Chapter 317 Chapter 316

2 minutes on the battlefield can actually decide many things!
Now, Captain Nakajima was too busy to take care of himself. Facing the sudden fire attack, the devils in the circular fortification turned around and fought back.

But the ensuing shelling made the little devils' counterattack powerless!Because the artillery was gone and the heavy machine guns were gone, the remaining two squadrons did not have much advantage against Lao Zhai and his battalion who had just changed to a lot of Japanese equipment!

Moreover, Lao Zhai and the others also had a height advantage, shooting condescendingly, so that the fortifications of the little devils were not enough to cover their bodies.

Now, what Captain Nakajima needs to consider is no longer how to take down the front position to cope with Captain Kudo's attack!

What he has to consider is how to survive under the attack of Battalion Commander Zhai and the others!Just 2 minutes ago, there were more than 400 troops with nearly 300 troops around him, but now there are more than [-] troops left!If you continue to fight here, I am afraid that the number of people will decrease!

So, he was considering whether to break out, and then try to find a way to win back!
As for the soldiers of the two infantry squadrons attacking ahead?Captain Nakajima has decided to give up!Because he had just glanced at the battle situation in front of him, he knew that the soldiers of the two squadrons were probably in danger!
In front of the 688st Battalion of the 687th Regiment, Battalion Commander Cheng and the 3rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment rushed over.

Because Hu Changyi's artillery blockade had already extended to the devil's fortifications at this time, Battalion Commander Cheng simply gave up his defense against the devils on the west side, leaving only two platoons to guard the west side, and the rest of the main force went directly to that area. The tails of the two squadrons attacked!
"Comrades, rush to kill, kill!" Battalion Commander Cheng commanded the bottom-up attack of the third battalion with a big knife in one hand and a box cannon in the other.

"Bullioner, blow the charge! One company, go down with me!" Battalion Commander Zhang had been waiting impatiently for a long time. As soon as the third battalion reached the valley, he led the one company into the guerrilla position.Now the third battalion started to poke the devil's chrysanthemum, and he happened to lead Yilian to kill them together, and a double-sided strangulation with the third battalion!

"First company, charge with me!" The first company commander shouted in the ranks, overtaking his own battalion commander, only to be overtaken by more soldiers.

"Second company, don't watch the excitement, rush over, kill!" His own battalion commander charged, and the second company commander also rushed towards the devil with the second company.

"Sanlian, rush up with me..." Well, Sanlian also went up to join in the fun.

At this time, nearly half of the two attacking squadrons had been wiped out, and some were wounded.Facing the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army rushing from all directions, the remaining squadron leader looked around in dismay.

"Recruit men! Today is the time for us to be loyal to the emperor! Onboard..." The squadron leader still did not give up attacking the guerrilla positions at this time!why?Because there is only one company here, and there is a battalion behind it, it is clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak!

Moreover, there are two companies of the Eighth Route Army on both sides attacking here and attacking their flanks.If you don't protrude head-on, then the next step will be a siege battle like an ambush from all sides.

No matter how good the recruiting men under him are, they can't beat an enemy ten times their size, right?So, after this squadron leader yelled "onboard".He took off his shirt directly, his chest hair was swaying in the wind, he held his command knife tightly in his hand, and launched an attack at the company directly in front of him.

"Onboard...onboard...the Emperor's underground is broken..." The squadron leaders of their own squadrons had already attacked, and they also turned off the insurance one after another, put on bayonets, and launched an attack on the battalion, company, and guerrillas that were charging down. counter-charged.

On the hillside in front of the guerrillas, the Eighth Route Army and the little devil's team gradually approached!Moreover, the number of people is not much different, and there is not much difference in combat effectiveness!

On the Eighth Road side, the soldiers of the company have been waiting for a long time. They haven't fought too much before, and their physical strength is well preserved.Their shortcoming is that the rifles in their hands are not all "long weapons" like the Sanba Dagai, and the soldiers' physical fitness is slightly weaker and their physical fitness is not good.

