Chapter 322 Chapter 321

In the original world, he was used to the modern army of aircraft, artillery and armored vehicles. It was really difficult for Hu Changyi to understand how much the soldiers of this period attached importance to cavalry.Even if he knew that the cavalry in this period was very important, he just knew it.

On the other hand, cadres like Li Yunlong can really understand the meaning of cavalry, and they are even trying their best to increase cavalry.

However, in Hu Changyi's view, apart from the fact that the cavalry is more suitable for battles such as fast attack and outflanking, it really doesn't have much value.The point is, raising a war horse is really costly.

In his perception, it would be better to make more semi-automatic ones for the soldiers than to form cavalry for the guerrillas.

As for the process and results of the conversation with Brigadier Xu and the others?In fact, Hu Changyi's opinion was not that important, but it was Brigadier Chen and the others standing behind him.So wanting a war horse is something that must be said.

Of course, in the end, his guerrillas didn't get horses, but they got 4 grenade grenades, 200 grenades, 200 100 caps, and each gun carried [-] rounds of bullets.In addition, there are a lot of ocean and legal currency, which were collected from the devils,

Don't ask why the devil has ocean and legal currency on him?The question was snatched by the devil!Not only are there foreign legal coins, but some devils also have a lot of gold and silver jewelry on them. It is said that some antiques were also found. One devil even had a Xuande furnace in his backpack. I don't know if it is genuine?

So, the good things left by the ancestors of our flower planters were snatched away by the big powers little by little!

And these allocated materials were only the part that Brigadier Xu distributed to the guerrillas after he communicated with the 129th Division by telegram.As for how the division commanders and brigade commanders will distribute those horses and mortars later, he doesn't care.

After coming out of the ancestral hall, Hu Changyi went back to the guerrilla team, focusing on his own wounded.It was found that the wounded were in stable condition and not in danger of life before taking a short rest.When they set off again, the guerrillas knew what they had been assigned.

"Captain, we are here to deliver weapons to the 344 brigade, right?" Lai Dongxing asked.

"Yeah, didn't we finish the battle well this time? We deserve these!" Hu Changyi asked.

"Captain, we came together and fought a battle, but we got enough weapons to equip two companies!" Zhou Changfa said.

"Yeah, we got so many weapons, they are still for our guerrillas, and no one else can move them at will!" Hu Changyi knew what they meant, but he didn't say it out of his mouth.

"Then Captain, shall we recruit some more recruits?" Hu Sihai asked.

"Also, captain, when are we going to get some semi-automatic guns? This gun is really useful!" Lai Dongxing said.

"Captain, why didn't we get a horse? How awesome is it to ride a horse and fight?" Niu boldly said.

"Ahem, how should I answer each of you? Let's talk one by one. Hu Sihai and Lai Dongxing are responsible for recruiting recruits. This time, 300 recruits will be recruited into the army. The requirement is that three generations of the family live in the local area, aged 17 to 22 Between the ages, good conduct and blood feuds with devils are priority!"

"You guessed it right. We did a good job in this battle. The division headquarter decided to upgrade our organization and set up a battalion tentatively! In fact, we can develop the team by ourselves, and the team will have an organization when we pull it up, but there is a division The organization approved by the Ministry is good after all!"

"The key is actually our own problem! After this battle, although there were some battle losses, the recruits have grown up completely, and it's time to expand! We are much stronger than other troops in this regard, at least we have enough weapons ammunition!"

"As for the horses you mentioned? The combat nature of our team does not need to use cavalry for the time being. As for the semi-automatic... I also know that the semi-automatic is easy to use. I designed and manufactured it! But we are short of materials and equipment. Think about it!"

"Just to tell you about the work for the next month! This month, I will continue to produce in the soldier workshop with comrades who have work experience. Lai Dongxing and Hu Sihai, you go to recruit new soldiers and complete the first training period! "

"In addition, you are focusing on finding some recruits with martial arts skills to join the army, just like your children from Jiuzhaigou, who have practiced martial arts since childhood! Although we are a garrison force, we must also have strong combat effectiveness!" Hu Changyi said.

"Understood!" Hu Sihai said.

"It's good to understand. Our purpose is not to be expensive but not expensive, and we must develop step by step. You can eat one bite and you won't be fat! Take your time, don't rush." ​​Hu Changyi urged.

"Understood!" Several cadres replied.

Regarding the development of the guerrillas, Hu Changyi knew that in the end he could not escape the fate of serving as a defense force for the arsenal.However, the defense force should be the best!

Therefore, recruit people first, recruit those qualified recruits to join the army, and then carry out both military training and ideological education, and complete the weapons and equipment.After several battles, those who survived were elite veterans again.

When there are enough elite veterans, you can consider getting a special force team or even a special force team.At that time, the arsenal in Jiuzhai will be officially in operation, and some better weapons will be produced to equip special forces and guerrillas.

In Hu Changyi's plan, the guerrillas may not be the largest units of the same level in the Eighth Route Army, but they are definitely the units of the same level with the best weapons and equipment.

"Captain, I have a problem here!" Li Yuexuan said after arranging the recruits.

"Oh? What's the problem? You performed well this time, and I haven't had time to praise you!" Hu Changyi asked with a smile.

"Captain, our semi-auto is pretty good, but the magazine is hard to carry! Is there no place to put it on this body?" Li Yuexuan said.

"Yes, captain, this is inconvenient! Especially when charging, it's not easy to carry!" Zhou Changfa also said.

"'s my problem, I was careless, I was careless! This problem is easy to solve, and I will solve it for you soon when I go back to the station!" Hu Changyi said.

In fact, it's not because Hu Changyi didn't expect it. The main reason is that he caught up with the battle as soon as he got the semi-automatic release.During the battle, there was no time to think about this.

And the solution is also very simple, the soldiers have so many different kinds of carrying equipment, just a suitable chest hanging carrying equipment is enough.Hang a few magazines, and hang a few grenades, this is easy to solve.

"Hey, captain, how do we solve this?" Li Erniu leaned over and asked.

"Just wait, I'll take care of it for you when you go back to the station, find a tailor, find some canvas, and sew it for you!" Hu Changyi said.

In the blink of an eye, it's July 7th.

In Dingdian, the troops reinforced by the little devil overnight formed a new offensive, preparing to launch an attack on the "position" of the Eighth Route Army.

As a result... empty...

And on the Pinghan Line, the comrades of the 129th Division took action again...

What are you doing?The third attack on the Ping-Han Line begins...

(End of this chapter)

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