Chapter 308 Chapter 307, an attack

On the battlefield, the attacking team of the devil cavalry was getting closer and closer to the position of the third company, and the pressure on the third company was gradually increasing.

The main reason was that the bullets fired by the devil's two heavy machine guns kept flying overhead, making people afraid to look up.

"Unfortunately, the distance is not enough!" On the side of the position, Li Yuexuan put down the semi-automatic regretfully, watching the two small spots below the mountain constantly spit bullets.

"It would be great if I had the sniper rifle that the captain mentioned..." Li Yuexuan turned his guns on the attacking devil team while thinking about it.

"Ce Ce Ce... Ce Ce Ce..." At this time, the little devil's light machine gun began to further suppress, just waiting for the infantry to rush through the last 200 meters to finish off the enemy.

"Company commander, do you want to fight?" asked the anxious soldier.

"Get ready..." The third company commander held a simple periscope in his hand and glanced at the devils down the mountain.

"Fight!" Seeing that the distance was almost the same, the commander of the third company ordered directly, and the soldiers of the third company shot up one after another.

"Pa... papa... da da da..." Taking advantage of the large number of people, the firepower of the three consecutive counterattacks was not bad, and in one round of counterattacks, seven or eight of the attacking devils fell down.

"Da da da... da da da..." On the third company's position, Lao Fei, the machine gunner, controlled a Czech gun and fired a short burst at the nearest devil, then shifted his position and changed his shooting position to continue. shooting.

"Ce Ce Ce... Whoosh, whoosh..." From the shooting position just now, he swayed towards the door.

"Pa, pa, pa..." Just as Lao Zhou aimed his gun at the machine gunner, Li Yuexuan in the distance started to move.

I saw him aiming at the devil's machine gunner, directly pulling the trigger twice, then turning slightly, shooting another shot at the devil's ammunition hand, and then another shot at the commander.After four shots, Li Yuexuan turned back and retreated into the trench, and came to another position not long after.

This was Li Yuexuan's action, but in Lao Fei's eyes, it was the Jap machine gunner he was going to kill. First he was shot twice in the heart, and then the bullet was shot in the forehead. The Jap soldier in charge of commanding the machine gun was shot in the abdomen, and fell to the ground crying .

"Damn, who hit this? Da da, da da..." Lao Fei was puzzled, but his hands were not slow, and he hit two short points in a row, sending away the other ammunition player.

Lao Fei's side is just a moment on the battlefield.Facing a small team's probing attack, Sanlian's counterattack was somewhat weak, because the heavy machine gun behind the devil was too threatening.

But after a brief exchange of fire, the soldiers of the third company found that the death rate of the devils had increased rapidly.Just as Lao Fei witnessed a machine gun team disappearing three devils in the blink of an eye, the other soldiers also witnessed a similar scene.

For example, Goudan, a recruit who was hiding in the trench with a red-tasseled gun, when he nervously glanced at the attacking devil, he found that the devil fell and rolled down the hill as if he had been struck by magic.

Not far from him, Li Erniu, who had entered the trenches of the third company, pulled the trigger continuously, and fired 4 bullets in just 6 seconds, killing four devil soldiers.A precision shooter with a semi-automatic blessing is such a bullshit.

"Boy, don't be nervous!" Li Erniu quietly came to Goudan, patted Goudan's shoulder under Goudan's shocked eyes, then put the muzzle of the gun on the gap in the trench, and continued to search for the target...

"Baga, grenade, bombardment, cover the evacuation of Ito's team!" The battle ahead was all watched by the squadron leader Mao Li.

Knowing that Ito's team suffered heavy losses and could no longer hold the position, they directly issued the military order to retreat.

"Tom tom tom... tom..." The devil's grenadiers had already found their target, and with the command of the squadron leader, four grenadiers flew out.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Four bombing points were blasted on the third company's position, and several soldiers were unfortunately killed by the explosion.

"Retreat..." Squadron Leader Ito saw that the grenadier exploded, and knew it was time to retreat, so he decisively withdrew with more than 10 devil soldiers left.

"Papa, papa..." Li Yuexuan and the others were unwilling to put the devils back, but grenadiers and heavy machine guns kept suppressing the shooting, so he had no choice but to shoot at the devils who were the easiest to eliminate.

Fortunately, it was not in vain, and I killed two more...

The preparation time for the battle at Baliwan was far longer than the battle time.On the side of the main position of Pine Ridge, the position of the Second Battalion of the 688th Regiment suffered heavy shelling.

The little devils seemed to be sure that it was the Second Battalion who "killed" their forward troops, and poured almost all the shells on the Second Battalion's position.

Mountain artillery, infantry artillery, rapid-fire artillery, grenades... The devils used all the artillery fire they could use.

"Chirp chirp chirp... boom boom boom..." The trenches dug by the soldiers of the second battalion in a hurry were not enough to withstand the bombardment of the mountain artillery shells. In a short time, more than a dozen soldiers who stayed in the position were bombarded and died.

"Go, call and tell the brigade commander that we are fine here, and we will definitely be able to block the devil's attack!" The speaker was Chief of Staff Han, who was in a bunker at the 2nd Battalion's position, holding a telescope to observe the enemy's situation.

"Yes... Chirp... Chief, be careful!" A soldier heard something wrong with the voice, and several guards rushed over to block Chief of Staff Han.

"Boom..." A shell accurately hit the bunker, and the lens of the telescope held in the hands of Chief of Staff Han shattered.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Wang, Xiao Li..." Resisting the buzzing of his ears, Chief of Staff Han struggled to crawl out from under several soldiers.

At this time, he discovered that except for him who was slightly injured by the shock, the rest of the soldiers in the bunker had already died...

"Damn! Lao Huang, I'm going to the 2nd Battalion's position!" The brigade commander saw that Chief of Staff Han had been shot, and took a few guards to the 2nd Battalion's side.

In Baliwan, the little devil who failed once did not learn his lesson, and organized another small team to attack, this time the target was the guerrilla position.

"Little Tang, is your side all right? After calculating the devil's heavy machine gun position, hurry up and tell me!" Seeing the devil coming towards his position, Hu Changyi asked anxiously.

"It's figured out, Captain!" Platoon Leader Tang said holding a small notebook.

"Quickly adjust the coordinates and prepare the shells! Let the little devil crawl for a while!" Hu Changyi said.

"Pay attention, I have already asked the captain for artillery support! Listen clearly, shoot closer, fire at 150 meters, and call the devil with the shotgun!"

Lai Dongxing was not as anxious as Hu Changyi. He decided to let the devils get closer, and then greeted them with shotguns, light and heavy machine guns. Together with the semi-automatic in his hand, he would be able to wipe out the devils in one fell swoop.

As long as the captain can destroy the annoying heavy machine guns and grenades...

(End of this chapter)

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