Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 318 Chapter 317, Nakajima ran away

Chapter 318 Chapter 317, Nakajima ran away

"I know you are part of the guerrillas! Don't think that you can't see you clearly when it's almost dark! Hush, wheeze..." Battalion Commander Cheng spoke out breathlessly, and waved his hands to let the soldiers of the third battalion rush up.

"Kill...hahaha... we've joined forces! Hurry up and kill them, otherwise there will be no one left!" While the commander of the third battalion was speaking, Zhou Changfa and the others also broke through the devil's team and met those of the third battalion. People and horses.

"Those from the third battalion, if you don't want to be laughed at by your brothers, you should act like a tiger and kill them!" The commander of the third battalion ignored Lai Dongxing and the others, and led the team towards the little devil at the fastest speed.

Then... it was the bayonet to backstab the devils!The little devil is under attack, and it is only a matter of time before he is wiped out.

"Captain, we are coming up! Captain..." It was the shotgun combat team of the guerrillas who spoke. Instead of charging, they returned to the top of the mountain to protect the artillerymen.

That's right, when the two sides were confronting each other, Hu Changyi was still watching Tang Bin direct the artillery to shell.For himself, the two box guns are full of bullets, and the full magazines are also inserted in the belts on his body, waiting for the battle.

Hu Changyi's marksmanship is good, and his handjob speed is also very fast, but he hasn't had many opportunities to go into battle.

This time, his plan was to use the two box cannons in his hand to stick to the artillery position once the previous stabbing failed, and wait for the return of the other two platoons of the guerrillas.

In fact, in order to protect the safety of Hu Changyi and the artillerymen, two combat squads composed of pure veterans were left on the top of the mountain; the shotguns of the guerrillas were also called back to guard here; The battle platoon that went out also returned quickly.

Battalion Commander Zhang is not stupid. He knows the importance of Hu Changyi and the importance of mortars.He knew better: Even if he led people to kill all the devils in front of him, as long as Hu Changyi himself had an accident, the battle would be considered lost.

Therefore, there should be no shortage of protective measures at all!
Therefore, Hu Changyi did not wait for the devil soldiers who rushed up from the team that broke through the first company, but waited for the two combat platoons of his own family, the shotgun combat team, and the good news that the devils in the two squadrons in front had been wiped out.

That's right, after a few minutes of fighting, the devils of the two infantry squadrons responsible for attacking the guerrilla positions were wiped out on the spot!In this battle, the Eighth Route Army suffered few casualties. Only a dozen soldiers died and more than [-] soldiers were injured.

In exchange, they wiped out all the devils on the hillside in front of them!The weapons of the two squadrons, the remaining ammunition, including the belongings of the devils, became the spoils of war for the guerrillas and the first battalion.Oh, and the 687rd Battalion of the 3th Regiment also needs to share a little.

Of course, the bulk is for the guerrillas!After all, this battle was won only because the guerrillas withstood the devil's attack.

It's just that now is not the time to pay attention to these things, because there is still a circular fortification in the valley, and Captain Nakajima and the others!

Of course, Captain Nakajima and the others are no longer in the ring fortifications, but are retreating westward...

"Baga! Pass my order, turn in, turn west!" When the third battalion launched an attack, Captain Nakajima gave the order to break out to the west.

Nakajima was not stupid, he knew he had been fooled this time, and led his troops into the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army.Moreover, he foolishly thought that he could quickly win the frontal position!

"Baga, I'm really not reconciled! Which army is guarding the front line? How can it have such a strong combat effectiveness?" Captain Nakajima led the team to evacuate, while thinking about the command of this battle layout.

He believed that, based on past experience, there was no problem with such an arrangement!Even if he was besieged by the enemy's team of more than 1000 but less than 2000 people, he still had the confidence to defeat the enemy's line of defense head-on, and then expand the results of the battle to win this battle!

However, the frontal position in his eyes is as indestructible as a piece of fine steel?Captain Nakajima deeply doubts whether the fighting power of the locust army is really that powerful...

"Old Zhang, the little devils are evacuating! Look, there are more than 200 little devils left. It seems that Lao Zhai and the artillery have killed more than 200 devils!" On the hillside, Battalion Commander Zhang also followed Cheng Ying After meeting each other for a long time, the two immediately set their sights on the battle at the ring fortification.

"Yeah, Lao Zhai and his team are in such a good position, they're like a living target! But the little devils are not stupid, you see they put their team close to the bottom of the cliff where Lao Zhai and his team are walking, but Lao Zhai can't reach them." It's their time! And Changyi's shells don't dare to shoot at that side!" said Old Zhang.

"You can't let the little devil run away like this! At least, speed up the little devil!" Cheng Battalion Commander became angry when he saw the devil retreat, and said directly.

"How do you do it?" Zhang Battalion Commander asked.