On the little devil's side, the weapons are excellent, and the [-] Dagaijia bayonet is higher than them, and the stabbing skills are good, the food guarantee is also good, and the physical fitness is strong!And their shortcoming is that they have just completed a long-distance march and attack, and now they are feinting again, and they have no geographical advantage.



The teams from both sides almost met each other within a few breaths!

"Damn it, you're crazy, you're all crazy!" Niu Bold, the squad leader of the guerrilla team who charged over, shouted while charging.

"Baga..." A devil confronted him.

"Pa..." Lao Niu didn't even pay attention to this devil, he just shot in the chest, then pointed the gun at another devil soldier and pulled the trigger.

"Pa...papa..." The advantage of the semi-automatic is that it has a fast rate of fire, especially when the soldiers are in close combat. Before the fast-firing semi-automatic has finished firing the bullets, it will be the devil soldier who fights the bayonet and doesn't like to shoot. Unilateral massacre.

Although only Lao Lai, Lao Zhou and the three squad leaders were using semi-automatic rifles here, the five rifles caused more than 5 casualties to the devils they met.Well, this is the existence of being unreasonable, this is the existence of cheating, this is... forget it, anyway, these five veterans have already gone crazy.

And after such a beating by them, only a hundred of the devil's remaining troops have emerged, and they have already met the comrades of the first company.

"Crack...crack...bang..." Well, the comrades in the company also habitually shoot the devil in the chest when they meet, and the rest are bayonets.

Talk about martial arts?You don't have to pay so much attention to the devils, as long as you can kill the devils!

"Kill!" On the battlefield, the first battalion commander roared loudly. The little devil in front of him was taken aback. The first battalion commander directly relied on the speed of rushing down, smashed the devil's bayonet with the back of his knife, and hit his butt with the back of his knife. It hit the devil's chin and sent the devil flying.

Well, the little devil didn't fly, but fell backwards from the top.But this is not the key point. The key point is that the first battalion commander stepped forward with his right leg, bowed his leg and lowered his body. While following with his left leg, the tip of the broadsword in his hand went down and directly scratched the devil's neck.

"Zi..." When the devil's neck spurted blood, the first battalion commander had already completed the upright movement, and then looked for another devil.

The little devil who met the first battalion commander seemed to be a new recruit, there was no viciousness in his eyes, only fear!But this did not prevent the first battalion commander from brandishing a big knife directly, and slashing the blade on the neck of the frightened devil.

This is war, and no mercy is allowed!mercy?That is irresponsible for one's own life!

And the same thing happened to the devils!Because there are also many recruits on the Eighth Road side. These recruits are new to the battlefield, and some of them will not be able to fight the bayonet.

And those who don't go down hard, the unlucky ones will be mercilessly stabbed with bayonets by the devils, the lucky ones may be injured, or they may be rescued by the squad leaders who are usually the strictest to them!As for the monitors who rescued them, some were injured, and some simply took their own lives.

Compared with Yilian, the situation in the guerrilla platoon is better!There is a row of mostly veterans here, and it also has something to do with the training and supplies of the first row.More importantly, the soldiers of three squads in a row followed behind their respective squad leaders from the very beginning of the charge.

Lai Dongxing and Zhou Changfa each lead a squad with a small number of people, and the remaining squad has not been reduced, forming a small combat group with them.

The devils who fought against them were either killed directly by semi-automatically, or they faced a situation where several people beat them alone.

Don't doubt whether the guerrillas have this ability!Because the soldiers from Jiuzhai among them have learned the mandarin duck formation since they were young, and they have the awareness of cooperating with each other.

"Kill...kill...don't get me wrong, my own people! We are guerrillas!" Well, with the addition of various advantages, Lai Dongxing led a squad to kill an opponent in the devil's team the fastest Wear it, and meet the third battalion who followed the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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