Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 307 Chapter 306, use it if you seize it

Chapter 307 Chapter 306, use it if you seize it

Little devils are not easy to fight, especially the devil's cavalry.Don't look at the big guys talking lively on the mountain, but they are all sweating secretly.

The brigade commander wanted to attract the devils to support Houma's counterattack in the west, so why didn't the little devils want to surround and wipe out the 344 brigade?It is already a big victory if one of the pioneer troops can be eaten during the devil's march, and if they fight again, they will really have to fight for their lives.

"I'm not late, am I?" Hu Changyi's voice appeared on the mountain.

"Captain, why are you here? It's so dangerous here!" Lai Dongxing saw Hu Changyi, jumped out of the trench, and stood in front of Hu Changyi.

"Don't worry, the devils are still close to here! The brigade commander and the others are on the main position of Pine Tree Ridge, leading the two 2nd Battalions to prepare for the attack of the devils from the east. The brigade commander said that they are not safe there, so let me take them with them." The newly formed artillery platoon is coming!" Hu Changyi said.

"Artillery platoon? Do we have artillery?" asked the first battalion commander.

"It didn't exist before, but didn't we seize 18 82 mortars in Dingdian today? We now have artillery! It's a pity that the artillery we found temporarily can only form two platoons, so I brought one Platoon, 4 guns!" Hu Changyi said.

"Captain Hu, the devil's mortar we seized is different from ours, right? I heard that the devil's mortar is one millimeter smaller in caliber than ours. Is that true?" asked the company commander.

"That's right! The Devil's is the same model as an 81mm mortar! But this mortar is too little equipped, and it is usually equipped for the brigade of the second-line troops. The ones we seized should actually be captured by the Devil from the battlefield in the south. Mortars from the Central Army coming!"

"Everyone knows that bald Jiang is stingy with us and looks down on miscellaneous troops, but he is very precious to his Central Army! We can't catch these 82 oppressors made by the Jinling Factory. They are lost when the Central Army retreats. It's all over the place!" Hu Changyi said.

"Okay, the Central Army lost what they didn't need, was captured by the devils, and now it's our spoils of war... It's better to equip them for us directly!" said the first company commander.

"Dream? Forget it, don't talk about it, Captain Hu, how about you take the mortar platoon and set up a position behind the mountain ridge? It's safe for you to stay away from our heavy machine gun position!" The first battalion commander really didn't want to Let Hu Changyi risk himself.

"No problem... I'll put the position behind our guerrillas, just forming an artillery coverage with our grenadiers!" After Hu Changyi finished speaking, he moved to the guerrillas' positions with four 4 mortar artillery groups. Behind, a new artillery position was opened up.

"Platoon leader Tang! Use the fastest speed to establish artillery positions, and use this point as a benchmark to measure the distance to the valley ahead and calculate the ballistic trajectory. Hurry up and try to calculate several preset landing points for each gun. !” Hu Changyi said based on his own experience.

"Don't worry, Captain Hu, although we haven't touched guns for several years, the technology is still there!" Tang Bin said.

"That's good, the fight will start later, don't rush to make a move, wait for my order!" Hu Changyi said.

When the Eighth Route Army was preparing to speak, the squadron leader Mao Li had already rushed over from Qinchi Town with more than 100 devil cavalry.

The devil's cavalry is called cavalry, but it is rare to actually fight on horseback.What they do most often are actually auxiliary tasks such as scouting, raiding, chasing and so on.

"Stop! Get off your horse and prepare to fight!" When the first battalion was still 500 meters away, the leader of the Maori squadron called to stop the team.

"Immediately establish an offensive position, establish a heavy machine gun position, Ito team, prepare to launch a probing attack!"


That's right, this is the proper way for the devil's cavalry to unfold.The cavalry charge and attack the opponent's position?nonexistent!The little devil's war horse is just a means of transportation at this time, and the soldiers still need to carry their guns into battle.

Therefore, at a distance of 500 meters from the first battalion's position, the devils arranged their own position and arranged for the follow-up offensive team, which seemed to be leisurely.

In the direction of Dingdian, the Guizi Datian Brigade waited for the 4 mountain artillery supported by the regiment leader, and they were also setting up their artillery positions.

"Lao Lai, you have the final say on how to fight! When you need artillery support, let someone shout. This time, 120 rounds of shells will be brought over, enough for a devil to drink a pot!" Hu Changyi explained to the artillery platoon, He explained to Lai Dongxing again.

After all, he, the genuine captain, is here, so the command authority still needs to be clarified!In terms of front-line command, Hu Changyi didn't think he could be better than Lai Dongxing and the others.Therefore, professional things still have to be left to professional people!
At this moment, one battalion and three companies of the 688th Regiment, together with a guerrilla company, set up a formation on the hilltop to the south of the valley, directly turning the hilltop on the Baliwan side into a blockade position of more than 1000 meters.

Diagonally opposite them was the position of the third battalion of the 687 regiment, and the two battalions, like one >, guarded the road to the devil's Nishijincho shop.However, because the third battalion lacked ammunition, the first battalion of the 687th regiment went to the opposite side to hide as an ambush, and put the guerrillas with sufficient firepower here.In fact, this battle still depends on the two 1st battalions.

The little devil also seemed to see that the first battalion was not easy to mess with. After half an hour of preparation, a small group of foot cavalry, lined up in skirmish lines, came to attack the third company's position in the west.Well, the little devil has a posture of gnawing on the hard bones first.

"Li Yuexuan, move towards the direction of Sanlian, and help Sanlian eliminate the invading enemy!" Seeing the devil's attack direction, Lai Dongxing directly played out a trump card, and the seven of Li Yuexuan walked around the traffic trench to the side of Sanlian's position square.

"Third Company Commander, we are here to help!" The devil was walking unhurriedly, but Li Yuexuan and the others had already circled around the command post on the west side of the Third Company's position.Li Yuexuan also specially greeted the third company commander.

"You seven? I heard that your new gun is very powerful? Let's keep our eyes open later!" The third company commander said, looking at the semi-automatic in Li Yuexuan's hand.

"Don't worry, company commander, how do we fight?" Li Yuexuan asked.

"How to fight? You can play freely! As long as you don't go out to fight the devils with bayonets, let you play!" said the third company commander.

"Yes, company commander!" Li Yuexuan returned to the location of the precision marksman class and confessed a few times.

Soon, four people were divided into two battle groups and entered the third company position, and Li Yuexuan and the others stayed where they were.

"Death to me..." Under the hillside, after lying across the shallows of the Reed River, Team Leader Ito waved his command knife, and a team of devils began to charge faster.

"Quack... quack..." Behind them, two [-]-type heavy machine guns were also controlled by the cavalry heavy machine gunners, and they fired at the third company's position in an attempt to suppress the firepower of the third company.

Not far in front of the heavy machine gun position, four cavalry grenadiers are also looking for the firepower of the third company's machine gun...

(End of this chapter)

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