Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 320 Chapter 319, I don't feel bad

Chapter 320 Chapter 319, I don't feel bad
Hu Changyi's guerrillas seized the opportunity to fight this time, and fought two consecutive battles in one day, and even several small battles.

This time, it not only trained the team, but also discovered the shortcomings, and even tested the role of the newly released semi-automatic on the battlefield.

Of course, the purpose of the military training was accomplished well, at least those recruits experienced a serious battle.Although veterans and recruits sacrificed a total of 7 people and injured 9 people, compared with the results achieved, the casualties are very low.

The Baliwan side retreated, and the Songshuling side did not continue to hold on.While the little devils were evacuating and there was no shelling, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion risked their lives out of the trenches, cleaned the battlefield briefly, and stuffed explosives into the small bean buns lying on the nest.

Then... evacuate, waiting here is courting death!

why? The 105th Regiment did not have much attack power, but the 15th Division behind it rushed over from the south quickly, and even all the devils in Jincheng were dispatched, thinking of besieging the 344th Brigade here!

This can't be blamed for the devil's attention to the 344 brigade, mainly because the devil has never suffered such a big loss!In one day, the number of people killed in the battle was close to that of the two brigades, and hundreds of people were injured. They also destroyed three large, six small and nine tanks, 50 cars, and lost more than 200 horses...

That's all, without counting the weapons and ammunition that were lost, those supplies, those...

In short, after this battle, the mechanized 105th Regiment had high hopes and strengthened the armored squadron in an attempt to occupy Jincheng and then radiate the 108th Regiment of the 105th Division in the southeast of Shanxi. It's more than half lost...

Therefore, the telegram sent by Captain Kudo to the Front Army Headquarters was: "Our unit was ambushed by the elite troops of the Eighth Route Army in the Dingdian area. Although our unit resisted to the death, the Eighth Route Army dispatched two combat units of the main division, and we were finally outnumbered..."

Well, in order to reduce his charges and avoid being ordered to cut seppuku by the headquarters, Captain Kudo had to exaggerate the strength of the Eighth Route Army and the difficulty of his own battle... In short, it's not that Kudo didn't work hard, but that the enemy is too strong!
In fact, what the captain of the Kudou United is right!The troops they faced were from the 115th Division and the 129th Division. Aren't they the units of the two divisions?

The leaders of the North China Front Army Command were anxious when they heard this!Okay, let's talk about why we can't find the main force of the Eighth Route Army, and our feelings have gone to the Dingdian area!Okay, Kudo, you kid, continue to stand up, let's send someone over to help you vent your anger...

Well, I can't blame the people at the Front Army Command for not being suspicious, because they have encountered such a battle before!For example, the great victory at Pingxingguan, it was the 115th Division beating their supply troops, and this incident was reported by the Chinese.

Well, to calculate the proportion of battle damage, at least one of the main divisions is here at Dingdian!Well, this is a judgment based on the battle damage of Shentouling and Changle Village...

Then, the devils suddenly discovered, how could they have made such a big sacrifice when they were facing the Eighth Route Army?Do the math, the number of people lost in this battle is tens of thousands, right?Hiss... the devils suddenly realized something, and felt that it was time to change their war strategy...

Of course, it's better to dispatch troops and generals quickly to besiege the Eighth Route of Dingdian!

The devils were dispatching troops, but the Eighth Route Army quietly left the Dingdian area in the dark and returned directly to Changzhi.The Shanxi-Henan border guerrillas who cooperated in the battle also quietly went back to their guerrilla zone after receiving part of the weapons and ammunition, and continued to fight guerrillas.

To the northeast of Dingdian, on the mountain path, the soldiers of the main force of the 344th brigade were quietly on their way.At the back of the team, the soldiers of the 688nd Battalion of the 2th Regiment walked step by step with tired steps.In this battle, their battalion lost the most, but they also achieved the greatest results and made the greatest military exploits. No one can fault this point.

Looking further down, the combat achievements will count the 688st Battalion of the 687 Regiment and the 2nd Battalion of the [-] Regiment, but the guerrillas are almost the same as them.

After all, the guerrillas blocked the attacks of the two squadrons abruptly, which created conditions for subsequent victories.Moreover, the guerrillas also participated in the attack and pursuit of the devils who took a bath, and their military exploits were well done!

"Platoon leader, I can't figure it out! We obviously won the battle in the end, why do we need to stuff explosives into the devil's tank and blow it up again?" A squad leader of the 2nd Battalion asked his own platoon leader in a low voice.He's not a tank bomber, so he doesn't understand why he does it.

"Oh, I usually tell you to read more, but you just don't listen! Think about it, we shoot tanks with guns, we know, but the little devil doesn't know? Let's blow up the tank, and the little devil won't see it There are traces of bullet holes, and we can continue to shoot in the future!"

"There is an idiom called "remedy after a dead sheep", which means..." The platoon leader began to tell a story.

"What? I fired 84 rounds of shells? Cough cough cough..." The person who said this was none other than Brigadier Commander Xu.

"Brigade Commander... are you okay?" Platoon Leader Tang looked at his brigade commander cautiously, for fear that something might happen to the brigade commander.

"It's okay...I don't feel sorry for you! After all, you blew up the devil's infantry artillery, blown up the heavy machine gun positions, and finally killed hundreds of devils..." Brigadier Xu comforted himself with his hands on his chest, Said on the side.

"Are you really okay?" Tang Bin looked at Brigadier Xu worriedly.

"Get out, go and take your artillery platoon! I will give you another two days to write a summary of the battle and summarize your artillery consumption and results! Also, call Hu Changyi to me!" Xu Lu Long said.

"Old Xu, are you okay?" Commissar Huang asked after seeing Tang Bin walking away.

"Ahem, what could be the matter? Didn't we just use some shells? Didn't we seize the horses and weapons? Didn't we kill more than 700 devil soldiers? What's the big deal? Talk to that boy in Changyi! Well, those horses are good, I think our brigade can get a cavalry battalion, what do you think, Lao Huang?" Brigadier Xu said.

"Ahem, yes, I think it will work! Don't look at their guerrillas who helped capture a lot of horses, but why does he need so many horses for a guerrilla? Can all the horses fight? His guerrillas can't become cavalry, right? ?” Political Commissar Huang said.

"Hmm... makes sense! But after this battle, the guerrillas have made great achievements, so it's time to expand! At least one battalion can still be expanded!" Brigadier Xu said.

"The matter of the expansion is not counted, but this time the seizure must be distributed to others. At least a few hundred guns must be given, as well as bullets! We took advantage of the war horses, and others have to be compensated. What's more, that kid in Changyi is in charge of the arsenal, and that bazooka is a good thing! This one needs to be coaxed, but not choked!" said Commissar Huang.

"My old Xu understands it! Oh, I heard from Xiao Zhang that the semi-automatic gun is also good, this is a new gun, I will have to ask later..." Brigadier Xu said.

"Well, I've also heard that the semi-automatic is really good, and it's very useful when charging! I heard that if it is paired with a sharpshooter, it will be even more powerful! It just consumes a lot of bullets..." Commissar Huang said.

"As many as possible, it's a good guy to kill more devils!"

(End of this chapter)

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