Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 321 Chapter 320, talk about a chapter

Chapter 321 Chapter 320, talk

In the Battle of Dingdian, five or six days have passed since receiving the order to set off to perfectly kill more than 1000 devils and evacuate.

And after this battle, the reputation of the 344th Brigade will be revealed!After all, many devils were killed in this battle, and many devils were injured. They also restrained the strength of many divisions of devils, and strongly supported Houma's counterattack in the west.

Of course, this matter is still going on, and the specific strategic effect will take some time to be seen.

But inside the 344 brigade, there was an order that was quietly being executed.What order?Regarding all the process of the battle at the town store, everything is subject to the official announcement.All officers and soldiers who participated in the battle will not disclose the details of the battle to the outside world.Especially the combat process against the enemy's armored forces, not a single word is allowed!

Well, this is a very interesting order. The main purpose is to cover up that the Eighth Route Army has weapons against tanks such as rocket launchers and steel core bullets.In addition, protecting Hu Changyi and the guerrillas is also the purpose, and their situation must not be leaked.

It is impossible to judge whether this order is reasonable.But at least, weapons like bazookas and steel core bombs should be kept secret.

After all, if this thing is given to preserved fruit, they are useless!Still the same sentence, if you really want to tell the principal the truth, there is a [-]% chance that the little devil will get the news in advance.

After hearing the news, the little devil may not have a good solution to the bazooka, but the solution to the steel core projectile is simple - just add a layer of armor to the bean tank.It's even just a little thicker for the two occupants.

And... the little devil's spies will desperately search for the location of the Eighth Route Army's arsenal, and then the plane bombing will come...

On this point, I can't afford or dare not bet.Everyone understands the principle of guarding against thieves for a thousand days.

In Wuming Mountain Village, northwest of Dingdian, the large troops of the 344th Brigade stayed outside the village for a temporary rest. Brigadier Xu temporarily placed the brigade headquarters in the village's ancestral hall.At this time, Hu Changyi also arrived at the brigade headquarters and saw the smiling brigade commander and political commissar.

"Hello brigade commander, hello political commissar!" Hu Changyi saluted and greeted the two chiefs with insight.

"Well, hello, hello, sit down quickly, where is the orderly? Pour some water for Changyi!" The political commissar said with a smile.

"Sit down, let's talk about today's battle process, you summarize the battle of your guerrillas, and the political commissar and I will find out the shortcomings for you, so that you can grow faster!" Brigadier Xu said.

"The process of this battle? Two chiefs, I have been following you two for the first half. In the second half, I brought artillery to blow up the circular fortifications to bomb the devils. There is really nothing to say. As for the specifics of the guerrillas I haven't had time to sort out the details of the battle, after all, I'm still marching!" Hu Changyi said.

"Then let's talk about the artillery. Your command is good. You fired more than 80 rounds of my shells at once! The results are good, but the consumption is too high, right? Our weapons rely on the capture, especially the shells." It needs to be captured even more, one shot saves one shot!" Said Brigadier Xu.

"Ahem... this..." Hu Changyi said in his heart that these two are looking for something later?Shouldn't it?No, there is something tricky...

"Two leaders, let me criticize myself first on this matter. I admit that this battle consumes a lot of shells, but my combat purpose is to cooperate with the infantry to complete the strangulation of the enemy's reinforcements! I think at this point, As long as the combat objectives are accomplished, that's good!"

"Second chiefs, I actually think so! Now, most of our soldiers are veterans, and the devil's army is also the same, and most of them are also veterans! In combat, apart from factors such as weapons and ammunition, whether the soldiers are elite is very important! This One thing, you two know better than me!"

"So, I think it's worth exchanging a shell for the life of a devil veteran! It's better than consuming our veterans to exchange the devil's life! As long as we consume more devil veterans and our veterans survive more Well, then after repeated repetitions, sooner or later our combat power will surpass that of the devils! Of course, this is only one of them!"

"Second leaders, who do you think is more precious than the lives of our comrades or some shells?" Hu Changyi asked.

"Ahem, alright, although what you did is a bit inappropriate, the overall effect is still good! Then let's talk about the capture on the battlefield this time. Your guerrillas directly participated in two battles against the devils, and captured You guerrillas have a share of the supplies you got. Do you have any opinion on the composition of these supplies? For example, captured rifles, bullets, grenades, mortars...and horses? What do you guerrillas want?" Commissar Huang asked.

"Now distribute the seized materials?" Hu Changyi thought carefully about the words of the political commissar, and wondered what kind of medicine these two gourds were selling?
"Well, your guerrillas are powerful in combat, do you always want to ask for opinions!" Brigadier Xu said.

"That's it... Now that the two chiefs have said it, then I can speak freely! There are a lot of materials seized this time, but in terms of weapons and ammunition, our guerrillas have no shortage. It is better to distribute mortars to our guerrillas than to the main force. , We don’t lack grenades for the time being. So, can you give us all the horses for the guerrillas?” Hu Changyi looked at Brigadier Xu sincerely, and also showed that I was very cute.

Hu Changyi finally understood that these two just wanted war horses!He didn't know the two chiefs, but he had watched the TV series and knew what happened when Lao Li got the cavalry battalion. Brigadier Chen's eyes were red.

Therefore, he directly said the war horse, and it depends on how the two chiefs react... As for whether he really wants the war horse?It's really unnecessary for now.

"Puff... cough cough cough..." Brigadier Xu, who was drinking water, suddenly coughed, but political commissar Huang raised his head and looked at Hu Changyi's expression seriously, but there was a smile in his eyes.

In the following time, heated discussions erupted in the ancestral hall where the brigade headquarters was located.

According to the memories of Xiao Xu, a sentinel standing outside the gate: That night, the cold wind blew away the scorching air, and Comrade Hu Changyi had a lively conversation with our brigade commander.They talked about the future development direction of the team, how to build the Eighth Route Army in the new era, and also talked about... this secret...

In short, that night was the most peaceful and peaceful night I have ever spent after joining the team, and it was also the night that made me re-acquainted with the other side of the brigade commander and the political commissar...

Cough, no matter what Xiao Xu's memories are, when Hu Changyi came out from the brigade headquarters, he was smiling all over his face, and the brigade commander was also satisfied...

(End of this chapter)

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