Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 319 Chapter 318, Fight the tank and evacuate

Chapter 319 Chapter 318, Fight the tank and evacuate

"Hahahaha..." Witnessed by Political Commissar Huang, the devil's medium tank turned into a big torch, burning vigorously, illuminating the surroundings brightly, adding three lights to the night that was about to darken .

Where the light hit, the devil infantry who had just caught up were dumbfounded, numb, and at a loss!

The little devil's tank infantry tactics, in fact, did not have any specific theoretically complete tactics in this period. After all, this tank has just emerged not many years ago, and there are only a few countries in the world equipped with a large number of tanks.

Tactics such as infantry-tank coordination, infantry-tank-cannon coordination, etc. have either not come out yet, or are still in the process of theoretical summary. After all, the mustache head of state has not yet started his journey for hegemony, and tank battles have not happened yet. Pass.And the little devils' war of aggression against China has always been smooth, and they have not encountered tanks from the Chinese side fighting against them.

What little devils encounter the most is actually the tactics of Chinese soldiers holding explosives and using their flesh and blood to blow up tanks.There are also weapons such as anti-tank guns, but the number is too small.

Well, the armored unit that was lost in Songta Town before, because Qin Lai’s detachment did a good job of keeping secrets, the little devil has not yet found out the specific reason and process of that unit’s elimination.Even after the little devil tried his best to find the wreckage of the tank, he didn't find any reliable information.

Therefore, the tanks used by the little devils this time are actually using the tanks to provide a forward fortress for the infantry behind, and using the tanks to destroy the firepower of the eight-way machine guns, and provide suppressive firepower for the infantry.

However, the little devil never expected that the eighth roads would open and hang up, and there would be a bazooka!
Just when the devils didn't understand what was going on, the three tanks that had high hopes were blown up, which completely stunned the devils.Balu is so powerful?Shouldn't it?
"Baga, ask for death..." The little devil was stunned for a while, and the squadron leader who led the attack directly waved his command knife.

"Kill it..." The little devils also reacted, no longer caring about the tank, and launched a desperate charge.

"Hit! Hit hard!" Battalion Commander Feng's eyes were red, reflecting the light of the burning tank and the devil under the light.

"嗵嗵嗵嗵咱嘎嘎...咔咔哒..." Battalion Commander Feng gave an order, and all the light and heavy firepower of the 2nd Battalion opened fire at the same time.

As the sky got darker, all kinds of muzzle flames began to brighten, and the bullets fired by the machine guns were all connected into strings, sweeping over the devils.

Because of the tank's lighting, the attacking little devils became more obvious, allowing the Eighth Routers to form a dark and bright state, taking up enough light.

Soon, the frontal attack of the devils was blocked. After losing nearly half of their troops, the devils had no choice but to retreat.They knew that this attack was completely hopeless.

Of course, the reason for the retreat of the devils was that the frontal attack was too strong and the losses were too heavy;
That's right, there are a total of 6 beanbag tanks on both sides, which is a lot.If the Eighth Route Army had no effective counter-weapons and only relied on flesh and blood to blow up tanks with explosives, the losses would be immeasurable!There's even not enough explosives on the Eighth Route!
But now it's different!Brigadier Xu issued the quenched steel core reloading bullets to many veterans when the devils mobilized the installed troops to arrive at the scene, and stipulated that the bullets were prepared for the devils' small tanks, and it was not acceptable to fight infantry!
Therefore, those veterans had 10 rounds of ammunition in their arms but couldn't use them, and they were all depressed, saying that the brigade commander was stingy.

However, after the veterans pointed their guns at the Devil's Douding tank and fired a few shots, a miraculous thing happened—the little devil's tank stopped moving!No wonder the brigade commander said this is for fighting tanks, it turned out to be really easy to use!
That's right, because of the hardened steel core bullet with good armor-piercing ability, the Douding Tank, which was rampant in the frontal battlefield, encountered the nemesis. side.

If, among the little devils, there are some knowledgeable ones, knowing that this is to kill the driver and machine gunner inside, they may be able to climb in from behind to replace them.But the little devils don't know, they are just as dumbfounded as the devils in the middle!
What is this like?This is like a battle between the gods. The devils' Aunt Tianmao ran rampant in the East China Sea, killing little monsters all the way. It was so awesome that the little devils thought that Aunt Tianmao was invincible from the bottom of their hearts.

In the end, my aunt was slapped and slapped away in front of the little devil by the old man, and she was still the kind who flew thousands of miles away...

This analogy is not appropriate. Another analogy is Ultraman who is catching and beating small monsters. He falls from the sky mighty and majestic, but he is swallowed by the monster as soon as he meets him. He is still the kind who has no ability to resist...

Well, in short, Eighth Road's side suddenly showed such a bright style of the guy who opened and hung up, and it directly stunned the devil!
And then?Naturally, continue to beat the devil!
The devils withdrew, and the evacuation was very fast, even faster than when they attacked before.

Before he figured out how his own tank was killed, the little devil probably wouldn't send the remaining tanks up.Even after dark, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of the tanks in case of emergencies.

In the direction of Baliwan, Captain Nakajima led the little devil all the way to the west, and rushed back to Qinchi Town, and then stepped up the construction of fortifications, fearing that the Eighth Route Army would follow and kill him.

Fortunately, the eight roads seemed not interested in chasing them. They were busy for two hours, but they didn't see the eight roads coming, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

What is Eight Road doing?Clean up the battlefield!Pack your things!What else can I do?
On the main position of Nanshan in Baliwan, a battalion commander was sitting on a rock with a cigarette in his hand, smoking one mouthful after another.

The guerrillas gathered in front of Hu Changyi, and they rested further away.The guerrillas didn't move much, they were just eating fried dough with marching rations, and only Sun Langzhong led a few people to rescue the wounded.

The soldiers of the first battalion and the third company were not in front of them. They were looking for suitable wood in the mountains and forests, and they were going to make some simple stretchers and shoulder poles.

"Battalion Commander, the stretchers are all ready! We can take away the wounded or sacrificed comrades!" The third company commander came over.

"Report to the battalion commander, we have cleaned up the battlefield!" The second company commander walked over and reported in a low voice.

"Report to the battalion commander, the enemy has returned to Qinchi Town and is stepping up construction of fortifications, as if to defend!" The company commander came over to report.

"Let's go! Now that everything is done, let's move quickly!" The first battalion commander took a puff of cigarette, stood up and said.

"Yes!" The three company commanders replied.

"Speaking of which, our No. [-] Battalion has shown its face this time!" The team marched and shifted, and the voices of the comrades rose.

"Yeah, frontal defense, first knocking out a cavalry squadron, and then knocking out two infantry squadrons, definitely showing your face!"

"The point is, we didn't sacrifice many comrades this time. Even in the final hand-to-hand battle, only dozens of comrades were killed or killed!"


The team gradually drifted away, and the voices became smaller and smaller. There was no trace of the eight roads in Baliwan, only hundreds of ghost corpses became cold in the night wind, attracting flies...

(End of this chapter)

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