementing the order, but the process of implementation is not so easy.Fortunately, the troops on the west side of the town shop don't need to move, but it is not so easy for the troops on the east side of the town shop to retreat safely!

The little devil is like a dog's skin plaster, sticking to the back of the troops, making it impossible for them to evacuate quickly, they can only retreat while fighting.As a result, time was delayed...

The current situation is that the 688st Battalion of the 687 Regiment, the 3rd Battalion of the 688th Regiment are guarding the west of Dingdian, the 3rd Battalion of the 688th Regiment and the new barracks, the Shanxi-Henan guerrillas are blocking the enemy in the east, and the 2nd Battalion of the 687th Regiment and the 2nd Battalion of the 772th Regiment are using the most Quickly sweep the battlefield. The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the [-]nd Regiment were waiting to serve as transport teams and took away the captured troops.

Brigadier Commander Xu's arrangement was actually to use the brigade's main force as bait to attract the devils from Qinshui and Jincheng to Dingdian's side to support the battle on Houma's side.

You know, as long as they hold back a little more time here, the speed of the devil's reinforcements to the west will be delayed a little bit, and the commander of the guard's attack will be smoother for a while.In fact, the battle has been fought until now, and it is completely possible to retreat in an all-round way. If we persist, it is for the sake of the overall situation.

The little devil doesn't know what Brigadier Xu's plan is. Qinshui's devil rides a truck and rides his horse all the way south, heading towards Dingdian at the fastest speed; The rear of the 3rd Battalion kept attacking far away.

That's right, the third battalion is having a hard time now. The little devils bombarded their positions with infantry artillery from time to time, making their retreat constantly delayed.

Fortunately, the river here is curved and the hills are undulating. The soldiers of the 3rd Battalion finally evacuated to Pine Ridge.At this time, the 688nd Battalion of the 2th Regiment had already established a new position under the leadership of Battalion Commander Feng, and was just waiting for the devils to arrive.

Waiting here, the little devil is not in a hurry to attack.

why?Because the little devil saw those dead devil soldiers in the river and on the river bank.

Didn't they catch up desperately to rescue the vanguard?Well now, the devils who need to be rescued have turned into dead bodies, and their goal has become a fortified battle or a positional battle.

For positional warfare, just wait for the artillery squadron to come over, it won't work without artillery!Let's send back the soldiers who died in battle first...

The Datian brigade became a corpse collection team, and the attack was delayed, but the devils from Qin County ran very fast.No way, they went all the way down, and the road was smooth, not as many twists and turns as there were on the Datian brigade.The point is, no one stopped the devils along the way.

Pat, clack, clack... A cavalry squadron of devils is in front, followed by a string of cars. This is a team of more than 1000 devils.When the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon, the devils arrived at Qinchi Town smoothly all the way. The main infantry got out of the car collectively, and the cavalry continued to move forward.

"Squadron leader, there is new news from the front. The main force of the local area is retreating to Pine Tree Ridge. We will attack from west to east!" In the cavalry team, a messenger delivered new orders to the Maori squadron leader.

"Baga, that is to say, the vanguard of the 105th Regiment has been wiped out?" Captain Maori asked with a frown.

"Hay, it looks like this!" said the orderly.

"Baga, keep going, heading towards Pine Tree Ridge..." Captain Maori waved his saber, and the team continued to move forward.

"Battalion commander, the observation post in front said that the devils have come to a cavalry squadron!" said a scout in the first battalion of the 688 regiment.

"Cavalry? The devils have a lot of horses!" said the first battalion commander.

"Is there any good way to deal with the cavalry?" A battalion commander turned around and asked the side.

"Report, I heard that the heavy machine gun is good!" The second company commander shouted loudly.

"Then do we have heavy machine guns?" the first battalion commander asked again.

"Report, there are only two!" said the first company commander.

"Report, four! We have two guerrillas! We also have six light machine guns!" Lai Dongxing said.

"Hahaha... Since we have machine guns, let's kill them!" The first battalion commander clenched his fists and said.

 I have a fever, and I wrote 4 words in a daze, everyone forgive me... I fell asleep... The autumn wind is getting colder at night, don't stay up late, go to bed in the morning, remember to add a quilt to sleep, don't catch cold...

(End of this chapter)

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