"The third battalion, all of them, charge towards the retreating team of the devils!" Cheng Battalion Commander Cheng waved the box cannon in his hand, and rushed down the hillside with the third battalion.

Okay, Sanying doesn't do anything else today, just run up and down the mountain!

Still, it worked out pretty well!As soon as the third battalion rushed here, the little devils evacuated faster, and even some wounded and weapons were left behind by the devils.That's right, the little devil had some weapons and ammunition with him when he evacuated, which belonged to the dead devil.

Now, when the third battalion charged, the little devils simply slammed the guns in their hands to the ground in order to reduce the load. After breaking, they continued to run with their own weapons.

Well, the little devil's approach is very wicked, but this is the norm on the battlefield!No matter who it is, as long as there is time, they will do it!Didn't you see that when many soldiers of the Eighth Route Army faced a desperate situation, the first thing they did was to destroy their weapons, and then choose to die heroically!For example, that's what the five strong men who leaped forward did!
"Damn it, isn't the little devil looking for work for me?" At this time, Hu Changyi was already protected by the crowd, and he had time to watch the devil with a Zeiss binoculars.

Seeing the scene of the devil destroying the weapon, he knew that the military workshop was about to come to work again, and it was still a big job!There was no other way, the technology at the headquarter's weapon repair factory was far inferior to that of the weapon workshop, and the first choice for gun repair was the weapon workshop.

"Hahaha, the communicator called the brigade commander and said we..." The third battalion went down the mountain, and Battalion Commander Zhang returned to the top of the mountain, and hurriedly asked the communicator to report the results of the battle.

"Platoon leader, did we make a meritorious service this time, or did we make a mistake?" Unlike Battalion Commander Zhang excitedly reporting the results of the battle, the soldiers of the artillery platoon were in a mixed situation.

why?Because of the battle just now, out of the 120 rounds brought over, 84 rounds were fired!That's right, it was so many shells that went out to the disaster.Although the effect was good and they had won a huge victory, Tang Bin and the others were very worried.

After all, the consumption was too great, and they didn't dare to imagine how ugly the Brigadier's face would be when he found out...Didn't dare to think, didn't dare to think!
Will the Brigadier look ugly?No one knows what will happen in the future, but now Brigadier Xu is in high spirits!
It is said that the brigade commander should be serious, calm, calm, steady... In short, he shouldn't be elated.

However, isn't this really very happy!why?Devil's tank!

Just as the guerrillas were facing the attack of the devils, the battle on Pine Ridge officially started!
On the front of the 688nd Battalion of the 3th Regiment, three Type 3 medium tanks led the way, followed by a squadron of infantry.On the hillsides on both sides of the position, there are three Douding tanks each leading two teams to fight together.

For this attack, the little devil used the best offensive weapon in his hand, and it was quite the meaning of success or failure.

"Brigade Commander, you point all the bazookas at the big tanks, so what about the small tanks?" In the brigade headquarters, Commissar Huang asked worriedly.

"Old Huang, you don't have to worry! I asked this question in the previous conversation with Changyi. Guess what that kid said?" Brigadier Xu asked.

"How do you say it?" Political Commissar Huang asked quite cooperatively.

"Choose the big one to beat! Hahaha, these are the exact words of that kid. He was still laughing and laughing when he said it, and he didn't know what he thought of!" Brigadier Xu said rather nostalgic, as if he was thinking of Hu Changyi The expression when speaking.

Well, Hu Changyi was happy for the classic passage in "The Rabbit" (Instructions: Pick up the biggest one and beat it! A friend comes from afar, even if it is far away, he will be punished! The rabbit...) was happy!

"So what about those little guys?" Political Commissar Huang asked.

"Don't worry, Changyi said that the bullets they newly installed can penetrate the armor of the little devil's small tank, and they gave a lot of such bullets! Did you forget that they said that they captured the tank a while ago? That's what they did... ...Understood?" Brigadier Xu said with a mysterious smile.

"Understood, I understand very well!" Commissar Huang felt relieved, and simply ran to the observation hole to watch the battle.

Political Commissar Huang has a good eye. As soon as he arrived at the observation hole, he saw a few things with their tails flying out of their own trenches, and rushed directly to three medium tanks that were mobilizing their gun mounts.

The little devil also wanted to die by himself, and directly drove the tank to a distance of about [-] meters from the position, as if he wanted to provide a solid firepower platform for the attacking infantry.But before they could adjust the muzzle, the rockets arrived...

"... Chi chi... Boom..." The rockets came so fast and so enthusiastically, they directly turned the three medium tanks into three burning scrap metal piles... And then?Boom boom boom... The ammunition in the scrap iron pile exploded, and the scrap iron pile was completely destroyed.

Well, or say that the bazooka hits the tank and you have to be ready to pick up the junk?The point is that this power is really too much...

(End of this chapter)

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